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CBSE COMPENDIU Electrostatics = ALLEN) tol ones CAREER INSTITUTE KOTA (RAJASTHAN), ALLEN Career Institute Corporate Office “SANKALP*, CP-6, Indra Vihar, Kota (Rajasthan) INDIA 324005 Ph. : +91-744-2757575 ® @ allenkota @ allen_career_institute allenkota ELECTROSTATICS Electric Charges; Conservation of charge, Coulomb's law-force between two point charges, forces between multiple charges; superposition principle and continuous charge distribution. Electric field, electric field due to a point charge, electric field lines, electric dipole, electric field due to a dipole, torque on a dipole in uniformelectric fleld. Electric flux, statement of Gauss's theorem and its applications to find field due to infinitely long straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet & uniformly charged thin spherical shell (field inside and outside). Electric potential, potential difference, electric potential due to a point charge, a dipole and system of charges; equipotential surfaces, electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges and of electric dipole in an electrostatic field. Conductors and insulators, free charges and bound charges inside a conductor. Dielectrics andelectric polarisation, capacitors and capacitance, combination of capacitors in series and in parallel, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium between the plates, energy stored. in a capacitor (no derivation, formulae only). Sa I SOLVED SUBJECTIVE EXERCISE Ans. Ans. ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELDS Briefly explain the basic properties of electric charges, ‘There are three basic properties of charges, (i) Additivity of charges- The additivity of electric charges means that the total charge of a system is the algebraic sum of all the individual charges located at different points inside the system. Ifa system contains charges Gy: Gy) + Gs then its total charge is aqatat +4, Quantisation of charges— The quantisation of electric charge means that the total charge (q) of a body is, always an integral multiple of a basic quantum of charge (:te), where e= 1.610” C = +ne, where n = 0, 1,2,3, (iii) Conservation of charges (i) The total charge of an isolated system remains constant. (ii) The electric charges can neither be created nor destroyed, they ean only be transferred from one body to another. Example: 1. Charge is conserved during the fission of a nucleus by neutron, png’ U oi Ba +% Kr +3)n+Energy ‘Total charge before fission (0 + 92e) = Total charge after fission (56e + 36¢ +3 x 0) = 92e (2. Blectric charge is conserved during the phenomenon of pair production in which a y-ray photon materialises into. an electron-positron pai. ¥=1ay > electron+ position eae fis (a) What is electrostatic induction? (b) How can you charge a metal sphere positively by induction method ? ._ (a) Ibis the phenomenon in which opposite chargesappear ats closer end and similar charges appear at its farther end in théppresence of a nearby charged body. (b) Fig shows the Vatious steps involved in induct positive charge on a metal sphere (9) Hold the metal sphere on aivinsulating Stand. Bring a negatively charged rod near. The fre electrons of the sphere are repelled to the farther fd The near end becomes positively changed due to attraction of electrons. (i) When the sphere is connectéd fo the ground by a connecting wire, its free electrons flow to the ground, (ii) When the spheres disconnected from the ground, its positive charge atthe near end remains held there due to the attractive force of the extémal negative charge. (iv) When the rod isemoved, the positive charge spreads uniformly onthe sphere. PPT oO19 E oa) on b) 7 (@) Charging of a sphere by induction a Body A repels another body B, A attracts body C, ‘What is the charge on body B? ‘As body C repels positively charged body D, so C is also positively charged. As body A attracts positively charged body C, so A is negatively charged. As negatively charyed body A repels body B, so body B is negatively charged. repels body D. It is given that body D is positively charged, Tecrres 1 An inflated balloon is charged by rubbing with fur. Willt stick readily to a conducting wall orto an insulating wall? Give reason, Ans. Itwill stick readily to the conducting wall. Itinduces an equal amount of charge on the conducting wall and much smaller charge on insulating wall. So a large force of attraction acts between the balloon and the conducting wall 5. Twoidentical metallic spherical shells A and B having charges +4Q and -10 Qare kept a certain distance apart A third identical uncharged sphere C is first placed in contact with sphere A and then with sphere B, then spheres ‘Aand B are brought in contact and then separated. Find the charge on the spheres A and B. Ans. When Cand A are placed in contact, charge equally divides in two spheres, “Therefore charge on each Aand C= +2Q Now, Cis placed in contact with B, then charge on each B and C becomes 22 When A and B are placed in contact then charge on each, A and'Bbecomes 22* 6. (a) Explain the meaning of the statement elecivic charge'6f body is quantised’ {b) Why one can ignore quantisation of electric charge when dealing with macroscopic j.e., large scale charges? ‘Ans. (a) Total electric charge of a body is quantised teans that the charge on the body must bean integer multiple of, some elementary charge i.e. Total chatge on a pésiively charged body q = +ne and total charge on a negatively charged body q = -ne_ where n = 0,1,2,3, integer. {b) As elementary unit of charge e has a value 1.60 x 10°C, hence fér macroscopic charges of the order of micro coulomb 1 iC = 6125 x 10" x (e). Here n = 6.25,x 10? which is very large and hence we ignore quantisation of charge and we onside charge on abbody continuous. 7. Answer carefully: fi) Acomb run through one’s dry hair attract small bits of paper. Why ? What happens ifthe hair is wet or if it isa rainy day? (i) Ordinay rubber is an insulator, Bt the special nibber tyres of aircrafts are made slightly conducting. Why is this necessary? (ii) Vehicles canying inflammable materials usually have metallic ropes touching the ground during motion, Why? (iv) Aird perches on a bare high power line and nothing happens to the bird. A man standing on the ground touches the same line andigets a fatal shock. Why? ‘Ans. (i) When the comb nufié through dry hair, it gets charged by friction. The molecules in the paper get polarized by the charged comb, resulting in a net force of attraction. Ifthe hair is wet, or if itis ainy day, friction between hair and the comb reduces. The comb does not get changed and thus it will not attract small bts of paper. (i) Duringlandifg, the tyres of aircraft may get highly charged due to fiction between tyres and the air strip. If the tyres are made slightly conducting, they will lose the charge to the earth otherwise too much of static electricity accumulated may produce spark and resultin fire. (ii) Moving vehicle gets changed due to friction. The inflammable material may catch fire due to the spark produced by charged vehicle. When metallic rope is used, the charge developed on the vehicle is transferred. tothe ground and so the fire is prevented. (iv) Bird's whole body is at same potential. so no current flow through it's body. As man touches the body of aeroplane a potential difference is set up. A large current flows, which produces electrolysis in the blood and may causes death, Sic E . Here q = -3 x 10 Cande = 16 x 10° A polyethylene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 3 x 107 C, (a) Estimate the number of electrons transferred (from which to which ?) (b)_Is there a transfer of mass from wool to polyethylene? c (a) Using the relation q = -ne 3107 -e 16x10" . Number of electrons transferred n = 1875 x10 =2 x 10 Aspolyethylene piece when rubbed will acquire a negative change , hence electrons have been transferred from wool to polyethylene (b) Yes, there is a transfer of mass from woo! to polyethylene because electrons have mass. The mass transferred Am =n. (m,) = 1875 x 10"? x 9.1 x10 kg = 1.7 x 10 kg ‘Two point charges q; and q, are placed close to each other. What is the hature of the force between the charges when yap < 0? - Obviously the two charges have opposite sign, so the force between them is attractive. State Coulomb's law. Express it in vector form The magnitude of force of interaction is (a) directly proportional to product of magnitude of charge ie. Fe jallay (6) Inversely proportional to square of distance between them i.e. 1 Fe> Combining them rae Hullael «la or F= Thus e Nak Bpemitivty of 885x107? K z = 9X 10° Nm?/C*is proportional constant and Re the free space, Vector from : Fo = Fy =F Fa =Fr _ Kaas ~ e B Kade r 3 7 ‘What is the force between two small charged spheres having charges of 2 x 10“? Cand3 x 1077 C placed 30cm apart in air? A guge 9210? x210 7 3107 Ans... Force in ait ne 3F 6x10°°N the force is repulsive in nature 12. Plot agraph showing the variation of Coulomb's force (F) versus 1/2, where ris the distance between the two pair of charges : (1C, 2uC) and (1)1C, ~34C), Interpret the graph obtained. ‘Ans. According to Coulomb's law, magnitude of force acting between two stationary point charges is given by For(1C, 340) pair of charges forgiven pa of ( Fae 1.) For (1uC, 2uC pair of changes The slope of F v/s —-, graph depends on magnitude of product of q; qy. Magnitude of q;qp is higher for second pati, a> Interpretation: slope of pair (1uC, - 3nC) is more than pair (14NC, 24:C). 13. Define electric field at a point. Is ita scalar or @ vector quantity? Ans. Electric field — It is defined as the electrostatic force per unit fest charge acting on a small positive test charge placed at the given point FE Mathematically, E = lim = hag Electric field is a veetor quantity whose direction is same as that of the force exerted on a positive test charge. 14. Derive an expression for electric field intensity at a point at distance r from a point charge q. ‘Ans. Electric field due to a point charge: Consider a point charge q placed at the origin O. For this, imagine a test charge g, placed at point P According to Coulomb's lawthe force on charge a, is 46, where is unit vector in the direction from q to q, Electric field at point P is charge Test A 15. Ans. 16. 