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using health
index – Part II
Sensitivity analysis and critical

former HI using the popular “scoring”

ABSTRACT and “weighting” method, which are now
Health Index (HI) is a very popular as- extended / improved using fuzzy logic,
set management tool. Several methods regression neural network, support vec-
have been used to determine the trans- tors machine, etc. However, not much

58 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 1 | 2021

Bhaba DAS, Luiz CHEIM

Tiered “scoring” and “weighting” method

is introduced as an attempt to fix the issue
of misdetection of the malfunctioning
transformer as healthy using the HI method

work has been documented on the sitivity analysis which shows the mask-
sensitivity analysis of the “scoring” and ing of issue(s) using this approach. The
“weighting” method. This paper pre­ need for a risk of a failure-based ap- asset management, condition assess-
sents a critical review of the “scoring” and proach based on non-linear scoring is ment, fault tree analysis, health index,
“weighting” method by performing sen- discussed. risk of failure

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 59

It is difficult to get the scoring and weight- but there is an issue with the foundation
and / or anchorage of the transformer,
ing correct; there is no standard to adhere from the visual inspection, a rating of E
to, and all the weighting factors differ de- with score = 0 is decided.

pending on the expert assessment The overall health index is calculated

as 93.3, which represents a very healthy
score. However, foundation issues may
result in the failure of both Class 1 and
3.3 Pitfalls of modified “scoring” Table 11, and the rating codes are listed Class 2 components, as follows:
and “weighting” approach in Table 12.
1) Class 1:
The pitfalls of this modified “scoring” Assuming the transformer has a perfect
and “weighting” approach is very evi- DGA, excellent oil quality, good ther- • Failure of transformer internal parts
dent. The new scoring model is listed in mal scan profile, good load profile, etc., • Relative movement of the transformer
and the radiator leading to oil leaks
• Failure of the structural support system
Table 11. Health index scoring model [23] for the conservator
• Failure of the pipe connection be-
# Condition criteria K Rating HIF
tween the conservator and transformer
tank, which may result in an oil spill,
1 DGA 10 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
2 Load history 10 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
2) Class 2:
3 Power factor 10 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
• Inertial loads on bushings due to tilting
4 Infrared 10 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 and subsequent bushing failure
• Failure of the lightning arrester and
5 Oil quality 6 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
tertiary bushing, which require full re-
6 Overall condition 8 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 placement due to limited flexibility of
bus support structures.
7 Visual inspection 10 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
3.4 Tiered “scoring” and
8 Turns ratio 5 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 “weighting” approach
9 Leakage reactance 8 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
In [24], a tiered “scoring” and “weight-
10 Winding resistance 6 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ing” was introduced. Tier 1 served as the
base to determine the presence of faults
11 Core-to-ground 2 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 (DGA), the quality of the insulating oil
(OQF), degradation insulation paper
12 Bushing condition 5 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 (furan), as well as physical and operat-
ing performance of the transformers.
13 DGA of LTC 6 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
Tier 2 is applied if Tier 1 tests classify a
14 LTC oil quality 3 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 transformer having HI < 55 (poor / very
poor). Tier 2 involves the diagnostics of
15 LTC condition 5 A, B, C, D, E 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 transformer turns ratio, winding resis-
tance, tan delta, excitation current and
insulation resistance, and polarisation
Table 12. Visual inspection rating codes index measurements. Tier 3 will then be
performed if Tier 2 tests again classify the
Rating code Description condition of a transformer as poor / very
poor. Tier 3 involves advanced diagnostic
A (Score = 4) Good, normal operation tests such as FRA and partial discharge
(PD) measurement. Each parameter has
B (Score = 3) Acceptable, 1 - 2 items have a problem
been assigned to a certain weighting fac-
tor and scores as listed in Table 14.
C (Score = 2) Caution, 3 items have a problem

D (Score = 1) Poor, 4 items have problem With the worst ranking for thermogra-
phy and physical condition, TH1 = 60.
Very poor, more than 4 items have a This classifies as “fair” with the recom-
E (Score = 0) problem mendation to either maintain or revise

60 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 1 | 2021

the frequency of tests to a six-month Drawback of HI method is the false estima-
interval. Whether this is adequate or
not, is for experts to decide. There is a tion of the healthy transformer in the case
correlation between DGA, load, bad
thermography, etc., and this may cause
when most of the failure mode scores are
the parameters to violate the limits be- good, and only one or two failure mode
fore the six-month interval. Until such
correlations are adequately addressed in scores are bad; the overall score will mask
any model, the conventional time frame the issue associated with the faulty system
for retesting in six-months’ time needs to
be questioned.

