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Module 7

Title: Speech of Corazon C. Aquino before the US Congress

Process Questions:

1. For whom is she referring to on some part of her speech?

The late Ninoy Aquino and the authoritarian previous president Ferdinand Marcos were both
mentioned by the former president Corazon Aquino. She honored him throughout her speech and
recalled his husband's difficulties, including how he overcame the oppression that sparked the
movement for people's power.

2. How is her administration different from the Marcos’ administration?

The former President Corazon Aquino restored a completely constitutional government with a
constitution that gave the Bill of Rights the highest regard, which is how these two governments
vary from one another. The freedom of Filipino citizens is another priority for her government.
The ex-president Ferdinand Marcos' rule, on the other hand, is a corrupt dictatorship that is
oppressive and unconcerned with human rights.

3. Despite of her efforts to be opposite of Marcos administration, what are their similarities
based on her speech?
According to Cory's speech, the key resemblance between these two governments is the
ongoing partnership between the US and the Philippines in spite of the US's well-known support
for the late president Marcos.

4. How did she view Marcos’ administration?

The Marcos administration was perceived as corrupt, repressive, and totalitarian by Cory
Aquino. She acknowledged the Philippines' multi-million dollar debt, which the Marcos
administration racked up but which the Filipino people never benefited from.

5. How did she describe democracy before her presidency?

Democracy, according to Cory Aquino, is up against the tyrannical regime headed by
Ferdinand Marcos. Cory valiantly carried out the plans for democracy in the midst of a harsh
dictatorship, despite the opposition lawyers' warnings against her running for president. For the
freedom of Filipino citizens, she fought.

6. Did she commit any biases against Marcos?

Yes, she committed biases against Marcos because all she had said was what Marcos did to
her husband. On how Ninoy became a living sacrifice for freedom and how he died in the hands of
military people. Her speech was focused on the wrongdoings of Marcos to gain the sympathy of
people. She takes it personally that she’s so eager for Marcos to be removed from the presidency.

7. Do you agree on her proposition to pay the debt of a dictatorship?

I concur with her suggestion to pay off a dictatorship's debt since, if the loan originates from
international banks, it will be owed in the name of the country as a whole rather than simply the
dictator. Even though he or she is the one who negotiates, the country will still view it as a
commitment. In order to maintain economic development and our ability to borrow money in the
near future, we must pay off our foreign debt.

8. What is her analysis on the Martial Law era?

There were humiliations and terror during the Martial Law period. They are using violence,
and the government has no conscience since it would not have hesitated to execute a person.
Activity: Essay.

What are the differences of dictatorship and democracy? In your own words and idea, which is
more effective in ruling or governing a country, dictatorship or democracy? Discuss
comprehensively with examples.

In a democracy, the party leader with the most votes. Votes are in charge, but they
must still respond to their the people, and the political party. Political parties reflect many interests in a
democracy competing opinions and arguments for the votes of electorate. Political power in a
democracy is protected by obtaining a just election. Newspapers are free to publish the truth in a
democracy. Anyone can call out the government when they make mistakes made or if there is a
dispute. Everyone is free to join organizations, political parties, and different groups.

In a dictatorship, there is only one head of state with ultimate authority over the nation and the
party. Often Both false and real support will present them in a negative light as the hero of the people.
In a dictatorship, the government strictly regulates every area of the state and frequently forbids or
strictly restricts associations and gatherings. The rights of individual citizens are completely
disregarded under a dictatorship. All citizens will be subject to state and government control through
the use of laws, the police, espionage, and force. Elections and opposition are prohibited in totalitarian
nations. The government in a dictatorship controls every element of people’s lives, including radio,
cinema and newspapers.

Since people can choose their own rules under a democracy, it is the ideal type of governance
in my opinion. People won't vote for him in the upcoming election if the rules are broken. Compared
to other types of government, democracy offers the most speech freedom. We have the freedom to
freely share our thoughts, queries, and clarifications. When we express our complaints, we will be more
satisfied with the actions we take as citizens of our nation, which means we do not blindly obey every
tenet or directive of those in authority over us, such as a dictatorship. If we disagree with something,
we have the right to defend ourselves, which is why a democratic government is still preferable for us.
The right to life is also granted by democracy. It implies that the states cannot use their decisions to
penalize anyone and they must behave in accordance with the law.

The objectives of democracy are to uphold and advance the worth and fundamental rights of
every person, to bring about social justice, encourage the community's social and economic growth and
bolster social cohesiveness, strengthen national peace and foster an environment that is conducive to
world peace. Overall, democracy as a system of governance is a universal standard for the defense of
human rights because it creates a setting for their defense and effective realization.

Create a reflection paper to Corazon C. Aquino’s Speech. You may accept or refute some issues
presented on the speech.

