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A. Project Context

TITLE OF NEAP PROGRAM Becoming a Better Teacher Everyday-NEAP Cycle 2

Name of Participant


Target Competency Domain 3 Focusing on Teaching and Learning

3.1 Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of school-
 What competency/ies will
you apply through your based review, contextualization and implementation of
project? Identify earning standard.
maximum of three that
are directly related to the 3.4 Setting achievable and challenging learning outcomes
project. to support learner achievement and the attainment of other
performance indicators

Context  The Department of Education calls for effective and

 Describe current situation competent key agents to help attain quality
in the organization where education as the most trending needs of the country.
REAP/AP will be With this reason, every educator in an institution are
implemented in terms of encourage to produce high academic performance
problems, challenges and emphasizing reading ability among learners
opportunities.  When people learn to read with comprehension,
they are empowered to create results that make a
 How can your REAP/AP difference. One of the goals of education is to make
address these issues every child a reader.
 Quality, budget, mismatch, social divide, lack of
resources, these are some of the issues our country
is experiencing, despite these our department can
still find ways to address these agonies for the
learners. One of which is the professional
development given to all teachers, trainings,
seminars, workshops and so on. We designed our
own professional development and therefore
prioritize what needs to.
 Reading gets mind working across different areas.
One of my goals is to make my learners a reader,
we are aware of the problems our learners are
dealing due to the pandemic, that is why focusing
on this areas make my learners getting.
 Indeed, it is in this principle that Project BASIC
( Build, Advocate, and Strengthen Intensive
Comprehension) was conceptualized with the
concentration on increasing reading comprehension.
 This project aims to enable the proponent become
innovative, efficient and effective in the delivery of
the program in inspiring learners to establish
effective reading habit in order to comprehend and
to instill in the hearts and minds of every learner to
value its significance.
 To attain all these, school head, teachers, learners,
and parents must be in one accord to implement
effectively this endeavor to satisfy learners’ needs
by employing some advanced strategies, techniques,
approaches and methods appropriately to answer the
existing school dilemma. As part of this Project, the
school head, will give technical assistance to the
proponent by suggesting Intensive and Extensive
Reading Method that learners could participate
thoroughly and bring about proficient reading
 With that, we could consider this as a child-
centered. If one is struggling, extend your hands and
help him to change his life.


(The title should give the reader

a good idea of the nature of the
REAP/AP) Project BASIC (Build, Advocate, and Strengthen Intensive


 Should be SMART-
(Specific, measurable, To increase the number of pupils who can read with
attainable, result-oriented comprehension by 20% from 23 to 29 by 2024.
and with timeframe),
short, concise, free of By 2024, all learners will be inspired by establishing
jargon and easily effective reading habit in order to become more
understood. comprehensive
 Precise, time-based, and
measurable actions that
support the completion of
a project period goal

 The objective should

cover one budget year

 Up to 2 annual objectives
may be written for each
project period goal
Example: By 2022, i-LEAD

Output/s  Increased number of pupils who can read

 What output/s is/are  Established effective reading habit for inspired
expected to be produced
from the REAP/AP

Expected Outcomes of the  Learners will be more inspired and make reading as
REAP/AP a habit that will result to increase their ability to
 What improvements in i-
LEAD processes, systems,  The academic performance of school will increase.
strategies, policies and  Teachers will be more effective, efficient and
structures will result from innovative in their profession
the enhanced
competencies brought
about by the REAP/AP?
Direct Beneficiary of the
 Who is the main user
and/or beneficiary of the Grades 4 pupils of SY 2023-2024
REAP/AP? It can be an
organization, a
community, a sector, or
specific group of people?
How will teachers benefit from  Teachers can now focus on teaching the different
your REAP/AP?
competencies aligned in the curriculum.
 There is an active participation of pupils, high
interactive discussion because of their ability to
understand and interpret what has been discussed in
the classroom.

REAP/AP Start Date September 2023

(Indicate the start date for the
implementation of the REAP)


 Identify significant Milestone targets that could be achieved by the end of six (6) months
and thereafter. Milestones are (a) significant changes achieved; and/or, (b) major steps
taken towards achieving the desired improvement in your school

Target Action Steps Expected Output Type of Target

Milestone (Predictive and Support Date
Influenceable) /Source of

Action Step 1 -Well informed

parents and School Head
Launching of Project stakeholders September
Milestone 1 BASIC and orientation of Teachers
parents and stakeholders 2023

Action Step 2 -Created Project

BASIC chatgroup ICT
Creation of chatgroup and Coordinator September
and launched on
launching on social media 2023
social media Parents

Milestone 2 Action Step 1 Profiled stakeholders School Head Year

Partnership with Teachers
stakeholders and other
Target Action Steps Expected Output Type of Target
Milestone (Predictive and Support Date
Influenceable) /Source of

individuals concerned Stakeholders

Action Step 2 Reading materials

ready for distribution September
Preparation of reading Teachers
materials (printing, sorting, 2023

-All beneficiaries September

Action Step 3
retrieved their Parents 2023-
Actual Implementation of reading materials Febrruary
reading program 2024
- Actual Reading

Accomplished Home October,

Action Step 4 Visit Log, pictorials, Parents December
anecdotal 2023,
Home Visitation Teachers January

Action Step 1 Accomplished January

Milestone 3 Monitoring Tool School Head
Monitoring and Evaluation 2024


Milestone/ Person/s Involve Time Frame Resources Budget Approval

Area of Concern Needed Needed
Launching/Orientation School Head, September 2024 Presentation, 200.00 School Head
Teachers, Parents, Pamphlets
SRC ICT/Reading September 2023 Computer, Bond 1,000.00 School Head
Coordinators Paper, Ink, Printer
Monitoring and Evaluation School Head January 2024 M & E Tool 100.00 None
Awarding School Head, February 2024 Certificate 200.00 None

Percent of Completion Qualitative Description

For 25%(This means you are
still in the early stages of
REAP/AP implementation and
has not gained any significant
For 50% (This means you have
achieved almost 50% of your
REAP/AP objective/s)
For 100% ( This means the
REAP/AP output is approved
by supervisor and or top
Budget Resources
(Provide specific details of the Budget proposed to this plan will be shouldered by the proponent
budget resources to required which will be used for the procurement of reading materials,
successfully implement the communication and travelling expenses incurred amounting
REA/AP(Specify needed funds Php1,500.
and for what expense item/s
activity. How much?)

D. Risk Management Plan

All projects are exposed to risk. Risks are unpredictable events that might or might not
happen, and endanger the achievement of your project objectives. You should therefore
know what risks to prioritize and what to do when the risk happens.

Milestone Likely Risk Impact on Project Specific Action to If Risk Happens,

if Risk Happens Prevent Risk Specify

Reading Habit Poor Reading Failure Peer Tutoring Giving Rewards

Habit and Recognition
Delivery of Poor delivery of Learners lack of TA/Mentoring LAC Session
instruction instruction interest

Time Management Poor scheduling Irregular practice Close monitoring Regular and
and supervision intensive conduct
of review

Printed Materials Lack of Half-cooked Request quality Download

appropriate learning assured materials materials from
references LRMDS and
Deped Commons

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