There is no risk of failure associated with Table 13. Transformer health index with a very poor visual inspection
this transformer with bad “thermogra-
Rating code Overall HI
phy” and “physical condition”. Similarly,
in [25,26] a HI model was developed HIF7 (visual inspection) = 0 93.3
that combined transformer test data: di-
electric and thermal conditions (DGA,
furan), mechanical conditions (sweep
frequency response analysis), oil condi- • Identification of different failure modes quality - be it the accuracy of data or
tion, and non-transformer dependent and prioritisation of failures. completeness of data. Sometimes the
data, such as lightning frequency, sub- • Identification and prioritisation of DGA data for the main tank is available
station layout, and external events. maintenance / refurbishment or re- whereas from the OLTC compartment
placement to control failure modes. it is not available. It is paramount to un-
Any of the above will result in trans- derstand what it means not to have data
former failure, and it is difficult to get the 3.5 Limitations of using health index or below-par data. It is essential to un-
weighting correct. Several permutations derstand the questions below:
and combinations that need to be car- 3.5.1 Masking of failure modes
ried out make this “scoring” and “weight- • Is the new incoming data “normal”?
ing” method difficult. Additionally, there The sensitivity analysis study clearly What is “normal”?
is no standard to adhere to, and all the demonstrated that the overall assess- • Is the new data a statistical outlier?
weighting factors differ depending on ment score masks a bad failure mode. As • Why is it important to know if it is an
the expert assessment. This shows that shown, when most of the failure mode outlier?
HI based models are not modelled on scores are good, and only one or two • Does the sensor output make sense at
reliability centred maintenance (RCM) failure mode scores are worse, the over- all?
approach. RCM always ensures the fol- all assessment will mask the issue asso- • Is there a trend? Is there a sudden
lowing: ciated with the worse failure mode. An trend? How critical or significant is the
option is to decouple failure modes or trend?
• Transformer functionality is always use the worst-case scoring in the overall • What is the reliability of the incoming
maintained. assessment. data?
• Every individual component of a trans-
former maintains its functionalities to 3.5.2 Data quality 3.5.3 “What next” scenario
maintain the overall transformer func- The quality of health assessment ul- Health index does not provide any indi-
tionality. timately depends on incoming data cation on the urgency of follow up action