17. Ans. (a) Define electric field line (b) Give the important properties of electric field line. (a) Electric field todosso in an electric field and the tangent to which at any point gives the direction of electric field at that point. :ltis defined as the curve along which a small positive charge would tend to move when free (b) Important properties of electric field lines: (i) These are continuous curves without any breaks. (i) Field tines never entered inside the conductor (ii) Two electric field line never intersect each other. (i) They are always normal to the surface of a conductor. (iv) they cannot form closed loops. {v) These start at positive charges and end at negative charges (vi) The relative closeness of the field lines indicates the strength of electric field at different points. ‘Sketch the lines of force of (i)apoint charge q > 0 (i) A point charge q < 0 (ii) An electric dipole separated by a small distafiee {iv) Two equal charge placed at small distance apart in air, (v) A positively charged plane conductor sheet Kegs (i) (ii) I . | N i H (iv) ) A positive point charge (+4) is kept in the vicinity of an uncharged conduction plate. Sketch electric field lines origination fiom the point on to the surface of the plate. Equal charge of apposite nature induces in the surface of conductor nearer to the source charge. Ms Note : Electric lines of force should originate or terminate normal to the surface of the conducting plate. +a Tloctrostaties 5 kd 18. A charged particle is free to move in an electric field. Will it always move along an electric field ? ‘Ans. The tangent at any point to the line of force gives the direction of electric field and hence of force on a charge at that point. If the charged particle starts from rest, it will move along the line of force. Its in motion and moves initially at an angle with the line of force, then resultant path is not along the line of force. 19. Deduce the expression for the electric field E due toa system of two charges q, and ap with position veetors ¥ and § ata point ¥ with respect to common origin. ‘Ans. Let two point charges q, and qp situated at points A and B have position vectors rand rp. AP =F - BP=¥-% Electric field intensity at point P due to 4, cigar) Grey [APP 1__a Similarly, vo" Gaey [BPP Net electric field intensity at point RE = 20. metallic sphere is placed in a uniform electric field as shown in the figure! Whieh path is followed by electric field lines and why? a ‘Ans. Path ‘d’ is followed by electric field line Electric field intensity inside the metallié sphere will be zero, therefore no electric lines of force exists inside the sphere, also, lines fall normally on the surface, 21. _Aneaily model ofan atom considered ito have a positively charged point nucleus of charge Ze, surrounded by a Uniform density of negative'charge up to a radius R?. The atom as a whole is neutral. For this model, what is the electric field ala distance rfrom the nucleus? (Deleted from 2022-23) ‘Ans. The charge distribution for this model ofthe atom is as shown in Fig, The total negative charge in the uniform spherical charge distribution of radius R must be ~Ze, since the atom (nucleus of charge Ze + negative charge) is neutral. This immediately gives us the negative charge density, since we must have Se 4nR° To find the electric field Et) at @ point P which is a distance raway from the nucleus, we use Gauss law. Because of the spherical symmetry ofthe charge distribution, the magnitude ofthe electric field E(e) depends only on the radial distance, no matter what the direction of. Its direction is along (or opposite to) the radius vector rfrom the origin to the point P. The obvious Gaussian surface is a spherical surface centred at the nucleus. We consider two situations, namely, x < Rand r > R, {)r < R: The electric fx enclosed by the spherical surface is O=E() x dar oe i where E (x) the magnitude of the electric field at This is because the field at any pointon the spherical Gaussian surface has the same direction as the normal to the surface there, and has the same magnitude atall points on the surface. The charge q enclosed by the Gaussian surface is the positive nuclear charge and the negative charge within the sphere of radius, nx? ie. q= Ze a= 2+ Fp Substituting forthe charge density r obtained earlier, we have a=2e-20F, Gauss's law then gives, Ze flit En=gelz B)ir R: In this case, the total charge enclosed by the Gaussian spherical Surface is zero since the atom is neutral Thus, from Gauss's law, E(t) x 4m” = Oor Ett) =0;r>R Atr = R, both cases give the same result: E = 0, 22. A Charge particle (q, m) enters in uniform electric field perpendicularly with velocity sasshown following show that (a) It follows parabolic path (b) Higher the speeifie charge more is. vertical displacement ‘Ans. (q, m) charge enter uniform electric field perpendicularly with velocity is as shown, As time t particle is at p(x, 9). Motion along x-direction dar watt 5% ut oD) Motion along y-direction is equation (2) putting values of Lae xt “4 @) Conclusion 1 Mee reeled E )ye ys (= }* suggests that path followed is parabolic. Conclusion 2 m 20 or Say for constant value of u, E & x i.e. if several species enter | by inside uniform electric field with same speed then specific charge is directly proportional to vertical displacement. 7 Stale and prove Gauss's theorem in electrostatics, ro Gauss's theorem: It stale thatthe total lux through a closed surface is equal to 1 times of the net charge e enclosed by it o Mathematically, 6= fled Proof: Consider a spherical Gaussian surface for point charge q, Electric field at any point on surface E This field points radially outward at all points on surface. Also, any area element points radially outwards, so itis parallel to E, ie.,0 = 0° a é Flux through area dis 5 doe = E.dS = EdScos0° = EdS / “Total flux through surface S is = 4ap, = EGas 5 : Spherical Gaussian 1 dant surface Fs, or de = This proves Gauss's theorem, 24. Derive an expression for the electric field intensity due to/an infinitely long, straight wire of linear charge density acm Ans. We choose cylindrical Gaussion surface of area S. By symmetry, the field E of the line charge is directed radially outwards and its magnitude is same afall points equidistant from the line charge. so net flux related to eylindricalsurface is =Efa5, +040 — Ex amr Charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface, q = i! Using Gauss theorem, $= q/&, E2nv ee OE Sa I 25. Derive an expression for the electric field intensity at a point near a thin infinite plane sheet of charge density oCm™. ‘Ans. We choose eyindsical Gaussian surface of area A and length 2r with ils ax perpendicular othe sheet “The flux through the plane-end faces ofthe cylinders oy ES = fEaS: + ES. + fas 4B, | s+ + 2°," Plane sheet, 3 an oe 0." cnarge density O=ES+ES +0=2ES Charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface, q = oA = a Using to Gauss's theorem, ¢= < Cross-éectional Jeet i area S ees oS 6 ee 1268 = 3 of B= Lo Se 2s 26. (i) Derive an expression for electric field due to a uniformly charged spherical shell at a point {a) outside the shell, (b) on the shell, and (c) inside the shelt (i) Drawa graph showing the variation of electti field E with distance rfrom the centfe ofa uniformly charged thin spherical shel. ‘Ans. (i) Consider a thin spherical shell of charge q of radius R with uniform surface charge density ¢. We choose a spherical Guassian surface of radius, From symmetry, the electriéfield ff at any point is radial and we want to determine electric field at any point P (a) When point P lies outside the spherical shell. E Gaussian ing G corem, §= fExls=Edscos0-= 1 Using Gauss's theorem, = PE ses =f Palscos0= or Efdsat E & Spherical shel or Ex 4m 7" change density = 6 1a ore anes rE (b) When point P lies on the spherical sh« charged spherical shell Using Gauss's theorem, § = fE.d8=Edscos0 = 4 or Efias=8 or Ex 4a’ orE= 9 7 (c) When point P lies inside the spherical shell. The charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface is zero, i.e., a=0. Using Gaus's theorem, @ = fi.dé= qa Gaussian ‘surface a or Efds- a or Exdat= 2 orE=0 , Hence electric field due to a uniformly charged spherical shell is zero at all points inside the shell. ‘Spherical shel, charge density = Ey la 2 te, RE 27. Twolarge, thin metal plates are parallel and close teach other. On thet densities of opposite signs and magnitude 17,0 x10? Cim”, What is E {a) in the outer region ofthe first plate: (b) in the outer ofthe second plate, and (c) between the plates? ‘Ans. Let A and B be two large, thin metal plates held parallel and close to each other as shown in Fig, Surface density 6fcharge on A 6 =17.0.x 10 Cm? and surface density of chafg@on B = 0 = 17.0 x 10 Cin? ner faces the plates have surface charge (a) Atany point in the outer region of fistplate A, we have |E, K|Ep but their directions ate mutually opposite EA = gap aay fomplte Ey = <2) tewardé the plate = Hence Ey =Ea+Es =0 (b) Again at a point M in the outer region of the second plate , net electric field is zero as in (a) (c) Ata point N between the plates A and B, are equal in magnitude and both are directed in same direction and are, therefore added up , hence net electvic field is given by E =EatEs = 6 _17.0%10% => B85x10 nacre 28. 29. 5. ( (a) Charge induced on inner surface = 4 ‘A spherical conducting shell of inner radius Ry and outer radius Ry has charge Q. A charge qis placed at the centre ofthe shell. (i) What is the surface charge density on the (1) Inner surface, (2) Outer surface of the shell? (i) Write the expression forthe electc field ata point X > Ry from the centre of the shell . Surface charge density of inner surface = 4 (b) When charge -q is induced on inner walls then equal charge +q is produced at outer surface. .. Total charge on outer surface = q + Q a ‘. Surface charge density of outer surface ene “aR? (i) Electric field intensity at P separated by a distanée x(x > Rp) 1 @+Q ane, x E [Along CP and away from spherical shell] Note : Whole charge is assumed tobe concentrated at centre. Obtain the formula for the elect field dué to. long thin wire of uniform linear charge density 2. without using Gauss law - Consider a long thin Wire and having uniform charge density &, Let P be a point situated at a normal distance r from the wire . Let there be a smalllength element situated ata distance y and having length dy as shown in Fig According to coulomb's law electric field due to this element at point P has a magnitude Y dq Qe 1 ady dE = - a Anrep Wy") Arey +y4)" A>P dE may be resolved into 2 componénis (i) a component dE, in a direction normal to wire and (ii) component dE, ina direction parallel tothe wire. Ifwe find electric field due to whole wire then E,= O because for every element at + y there is comesponding element at -y and electric fields due to two elements , being equal but opposite nullify each other. +. Electric field due to whole gonduetor at point P. dysino B= far, =fasno = 5A fpr wy Buty = rcot 0, hence dy = ~rcosec"0d0 y E= [-*sinado <— | (Pareot0) anegs a °F Lrconectolsind a4 oO z Fre [cos0° - cos] [1-(-)) Fret Tloctrostaties "1 kd 31. aN (2e9 where jj isthe unit vector in the outward normal direction , and o is the surface charge density near the hole. Let us consider hollow charged conducting body P having a tiny hole H cut into its surface with