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Aquino, Angela P.

ABM 12-B
Media and information literacy
Module 7

What’s More
Activity 4.1: Reading Time
1.The issue in the scenario is that a lot of individuals, particularly teens, have
developed a computer or gadget addiction.
2. It's possible that people who are exposed to computers as well as other gadgets
at a young era, which causes them to develop a computer obsession.
3. Mental health problems, increased stress and worry, sadness, violent behavior,
and low self-esteem are all side effects of cyberbullying. Even if the bullying is no
longer happening, cyberbullying can have long-term emotional consequences.
4. We should think before you click. Think before you click is the strong message
of an internet safety campaign designed to protect teenagers from overexposing
themselves on social networking sites. Additionally, we should limit our Time to
Spent on the Computer
What I Can Do
Activity 4:2 Ad Campaign Making
Activity 6

Narrative report
Since we are dealing with a pandemic, the Symposium was held virtually on
March 27 from 3 to 4 p.m. I invited my friends since I have noticed that they are
becoming more addicted to online. The symposium's goal was for them to learn
about the issues that are affecting our community.
First, I inquired about their experiences with cyberbullying. After hearing about
their experiences, I began to explain what I had learned about these challenges. I
explain to them what cyberbullying and computer addiction are, as well as the bad
consequences of both. Cyber bullying has a big effect of our lives. Aside from the
ordinary mental and physical consequences of cyberbullying, it can have a
negative impact on the victim's health. Symptoms such as headaches and
stomachaches are common among the afflicted. It can also lead to stress-related
disorders such as numerous skin conditions and stomach ulcers. After explaining
the cyber bullying to them, I also advised them that if they were bullied, they
should report it to us or their teacher instead of keeping it to themselves or hiding
it. The second topic I addressed was computer addiction. I began by explaining the
problem and offering suggestions on how to prevent being addicted to computers.

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