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St Gregorios School, Dwarka

Weekly Worksheet (2023-24)

Ch - Space, Shapes and Patterns

Class l

Subject - Mathematics

- - - - -- Roll No -

Ql Fill in the blanks : -

1) A rectangle has _ _ _ sides.

2) All the sides of a square are _ _ _ __

3) A circle has _ _ _ sides .

4) A triangle has _ _ _ corners .

5) A blackboard is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in shape.

6) A ring is _ _ _ _ _ _ in shape.

7) A slice of bread is _ _ _ _ _ _ in shape.

8) A signboard is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in shape.

Q2 Write R forrolling and S for sliding objects :

1) Sun-___ 4)Cabbage-_ __
5) Almirah - - -
2) Shoebox- _ __

6) Log of wood - - -
3) Ice cube----

Q3 Match the following :

1) Cuboid pencil
2) Cube birthday cap
3) Cylinder notebook
4) Cone dice

Q4 Complete the given pattern :,,

2) 1'1 w M
3) B D 1==-

4) D 6

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