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In- and Out-of-Plane Vibrations of

Spelsberg-Korspeter a Rotating Plate With Frictional

Daniel Hochlenert
Contact: Investigations on Squeal

Oleg N. Kirillov1
e-mail: Rotating plates are used as a main component in various applications. Their vibrations
are mainly unwanted and interfere with the functioning of the complete system. The
Peter Hagedorn present paper investigates the coupling of disk (in-plane) and plate (out-of-plane) vibra-
e-mail: tions of a rotating annular Kirchhoff plate in the presence of a distributed frictional
loading on its surface. The boundary value problem is derived from the basics of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, theory of elasticity using Kirchhoff’s assumptions. This results in precise information
Dynamics and Vibrations Group, about the coupling between the disk and the plate vibrations under the action of frictional
Technische Universität Darmstadt, forces. At the same time we obtain a new model, which is efficient for analytical treat-
Hochschulstrasse 1, ment. Approximations to the stability boundaries of the system are calculated using a
64289 Darmstadt, Germany perturbation approach. In the last part of the paper nonlinearities are introduced leading
to limit cycles due to self-excited vibrations. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.3112734兴

1 Introduction this type of coupling 关6兴. An overview directly related to the

present paper, i.e., friction induced instabilities in rotating disks, is
Rotating plates occur in many technical applications such as
given by Mottershead 关7兴.
computer hard drives, turbines, saws, clutches, and disk brakes. In Ono et al. 关8兴 considered a rotating plate in frictional contact
some of these applications squeal phenomena arise due to insta- with a transverse dynamical system as a model of a computer hard
bilities of the system, of which the plate plays an essential role. drive. Centrifugal and aeroelastic effects were taken into account,
Those effects are usually unwanted. In many cases the instabilities as required by typical rotational speeds of hard drives. In the
and therefore the squeal phenomena are due to self-excited vibra- context of brake squeal Ouyang and Mottershead 关9兴 investigated
tions originating from frictional loads acting on the surface of the a stationary plate loaded by a rotating friction couple. These re-
rotating plate. The present paper deals with rotating plates in con- sults explain the instabilities occurring in a rotating plate, pro-
tact with idealized friction pads. vided the effect of centrifugal stiffening can be neglected. It has,
Various questions related to rotating plates have been exten- however, to be said that the model contains slight inconsistencies
sively investigated in literature. Probably among the first publica- regarding the modeling of the frictional contact, since normal and
tions in the field were the papers by Lamb and Southwell 关1,2兴, friction forces are not perpendicular at all times in this analysis. A
giving the equations of motion of a rotating Kirchhoff plate taking broad overview of models related to the squeal of disk brakes is
into account the effect of centrifugal stiffening due to membrane given in Ref. 关10兴, and an overview about the physical phenomena
stresses. Another approach is to derive the equations of motion for in friction induced vibrations is given in Ref. 关11兴.
plates using the corresponding kinematic assumptions in the basic Nevertheless, none of the papers cited above comment on the
possible coupling between disk 共in-plane兲 and plate 共out-of-plane兲
equations of the theory of elasticity 共see, e.g., Ref. 关3兴兲. For spin-
vibrations, in general, and due to contact forces originating from a
ning disks, different kinds of modeling strategies are reviewed and
frictional contact, in particular. The paper by Tseng and Wickert
compared in Refs. 关4,5兴. 关12兴 aims in this direction by investigating a rotating plate loaded
It is well known that the linear disk and plate equations are by a given shear stress acting like a follower force on the surface
decoupled. Whereas a derivation from the linear deformation gra- of the plate. Following this approach it is possible to calculate the
dient yields linear equations, disk and plate equations are coupled membrane in-plane stresses in a first step and then introduce them
through nonlinear terms when the nonlinear deformation gradient into the plate equations in a second step. Since the forces acting
is used 关3兴. If the plate interacts with other mechanical systems, on the plate are modeled as a given shear stress their magnitude
coupling between disk and plate vibrations is possible even when does not depend on the transverse displacement of the plate,
using a geometrically linearized theory. In our paper, the plate which excludes additional coupling effects of the in- and out-of-
interacts with idealized friction pads, which may lead to such a plane vibrations.
type of coupling. Especially concerning the problem of brake In the present paper we propose a model of a disk brake, which
squeal, where only small deformations occur and therefore the takes into account in- and out-of-plane motions of the brake rotor,
geometrically linearized theory seems to be appropriate, the influ- and its interaction with friction pads. Using Kirchhoff’s kinemati-
ence of the disk vibrations to the plate vibrations has not been cal assumptions for the rotating continuum in interaction with
fully investigated, although experimental results seem to indicate friction pads we derive a new boundary value problem from the
basics of the theory of elasticity using the variational approach.
The consistent contact formulation based on Coulomb’s law of
Visiting from the Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State Lomonosov University, friction given by Hochlenert et al. 关13兴 is retained and extended to
Michurinskii Prospect 1, 119192 Moscow, Russia. distributed contact. Concentrating on the coupling effect of the
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME for publication in the
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received June 15, 2007; final manuscript
pads, which has not been investigated in literature, we prefer to
received February 3, 2009; published online April 22, 2009. Review conducted by work with the linear deformation gradient. For completeness we
Arvind Raman. show in Sec. 4.4 that working with the nonlinear deformation

