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Name: ___________________________________ Vocabulary

Total: ____ /55
2 Choose the correct words.
Listening 1 A lot of people got / took part in the event.
1 [Track 19] You will hear an interview with a police 2 Can you give / do me a hand with this
detective. For questions 1–5, choose the correct homework?
answer, A, B, C or D. 3 These criminals will be locked up / out for many
1 Emma decided to become a police officer because years for their crimes.
A she wanted her father to be proud of her. 4 The Prime Minister showed / pointed out that the
B she wanted to set a good example for other girls. problems were caused by the previous
C it was the job her father did.
5 You shouldn’t beat / put yourself up for making
D her parents wanted her to work for the police. that mistake. It could have happened to anyone.
2 Emma believes more young people are interested
in joining the police because 3 Choose the correct words.
A they want to use new techniques and strategies 1 The volcano won’t erupt / shake because it’s
for solving crimes. extinct.
B they believe they can solve the old crimes they 2 The joke was so funny that Maria laughed her
see on TV. heart / head off.
3 I’ve decided to raise / donate some money to the
C they only hear about success stories and don’t Save the Jungles charity.
realise the hard work it takes to solve a crime. 4 I was late because there was a traffic block / jam
D they think they will earn a lot of money. on the main road.
5 I can’t carry this by myself, so could you give me
3 What type of cases does Emma enjoy solving the a hand / leg?
most? Grammar
A Catching killers
B The most serious crimes 4 Choose the correct verb forms.
C Cases that require her to think differently
D Cases that are difficult to solve 1 I gave / was given an injection by the doctor.
2 Alan asked me if I will / would help him with his
4 Emma 3 If only I didn’t / wouldn’t waste so much time in
A often knows from the beginning of an the evenings, I could go to bed earlier and feel
investigation who committed the crime. better.
B regularly needs months to put someone in prison. 4 I had two teeth took / taken out yesterday.
C is often surprised at how intelligent criminals are. 5 If I had / would have more time, I would learn
D is studying psychology to help understand the another language.
criminals she catches. /5
5 Choose the correct option.
5 To become a police detective you have to
A pass a written exam and a physical test before 1 If the weather was / would be nicer, we would go
working as a police officer. for a picnic.
B first work successfully as a police officer. 2 I wish you won’t / wouldn’t play loud music all
C get a specific university qualification. the time!
D spend a lot of money on training courses. 3 Sam isn’t here. He must went / must have gone
4 If you took / had taken more care, you wouldn’t
6 What quality is important to be a police detective?
have spilled your coffee.
A Being prepared to break the rules 5 Max, who / whose brother is a professional
B Understanding other people’s feelings footballer, goes to lots of matches.
C Being interested in many different topics
D Being relaxed

Use of English scientists arrive at remote villages, they always ask

6 Complete the text with the correct option, A, B, C to speak to the chief. Everyone in the village looks
or D. ___ to the chief, so they will follow his lead in the
Mark Menjivar is an artist with a strong interest in way they behave towards the visitors. Scientists
food. For a recent exhibition, Mark spent four years hope that if the people of the Amazon are willing to
introducing (1) _____ to strangers all over the share their knowledge, it will be possible to 5___ the
United States and arranging (2) _____ photos of the
beliefs of traditional drug makers and to find new
food in their fridges. He didn’t know any of the
ways to treat diseases.
people before taking the photos, but many of them
became his friends afterwards, with some even 1 A of B with C from D to
2 A make B do C get D find
putting him (3) _____ when he had nowhere to stay.
3 A along B off C across D into
He takes the pictures in order to show how the food 4 A up B away C out D on
we eat is connected to personality and how people 5 A break B doubt C challenge D destroy
live their lives. However, as a result of the project
some people have changed their habits and they
now live much healthier lifestyles. Rather than Reading
(4) _____ touch with the people he’d visited, Mark 8 Read the extract from a novel. Choose the correct
often goes back to see how their lives change over answer, A, B, C or D.
the years. When I finally met Mark, he also (5) _____ 1 After filming,
me that his life has also changed. Before having A the extras mixed socially with the actors.
children he used (6) _____ much more unhealthy B outsiders sometimes got into the studio and
food, but now his fridge is full of fruit and vegetable disturbed the actors.
C the actors felt more relaxed.
and other healthy snacks.
D actors gave helpful advice to the extras.
1 A him B them C themselves D himself 2 Dan’s feelings of guilt and anger were caused by
2 A taking B take C to take D to taking the fact that he
A was friends with some of the extras.
3 A up B on C out D over B knew what it was like being an extra.
C wasn’t a very good actor.
4 A break B lose C throw D stop
D didn’t get on with the other actors.
5 A explained B said C told D claimed
3 When Elmira spoke to the director,
6 A to eat B eaten C to eating D eating A he was surprised by the sound of her voice.
B he took no notice of her.
C it changed the director’s feelings towards Dan.
7 Decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fills each D Dan’s role in the film came to an end.
Scientists know that the Amazonian rainforests 4 When Dan found out that he was no longer
wanted, he
contain thousands of different kinds of plants. They A was shocked at what had happened.
believe that we could benefit 1___ studying these B tried to find work at a different studio.
plants, as many of them could be used to create C decided to leave the movie business.
D went to a Hollywood party to beg for work.
medicines. There have been many scientific
expeditions to the rainforest in order to 2___ contact 5 The author shows
with some of the tribes who live there and learn A how hard it is to make a career as an actor.
about the ways in which they use rainforest plants. B who holds the real power in Hollywood.
C the importance of not giving up in life.
Occasionally scientists have come 3___ tribes which D how hurt Dan was by what happened.
have had little contact with the outside world, and
they are the most knowledgeable because they
depend entirely on what grows around them. When