Table 14. Tiered “scoring” and “weighting” approach

Condition indicator Weighting factor Ranking Amplified ranking Total

DGA 1.2 3 20 24

OQA 1.2 3 20 24

FFA 1.2 3 20 24

Thermography 0.6 0 -20 -12

Physical/op condition 0.4 0 -20 -8

Age 0.4 3 20 8

Tier 1 total (TH1) 60

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 61

Health index does not provide any indica- • Dielectric condition assessment - core
assessment, winding insulation
tion on the urgency of follow-up action for • Thermal condition assessment
transformers with poor scores, nor does it • Mechanical condition assessment
• Bushing condition assessment
provide any indication of what should be • Cable box assessment
done next • OLTC assessment
• Cooler / radiator condition assessment
• Oil (mineral / natural ester / synthetic
ester) assessment.
for transformers with poor scores, nor • Inclusion of the probability of failure
does it provide any indication of what and risk associated with failure The scoring matrix developed by the
should be done next. Whether the trans- • Inclusion of replacement or working group has six levels - Level A
former needs to be replaced, repaired or repair / refurbishment scoring based (minimal signs of deterioration) to Lev-
refurbished is not answered. on economics [30]. el E (very poor condition), with Level F
(denoting de-energise as soon as possi-
3.5.4 No associated risk The CIGRÉ Working Group A2.49 ble) not used for scoring but for imme-
There is no risk associated with the fail- [28] published the laid down general diate action. Each level is colour coded
ure of the transformer with a HI score = guidelines for transformer assessment for easy visualisation. The basic steps to
100. There is a need to address this con- index development, including the use develop the transformer assessment in-
cern. The question on “what if a trans- of on-line monitors. A detailed sum- dex (TAI) are listed below [28]:
former with good HI score fails” is not mary and advantages / disadvantages
answered by “scoring” and “weighting” of aggregation methods used to calcu-1. Determine the purpose of the TAI
method. late HI has been listed. These methods
2. Identify the failure modes to be includ-
include: ed in the TAI
3. Determine how each failure mode will
4. The requirement of a new • Weighted sum be assessed
approach TO ENJOY• FULL
non-linearTO THE TEXT, GET 4.
scores THE Design a calibrated system for cate-
The new approach / alternativeONLINE FULL
to Source:
• Worst OR
UN statistics and Goulden Analysis gorising failure modes (scoring matrix)
HI based asset management strategy • Statistical regression Calculate a TAI score for each trans-
should be based on the following: • Artificial intelligence former.

• Decoupled failure mode analysis - Detailed tables are provided for condition Fig. 2 shows the scoring assessment
probabilistic fault tree-based analysis assessment of different factors, such as: sheet for this new method. In [28], the
[29] scoring for replacement or repair / refur-

Figure 2. TAI scoring method [31]

62 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 1 | 2021

Figure 3. Illustration of fault tree-based assessment method

bishment has been introduced. The idea developed selects those failure modes • Bushing power factor and capacitance
behind introducing this is as mentioned for each of the components and brings • Bushing reference power factor and ca-
by CIGRÉ Working Group A2.49: TO ENJOY to FULL ACCESS
the “analysis TOthose
matrix” THEoperation-
TEXT, GET THE pacitance as per manufacturer
parameters DIGITAL
that play a SUBSCRIPTION
role in that
Source: UN statistics and Goulden Analysis spe- • Bushing voltage class
1. “High moisture content is not a driv- cific failure mode. It is very important construction type

er for replacement, as the moisture can to note that parameters that are not cor- • Bushing inspection results - hot spots,
generally be removed as part of a refur- related or those that do not contribute cracked, oil, oil leak?
bishment. However, a transformer will to a given failure mode are not analysed • Bushing maintenance date.
not be considered for refurbishment if together with those directly associated
the paper is already significantly de- with a failure mode. After all major components and their
graded (high furans). Similarly, trans- failure modes are duly evaluated, a glob-
formers with high levels of partial dis- As an example, a bushing may fail due al associated probability of failure (POF)
charge or arcing will not be considered to several reasons such as design and score is produced out of the individual
for refurbishment as it is unlikely that manufacturing issues, storage, mainte- scores of each component. This score
these problems can be easily corrected nance and operations, external causes, is mapped in a criticality index matrix,
during the refurbishment process”. etc. In order to be properly assessed, designed to map the POF score against
each of these possible failures may re- the importance of the unit. This model
2. “Bushings can be replaced as part of quire different data inputs, such as: also incorporates the “expert system”
either the repair or refurbishment pro- within the fault tree-based assessment
cess. However, as replacing bushings • Bushing installation date method. One such example is the data
can be expensive if identical bushings
are not available, defective bushings are
also one of the drivers for replacement.”

However, both the above can be

achieved with the associated cost – be
in repair / refurbishment in workshop
or possibility to replace bushings by
having the right match & engineering
support from the factory. Thus, the cost
of replacement or repair / refurbish-
ment must be part of any new approach.