surface charge density c . The electric field at a point B outside the uncut conductor E = and electric field at a point A inside & the hollow conduetor = 0. Obviously electric field at points A as well as B may be considered as the vector sum of electric field due to the remaining conductor E, and electric field due to cut portion of the conductor Ey - ‘As shown in Fig. at point A E, -E, =0 anditleads to E, at point B H, Bost BytEpe® op Bel gp Beh Pe % to 2p x Define electric dipole and electric dipole momént Give SI unit of dipole moment. “Two equal and opposite charges separated by a small distance called as electric dipdle. e.g. Ne“CT-, H*OH ete Electric dipole moment is defined as the product of magnitude of either charge and separation between dipole. The dipole moment p is a vector quantity. Is direction is along the dipéle axis from negative to positive charge and its magnitude is p = q x 2a. The SI unit of dipole moment is coulomb metre (Cm). “A d=2agy +4 Derive an expression for itt point on the axial line of adipole. . Electric field at an axial point of an electric dipole: Electric fekl due to charge -qat point Pis\E: = TL Here f is. unit vector along thedipole axis from -q to +4, ae Electric field due to charge+ qt point P is Ex = 9 __# a? Fret —aF Net electric feld at péint Pis Euws = Ei +Ex q__far_>_ 1 2qzalr : Gino, Fa Anny WP -a°F afd 4ne, (ra) (real? Hence direction of electric field at any axial point of the dipole acts along direction of dipole moment OO TTT eecrente. a E 33. Derive an expression forthe elect field intensity at any point along the equatorial line of an elect dipole. Ans. Electric field at an equatorial point of a dipole: Electric field at point P due to -q charge is Ey = 1. directed along PA ae, Elect field at point P due to +q charge is Ex = = te 2 2 ALY Here p = q x 2a. fr >> a, a? can be neglected comparedtor”. —f ele | 8" aay along—B 34, An electric dipole is held in a uniform electric field. Using suitable diagram, show that i) t does not undergo any translatory motion, afd (il derive an expression forthe torque aéting on it and specify its direction. ‘Ans. Torque ona dipole ina uniform electri field. As shown in Fig, consider an electric dipole consisting of charges +a and -q and of length 2a placed in a uniform eleétic field E, making an angle @ with it. thas a dipole moment of magnitude, ——— . Ww, +qE Y @ = B* TF xE (i) Force exertedion chaige #4 by field Fj = +g Force exerted on charge -aby field F = -aE Fua =F +F2 =qE-qE =0 Hence the net translating force on a dipole in a uniform electric field is zero (i) So two equal and opposite forces actat different points ofthe dipole. They form a couple which exerts torque. Torque = (Either force) x (Perpendicular distance) =F x 2asin0 =gE(2asind) or + =(q2a)E sin 8 = pEsin 0 i=pxE Asthe direction of torque { is perpendicular to both p and Taser Bt ——— Sia 35. — While travelling back to his residence in the car, Dr. Sharma was caught up ina thunderstorm. It became very dark. He stopped driving the car and waited for thunderstorm to stop. Suddenly he noticed a child walking alone on the road He ash the by come eh cai the thundeom stopped De Sarma depped tho ths residence. [Value based question] (i) Why is it safer to sit inside a car during a thunderstorm? (i) Which two values are displayed by Dr. Sharma in his action? ‘Ans. (i) Itissaferto be inside a car during thunderstorm because the car acts like a Faraday cage. The metallic surface of the car will shield against any extemal electric fields and thus prevent from lightning. (i) Awareness and Humanity ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL AND CAPACITANCE 1. Define electric potential at a point. Is ita scalar or a vector quantity? Write it's SL. unit Ans. Its defined as work done to bring a unit positive test charge from 2» o that point in electric field without accelera- tion thus Work done _ W(x) Electic potential = “Chae 7g, SI unit of electric potential is volt (V. 2. Derive an expression for the electrie potential at a distance r from a point charge q. Ans. Electric potential due to a point charge. Considera positive poift charge q placed at the origin O. Suppose a test charge a, is placed at point at distance x romO. “g dx The electrostatic force aeting on charge q, is e ator 1 aa - F a '*#— 1 —4 4c, x #—— x ——_-4 ‘The force = acts away from the charge q. The mall worldone in moving the test charge q, ftom A to B through small displacement aj against the electrostatic forée is dW = Fdx = Fdxcosi80" The total work done in moving the ¢harge’a, from infinity to the point P will be fedx=—[2- Mog,. Fax © re, 1 3. Ifapoint charge +4 is taken first from A to C and then from C to Bof a circle drawn with another point charge +q as centre, then along which path more / ‘work will be done? ‘Ans. ‘The points A and B are at some potential. Therefore, Ve - Vy = Ve-Vi Hence the work done in taking a point charge from A to C or from C to B will be the same a —eeeeeeees=~YS 4. ‘A uniform electric field E exists between two charged plates as shown in Fig, What would be the work done in ‘moving a charge ‘q’ along the closed rectangular path ABCDA?, +ebbte setts Zero. Electric field is a conservative field, so no work is done in moving a charge q along a closed path in a uniform electric field, Derive an expression for the electric potential at a point along the axial line of the dipole. Elect potential at point P duet the dipole is sy ? > p oe , Vevavet 4,14 ae + Mae rea day Fae 2 a 1 ]_a [tea) Ee 2 Jaime Fea) Fal Li» or te, "F -2? Lv p=q x 2a] Fora short dipole, a” << r*, so atean be neglected, Hue: cis Show mathematically that the electric potential at any equaforial point of an electric dipole is zero. . Electric potential at point P due to the dipole fs V=V, + Vp Derive an expression forthe electric potential due to an electric dipole. Electric potential at any general point due to a dipole. Consider an electric dipole consisting of two point charges ~q and +9 and separated by distance 2a, as shown in Fig. ‘Net potential at point P due to the dipole is Vey+v,=—b ay 9.9 fl t)__a june Ane, % | ney’ te 4mey[% 4) 4meg| nt Ifthe point Plies far way from the dipole, then AB cos 0 = 2a cos 0 and ryt, y= 4 2acosd a ‘ 6 B or Ve 2, Pe0s8 kk 22 ——-4 an, a0 15 k= Eeianees| Derive an expression for the potential energy of a dipole in a uniform electric field. Hence discuss the conditions of its stable and unstable equilibrium. Ans. Ifthe dipole is rotated through a small angle d8 against the torque acting on i, then the small work done is dW = 1d0 = pEsin 6.40 The total work done in rotating the dipole from its orientation making an angle 6, with the direction of the field to 8, will be Jaw - jpesinoao pE[-cos 0 (cos, — cos0.,) ‘This work done is stored as the potential energy U of the dipot. U= pE {cos ®; ~ cos 8) If intially the dipole is oriented perpendicular to the direction of the field (@, = 90°) and then brought to some orientation makingan angle @ withthe field (8, = 0), then potential energy ofthe dipole willbe U = pE {cos 90° - cos) = pE(0=cos 8) or U=-pE cos 8 ==pE When @ = Y, U = -pE cos 0° ‘Thus the potential eneray of a dipole isminimum when ts dipole moment isparallel to the external field. This s the pE and: =0 position of stable equilibrium. When 0 = 180°, U = -pE cos 180° +pE and: =0 Thus the potential energy ofa dipole is maximum when its ipole foment is antiparallel to the extemal field. This isthe position of unstable equilibsur 9. Write the expression for the potential eneray of a dystem of three charges q,. dp and ag located, at, rp and ry with respect to the common origin O: ‘Ans. Let three point charges q,. dp and dg havelposition vectors ¥, & and & Potential energy of the chaiges q, ali gp vu, -_beaige Antig | i | 1 asap “Grey |B —§ | pee ea Smiry, Un ZTE] Uy = boi ney | - 41 .. Net potential eneray of the system. U= Uy) + Ups + Us, 1 (ie 23,143 | 4neolle-il le-ml 1e-% 16 Eloctrostatics E ny Sea 10. _Deduce the expression for the potential energy of a system of two point charges q and qy brought from infinity to the points with position ¥ and % respectively in presence of external electric field E. Ans. Let V,(j) and V,(i) be the electric potentials of the field at position vectors # and & Work done in bringing a; from sto ¥, agains! the external field = 4,V,(i) Work done in bringing ay from ato # agains the external field = a Vol) +— ‘Total potential energy of the system = The work done in assembling the two charges i i 1 aie a a o + 4,Va(E)+ 92 —4—_4 Ue ails) aVete)+ go 8 = SF Note : Ifa dipole is placed inside unifomn electric field then total potential vee 2 energy willbe U=—a¥, +a¥, — x4 +9 —d—i Ss Se 11. Acharge of 8 mC is located at the 6tigin. Calculate the work done in taking a small charge of -2 x 10° C from a point P (0, 0, 3 cm) to a point Q (0, 4cm, 0) via a point R (0, 6 cm,9cm). ‘Ans. As the work done in aking a charge from one péintio another s independent of the path followed, therefore z aa 0, 6am, Se) Wats 2G lies a dl 8mC = 8 x 10~C,q. = - 210°C (0,0, 3 em) 1 =3cm=3x 10m, 2 ty = 4em=4x10?m , 2 * Q=8mC QO, 4em, 0) Y W=-2 x 10? 8 x 10% x9 x 10” Se ~ 4x10* 3x10" = 12) 12. Caleulate thé work done to dissociate the system of three charges placed on the vertices of atiangle as shown, Here, q = 1.6 x 107. q Ans. The total initial electrostatic potential energy of this system is y-o [ss 4q) , (-4a)2a) , Batis) 1 104° Gre lr r r Gre,” y ' Now final potential energy U, = 0.s0 the work done to disassociate the system willbe 4a +24 1 10q* w a E Teeter wt a Eeianees| 13. If one of the two electrons of a H, molecule is removed, we get a hydrogen molecule (Hj). In the ground state of aH; ion, the two protons are separated by roughly 1.5 A, and the electron is roughly 1A form each proton. Determine the potential energy of the system. Specify your choice of the zero of potential energy. ‘Ans. The system of charges is shown in Fig. -e=-16 x 10%C Charge on an electron, qy = Charge on each proton, dy = 43 = +e = +1.6 x 10°C If the zero of potential energy si taken at infinity, then potential energy of the system is Electron r=1A 1A “ea ast — Protor Be TsA Proton To" IZ (1.6107) x9 x10" 2h (1.6.10 F910? 4 1.6%10" «3x10™ 19.20V 14. Define electric energy of a charge system) Derive @xpressions for tHe potential energy of a system of three point changes. ‘Ans._ is defined as work donéto bring positive test charge from 2:6 that pointin electric field without accelerating it byapplying equal anid opposite force Potential energy of a system of three point charges. Work done in bringing charge g, from infinity to point P, W, = a,x V, = 9,X0=0 Work done in bringing ¢harge g, from infinity to point P, 4% V, a,*V, 1_| ards , 425 Fel ie Hence the electrostatic potential energy of the system is U = Total work done to assemble the three charges =W,+W,+W, 1 fara , ards , 44 “ Ato| he My J A 15. What isan equipotential surface? Write four important properties of equipotential surface. Ans. Equipotential surface. Any suriace that has same electric potential at every point on itis called an equipotential surface. The surface of a charged conductoris an equipotential surface. (i) Equipotential surface are close together in the regions of strong field and farther apart in the regions of weak field, (i) Electric field is always normal to the equipotential surface at every point. (ii) No work is done in moving a test charge over a equipotential surface. (iv) Two equipotential surface never intersect each other. 