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Consciousness-Based education is a scientifically proven program to develop total brain

functioning for increasing intelligence, creativity, and happiness in students and teachers. The
four basic components of Consciousness-Based schools and universities, as founded by
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, all contribute to the same goal: Awakening in every student the full
potential of creativity, intelligence, and happiness for an increasingly progressive, and
fulfilling life.
1. TM Consciousness: Students practice the Transcendental Meditation program twice daily
at the institution; and after a few months, they learn the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi
program, including Yogic Flying. Through these programs the students enliven and start to
function from the most creative, powerful, and blissful level of their own awareness,
Transcendental Consciousness. As a result, students naturally express more of their unlimited
creative potential in daily life.
2. Study of the standard subjects in light of the knowledge of consciousness. Students
study the standard disciplines—sciences, mathematics, arts, humanities—with the unique
addition that the teachers present each topic in light of the knowledge of full human
development, which makes every subject more relevant to the students, expanding the sense
of their own possibilities.

3. Consciousness-Based teaching techniques that develop holistic awareness. These

techniques, which greatly enhance learning and retention, refine the functioning not only of
mind and intellect, but also of perception, emotions, speech, and behavior. One highly
effective instructional technique is the use of large wall charts which show the connection of
each main idea to the whole lesson, to the whole course, to the whole field of study—all in
light of the knowledge of the student’s full potential.

4. Stress-free routine and nourishing environment. Consciousness-Based schools add to

the academic classes the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs to give profound
rest for systematically develop brain power and ensure a vital and happy focus in the class
room. The buildings are constructed or selected in accord with principles from natural law
based architecture, for the enhanced health and well-being of the occupants. The atmosphere
is imbued with peace, vitality, focused activity, and harmony - an ideal environment for
growth toward becoming all that one can be.

 an individual’s psychological characteristic is dependent on the relative dominance of the
three Gunas. In equilibrium, the three Gunas maintain a healthy mind (and indirectly a
healthy body). Any disturbance in this equilibrium results in various types of mental
Sattva: The Sattva Guna has the characteristics of lightness, consciousness, pleasure, The
Positive Energy, The spiritual Quality: It influences us toward goodness, truth, purity,
knowledge through the discriminative power of intellect and clarity. It is pure, free from
disease and cannot be disturbed in any way. It activates the senses and is responsible for the
perception of knowledge.
Rajas: The most active of the Gunas, has motion and stimulation as its characteristics. All
desires, wishes, ambitions and fickle-mindedness are a result of Rajas. The Active/Kinetic
Energy, the Active Quality: It provides energy for action through ambition, passion and

Tamas: Tamas guna is characterized by heaviness and resistance. It causes disturbances in

perception and other activities of the mind e.g. Delusion, false knowledge, laziness, apathy,
sleep and drowsiness are a result of Tamas. The Potential Energy, The Material Quality: It
generates our need for material objects and sense enjoyment through the sense-conscious

The Triguna composition influences qualities of human thought and behavior. They interact
with each other resulting in the preponderance of one over the others. The degree of
predominance of one Guna determines the individual’s personality characteristics.
The four degrees of human speech: vaikhari, madhyama, pashyanti, and para.Each
degree of speech embodies a different kind of perception; each transmits a different

Vaikhari, which is ordinary verbal speech, the kind we all hear and use daily, is an
expression of kriya shakti, the power of action. You speak in vaikhari when you focus
on deeds past, present activities, exploits to come. Vaikhari, the speech of maya, is
physical speech, the outward, audible manifestation of phonemes that refer to and are
directed toward physical, external sense objects.

Madhyama is mental speech, verbalized but unspoken, the internal monologue and
dialogue; it expresses jñana shakti, the power of knowledge and wisdom (or lack
thereof). Madhyama measures, evaluates, questions, harnessing your rational and
emotional minds to formulate the intentions that precipitate into words.

Pashyanti, single-minded speech, is perceptible but not particularized. It is the vehicle

for iccha shakti, the power of desire. When you speak at the pashyanti level, you are
sure of your message; your intentions (selfish or altruistic) are always clear. Pashyanti
does not distinguish between subject and object, it covers the middle ground between
para’s pure intention and madhyama’s verbalized but as yet unspoken mental speech.  

Para is pure intention—pure because it is a direct expression of the will of reality,

unadulterated by any personal preference. Para is the power of  ambika shakti, the
supreme Mother Goddess, speech that flows directly from the cosmic creatrix.
Abhinavagupta, the great genius of a thousand years back, eulogizes para as the form
of speech that displays absolutely no thought of this, thus, here, or now.

Be deaf to negativity because the less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful
your life will become.
You have a choice either listen to the thoughts and allow it to trigger your life full of
negativity or just ignore it.

Example of a story: Once upon a time, there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a
running competition.The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had
gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. No
one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. Everyone
around started yelling that it was too difficult and its next to impossible. The tiny frogs began
collapsing, One by one, except for those, who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and
higher. The crowd continued to yell that no one will be able to make it. More tiny frogs got
tired and gave up. But ONE continued higher and higher and higher. This one wasn’t giving

In the end, everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who,
after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top.

all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it? A
contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal? It
turned out now that the winner was DEAF!!!!

Wisdom of the story is, Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be negative or
pessimistic. Always think of the power words have. Because everything you hear and read
will affect your actions.

And above all: Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams. This is
the not only the story of tiny frog but also this is the story of each one of us who want to do
something different from the society. Everyone around us except few will pull our legs or say
negative comment about our work, goals and aim.


Warren Buffett popularized the term “moat”, or “economic moat”, as a way of describing an
advantage, or protection, a business has over its competitors. He believes that the size of the
“moat around a business” tells a lot about how viable the business will be as time goes by.

Here is how Buffett describes a moat: “If you have a castle in capitalism, people are going to
try to capture it. You need two things – a moat around the castle, and you need a knight in the
castle who is trying to widen the moat around the castle.There are some businesses that have
very large moats around them and they have crocodiles and sharks and piranhas swimming
around them. Those are the kinds of businesses you want.”

The ultimate purpose of having, and expanding, an “unbreachable moat” is to create

a financially successful business. A strong business that produces excess cash for its
owners. A business that has a bright future as far as the eye can see. The wider the moat
becomes, the more profit the business should generate in future. This is the kind of profit that
helps build self-sustainable businesses. And creates real long-term value.


Common Barriers to Effective Communication :

Emotional barriers and taboos.

 Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.

 Differences in perception and viewpoint

 Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties .

 Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.

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