The speech has parts that include anti-Marcos propaganda, appeals for pity from the audience,
a request for US assistance in repairing the alleged damage done by her predecessor, and pandering to
the American audience. She spoke about Marcos being a dictator in relation to the anti-Marcos
sentiment. that hundreds of Filipinos were imprisoned and Marcos violated their democracy.

When she returned to the Philippines to bury her late husband, former senator Benigno
Aquino Jr., who was shot dead at the Manila International Airport, she did so in an effort to win the
sympathies of her listeners. She was attempting to portray herself as an irate widow in order to win
over her American listeners. (After being forewarned by Marcos, her husband should not have
returned; in addition, he was supposed to return to the Philippines after recovering from heart surgery
in Texas, but he lingered on and stayed for two years; he even traveled outside of the Philippines to
meet with anti-Marcos elements and accepted a fellowship in one of the American universities; he
decided to return when Marcos became seriously ill in 1983.)
Regarding her request for assistance from the US, she spoke about the enormous international
debt and how she was pleading with foreign creditors, particularly the IMF and World Bank, for mercy.
(She claimed that corrupt politicians and crooks received loans from overseas creditors but offered no
evidence to support her claim.)

The third point she made was that the US had spent a lot of money attempting to protect
democracy, but that the Philippines was a democracy that was emerging after a nightmare of tyranny.
She was hinting that the Philippines, which was reestablishing itself as a democracy, should receive
backing from the US. (How was that when, upon taking office in 1986, she sacked all elected members
of the legislature and local government officials?)

Last but not least, she urged Americans to stand behind the Philippines and that a new age had
arrived (in actuality, what had occurred was the return of the political elite's dominance over the
nation's politics and economy from before 1972).
But I will say this: Her speech was very well done. Perhaps this explains why it is one of the readings
required for the Philippine History Readings Course. It might be accurate, but it does not present the
whole story.
When analyzing the speech as a historical text from both a textual and contextual perspective,
a student of Philippine history should consider which claims are fact and which are propaganda.

Module 8
Title of the Module: The Site of the First Mass
Teaching and Learning Activities:
The students will complete the information asked in the box.

Accounts Where did it When did it Evidences that prove their claims
happen? happen?

FRANCISCO COLIN According to On Easter Along with the monument and the Castilian
Francisco Sunday, crown, Magellan officially assumed ownership
Colin, Butuan March 31, of the islands in the name of the emperor.
is where the 1521, the
First Mass in Philippines
Philippine held its first
history was known
celebrated. Catholic

FRANCISCO Francis Easter Francisco Combes claims that they went back
COMBES Combes’ Sunday, to Limasaua when they were unable to locate
account said March 31, the facilities the ship required.
that the first 1521, saw the
mass occurred celebration of
in Butuan the first
Catholic Mass
in the

ANTONIO Antonio Easter The story and writings of Pigafetta were

PIGAFETTA Pigaffeta said Sunday, immediately recognized as masterpieces, and
that the First March 31, his work is currently regarded as a reliable
Mass took 1521, saw the source. Prominent westerners consulted his
place in first known works about his expedition with Magellan
Mazaua. Catholic Mass when interpreting the new world.
in the

FRANCISCO ALBO The first Mass On Easter On a peak from which three islands to the west
in the Sunday, could be seen, the cross was erected.
Philippines, March 31, and the south west, where they were told there
according to 1521, the was a lot of gold, could be seen. This also
Francisco Philippines holds true for Limasawa's southernmost point.
Albo, took held its first It is inappropriate for Butuan's coast, from
place in known which only the north and no islands can be
Limasaua, on Catholic seen to the south or southwest.
the tip of Mass.

A. You choose two readings that have the most similar assertions on the said topic and cite some
differences or oppositions using a Venn diagram.

B. REFLECTION PAPER: After reading, you will write a version of the Site of the First Mass
based on how did they understood the topic.

The first mass in the Philippines was almost completely documented by Antonio Pigafetta, but
there is still disagreement on the exact location of the event, in my opinion, after reading all of the
documents that were gathered on us. Historians and, unexpectedly, the government are of the opinion
that the first mass was held at Limasawa without any mention of Southern Leyte. As a result, it must
have been commonly believed that the first mass was celebrated at Butuan until at least the 19th
century. Some individuals think that the first mass took place at Limasawa rather than Masao, Butuan.

The National Historical Commissions of the Philippines, however, stated that the arguments
and evidence offered by pro-Butuan supporters are not sufficient to cover and justify everything that
the first mass was held in Masao, Butuan. Furthermore, Pigafetta, one of the 18 survivors who made it
back to Spain aboard the "Vitoria," has written the most comprehensive account of Magellan's
expedition, "First Voyage Around the World."
Additionally, Magellan ordered a Mass to be said on March 31, 1521—Easter Sunday—and
Father Pedro Valderrama officiated. The start of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines was signaled by
the First Holy Mass, which was celebrated around the island's beaches. The archipelago, which was not
yet known as the "Philippines" until Ruy Lopez de Villalobos' journey in 1543, was home to some of
the earliest indigenous people to attend Mass. These were the Colambu and Siaiu.

