List of Headings

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List of headings

1. Advantages [+] = benefits / positive sides / gains [+]

2. Disadvantages [-] = drawbacks / problems / issues / negative sides / limitations/
harmful / dangerous / hardship
3. Measures = steps / methods / solve / solutions / remedy / procedures
4. Use = usages / application
5. Cost = expenditure / money / expense
6. Discovery = findings / researching / study / inventions /
7. Location = situated / located /
8. Difference between something = two periods / two different things / two items/
comparison / earlier it was better, now it is worse
9. Types of something = classified / groups/ classifications/ kinds

1. Read the headings first and analyze them [2-4 times]
2. Spend 7-8 minutes at the beginning and then minimize it to 2-3 minutes by
3. Figure out the synonyms of verbs and nouns
4. Guess the answers
5. Now read the paragraphs
How to read a paragraph and what to read
1. Look for the ideas you have already generated by reading headings and try to match.
2. Read the first and 2nd sentence and try to match with one of those ideas.
3. Look for transitional words: Remember contrasting words are the words that will lead to
figure out the heading of the paragraph. Most common contrasting words are :
- However
- But
- Yet
- Nevertheless
- On the other hand
4. Skim through the middle of the paragraphs and then read the last two sentences carefully.
5. Always look for synonyms and get a similar kind of meanings
6. Look for synonymous words / repeating words
7. Try to categorize the paragraph into one of those mentioned above.

Most important tips:

1. Most answers will be based on first 1-3 lines. [2-4]
2. Some headings will be based on last two sentences. [1-3]
3. 1or 2 headings will be based on the summary of the whole paragraph = these are basically a bit
difficult. [2-3]
4. Give emphasis on contrasting words as there will be some headings based on the sentences
followed by them. [1-3]
5. There will be at least 2 -3 headings that are very easy to figure out
6. There will be at least 2-3 headings that are based difficult to guess.
7. There will be some heading that you can find you put some efforts
8. This means if you are an intermediate learner of English, you should at least correct 3 headings
out of 6 .


1. Spend 2-4 minutes for analyzing the headings because it will make things a lot easier for you.
2. Then spend maximum 1 minute for a paragraph and skip it if you don’t get any clue and then
later come back.

Total time for 6 paragraphs = 3 + 6 + extra 3 min for coming back = 12 min

Try to minimize the time by PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE.

At least do 20 LIST of HEADINGS before you sit the exam.

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