Journal of Applied Mechanics Copyright © 2009 by ASME JULY 2009, Vol. 76 / 041006-1

Downloaded 24 Apr 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
ey xP xa ex ex yP ya ey
ρh, E, ν ez 


Ω ri
ez ex
h h
µ rpi

k B
A rpo u(xP , yP , t) v(xP , yP , t)
ey ¯ P
∆x ¯
∆x ¯ P
∆y ¯

ez ey Fig. 3 Contact kinematics

Fig. 1 Kirchhoff plate in distributed frictional contact

2.1 Kinematics. As usual in Kirchhoff plate theory we as-

gradient essentially introduces the effect of centrifugal stiffening sume the following.
into the model but does not yield an additional coupling in the
linearized equations. Neglecting in-plane degrees of freedom of • Transverse normal stress can be neglected, i.e., ␴z = 0.
the pads we investigate whether there is a coupling induced by the • Material points located on a normal to the neutral plane in
out-of-plane degrees of freedom of the pads. It is established that the undeformed configuration and in the deformed configu-
the linearized equations for the in- and out-of-plane motions are ration will be located on one and the same normal to the
decoupled and thus can be solved independently. This justifies the deformed neutral plane; moreover, the segment formed by
discretization approach described in Ref. 关13兴. The mathematical these normals is inextensible.
model presented is efficient to handle even analytically using per-
turbation techniques and at the same time it is rather flexible al- A point on the neutral plane of the plate with the position vector
lowing for various extensions. p M0 = xex + yey in the undeformed configuration experiences the
A perturbation approach developed in Refs. 关14,15兴 is used to displacement
approximate the stability boundaries of the present model. In this
context the terms originating from the frictional load are consid- u M = u共x,y,t兲ex + v共x,y,t兲ey + w共x,y,t兲ez 共1兲
ered as perturbations to the problem. The equations of motion of and its position vector in the deformed configuration is given by
the unperturbed problem corresponding to the out-of-plane vibra-
tions can be written as infinitely many uncoupled two-dimensional p M 共x,y,t兲 = 共x + u共x,y,t兲兲ex + 共y + v共x,y,t兲兲ey + w共x,y,t兲ez 共2兲
systems, making it possible to derive approximations to the sta-
bility boundaries by considering these reduced systems only. New According to the Kirchhoff assumption the unit normal vector at a
explicit perturbation formulas are derived, which prove to be an point of the neutral plane is given by
efficient tool in the stability analysis. ⳵ pM ⳵ pM
In the last part of the paper a reduced nonlinear model with ⫻
parameters corresponding to a standard disk brake is studied. It is ⳵x ⳵y