16. Skeich equipotential surface for (i) apositive point charge i) two equal and opposite charges separated by a small distance. ‘wo equal and positive charges separated by a small distance. (iv) a uniform electric field Equipotentials Ane. Line offre i) Equipotental surface i td) 17. (A conductor sla pledlinsdle uniform electric field. Draw modified electric fed line (i) A non-conductorslab (dilectric) is placed inside uniform electric field. Draw modified electric field line ‘Ans. Following s the modified fied line. Dielectric a 19 ~ 18. Define electric polarisation ‘Ans. When a dielectric is placed inside electric field, each of its atom changes to an electric dipole and align in the direction of extemal electric field. Its defined as electric dipole moment of the dielectric per unit volume is called as electric polarisation. Its denoted by 5 B= x08 19. What isa capacitor? Explain its principle. ‘Ans. A capacitor is an arrangement of two conductors having equal and opposite charges separated by an insulating medium. Itis used to (a) store electric charge and electric eneray (6) to make LC oscillator. A B A B Principle of a capacitor. Consider positively charged metal plate A +/+ ' He pI P positively charger pl limes aed and place an uncharged plate B close to it, as shown in Fig. Due to}; — ]} He induction, the closer face of plate B acquires negative charge’and its +/+ [+ tod farther face acquires a positive charge. The negative charge onpplateB M+ | + ae tends to reduce the potential on plate A, while the positiweeharge on #[ [+ 4 og plate B tends to increase the potential on A As the negative charge of 4/4 —|+ ae ae + ++ plate B is closer to plate A than its positive charge, $6 the net effect is thatthe potential of A decreases by a small@mount and hence its ca- Principle of a capacitor pacitance increases by a smell amount. Now if the postive face of plate Bis earthed, its positive charge gets neutralised due to the flow of electrons from the earth. This further reduces the’ potential on A and increases its capacitance 20. Define capacitance of a capacitor. Write its Sitnit. ‘Ans. Itis defined as the change supplied to one plate of the capacitor to increase in potential difference between plates. Charge on eitheréonductor_ -_Q P.D, between the two conductors) Capacitance Sl unit of capacitance is Farad (F) 21. (a) Derive an expression forthe capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. (b) What are the factors on which thé capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor depends? Ans. (a) Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. Inthe inner region between the two eapacitor plates, the elect fields due to the two charged plates add up. The net field is = Bey” Deg & PD. between the plates = Electric field x distance between the plates ea o veea= 94 | Capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor is E= oly A ca A Vo odie, > g ic (b) Factors on which the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor depends 1. Area of the plates (C x A). | 2. Distance between the plates (C x 1/d) —da— 2. Permittivty of the medium between the plates (C « ¢} a 22. A dielectric slab of thickness t is kept between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor separated by distance 4 Derive the expression for the capacitance of the capacitor for t << d. Ans. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor of plate area A and plate separation d with vacuum between its plates isgivenby C, The uniform electric field set up between the capacitor plates is s_Q f At ‘When a dielectric slab of thickness t < d is placed between the plats, the field E, polarises the dielectric. This induces charge -Q, on the uppersurface and +Q, on the lowersurface ofthe dielectric. These induced charges set upa field E, inside the dielectric in the opposite direction of fig. The induced field is given by, E,- =P, polarisation density | ‘The net field inside the dielectric is E = E, ~ K ‘where x isthe dielectric constant of the slab. So between the capacitor plates the field E exists over a distance t and field E, exists over the remaining distance (dt). Hence the potential difference between the capacitor plates E, = VE (d-t) Ered) Eat =e,(4 wt) iG tet) ee) SA x) The capacitance of the capacitor on ihttoduction of dielectrie slab becomes 23. Derive an expression for the enérgy stored in a parallel plate capacitor. Hence show that electric field Eis a source tener Be ‘Ans. Energy density ofan electieficld, Consider a parallel plate capacitor, having plate area A and plate separation Capacitance of the paralleiplateleapacitoris given by C = af Ir is the surface flings densi on the capacitor plates, then electric field between the capacitor plates willbe E=2 = or 5,8 ‘Charge on either plate of capacitor is Q=0A=5 EA Energy stored in the capacitor is Q@ _ (EAP 1, po vac S eA = goed 2, But Ad = volume of the capacitor between its two plates. Therefore, the energy stored per unit volume or the energy dena ‘of the electric field is given by u-t -1aet ‘Ad 2 Socletic eld Eason of eng th ey deaty 2 a ....eeee ——— = —Oeaa) 24. ‘Two capacitors with capacity C, and C, are charged to potentials V, and V, respectively and then connected in parallel. Calculate the common potential across the combination, the charge on each capacitor, the electrostatic energy stored in the system and the change in the electrostatic energy from its inital value. snd C, be the capacitances and V, and V, be the potentials of the two capacitors before they are connected together. Potential energy before connection is. ‘Ans. Loss of energy in redistribution of charges. Let After connection, let V be their common potential. Then Total charge _ Q, +Q Total capacitance C,+C,— New charges on the two capacitors, Q, = Vand Q, = Potential energy after connection is Leyes te yilllt j= 5," +5C,VE = 1G, + CVF U,= ZOV" +5 CME = HC, + Cy) CM +CVp C+c, DICM=CMFE 2” (CiHC,) =H 16) Lossin energy, U=U=U, 1 1 (CWaC. VP 2) cae) 1 ye 3OM = _[cwvke.e,vi +c, IE + CIV} ~CiVi -ClV} -2 _1 CC. = VF 2 C4G During the flow of charges from one capacitor to the other, the energy is lost in the form of heat and electromag. netic radiation. 25. An air capacitors is given a charge of 2 4\C raising its potential fo 200 V If on inserting a dielectric medium, its potential falls to 50 V, what is the dielectric constant of the medium? 26. A metal plate is introduced between the plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor. What is the effect on the capacitance of the capacitor? Ans. The introduction of a metal plate of thickness tin a parallel plate capacitor increases its capacitance by a factor of d Aa’ Where d isthe plate separation ofthe capacitor. Oe TT eecrenate rE 27. Ans. 29. Ans. In the figure given below, X, Y represent parallel plate capacitors having the same area of plates and the same distance of separation between them. What s the relation between the energies stored in the capacitors? eX Y do ot + oe + Vv ,. Charge on each capacitor connected in series combination is same. Also, two capacitors having same plate area and in equal separation have equal capacitance in air or vacuum. C,=6C, Charge, qs same on both capacitor as connected in series combination. Energy stored in a capacitor is given by ‘The following graph shows the variation of charge Q with voltage V, for two capacitors K and L. In which capacitor 1s more electrostatic energy stored at given V? Q L Vv The slope of QV graph 6fteapacitor gives capacitance. Therefore, capacitor L have greater capacitance. Since, two capacitors are given same voltage V, thetefore, energy stored in capacitor will be given by formula, CV? and for same V. Uxc CL > Cx => UL >Up => Capatitor L will store more electrostatic energy. Aslab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as that of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor but has the thickness d’2, where dis the separation between the plates. Find out the expression for its capacitance when the slab is inserted between the plates of the capacitor. aA Initially dielectric when there is vacuum between the two pate, the capacitance ofthe plate is, Cy = “F~ ‘where A is the area of parallel plates. ‘Suppose that the capacitor is connected toa battery, an electric field Eq is produced, Now if we insert the dielectric slab of thickness t = d/2, the electric field reduces to E. Now the gap between plants is divided in two parts, for distance t there is electric field E and for the remaining distance (4-1) the electric field is Ey a0 23 ~ IfV be the potential difference between the plates of the capacitor, then V = Et + Ey (d—1) ft Bd dee ee,) fpt=$ v F3 2 = v-t 4 «K+ 2K eA gq 2KayA We know, C= 9 = aK 7 Hint CC, _2KEpA Now the equivalent capactiance C= ¢"5- = age Figure shows two identical capacitors C, and C,, each of 2uF capacitance, cofinetted to a battery of 5 V. Initially switch ‘S' is closed, After some time S is left open and dielectric slabs of dielectric constant K = 5 are inserted to fill completely the space between the plates of the wo capacitors.,How will the (i) charge and (i) potential difference between the plates of the capacitors bé affected after the slabs are inserted? Ssy Cour C=: 2a ‘Ans. Whena dielectric medium of dielectric constant K is introduced, ~ (i) inan isolated (not connected with battery) capacitor, then total charge on capacitor remains same. (i) in a capacitor connected with battery, then potential difference across the capacitor remains same as that of potential difference across baitery. ‘Two identical capacitors Cjand/C, gets fully charged with 5 V battery initially So, the charge and potential difference on both capacitors becomes q =v = 2 x10 %5V = 10NC and V = 5 Volt On introduction of dielectric medium of K = 5. For C, (Continue to be connected with battery) potential difference of C,(V') = 5V Capacitance of C, = KC = 5x 2uF = 10iF Charge q' = C'V' = (L0uF}(SV) = 50x For C, (Disconnected with battery} Charge q'= 4 = 10 Potential difference V' = 6 ec a 31. A Parallel plate capacitoris charged by a battery. After sometime, the battery is disconnected and a dielectric stab of dielectric constant Kis inserted between the plates. How would (i) the capacitances (ii) the electric field between the plates (ii) the energy stored in the capacitor, be affected ? Justify your answer. ‘Ans. Whena dielectric slab of dielectric constant Kis introduced between the plates of charged capacitor, then ey co Ma d Kas ce and al (i) 2, Capacitance C'= KC a) [ee _ cViecy vv c KC K ved K Potential difference decreases and become 1/K times 6f original value. Now the new electric field 1 (i) Energy stored in capocitor initially U= 5 CV* Energy stored in capacitor later u-love 2 rf) 32, Three identical capacitors\C,, Cy and C; of capacitances 6uF each are connected to a 12 V battery as shown below ¢, Find () charge onéach Gapacitor {i) equivalent eapacitances ofthe network l.. (i) energy stored in the network of capacitors. Fi + C, ‘Ans. () The equivalent cepectence of C, and Cp connected in series 111 Cas G .. Charge q' = C'V = (3uF)12 = 36nC Charge on each capacitor of C, and Cp is 364C Charge on Cs cy 25 — 4 = (uF) 12 = 72nC ay = 72uC (i) Equivalent capacitance of network Cie Oe +Cs <9 uF (i) Energy sored inthe network willbe U= ECV Un} 9x10 144 = 6.48104 J 33. Ina parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates, each plate has an area of 6 x 10° m? and the distance between the plates is 3 mm. Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor: If the capacitor is connected toa 100 V supply, what is the charge on the capacitor. Ans. Capacitance of the capacitor with air between its plates is 8,85%10" x6x10" d axio™ 8x10 Cy = 18 pF Charge, q = CV = 1.8 x 10 x 100 8x 10°C 34. An electrical technician requires @ capacitance of 2uF in a circuit across @ potential difference of 1 kV. A large number of 1yF capacitors are available to him each of which can withstand a potential difference of not more than 400 V. Suggest a possible arrangement That requires'@ minimum number of capacitors. pF uF 1pF Ans. Let this arrangement require n capacitors of I4lF each in series }-—j} 4} and m such series combinations to be connected in parallel LaF tue 1 pr PD. across each capacitor of a series combination, t—4}44 1000 1000 LaF 1yF 146 = $400 orn > = n 400 **° tH ‘So minimum number of capacitors 1aF 1 uF 1 aF n=3 tH} Equivalent capacitance of the dombination is 2mm = 2 nF pF tar orm =2n=6 na {jp 4} Total numberof capacitors tequired = 3 x 6 = 18 LaF tae a ae So six series combinations, each of three 1uF capacitors, should pol be connected in parallel as shown in adjacent figure. 4—1 v—_4 35. Obtain the equivalent capacitance of the network shown in fig. For a 300 V supply, determine the charge and voltage across each capacitor. 26 Eloctrostatics E ny Sa I C.C,__ 200% 200 C.+C, 200+200 ‘Ans. Capacitors C, and C, are in series, their equivalent capacitance = =100pF ‘And this series combination of C, and Cis in parallel with Cy “Theirequivalent capacitance = 100 pF + 100 pF = 200pk Now the combination of C,, C, and C, sin series wth C,, hence the equivalent capacitance ofthe network = 200100. _ 200) ~200+100" “3 “Total charge supplied by the battery is a= CV = 7,207 .900= 210°C This must be equal to charge on C; and also to the sum of the charges on the combination of C;, Cp and Cy, a=q=2x 10°C on eri Va= Cy“ Fo0x107 Y= 2000 PD, between points A andB = V-V, = (300-200) V = 100V V, = 100 ay = CV, = 100 x 107 x 100 = 10°C ‘Also the PD. across the series combination of C, and ©. 100V and = q3 = 200 x10" x 50 = 10%C 36. (a) A900 pF capacitor is charged by 100 V battery (Fig, (a)]. How much electrostatic eneray is stored by the capacitor? (b) The capacitor is disconnected from the battery and connected to/another 300 pF capacitor. What is the elecitostatic energy stored by the system? QF) ‘Ans. (a) The charge on the capacitor is Q=CV = 900107? F x 100 = 9 x 10°C “The energysloted by the Gapacitoris Us (12yev? = (1/2) (9 x 10") x (100)? = 4.5 x 105 9x10 +0 _ 900, ~12%10" 12 Energy stored by the combination 1 = 75 Volt u, (C, +)? 2 =441200% 10 «75x75 2 x 10°F a ee Ans. Sol. Sol. Ans. Sol. Ans. Sol. NEW PATTERN QUESTIONS ‘The dielectric constant of metals is (ay (8) greater than 1 but finite (C)zer0 (D) infinite - (D) For metals, K = ‘Three charges each equal to qare placed at the comers of a equilateral triangle. If force between any two charges Is F then net force on the triangle will be (a)3F (B) 2F (C)zer0 (©) Jar (Cc) The net force on the triangle is zero because the three forces are represented by three sides ofa triangle taken in the same order. If distance between two changed particles is doubled, then the force will (A) be doubled (B) be halved (C) be one-fourth: (D) remain the same (C) 1 aa Fa Frey v2 Forthe same changes, F os 4 Two point charges of 10C and -5yC ate separated in air by 1 m. The ratio of force exerted by one on the other (ay 1:2 (B)2: ¥ 1 (D) none of these (Cc) Forces between two point chatges ate equal and opposite. Therefore, ratio of force exerted by one on the others, il ‘Two point charges of +2uCand +6uC repel each other with a force of 12N. Ifeach is given an additional charge of -4uC, then new force will be (A) AN, repulsier (B)3N, attraction (C)48N, repulsier (D)4N, attraction () 192 TE Porsame 1, F 4,4, Fi _ay'ao! _(2)(2)_ 4 Fqiae (216) 12 pepe) Fis 4-4 x 12-aN,attraction 2 12 OO) eect Saaz 6. Twoelectrons are separated by a distance r mele and have coulomb force F. Two u particles separated by 2rmetre will have a force of (a) 2F (B)3F (Fe OF ‘Ans. (D) Sol. Charge on « particle is twice the charge on an electron. 1 (elle) Force between two electrons, F = ‘ z Greg Aneor Force between two u particles, Arey (21? dre” 7. Aparticle of mass m and charge qs placed at rest in a uniform electric field E and then released. The kinetic energy attained by the particle after moving a distance y is (Abaky? (B)aEy (Cady, W)qEy Ans. (C) Sol. Force acting on the particle, F = gE.. The work done on the pale in movinga distance y = Fy= qEy. According to work-energy theorem, work done is equal to the gain in kinetic energy. Therefore, kineticnergyatiained by the patticle after moving a distance y = qEy. 8. Equal charges q each are placed at the vertices A and B of an(equilateral triangle ABC of side a. The magnitude of electric intensity at C is 5 wg oe. a “nega? Greyae 4ne,a' ‘Ans. (C) Sol. Electric field at C to charge’at A is E, and electric field at © due to charge at B is E, Now E, = E, = 77" and the'angle between Ey and E, & 60 B of Resultant field, E =)2Ey cos ew 2 > Ansgar 9. Two identical conductors of coppet and aluminim are placed in a uniform elect field. The magnitude of induced charge in the aluminum will be (A)zero (B) gteater than in copper (C) equal to that in copper (D) les than in copper. Ans. (C) Sol. Induced charge1is independent of the metal used and is always equal to the inducting charge. Therefore, the magnitude of induced charge in aluminium is equal to that in copper. 10. _ Intensity of electric field E depends upon distance r, due to a dipole is elated as est Bent Ort Ment Ans. (D) Sol, Peldnntyonihemiltne fash, £= 1 P.rdtnty quate oasis 1_P. Here p = dipole moment r = distance of the point centre of dipole. Cleary, Ei! Grey ay 29 — LS Eeyanees| ‘Anelecivon has mass m and charge e. Ifthe electron is acceleration by electric field of strength E, then velocity of electron after travelling a distance d is [2Eed [2Eme im Oya Vim 12. Charges q, 2g, 3q and 4q are placed at the comers A, B, C and D of a square as shown in Fig. The direction of electric field atthe centre of square is along, (a) AB cB Ans. (2) (wyac me The net intensity at O due fo charges at B and Dis E, along OB Similarly, the net intensity at O due to charges at A and C is E, along OA. A little reflection reveals that Ey) E,. Their resultant E is parallel to CB. 13. Asmall metallic ballis suspended in a uniform electric field with the help of an insulated thread, Ifhigh-eneray X- ray beam made to fall on the ball, the bell (A) is notdeflected at all (B)is deflected in the direction of electric field (C) is deflected inditection opposite (D) cannot be predicted (B) When high-energy Xray beam is made to fall on the ball, it ionises some atomes of the ball, ie., removes some electrons from the ball. As a result, the ball becomes positively charged. Hence, the ball is deflected in the direction of field, 14. Anelectron and a proton ate situated in a uniform electric field E, The ratio of their acceleration will be (A)zero @) unity (C) ratio of masses of pfoton'and electron (D) ratio of masses of electron and proton Ans. (C) a, _ Film, _migleE) _ my @m Fy, mg(eE) m, 15. _ Eight equal charged drops are combined to form a big drop. Ifthe potential on each drop is 10 V, then potential of bigdrop will be (ayaov (B)10V (Qsov (D)20v ‘Ans. (A) Sol. Charge on each small drop = Radius of each small drop Charge on big drop = Q: Radius of big drop = R SS eaccat ———————— E 16. Ans. Sol. 17. 18. Ans. Sa I Potential on small drop = —+ 8 = 10V; Charge on big drop, Q = 8q ing r Volume of big drop = Volume of 8 small drops 1 Q_ A 844,41 82 4x10-40v Potential on big drop, V gcrop. Y= Gney R Ane, 2t Gre, t In bringing an electron towards another electron, electrostatic potential energy (A) increases (B) decreases (C) becomes zero (D) remains the same (ay . 1 aa __1 (ete) 1 & Electrostaic RE. . = ies Grey t 4p ot meat ‘As distance (r) between electrons decreases, the electrostatic PE. of the system increases. Asquare of side VB m has charges of +2 10°C, +4,x 10°C, 2 x 10°C afd Bx 10°C respectively at its comers. The resultant potential at the contre of th squerd{s (A) +8V (B)-8V, (C)+18V ({D)-18V - (D) Side of square, a= J2 m: Distance of each chatye from centre is An electron of massm and charge eis accelerated through a potential difference of V in vacuum. Its final velocity willbe a el [2ev (ay “ 8) mw Or © lee Le IE vis the final velocity of electron, then 5mv* = eV ory = 2 ‘An a particle is accelerated through a potential difference of 10°. Its kinetic energy will be (A) 1 MeV (B)2Mev (C)4 Mev (D)8Mev . (B) Charge on «particle, q = 2e = 2 x 1.6 x 10°C 21.6%10" 108 KE. of « particle = gV = 2 x 1.6 x 10 x 10°J = pe 16x10 = 2x 10FeV = 2 Mev, Troctrosiatice a> Eight dipoles of charges of magnitude e are placed inside a cube. The total electric flux coming out of the cube will oO; (D)zero 21. Three charges -q, Q and -q are placed at equal distance on a straight line as shown in 4 penne eee a a | Figure If the total potential energy of the system of three charges is zero, what is the ratio Q : q? (A) 1:2 (B)1:4 (4:1 (D)2:1 Ans. (B) 1 [-9Q Cali-a) | Q-a) Sol. PE. = grey 2x x or 9 = 222 1 2x x 4 Q:iqaled 22. —Acylinder of radius R and length ¢ is placed in a uniform electric field E parallel to the axis of the cylinder. The total flux over the curved surface is (A) PRE (B) zero (C)2nRE (D) En? (B) Sol. 6, = ES cos 0 Over the curved surface, 0 = 90°, Therefore, d= E Sos 90° = 0. 