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1) Watch the beginning of the movie and write TRUE or FALSE.

Correct the
false ones.
a. Charlie lives in a very poor house. ___
b. There are six people living in Charlie’s house. ___
c. Carlie and his family have cabbage soup and chicken for lunch and dinner. ___
d. The Chocolate factory is huge and colourful. ___
e. The owner of the chocolate factory decides to invite five children. ___
f. Charlie’s grandpa knows Willy Wonka because they were school partners. ___
g. All the people feel very excited and they buy lots of chocolate bars to find the tickets. __
***Choose the best option to answer each of the questions.

1. What colour are Mr. Wonka’s factory delivery trucks?

a) blue b) white c) grey d) red
2. What’s the weather like?
a) stormy b) snowy c) rainy d) foggy
3. What’s Charlie like as a boy?
a) more clever b) the luckiest
c) stronger d) as good as all the other boys.
4. What does Charlie’s father do?
a) works as a dentist b) is a factory owner
c) is a toothpaste factory worker d) is jobless
5. Which project was Charlie building?
a) a planetary station b) Wonka’s chocolate factory
c) a toothpaste factory d) his dream house
6. Why did Mr. Wonka’s Factory close?
a) He failed to satisfy the Indian Prince. b) His workers abandoned him.
c) Spies stole his secret formulas. d) He didn’t have money to pay his workers.
7. Mr. Wonka decides to reopen the factory and that becomes world news. In which
countries are the news broadcast?
a) USA b) Ireland c) Morocco d) Thailand

e) Germany f) Japan g) Australia

Five chocolate bars had 5 Golden Tickets. Who got the tickets? Order the characters as
they show up in the film and match them with their origin and special features.
Character Origin Characteristics
____Mike Teavee _____/_____ a. Düsseldorf, 1- Sweet and polite nice and warm
Germany hearted. Believes in magic.
_____Violet Beauregarde b. Denver, 2- Not a fan of chocolate.
____/_____ Colorado Exceptionally bright, TV games
maniac, aggressive
_____Charlie Bucket c. Buckinghamshir 3- Overweight, only thinks about
_____/_____ e, England food. Chocolate is his hobby
_____ Veruca Salt d. Atlanta, Georgia 4- Gum chewer winner. A born
______/______ competitor. Achieved 263 medals
end trophies
_____ Augustus Gloop e. London, 5- Spoiled, rich. Everything she
_____/______ England sees, she wants

Before going into the Factory, everyone gets instructions from Mr. Wonka. Say which ones
are TRUE and which ones are FALSE.
a. Everyone must wash their faces and put on clean clothes. _____

b. They should all go alone. ______

c. They had to show up on February the 1st._____

d. All five kids should arrive at around 10:00._____

e. All the instructions were in the golden tickets._____

2) Write the name of the characters below the pictures.

Veruca Salt – Mike Teavee – Charlie Bucket – Willy Wonka - Agustus Gloop – Violet

3) Continue watching and complete the following sentences:

a. The five children who ……………………………………………………………….. can get into the factory.
b. Charlie receives his first chocolate bar but
c. He buys the second chocolate bar with
d. When Charlie finds money in the street he
e. Four children go with their parents, but Charlie
f. Charlie’s grandpa feels excited because
g. Before they get into the factory they
h. Willy Wonka
4) Answer these questions:
1) What did Veruca’s Salt father do to find a Golden ticket? ……………………………………………………..
2) When does Charlie Bucket get one Wonka bar?
3) Was he the first to find a Golden Ticket?
4) What are Augustus’s Gloop hobbies?
5) How many trophies and medals does Violet Beauregarde have? ……………………………………….....
6) What record does she hold present-day? ……………………….……………………….............................
7) How long has the factory been closed to the public? ………………………………………......................
8) Where did Willy Wonka hide the Golden Tickets? ………………………………………..........................
9) How did Mike Teavee manage to predict where the ticket was? ………………………………………......
10) Where did the Oompa-Loompas use to live? ……………………………………….................................
11) What did they use to eat? What do they eat now? ………………………………………........................

5) VOCABULARY WORK. Decide if the following adjectives are positive (+) or negative (-).

• Honest • Bright • Humble • Happy

• Leader • Courageous • Friendly • Excited
• Brave • Serious • Bossy • Creative
• Mischievous • Funny • Hard-working • Independent
• Demanding • Humorous • Timid • Intelligent
• Thoughtful • Sad • Shy • Gentle
• Skinny • Poor • Bold • Proud
• Busy • Rich • Strong • Messy
• Successful • Self-confident • Selfish • Neat
• Lazy • Respectful • Unselfish • Handsome
• Helpful • Quiet • Ambitious • Pretty
• Energetic • Curious • Smart • Ugly

5) - Try to guess the meaning of these words and expressions:

a) heiress: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) vowed:
c) short on money:
d) enabled:
e) excels:
f) lock:
g) launching:
h) drawn:
i) offset:
j) tiny: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
k) vicious:
l) wicked:
m) workforce:
Watch part 3 and then circle true or false.