冐 冐
eⵜ共x,y,t兲 = 共3兲
shown that depending on the parameters, the system can get un- ⳵ pM ⳵ pM
stable either via a sub- or a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. The ⫻
⳵x ⳵y
latter one serves as an explanation for the nonlinear effects ob-
served in laboratory experiments with a standard disk brake that to and hence a point on the plate surface is given by
the extent of the authors’ knowledge so far have not been inves-
tigated. p共x,y,t兲 = 共x + u共x,y,t兲兲ex + 共y + v共x,y,t兲兲ey + w共x,y,t兲ez
2 Derivation of the Mathematical Model − eⵜ共x,y,t兲 共4兲
Consider a rotating Kirchhoff plate in frictional contact with
idealized brake pads, as shown in Fig. 1. The pads are composed The displacement vector of an arbitrary point of the plate is there-
of massless pins in contact with the plate at a single point. In the fore
following we will refer to this as a pointwise elastic model. For
simplicity the pins are assumed to have identical characteristics. u共x,y,z,t兲 = u M 共x,y,t兲 + z共eⵜ共x,y,t兲 − ez兲 共5兲
The model, however, can easily be extended to take into account a which can be expanded in a Taylor series with respect to u, v, and
nonuniform distribution of the load among the pins. In Fig. 2 the w to arbitrary order. The linearized expression reads
plate is in contact with a single pair of pins. For the derivation of
the equations of motion we have to consider the kinematics of the u共x,y,z,t兲 = 共u − zw,x兲ex + 共v − zw,y兲ey + wez 共6兲
problem and the forcing terms arising due to the pads.
When differentiating Eq. 共2兲 with respect to time we have to con-
sider ẋ = −⍀y and ẏ = ⍀x due to the rotation of the plate, which
ro will be important for the inertia terms arising in the equations of
ρh, E, ν
ex When considering the point on the surface of the plate currently
Ω ri
k in contact with a certain pin belonging to the pad we have to
ez ex calculate its positions x P and y P as shown in Fig. 3. From geo-

P ϕ metrical considerations it is seen that
ey r P
k ¯ x = − h sin共arctan w 共x + ⌬
⌬ ¯ x ,y + ⌬
¯ y ,t兲兲
er P ,x a P a P

ez ey
h w,x共xa + ⌬¯ x ,y + ⌬¯ y ,t兲
P a P

Fig. 2 Kirchhoff plate in pointwise frictional contact 2 1 + w 共x + ⌬ ¯ x ,y + ⌬¯ y ,t兲2
,x a P a P

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¯ y = − h sin共arctan w 共x + ⌬
⌬ P ,y a
¯ x ,y + ⌬
P a
¯ y ,t兲兲
N0 − k(zP̄ + h/2) − d żP̄

h w,y共xa + ⌬¯ x ,y + ⌬¯ y ,t兲
P a P

2 1 + w 共x + ⌬ ¯ x ,y + ⌬¯ y ,t兲2 RP
,y a P a P

where w,x means differentiation of the function w with respect to P̄

x. These are fixed point equations of the type NP NP
¯ xk+1,⌬
共⌬ ¯ y k+1兲T = g共⌬
¯ xk ,⌬
¯ k ¯ x0 = 0, ¯ y 0 = 0 共7兲
P P P x P兲 with ⌬ P ⌬ P
Since w,x and w,y are small compared with unity, the Banach fixed
point theorem is applicable and Eq. 共7兲 can be solved to arbitrary
We can now calculate x P = xa + ⌬x P and y P = y a + ⌬y P where
¯ x + u共x ,y ,t兲
⌬x P = ⌬ 共8兲
h w,x共x P,y P,t兲 RQ
=− + u共x P,y P,t兲 共9兲 NQ
2 冑1 + w,x共x P,y P,t兲2 NQ

¯ y + v共x ,y ,t兲 RQ Q̄
⌬y P = ⌬ P P P 共10兲

h w,y共x P,y P,t兲

=− + v共x P,y P,t兲 共11兲
2 冑1 + w,y共x P,y P,t兲2
are again fixed point equations that can be solved to arbitrary N0 + k(zQ̄ − h/2) + d żQ̄
precision. In the linear case, however, we have
h Fig. 4 Contact forces
⌬x P = − w,x共xa,y a,t兲 + u共xa,y a,t兲 + o共u,w兲 共12兲

h T = T xe x + T y e y 共18兲
⌬y P = − w,y共xa,y a,t兲 + v共xa,y a,t兲 + o共v,w兲 共13兲
2 both acting on the neutral plane of the plate.
Similar relations hold for the lower contact point. Since ⌬x P and
⌬y P appear only in the argument of the functions u and w, in the 3 Boundary Value Problem for the Rotating Plate
geometrically linearized equations they do not make a difference, With Pads
3.1 Principle of Virtual Work. In Kirchhoff plate theory, the
w共a + ⌬x P,y,t兲 = w共a,y,t兲 + o共u,w兲 共14兲 inertia of the plate is assumed to be concentrated in the neutral
plane of the plate. Hence the principle of virtual work can be
2.2 Contact Forces. We now investigate the contact forces stated as
acting between one of the pins of the pad and the plate 共see Fig.
4兲. With a pad formed by infinitely many distributed pins, these
forces will be substituted by stresses. The normal force is given by 冕冉V