Dan’s revenge would go to the party that he had been invited to

The lights went off in the studio. Almost earlier that week but he would spend the time
immediately, the tension in the air seemed to having fun, not desperately trying to impress
disappear. Some of the actors stood and chatted people and begging for work. Tomorrow, he’d
together. Others stood alone, stretching their pack and head back east to New York.
aching muscles. The extras left the area quickly, no At eight o’clock that evening, wearing jeans
longer a part of the team, unappreciated and rather than the usual dark suit, he arrived at an
unwanted. Any who stayed hoping for a kind word already packed villa high in Beverly Hills. As he
of praise or advice were sent running by the walked in, he noticed Elmira. She glanced at him
security men who were there to protect the with no sign of recognition. He was no one
studio’s stars from anything that might disturb important. Nothing to do with her or her life. She
them. passed him and moved on, searching for more
Only one actor noticed this and felt guilt and famous faces to spend her time with. Suddenly
anger at the same time. Dan had worked his way Dan knew what he had to do.
up from being an extra himself. Anger because he /10
remembered the way he had been treated and,
although he wasn’t close to the extras he was
9 Your English teacher has asked you to write a
working with, he hated it happening to them. Guilt
because he wasn’t brave enough to speak out. He
Your story must begin with this sentence.
was still very much a junior member of the cast
and he knew he could be sent back to where he
came from if he upset his more famous
Jo looked at the map and decided
colleagues. to go left.
As he stood, lost in thought, he noticed Elmira
Ray, the highest-paid star in the studio and one of Write your story
the romantic leads in this movie. He smiled and
made a friendly remark about the difficulties she’d ___________________________________________
had getting one of her scenes right. Elmira glared ___________________________________________
at him with hatred and turned away to where the ___________________________________________
director was deep in discussion with the producer. ___________________________________________
Elmira’s screaming voice was very unlike anything ___________________________________________
her fans had ever heard but it was well-known by ___________________________________________
all who worked with her. Her message was clear. ___________________________________________
She wanted Dan off the set, off the movie and, if
possible, out of Hollywood. The director and ___________________________________________
producer exchanged knowing glances. They ___________________________________________
disliked Elmira intensely but they also knew how ___________________________________________
much she was worth to the studio. Whatever their ___________________________________________
feelings for Dan, if Elmira didn’t want to work with ___________________________________________
him, he would have to go. ___________________________________________
They called Dan over. They didn’t have to say ___________________________________________
anything. One look was enough for Dan. He’d ___________________________________________
been in the business long enough to know how ___________________________________________
things worked. ‘Oh well,’ he thought, ‘It has been ___________________________________________
fun while it lasted.’ He knew he could ask around ___________________________________________
at the other studios for work but his heart wasn’t ___________________________________________
in it anymore. He disliked the work, he disliked the ___________________________________________
people and he hated living in Los Angeles. He

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