1. The workers are used to a hot climate. T F

2. Wonka is happy when he thinks about his dad. T F
3. The river is made of chocolate. T F
4. Oompa Loompas come from Loompa Land. T F
5. They loved coffee beans. T F
6. Veruca falls into the lake. T F
7. Wonka’s dad was a dentist. T F
8. He throws Wonka’s sweets into the bin. T F
9. The inventing room is the most important T F
room in the factory.
10. The gobstoppers last a whole week. T F
11. The chewing gum tastes of tomato soup, T F
roast chicken and blueberry pie.
12. Violet turns red. T F
13. She is turning into a blueberry. T F
1.- Match each character to their suitable picture and to the information about them:
1. Who is Willy Wonka ? a. a friend of Charlie’s
b. the owner of the chocolate factory
c. Charlie’s father’s boss

2. Where does Charlie’s father work ? a. at a car company

b. at the chocolate factory
c. at a toothpaste company

3. What does Charlie love more than anything ? a. chewing-gum

b. chocolate
c. ice-cream

4. Who lives with Charlie and his parents ? a. his uncles and aunts
b. his brothers and sisters
c. his grandparents

5. Charlie’s family is a. rich

b. poor
c. powerful

6. Why can Charlie visit the chocolate factory ?

a. he meets Willy Wonka in the street who takes him there
b. he wins a contest
c. he finds a Golden Ticket in a chocolate bar

7. How can Charlie buy Willy Wonka chocolate bars ?

a. Grandpa Joe gives him money
b. the grocer gives him two bars
c. he finds money in the street

8. Willy Wonka’s father was a … a. doctor

b. scientist
c. dentist

9. He was … a. kind
b. strict
c. funny

9. Which meal is “contained” in Wonka’s chewing-gum ?

a. carrot soup / chicken / ice-cream
b. tomato soup / roast beef / blueberry pie
c. pumpkin soup / mutton / yogurt

10. How do they travel through the factory ? a. by train

b. by boat
c. by bike
11. What happens to Violet Beauregarde ? a. she turns red
b. she is kidnapped by a giant blueberry
c. she is transformed into a big blueberry

12. What happens to Augustus Gloop ?

a. he falls into the river
b. he becomes tiny (= very very small)
c. he is attacked by squirrels

13. What is his hobby ? a. sleeping

b. playing video games
c. eating

14. Which of these animals break the nuts ? a. hamsters

b. squirrels
c. rabbits

15. Who is there a hospital for at the factory ? a. it’s a private hospital for Willy Wonka
b. for the Oompa Loompas
c. for burnt puppets

16. What is the particularity of the Oompa Loompas ?a. they are not very tall but are very fat
b. they are small and haven’t got the same
c. they are very small and all look the same

17. What is the river in the factory made of ? a. strawberry-flavoured water

b. melted chocolate
c. caramel

18. Willy Wonka hasn’t got : a. milk

b. money
c. a family

19. What does he sometimes wear ? a. a baseball cap

b. white sunglasses
c. boots

20. Who does Willy Wonka give his factory to ?

a. Veruca
b. Grandpa Joe
c. Charlie
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The Plot of the movie: fill in the gaps

ticket rich playing mysterious family greedy factory chewer adventure
Charlie Bucket is a young boy who comes from a poor and dreams of finding a
golden to take a tour of the amazing chocolate owned by Willy Wonka.
Charlie finds the last golden ticket and goes on an amazing with his grandpa Joe.
Among the other four winners are Veruca Salt, a spoiled girl; Augustus Gloop, a
kid who stuffs his face with sweets; Violet Beuragarde, a champion gum ; and Mike
Teavee, a kid who spends all the time watching TV and video games. Most
fascinating is the Willy Wonka who has a special grand prize at the end for one of
the kids.
What are the character’s names?
Willy Wonka Violet Mike Augustus Charlie Veruca

Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE?

Charlie Bucket
⚫ His parents are very rich True/False
⚫ He live with his Aunts and Uncles True/False
⚫ His parents buy him a Wonka bar for his birthday True/False
⚫ He is a kind boy True/False
⚫ He hates Willy Wonka True/False
Augustus Gloop
⚫ His parents own a candy shop True/False
⚫ He is a thin boy True/False
⚫ He is the second winner of a golden ticket True/False
⚫ He gives some chocolate to poor people True/False
⚫ He celebrates winning by eating more chocolate True/False

Veruca Salt
⚫ She has a pony True/False
⚫ Her parents are millionaires True/False
⚫ She is a selfish girl True/False
⚫ Her parents give her everything she wants True/False
⚫ Her father’s factory workers find her the golden ticket True/False

Violet Beuragarde
⚫ She chews gum all day True/False
⚫ She doesn’t have any trophies True/False
⚫ She has blonde hair True/False
⚫ She is an energetic girl True/False
⚫ She is from Dussledorf in Germany True/False

Mike Teavee
⚫ He is a video game addict True/False
⚫ He is very rude True/False
⚫ He lives in an apartment True/False
⚫ He hates chocolate True/False
⚫ He says “My, My, My” when he plays video games True/False

Quiz Time
1) Everything inside the factory is made from:
a) fruit b) meat c) candy

2) Charlie thinks that the river in the factory is:

a) dirty b) smelly c) beautiful

3) What is the river made from?

a) mud b) chocolate c) gravy

4) Charlie visits the chocolate factory with his:

a) mother b) uncle c) grandfather

5) Willy Wonka asks the children to eat some of the:

a) grass b) trees c) river

6) What does Mike do with the candy?

a) eat it b) jump on it c) nothing

7) Violet puts her chewing gum:

a) behind her ear b) in her pocket c) on the floor

8) Willy Wonka’s factory workers are little people called:

a) Loompa Boompas b) Oompa Loompas c) Poompa Boompas

9) What does Mike’s father teach in High School?

a) History b) Maths c) Geography

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