Pigafetta described a Palm Sunday liturgy held on April 1, 1520, but he never made reference
to Easter Sunday. Gomez noted that Pigafetta left out a number of places where the masses were held
during the voyage, such as when they were at the port of San Julian. Pigafetta only recorded the Easter
Sunday Mass when the armada arrived in the Philippines, leaving out the Palm Sunday service. The
first mass, on the other hand, was not mentioned in Francisco Albo's account; all that was described
was the planting of the cross on a mountaintop from which they could see three islands to the
southwest and west, where they were told there was a lot of gold. It just does not fit Butuan's beach,
from which there are no islands visible to the south or southwest but only to the north. It likewise
applies to the southern end of Limasawa.

Most crucially, it happened on Limasawa Island, which is in the province of Leyte, according
to our legislation. However, one faction has questioned this legal assertion, claiming that Butuan was
the site of the first mass in the Philippines. In order to substantiate their viewpoints on the matter, both
parties provided proof. In the end, Limasawa was chosen as the site of the first mass after defeating
Butuan's assertion. This was as a result of the fact that the Limasawa side had appropriately contested,
defended, and clarified the Butuan side's evidence. Similarly, the opposition's facts are inconsistent.
Think about how the numerous historians who accept the Butuan mythology differ on Magellan's route,
the year, and the spellings of the cities and people involved.

Therefore, Limasawa's claim demonstrated strong and verifiable proof substantiating their
claims. Finally, the controversy was settled, and it was proven beyond a reasonable question that the
first mass in the Philippines indeed took place at Limasawa.

Assessment Task:

To have a full understanding of this module, let us check your understanding of this module by
answering the following questions.

Write the word Limasawa if the statement is correct and if otherwise, write the word Butuan.

_____1. ___ ___2. The first mass in the Philippines happened during an Easter Sunday.
______3. Francisco Albo and Francisco Colins have the same assertion about the first mass.
______4. The Butuan’s claim it became a tradition since 15th century.
______5. Magellan lose in the battle of Mactan because he refused the aid of Raja Humabon.
______6. Francisco Combes was a survivor of the Magellan’s voyage.
______7. The National Historical Institute recognizes Butuan as the site of the first mass in the
______8. It is not important to discuss the site of the First Eucharistic Celebration in the Philippines.
______9. Pintados refers to the people of Mindanao as cited by Pigaffeta.
______10. After Magellan’s defeat, some of his men were cured by the Cebuano’s.

Module 9)
Topic: The Cavite Mutiny

Essay: What if the Cavite mutiny did not happen? What is its relevant effect on the lives of the
people before and to your life today?
Perhaps the majority of Filipinos have not yet experienced their rights and freedom.
False information had contributed to the Cavite Mutiny, which claimed the lives of our fellow Filipinos
but also helped us awaken to nationalism. If the Cavite Mutiny had not occurred, we might still be
subject to Spanish disarray, conflict, and eventually death, so this might have been avoided if the report
had been more accurate. There are employees who lost their rights due to forced labor, non-payment of
tributes, and other factors. Therefore, the removal of worker privileges was the reason why the 1872
Cavite Mutiny had sparked a conflict. While members of the native clergy led by the GOMBURZA
were put to death, the educated men who took part in the mutiny and were found guilty received life

This incident triggers the emergence of nationalism and, ultimately, the start of the Philippine
Revolution of 1896. The struggle to gain our freedom cost many Filipinos their lives. If the Cavity
Mutiny had not taken place on June 12, 1896, freedom Day may have been a joyous occasion for us.
Never should we forget the Filipinos who gave their life so that we could experience freedom. We must
value our freedom and never lose sight of the events that led to it.

Cavite Mutiny is known to be the uprising and revolution of troops and workers at Cavite
where Filipino workers fought against Spanish troops due to Spanish repression. As a current Filipino
citizen, I do believe that the significance of the Cavite in modern times lies in our own sense of
Nationalism. These uprisings and movements served as one of the first uprisings of Filipinos against
Spanish repression, even though they know that Spain would have more forces, they still fought until
their end resulting in the deaths of three priests Burgos, Gomez, and Zamora.

I do believe that their execution is unjustifiable since I also believe that the Spanish side of
the whole story is false. These events are used as a source of inspiration and caution for us Filipinos
who would like to express our own opinion against the Government and other organizations that are
mistreating our country and countrymen. we must know when how to voice out our opinions
effectively and safely since we might also be falsely accused like the Three priests during that era. To
sum it all up, I do believe that the Cavite Mutiny is relevant in the current society due to its effects on
our beliefs, morals, and rights.


The students will re –arrange the jumbled words and explain the relation of each word in the topic.


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