23. A 12pF capacitor is connected to a SOV battery. How much électrostatic energy is stored in the capacitor? (A) 15 x 10°J (B25 x107 (C)8.5 x 10°d (0)45 x 108d Ans. (A) Enon stoned = 2 CV? = Fe (Bx 10°) x(60P= 1.5105 ‘Two materials of dielectric constant K, an@'K, ate filled between two parallel plates as shown in Fig. The capacity of the capacitor is hen? seo Ato(Ky +Ko) Aco ( Ky +Kp Ao (_KiKo 2c (_KiKo Seed 8) oa KK Oa lk +k, ON" (Krk ‘Ans. (A) Sol. Capacty of first capacitor, C, = “2H of second capacitor, C, Since the two capacitors are connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitance Cis _e0kiA | eoKoA _ Ato(K, +Ko) 2d 7 2d 2d T2 Tiocrortaner E Sa I 25. The capacitor of 20 uF charged up to 500 volts is connected in parallel with another capacitor of L0uF which is charged upto 200 V. The common potential is (a) 500 V (8) 400 (©)300V (0)200V ‘Ans. (B) Sol. When the two capacitors are connected in parallel, there is redistribution of charge til the two capacitors acquire a common potential V given by (20 x10 500) + (1010 x 200) (20x10%)+a0x10%) 26. Three capacitors of capacitances 3 uF, 10 uF and 15 uF are connected in series to a voltage source of 100 V. The charge on 15 pF eapacitoris (A) 50 uC (B) 100 uC (C)280 ue ()200 ue Ans. (D) Sol. The equivalent capacitance C, of the series combination is Lijit iii ae When the capacitors are connectediin series, the charge on each capacitors the same and = C,V = 2 x 100 = 200 uC 27. The resultant capacitance between points A and B in figure is S H 1 A——— kK SuF | 3uF | 3uF Qua uF aur | our | Sur Be] _ L K d (A)1.5 uF (8) 14F ()2uF ‘Ans. (B) Sol. The branch HJ has there 3 uF capacitors in series and their equivalent capacitance = 3/3 = 1 wR This 1 uF capacitance isin parallel with 2uF capacitance. Therefore, C,., = 1 + 2 = 3uF Now branch GHKI. has three 3uF capacitors in series and their equivalent capacitance = 3/3 = 1uF Therefore, C,, = 1 + 2=3 uF Now we have three 3 uF capacitors in the branch AGLB and therefore C,,, = 3/3 = 1 ul Tloctrostaties ——— Sia 28. A parallel-plate capacitor is connected to a battery. The distance between the plates is 6 mm, If a glass plate (dielectric constant K = 9) of 4.5 mm is introduced between the plates, then capacitance will become (A) 4 times (B) the same (C)2 times (D)3times Ans. (D) A Sol. Capacitance of paralle/pate air capacitor, C, = “22 fA Capacitance of parallel-plate capacitor with slab, Cy, = x T a-i(1-2) Secs Coe 1. Explain, how a conductor can be charged by induction method ? 2. Explain the working of an electroscope ? 3. State coulomb’s law, express it in vector form. 4. Define dielectric constant of a medium. 5. Define electric dipole moment of an electric dipole. What is it's direction ? 6. Obtain expression for the electric field (a) at the axis ofa dipole (b) at the perpendicular axis ofthe dipole. 7. Define electric field lines Write its important properties. 8. Drawelectrc field lines for fa). Point charge +4 (b)_ point charge -q (c) electric dipole (d)_ two identical point charges of same magnittide separated by some distance (e)_ two identical point charges of unequal magnitude separated by some distance. 9. (a) Superposition principle for force and field (b)_ Find a place on the line joining two charges where should third charge be Kept so that itis in equilibrium. (€)_ Finda place on the line joining two charges where net electric field is zero. 10. An electric dipole is placed inside uniform electtic field Show that (a) net force on its zer6)(b) total torque acting on is ¢ = jx 11. Obtain the expression for eletc field ata point on the exis of a charged ring, 12. Obiain thé’expression for electric field ata point on the axis of a short dipole. 13. Obtain the expression fr etc field at @ point on the equatorial or - bisector axis ofa shox dipole. Flux and Gauss Theorem 1. (a) Define electric flux throigha suiface (b) Is ita scalar or yectot physical quantity? Write a physical quantity whose unit is volt_ meter. 2. (a) State Gauss'théorem White it’s mathematical form. {b) Obtain the expression for electric field at a point due to infinitely large line of charge using Gauss theorem, (c) Obtain the expression for electric field ata point due to infinitely arge sheet of charge using Gauss theorem, (4) Obtain the expression for electric field at (i) point outside the spherical shell (ii) a point inside spherical shell. 3. Obtain the expression for electri field at a point near a charged conductor. Tloctrostaties 36 1. Whats an equi-potential surface Write its important properties, 2. Draw two equi-potential surfaces due to (a) a point charge +4 (b) an clecttic dipole (c) uniform electric field (€) two equal positive charges separated by some distance 3, Define electric potential ata point Derive expression for the electric potential at a pointdue to point charge. 4. Derive expression for the electric potential ata point due to a dipole on axis, perpendicular bisector ais. Capacitors 1. Derive expression forthe capacitance ofa parallel plate capacitor whose plaies are separated by some distance in 2. Derive expression for the capacitance of a partially filled parallel plate capacitor. 3. State various factors on which capacitanes of a parallel plate @npacitor depends 4. Derive expression forthe energy stored a parallel plate capacitor with capaéitane® C, which is changed from 0 to Q. 5. Derive expression for the equivalent eapatitance of (a) series combination (b) parallel combination. 6. Acapacitor of capacitanee Cis charged by a battery of potential difference ‘V" . Once itis fully charged battery is removed. Now a dielectric with dielectric constant K is inserted. Express new values of capacitance, potential difference across the plats of the capacitor, electric field between plates of capacitor and energy stored in the capacitor in terms of original values, 7. capacitor of eapacifafice C is charged by a battery of potential difference V. Once its fully changed dielectric with dielectric constant K is introduced (while battery remains connected). Express new values of capacitance electric field between plates and energy stored inside capacitor in terms of old values. 8. Dielectric is placed inside uniform eleetrc field. Explain how net electric field within dielectric reduces? Seca E Sa I Beers PREVIOUS YEARS BOARD PROBLEMS CBSE 2022 ‘Annegatively charged object X is wepelled by another charged object V. However an abject Zs attracted to abject V. Which of the following is the most possibility for the object Z? (A) positively charged only (B) negatively charged only (C)neutral or positively charged (D) neutral or negatively charged In an experiment three microscopic latex spheres are sprayed into a chamber and became charged with charges +3e, +5e and Se respectively, All the three spheres came in contact simultaneously for a moment and got separated. Which one of the following are possible values for the final charge on the spheres ? (A) +52, -4e, +52 (B) +60, +60, -7e (C)-de, +352, +5.5e (D) +52, Be, +7e ‘An object has charge 1C and gains 5.0x10"* electrons. The net charge On the object becomes ~ (a) -0.80 (B) +0.80C (+1806 (D) +0.20C “The electic potential Vat any point (x,y, 2) isgivenbby V = 3x? where x sin metres and Vin volts. The electic field at the point (Im, 0, 2m) is. (A)6 Vimalong-x-axis. _(B)6Vim along +ieaxis (C)1.5Vimalong-x-axis (D) 15 Vim along + x-axis Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the ‘électric field between two charged plates if a neutral conductor is placed in between thepplates ? (B) Ee Free ES : E oo © — I A variable capacitor is connected to a 200 V battery. I its capacitance is changed from 2 uF to X iF the decrease in energy of teh capacitor is 2x 10° J. The value of X is. (A) LaF 6)2uF ()30F (O)4uF A potential difference of 200 V is maintained across a conductor of resistance 100 ©. The number of electrons passing through itin 1s is — (a) 125x109 (B)2.5x10" (©)1.25x10% (0) 1.25x10% ‘The magnitude of electric field due to a point charge 2a, at distance ris E. Then the magnitude of electric field due to aunilomly hinged tin shoal seo as toa cage gate dance (>>) be (a) (B)0 (C)2E (D)4E Tectonics wt 9. A square sheet of side ‘is lying parallel io XY plane at z= a. The electic fled in the region is E = eh, The electric flux through the sheet is. 1 1 (A) atc (8) zac (© gc oo 10. Three charge q, ~q and qp are placed as shown in figure. The magnitude of the net force on the charge q, at point 1 ke a ma ~ { alo, Oka" 2h, 2a 1 keag (ayo ee (Caan OR 11. A+3.0nC charge Qs initially at rest at a distance ofr, =) froma +5.0nC change « fixed at the origin. The charge Q is moved away from q to a new position at f, = 15 em. In this prodess work done by the field is. (A) 129 x 10° 5 (B)3.6 x 10° ()-45 x 10°74 (0)45 x 1075 12. Acarbatiery is charged by a 12.V supplypand eneray stored in its 7.20) 10° J. The charge passed through the battery is ~ (a) 6.0 x 10°C (B)5.8 x 10°C (©) 8.64 10° J (0) 16 x 10°C 13. Four object W, X, Y and Z each with charge +a are held fixed al four points of a square of side d as shown in the figure. Objects X and Z are on the midpoints of the'sides of the square. The electrostatic force exerted by object W on object Xis F. Then the magnitude of the force exerted by object W on Wax sy F ©) Ay (8) 2 B= 12x10° Ni(cm?) and ris in metres. The electrostatic potential energy of the configuration is. (a)97.94 (B) 102.14 (21d ()-9795 15. jon (A) : A negative charge in an electric field moves along the ditection of the electric field. son (R) : Ona negative charge a force acis in the direction of the electric field. (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion. (B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion, (C) Asseretion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false. (D) Asseretion (A) is false and Reason (R) is also false, SS nccste —————— E Seo aE 16. Equipotentials ata large distance from a collection of charges whose total sum is nat zero are ~ (A) spheres (8) planes (C)ellipsoids (©) paraboloids 17. Four charges -q, -q, +qand +q are placed at the corners of a square of side 2L is shown in figure. The electric potential at point A midway between the two charge +q and +4 is ~ + 3 aL “4 (D)2210 CBSE 2020 1. The point charge is situated at an axial point of a small electric dipole at a largé distance from it. The charge experiences a force FI the distance of the charge is doubled, the force acting ofithe charge will become (A)2F (Re (ora ()Re 2. Anelectric dipole placed in e ndn-unifonh eletréfeld ean experience (A) a force but not a torque (@) a tore buf not a force (C) always a force anda torque (D)neithora force nora torque. 