In [27-29], a decoupled failure mode ap-

proach based on the RCM philosophy
was presented (Fig. 3). The procedure Figure 4. Criticality index matrix - Risk-based POF mapping

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 63

As an alternative to traditional HI score [27] C. Schneider, Transformer Reli-

ability: Taking Predictive Maintenance
method, there are several different model- Program to the Next Level, CIGRÉ
ling techniques proposed such as TAI scor- Study Committee A2 Colloquium, 2017
ing method and fault tree-based assess- [28] CIGRÉ Working Group A2.49,
ment method Condition Assessment of Power Trans-
formers, CIGRÉ Brochure 761, March

quality check and management by em- ers, 20th International Conference on [29] L. Cheim et al., A Novel Dynamic
ploying statistical packages within the Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2009), Fleet Wide Condition Assessment Tool
model. As data is generated every few Paper no 0686, 2009 of Power Transformers, CIGRÉ A2 &
minutes / hours from technology de- C4 Joint Colloquium, 2013
ployed within a smart grid, such as on- [25] F. Scatiggio and M. Pompili, Health
line DGA equipment or other online index: The Terna’s practical approach [30] M. Dong, “A Novel Main-
devices, assessment of data quality by for transformers fleet management, tenance Decision Making Model of
manual methods becomes tedious. Sta- IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference Power Transformers Based on Reli-
tistical packages, such as outlier identi- (EIC), pp. 178–182, 2013 ability and Economy Assessment, IEEE
fication, box plots, piecewise linear ap- Access, Vol.7, pp.28778-28790, 2019
proximation, normal data distribution, [26] M. Pompili and F. Scatiggio,
etc., are inbuilt in this model to auto- Classification in Iso-Attention Classes [31] B. Sparling et al., Condition As-
matically process data and perform data of HV Transformer Fleets, IEEE Trans. sessment Methodology for Transform-
quality checks. The “expert system” raises Dielectrics and Elec. Ins, pp. 2676–2683, ers & Components, TechCon SE Asia,
flags for either causes or components 2015 2019
responsible for the causes. Based on the
causes or components, replacement or
refurbishment scores are calculated.
Bhaba P. Das is the Lead Digital Business Developer for
Conclusion Transformers Business Line, HUB (Asia-Pacific, Middle
The paper has presented a critical review East and Africa), ABB Power Grids, based in Singapore. He
of the limitations of weighting and scor- is part of the Application Engineering Team and spearheads
ing concept of the transformer health in- the digital transformation efforts of transformers in the Asia
dexing. This approach fails to maintain Pacific region. Prior to ABB Power Grids, he worked as the
the functionality of the transformer as a R&D engineer for a major transformer manufacturer in New
whole system and fails to identify indi- Zealand. He was awarded the Young Engineer of the Year
vidual components which are required 2017 by the Electricity Engineers Association of New Zealand for his work on the
for maintaining the overall transformer design and development of smart distribution transformers, fibre optics-based
functionality. Limitations of the tradi- sensors for transformers, and diagnostic software for fleet condition monitoring.
tional health index system are clearly He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Young Professional of IEC. He completed his
demonstrated. The need for a new index PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
which is based on the philosophy of re-
liability centred maintenance is clearly
Luiz Cheim joined ABB TRES North America in Au-
identified. A discussion on future assess-
gust 2009 as a consulting R&D engineer to support the
ment model is presented, which address-
Transformer Condition Assessment program through
es problems of the traditional health in-
advanced dissolved gas analysis, transformer aging ana-
dex system.
lytical tools, as well as online monitoring and diagnostic
systems. Cheim is part of an ABB global R&D organiza-
Bibliography tion that works on the development of those tools to sup-
port the customer’s efforts in maintaining critical assets
[23] W. Wattakapaiboon et al., The New through the new Smart Grid Initiatives. Cheim has been an active member
Developed Health Index for Trans- of CIGRÉ Paris since 1984, having acted as chairman of the Study Committee
former Condition Assessment, IEEE A2-Transformers in Brazil from 2000 to 2006. Cheim was awarded the title
International Conference on Condition CIGRÉ Distinguished Member and also given the Outstanding Contribution
Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD), pp Award by the CIGRÉ Technical Committee, Paris, in 2006. Cheim is an active
32-35, 2016 member of the IEEE Transformer Committee and holds a PhD in electrical
electronic engineering from the University of Nottingham, UK, as well as an
[24] Y. Ghazali, TNB Experience in MSc and BSc in electrical electronic engineering from the Federal University
condition assessment and life manage- of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
ment of distribution power transform-

64 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 1 | 2021

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