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Chystiakova, T-313

Film Review. Cultural diversity

The Holiday
Love polygon and sweet notes of Hans Zimmer's creativity. The picture tells
about unhappy love, where, after the opening credits, we are met by Kate Winslet
with a strong love for a man. Sparkles can be felt through the acting of the actress
and the atmosphere of sadness. A man is a manipulator and acts as a protagonist.
This is where the first note of sorrowful thoughts and experiences is born.
At the same time, the storyline of Cameron Diaz and her unhappy love enters
into timing. Two similar yet different love stories. A light narrative, where feelings
and experiences are brought to the fore, and not the exposition of the picture. I even
note that for the female audience the film will be more interesting. Since the picture
affects the state of the heroines, their internal struggle with themselves, opens the
horizons of affection and adds pleasant events to the life of unrequited love.
The plot, albeit simulated, brings Winslet and Diaz together: both have the
same pretext, but the rehabilitation is different. The film focuses (even in the
opening credits) on the male composition of the main legion - Jude Law and Jack
Black - and only then gradually adds screen time to them. Beautiful castling of
locations, and we have new love stories with you. Sometimes, in order to forget love,
you should be distracted by something, you should find another person, but this is not
so easy, although the change of location plays an important role.
A home-sharing vacation looks exciting, omitting all the complex realities of
our world - common guys, we're in the movies - but it's nice to watch. And after the
new element, elements of attention and a kaleidoscope of different destinies are
added to the ruined life. An example of the fact that you can live a conscientious life
for several years, but remain unhappy, or you can meet the very person with whom
you need to stay for life in an instant.
Well, the film can serve as both a motivator in a relationship and an
encyclopedia before starting a relationship - but still, you should not build a naive
world of the film, attributing the reality of being. The actors did a good job, where
there was awkwardness, love saved.

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