3. Anelectric dipole consisting of charges +1q and ~qeparated by a distance L isin stable equilibrium in a uniform clectic field E., The electrostatic potential enetgy of the dipole is. (A) LE (B) 10 (C)-qle (0) -2o8L. 4. Ifthe net electric fx through a closed sufface is zero, then we can infer (A) no net chargeis enclosed by the surface (B) uniform electric field exists within the surface (C)electic potential varies from point to point inside the surface (D) charge is preset insid@thesurface. 5. (a) Using Gausslauy derive expression for electric field due to a spherical shell of uniform charge distribution cand radius R at a point lying at a distance x from the centre of shell, such that () OR (b) An electric field is uniform and acts along +x direction in the region of positive x. Its also uniform with the same magnitude but acts in -x direction in the region of negative x. The value of the field is E = 200 NIC for x > OandE = -200 NIC forx < 0. A right circular cylinder of length 20cm and radius Sem has its centre at the origin and its axis along the x-axis so that one flat face is at x = +10cm and the other is at x = -10cm, Find (@) Thenet outward flux through the cylinder. (i) The net charge present inside the cylinder Electrostaties 30 > (a) Find the expression for the potential energy of a system of two point charges q, and q, located at # and fy, respectively in an extemal electric field E (b) Draw equipotential surfaces due to an isolated point charge (~q) and depict the electric field lines. (c) Three point charges + 1C, -1uC and +2)(C are initially infinite distance apart. Calculate the work done in assembling these charges at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 10cm, 6. _Nsmall conducting liquid droplets, each of radius r, are charged to a potential V each. These droplets coalesce to forma single large drop without any charge leakage. Find the potential of the large drop, 7. Thespace between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is completely filled in two ways Inthe first case, itisfiled with a slab of dielectric constant K. In the second case, itis filled with two slabs of equal dimensions but dielectric constants K, and K,, respectively as shown in the figure. The capacitance ofthe capacitor is same in the two cases. Obtain the relationship between K, K, and Ky, iG —i—> (Case 1) (Case 2) CBSE 2019 1. Draw equipotential dirfacestor an electrie dipole. a 2. Twolarge charged plane sheets of charge densities and 20C/ m? are arranged vertically with a separation of d between them: Deduce expressions for the electric field at points (i to the left ofthe frst sheet, (i) to the right of the second sheet, and (ii) betwen the two sheets. (31 OR A spherical conduéing shell of inner radits r, and r, outer radius has a charge Q. (a) A charge q is placed at the\centre of the shell. Find out the surface charge density on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell (b) Isthe electric field inside a cavity (with no charge) zero; independent of the fact whether the shellis spherical or nof? Explain. 3. A200 uF parallelplate capatitor having plate separation of 5 mm is charged by 100 V de source. It remains connected to the souree. Using an insulated handle, the distance between the plates is doubled and a dielectric slab of thickness 5 mim and dielectric constant 10 is introduced between the plates. Explain with reason, how the (i) capacitance, (i) electric field between the plates, (il) energy density of the capacitor will change? (3) nacre CBSE 2018 1. Fourpoint charges Q, q, Qand q are placed at the comers of a square of side ‘a! as shown in the figure. [3] Q q caaeecneee Find the (a) resultant electric force on a change Q and (b) potential energy of this system, OR (a) Three point charges q, ~4q and 2q are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of side ‘as shown in the figure. Obtain the expression for the magnitude of the resultant electric force acting on the charge q A q 4q 2 1B ow <1 (b) Find out the amount of the work done 16 separate the charges at infinite distance: 2. (a) Define electric ux. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity? (5) Appoint charge q is at a distance of d/2 directly above the centre of a squaré of side d, as shown in the figure. Use Gauss’ law to obtain the expression for the electric flux through the square. I / (b) Ifthe point charge is now Hioved to a distance ‘a! from the centre of the square and the side of the square is doubled. Explain how the electric lux willbe affected. OR 4 ) a eee CBSE 2017 “Tuo identical parallel plate capacitors A and B are connected to a battery of V volts with the switch S closed. The switch is now opened and the free space between the plates of the capacitorsis filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant K. Find the ratio of the total electrostatic energy stored in both capacitors before and after the introduc- tion of the dielectric. (3) (a) Derive an expression for the electric field E due to aidipole of length ‘2a’ ata point distanttfrom the centre of the dipole on the axial line (b) Draw a graph of E versus forr >> a. (c) If this dipole were kept in a uniform external electric field E,. diagrammatically represent the position of the dipole in stable and unstable equilibrium and write the expressions forthe torque acting on the dipole in both the OR (a) Use Gauss's theorem to find the electric field due to a uniformly charged infinitely large plane thin sheet with surface charge density 6. (b) An infinitely large thin plane sheet has @ uniform surface charge density +0. Obtain the expression for the amount of work donein bringing a point change q from infinity toa point, distant, in front ofthe charged plane sheet. (5 CBSE 2016 ny a2 Find the elect fied intensity due to uniformly charged spherical shell ata point (i) outside the shell and (i) inside the shel, Plot the graph of electri field with distance from the centre of the shell. (31 (a) Distinguish, withthe help ofa suitable diagram, the difference in the behavior of a conductor and a dielectric placed in an extemal electric field. How does polarised dielectric modify the original external field? (b) A capacitor of eapacitance Gis charged fully by connecting it toa battery of emi E.Itisthen disconnected from the battery Ifthe separation betvigen the plates ofthe capacitors now doubled, how will the following change? (i) charge stored by the capacttor (i field strength between the plates (ii) energy stored by the capacitor. Justify your answerin each case. 51 OR (2) Explain hy, forany charge configuration, the equipotental surface through a point is normal tothe electric field at that point Draw a sketch of equipotential surfaces due to a single charge (-a), depicting the electric field lines due to the charge {b) Obtain an expression for the work done to dissociate the system of three charges placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side ‘a’ as shown below. 15] q 4g a ¥2q Flectrostatics Sa I CBSE 2015 Define dielectric constant of a medium, What is its S.. unit? fon ‘Three circuit, each consisting of a switch ‘S' and two capacitor, ar initially charged, as shown in the figure. After the switch has been closed, in which circuit will the charge on the left-hand capacitor () increase, (i) decrease and, (ii) remain same? Give reasons. (31 woe cso woke cso 60Fac _ ke @) (b) ) (a) State Gauss's law in electrostatics. ‘outward flux due to a point charge Show, with the help of a suitable example along with the figure, that the In vacuum within a closed surface, is independent of its size orshape and Isgiven by qt, 13] (b} Two parallel uniformly charged infinite plane sheets, ‘1’ and "2", have charge densities + and 20 respectively. Give the magnitude and direction of the net electric field at a point [2] {)inbbetween the two sheets and (i) outside near the sheet "L oR {a) Define electrostatic potential at a point. Wie its $1 units Three point changes 4,4, and q, are kept respec tively at points A, Band C as shown in the figure. Derive the expression forthe electrostatic potential energy of thesystem, 13] a Be = eC (b) Depict the equipotential surfaces due to [2] (i) an electric dipole, (i) two identical positive charges separated byadistance CBSE 2014 Why do the electrostatic field lifesnot form closed loops? a A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential V. Its then connected to another uncharged capacitor having the same capacitance. Find out the ratio of the energy stored in the combined system to that stored initially inthe single capacitor. (2) Drawa labelled diagram of Van of Graaff generator State its working principle to show how by introducing a small charged sphere into a larger sphere, a large amount of charge can be transferred to the outer sphere. State the use of this machine and also point out is limitations. (Excluded from CBSE 2015 syllabus) 15] OR {2} Deduce the expression forthe torque acting on dipole of dipole moment B inthe presence of a uniform electric field E. ct. 43 (b} Consider two hollow concentric spheres, $, and Sp, enclosing changes 2Q and 4Q respectively as shown in the figure. () Find out the ratio of the electric flux through them. (i) How will the electric flux through the sphere S, change if a medium of dielectric constant ‘ "is introduced in the space inside 8, in place of air? Deduce the necessary expression. 40 CBSE 2013 ‘Two charges of magnitudes -3Q and +2Q are located at points {@,0) and (4a,0) respectively, What is the electric flux due to these charges through a sphere of radius ‘5a’ with its centre atthe origin? aw slab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as that of the plates of & Barallel pate capacitor but has the thickness d/3, where dis the separation between theplates. Find out the expression for its capacitance when the slab is inserted between the plates of the capacitor. [2] (@) Define electric dipole moment Isitalscalar or a vector? Derive the expression for the electric field ofa dipole at a point on the equatorial plane of the dipole: (b) Draw the equipotential surfaces due toan electic dipole. Locate'the points where the potential due to the dipole is zero. (5) OR Using Gauss’ law deduce the expression forthe electric field due to a uniformly charged spherical conducting shell of radius Rata point (i) outside and (i) inside the shell, Plot a graph showing variation of electri field asa function ofr: (r being the distance from the centre ofthe shell) (51 CBSE 2012 ‘A charge ‘a’ is placed)at the centre of a/cube of side |, What is the eleettic flux passing through each face of the cube? ta ‘A test charge ‘qhis moved without acceleration from A to C along the path from A to B and then from B to C in electric field E as shown in the figure. (i) Calculate the potential difference between A and C. (i) At which point (of the two) is the electric potential more and why? (2) Anclectric dipole is held in a uniform electric field. Show that the net force acting on its zero, The dipole is aligned parallel to the field, Find the work done rotating it through