Safety 2016-17

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CHEN 20151

[Exam Duration]


Safety and Reliability Engineering

[Date of Examination]

[Time of Examination]

Answer TWO of the THREE Questions

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Candidates attempting question 2 should include page Error! Bookmark

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CHEN 20151


Answer TWO Questions

1. Answer ALL parts of this question. [Total 25 marks]

The recent disaster at BASF in Ludwigshafen which led to the deaths of 4

people and 25 injuries occurred on a supply line connecting the harbour and a
tank depot while the tank was being filled from an oil tanker (ship). It is
speculated that this was caused by overfilling of the tank due to a failure of a
flow controller which ensured that the flow was routed to another tank when
approaching capacity. The standard process involved pumping flammable
liquids and liquefied gas from the ship into a storage tank on shore.

a. Describe the safety issues which need to be considered around pumping

from the vessel (ship) to the tank under standard operating conditions.
Give the information which would be needed about the process to ensure
safe operation.
[8 Marks]

b. In all equivalent lines, the existing controllers will now be replaced,

describe the additional safety concerns around this process.
[5 Marks]

c. Explain how a flow measurement could be used to control flow routing in

this system. Describe instrumentation that could be added to the system to
as a safeguard in case the flow controller fails.
[2 Marks]

Figure 1. Simplified diagram of the oil transfer system

Question 1 continues/…

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CHEN 20151

d. A simplified diagram of the system is shown in figure 1. Failed flow

sensors give flow rates that are too low, so the controller takes the higher
of the two values it receives. The valve is controlled pneumatically.

i. Calculate how frequently the sensors and transmitters must be tested

to ensure that the controller does not have the data it needs to operate
correctly for only one hour in 200 years. Assume that they are
repaired immediately if a fault is found.
Mean time between failure:
Sensors: 16 years
Transmitters: 62 years.

ii. The valve is operated once per week. If the controller sends a
command too late once every 200 years, the system must malfunction
no more than once every 100 years, and the fractional dead time of
the compressed air supply is 0.00004, what is the maximum
probability that the valve will fail to act? Comment on your answer.
[7 Marks]

e. What factors must be considered when identifying an explosive

atmosphere and its zone? When the flow controllers are replaced what
zone will the work area be? Justify your answer.
[3 Marks]

End of question 1

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2. Answer ALL parts of this question. [Total 25 marks]

A reaction is performed under a nitrogen blanket to prevent oxidation of the

reactants. Nitrogen is stored as liquid in a tank and passed to the reactor
through a pipe. The nitrogen storage tank is designed to withstand 10 bar.g
internally, while the reactor is rated to withstand an internal pressure of
1 bar.g. The reaction mixture is not flammable, but the reactants are toxic,
low-boiling, liquids. At least one fatality is expected if the reactants escape to
the atmosphere. The reaction is operated very close to the freezing point of the
a. List the range of protection layers that should be considered, giving an
appropriate example of a control or mitigation measure for each.
[7 Marks]

b. Draw a P&ID for the system showing the two vessels, the pressure control
equipment and instrumentation, and the protection equipment required.
Consider how the system will be maintained. Show all the items needed
and include the communication type on control lines. If you use a Safety
Instrumented System, specify and justify the SIL. Use the conventional
symbols where possible and include a legend for any other symbols that
you use. Indicate whether valves should fail open or closed.
N.B. Only consider pressure control.
[10 Marks]

c. Suggest ways of measuring the pressure in the reactor. Describe any

special considerations required.
[3 Marks]

d. The plant is shut down for maintenance. List five things that should be
checked before issuing a permit to work. Focus on the specific hazards of
this process.
[5 Marks]

End of question 2

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3. Answer ALL parts of this question. [Total 25 marks]

Acetaldehyde (C2H4O) is an extremely flammable material which has a lower

flammable limit (LFL) of 4% v/v and an upper flammability limit (UFL) of
45% v/v in air (NB molar composition of air is 79% N2, 21% O2).

a. Calculate the stoichiometric composition for the total combustion of

acetaldehyde in air and oxygen.
[2 Marks]

b. Calculate the ‘estimated’ minimum oxygen for combustion (MOC)

[2 Marks]

c. Plot a flammability diagram for acetaldehyde, using oxygen/ acetaldehyde

/nitrogen as the axes marking all significant points (e.g. MOC) on the plot
and shading the flammable area.
[N.B. Use the triangular graph paper provided at the back of this question
paper, detach it from the paper and ensure that it is submitted with your
answer book]

[12 Marks]

d. Calculate how the upper and lower flammability limits of a 75/25 mixture
(in air) would be changed by the addition of 75% v/v of ethanol to
acetaldehyde. Ethanol has an LFL of 3% v/v in air and a UFL of 19%v/v
in air.
[5 Marks]

e. Describe the effect of increasing the temperature on the upper and lower
flammability limits.
[4 Marks]

End of question 3

End of paper

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CHEN 20151

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