the angle of 180° (2) 6 en Sa I 4. Deduce the expression for the electrostatic energy stored in a capacitor of capacitance ‘C’ and having charge ‘Q' How will the (i) energy stored and (ii) the electric field inside the capacitor be affected when itis completely filed with a dielectric material of dielectric constant ‘K'? (3) CBSE 2011 1. Ahollow metal sphere of radius 10 emis charged such that the potential on its surface is 5 V. Whatis the potential al the centre of the sphere? a4 2. Define electric dipole moment. Write its S.J. unit. ie) 3. Net capacitance of three identical capacitors in series is 2 pF: What willbe their net capacitance if connected in parallel ? Find the ratio of energy stored in the two configurations if they are both connected to the same source, (21 1 4. Plota graph showing the variation of coulomb force F verses L_, where is the distance between the two charges of each pair of charges : (1 uC, 2 uC) and (2 WC, ~ 3 4AC), Interpret the graphs obtained. (21 5. A thin straight infinitely long conduieting wire having charge density 2. is enclosed by a eylindrical surface of radius rand length I, its axis coinciding with the length Of the wire. Find the expression for the electric flux through the surface of the eylinder: (2) CBSE 2010 1. Name of the'physical quantity whose §.1, unit isJ Ct Is ita scalar or a vector quantity ? fe) 2. Aspherical conducting shell 6finner raditisr, and outer radius r, has a charge “Q”. A charge “a” is placed at the centre of the shell (a) What is the surface charge density on the (i) inner surface, (i) outer surface of the shell? (b) Write the expression forthe electric field at a point x > r2 from the centre of the shell [2] 3. Show that the electric field atthe surface of a charged conductor is given by E =-°-A, where oF is the surface 5 charge density and jis a tnitvector normal to the surface in the outward direction.» 12] 4. Anetwork of fourtapacitors each of 12 HF capacitance is connected to a 500 V supply as shown in the figure. Determine (a) equivalent capacitance of the network and (b) charge on each capacitor. 13] Ce; & 4&—@§ s00y —— cc 45 CBSE 2009 1. What s the work done in moving a test charge q through a distance of Lem along the equatorial axis of an electric dipole? a] 2. Draw3 equipotental surfaces corresponding toa field that uniformly increases in magnitude but remains constant along Z-direction. How are these surfaces different from that a constant electric field along Z-direction? [2] 3. Define electric flux. Write its $1. unit. A charge q is enclosed by a spherical surface of radius R. Ifthe radius is reduced to half, how would the electric flux through the surface change ? (21 4. Use Gauss’s law to derive the expression for the electric field between two uniformly charged large parallel sheets with surface charge densities o and -c respectively. [3] OR (a) A charge + is placed on a large spherical conducting shell of radius R Another small conducting sphere of radius r carrying charge ‘a’ is introduced inside the Tage shell and is placed at its centré. Find the potential difference between two points, one lying on the sphere and the other on the shel! (b) How would the charge between the two flow if they/are connected by a conducting wire? Name the device which works on this fact? 3] Oe SS naccst ———————— E 10. 11. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. Sea I | EXERCISE-2A | Agglass rod when rubbed with silk acquires a charge + 1.6 x 10% C. Whats the charge on silk? [Ans. -1.6 x 107 C] Which physical quantity has unit N C? Is ita vector ora scalar quantity? ‘Sketch the electric lines of force for two positive charges Q, and Q,(> Q,) separated by a distance d. The force a attraction between two point charges placed at a distance d from each other in a given medium is F What distance apart should they be placed in the same medium so that the force of attraction between them is F/3? (Ans. Ja) 1f Coulomb's law involved 1/r° dependence (instead of 1/?) would Gauss's law stil hold? An electric dipole of moment 20 x 10° C m is kept in an enclosed surface, What is the fet fuk coming out of surface? Ans. zero] State conservation of charge. Give it's one example. Two electric field lines never cross each other. Why? Define intensity of electric field at a poi joining the charges? t At what points is the eléttric dipole field intensity parallel to the line Define electtic line of force and giv its two important properties. Iran oil drop of weight3.2 x 10° Nis balanced inian electric field of strength 5 x 10° Vin: find the charge on the oil drop. [Ans. 6.4 x 10-" C] Write the magnitude and direction of electric field intensity due to an electric dipole of length 2a at the midpoint of line joining the chatges. ‘Two fixed point charges +4@and +e unis are separated by a distance a. Where should the third point charge be placed for it to be in equilibrium? [Ans. 2a/3 from +4e charge] Show mathematically that electric field intensity due to a short dipole at a distance d along ils axis is twice the Intensity at the same distance along the equatorial axis. A uniformly charged conducting sphere of 2.5 m in diameter has a surface charge density of 100 Cin Calculate the (i) charge on the sphere (ii total electric flux passing through the sphere. [Ans. (i) 1.9 x 10°C (ii) 21.4 x 107 Nm?C")] An electric flux of -6 x 10" Nm*/C passes normally through a spherical Gaussian surface of radius 10.em, due to a point charge placed at the centre. [Ans. q = -5.3 x 10°C, no change] (i) Whatis the change enclosed by the Gaussian surface? (i I the radius of the Gaussian surface is doubled, how much flux would pass through the surface? Ca LS Eesanees| Define intensity of electric field ata point. Derive an expression forthe electric field intensity at a distance r from the pomne rte ; fae : A ha sc Te pe pe 6 18. The following data was obtained for the dependence of the magnitude of electric field, with distance, from a reference point O, within the charge distribution in the shaded region, Field point A BC a Bc Electric Field E 88 E27 £2 E16 St (i) Identify the charge distribution and justify your answer (Gf the potential due to this charge distribution has a value Vat the point A, what isits value at the point A? 19. Anelectric dipole is held in uniform electric field. {) Show the no translatory force acts on it (i) Derive an expression for the torgue acting on itand express it in vectér form 20. An electric dipole of length 2 cm is placed with its axis making an’angle of 60° to a uniform elect field of 10° NIC. Ifit experiences a torque of 8y3 Nm, caleulate the [Ans. 8 x 10°C, -8 J] (i) magnitude of the charge on the dipole and {i) potential eneray of the dipole. 21. Electric field in the above figure is directed alorig +X direttion and given by E = 5Ax + 2B, were Eis inNC* and x is in meter, A and B are constants with dimension Taking A = 10 NC# m and B = SN C2, calculate Ay Ten 7 (i) the electrié flux through the cube. [Ans. (i) 0.05 Nm*C* (i (i) net charge enclosed within the cube. 4.43 x 10° C] 22. Aneelectron and a proton are placed at rest inside uniform electric field E. Calculate ratio of (2) Force experienced by them (b) Acceleration experienced by them 23. An electric dipole with dipole movement 4 x 10° C-m in placed at 30° with the direction of electric field of magnitude 5 x 104 N/C. Calculate (a) net force on the dipole (b) magnitude of couple acting upon the dipole. (Ans. zero, 10 N.m] OO nacre 10. 11. 12. Sea I | EXERCISE-2B | Sketch two equipotential surfaces (a) fora point charge. (b) inside uniform electvic field What is the work done in moving a 100nC charge between two points 5 cm apart on an equipotential surface? [Ans. zero] If 100 J of work has to be done in moving an electric charge of 4 C from a place, where potential is -10 V to another place, where potential is V volt, find the value of V. (Ans. 15 V] ‘Tuo protons A and B are placed between two parallel plates having a potential difference V, as shown in the diagram, Will hese protons experience equal or unequal force? Will these have same potential energy ? Lie lU ew Be Sketch a graph to show how the charge Q acquired by’a capacitor of capacitance C varies with increase in potential difference between its plates, In a parallel plate capacitor, the capacitance increases from 4 microfarad to 80 microfarad, on introducing a dielectric medium between the plates. What is the dielectric constant of the medium? [Ans. 20] Draw a plot showing the vatiation of (i) Electric field (E) and. (i) Electric potential (V) with distance r due to’ point charge Q. ‘Show mathematically that the potential at a pointén the equatorial line of an electric dipole is zero. 1 The two graphs drawn below, show the Variation of electrostatic potential (V) with (being distance of the field q, point from the point charge) for tito point charges q, and q,, vt (i) What are the signs ofthe two charges? (i) Which of the two charges has. larger magnitude and why? ‘Two point charges and B of values + 5 x 10? Care kept 6 cm apart in air, Calculate the work done when charge Bis moved by 1 cm towards charge A. [Ans 4.5 x 107 J] = ce3,4) Bia, 4) Auniform electric field E of 300.N Cis directed along PQ. A, Band ———==- Care three point in the field having and y co-ordinates /inm) asshown Q ¢——+_P. in the fiqure. Calculate potential difference between the points (i) A and aa Band (ii) Band. [Ans. (i) zero, (ii) 2100 V] x x A charge of 24 41C is given to a hollow metallic sphere of radius 0.2 m. Find the potential (a) at the surface of the sphere, and [Ans. 10.8 x 10 V, 10.8 x 10 V] (b) at a distance of 0.1 em from the centre of the sphere. a0 49 ~ 13. ‘Twenty seven drops of same size are charged at 220 V each. They coalesce to form a bigger drop. Calculate the potential of the bigger drop. [Ans. 1980 V] 14. The adjoining figure shows the variation of electrostatic potential V with distance *x’ for a given charge distribu- tion. From the points marked A, B and C, identify the point at which the electric field is: (i) zer0_ (ji) maximum, Explain your answer in each case. —>< ° 15. The electric potential as a function of distance x is shown in the diagram. Construct a.gfephipf the electric field strength E. v 1 2 gy 16. Define capacitances Give its unit. Two capacitors of e€ual capacitance when connected in series have net capacitance C, and when connected in parallel have fet capacitance C,. What isthe value of C,/C,? [Ans. 1/4] E ned Spee Dsur | 5uF Fispr | sour 18. When two capacitors of capacitance C, and C, are connected in series the net capacitance is 1.2 jl ; when connected in pafallel ts value is 5 uF. Calculate value of C, and C, (Ans. 2uF, 3H] 19. Calculate the charge supplied by the battery in the arrangement shown in the diagram. [Ans. 110 uC] = OuF 1 TU 0) eect E

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