p M · ␦p M + ␴xx␦exx + . . . + ␴xz␦exz dV 冊

N P = − N¯P = N Peⵜ兩 P
and the friction force is = 共F · ␦p M + Tx␦w,y − Ty␦w,x兲dA 共19兲
v¯P − v P
R P = − R¯P = R P where A is the area of the surface of the plate, see Fig. 1. The
兩v¯P − v P兩 terms occurring in Eq. 共19兲 will be discussed in more detail below.
which means that its direction is opposite to the relative velocity The acceleration vector can be calculated from Eq. 共2兲 by simple
between the pin and the contact point on the plate. Using Cou- differentiation, noting that ẋ = −⍀y and ẏ = ⍀x, due to the rotation
lomb’s law of friction of the plate. Substituting the displacement vector 共6兲 into the well
known strain-displacement relations one obtains the strains eij. To
R P = ␮N P 共15兲 keep expressions simple we first work with eij linearized with
and the force balance at the pin in ez-direction respect to u, v, and w. The stresses in Eq. 共19兲 are calculated from
the stress-strain relations for linear isotropic material with the
共N¯P + R¯P兲 · ez + N0 − k共z¯P + h/2兲 = 0 共16兲 plane stress assumption ␴zz = 0.
makes it possible to calculate N¯P
and R¯P. 3.2 Derivation of a Boundary Value Problem. In order to
The resulting contact forces can be obtained by integrating over derive the equations of motion from Eq. 共19兲 we have to apply a
all pins, i.e., the area B of material points in contact with the pins variant of Gauß theorem
共see Fig. 1兲. Since the segments normal to the neutral plane stay
rigid, according to the kinematical assumptions, loads on the sur-
face of the plate can be replaced with an equivalent force 冕
f ␦w,xdV = − 冕 V
f ,x␦wdV + 冕
f ␦wnxdS 共20兲

F = F xe x + F y e y + F ze z 共17兲 several times, where nx denotes the x-measure number of the nor-
and a torque mal vector n on S. Similar relations hold for the y- and the

Journal of Applied Mechanics JULY 2009, Vol. 76 / 041006-3

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z-direction. Carrying out the variations in Eq. 共19兲 we arrive at ␳hw,tt + 2␳h⍀共xw,ty − yw,tx兲 + D共w,xxxx + 2w,xxyy + w,yyyy兲
− ␳h⍀2共yw,y − x2w,yy + xw,x + 2xyw,xy − y 2w,xx兲

冕 V
f x␦udV + 冕 S
共Vu · n兲␦udS + 冕 S
共Mux · n兲␦u,xdS
= Fz − Tx,y + Ty,x
with boundary conditions following from

冕 冕 冕 冕 冉
+ 共Muy · n兲␦u,ydS + f y␦vdV + 共V · n兲␦vdS
v ␦uS 共␴xxnx + ␴xyny兲dz = ␦uS 共u,x + ␯v,y兲nx


冕 冕 冕
6D共1 − ␯兲
+ 共u,y + v,x兲ny = 0
+ 共Mvx · n兲␦v,xdS + 共Mvy · n兲␦v,ydS + f z␦wdV h2

+ 冕
共Vw · n兲␦wdS + 冕S
共Mwx · n兲␦w,xdS + 冕S
共Mwy · n兲␦w,ydS
␦vS 冕
共␴xynx + ␴yyny兲dz = ␦vS 冉 6D共1 − ␯兲
共u,y + v,x兲nx

from which the boundary value problems for u, v, and w follow + 共␯u,x + v,y兲ny = 0 共27b兲
by applying the main theorem of variational calculus. It is inter-
esting to note that the boundary value problem is by no means and

冕 冉冉 冊
unique. This can be easily seen by noting that terms of the form h/2
␦wS Ty + z␴xy,y + z␴xx,x nx
冕 f ␦w,xydV 共22兲

occur. Depending on whether integration by parts is performed

+ − Tx + z␴yy,y + z␴xy,x ny dz
first for x or y, different boundary conditions arise. In fact, there = 关D共w,xyy + w,xxx兲 − Ty兴nx + 关D共w,yyy + w,xxy兲 + Tx兴ny = 0
are infinitely many possible boundary value problems that can be 共28a兲
derived from Eq. 共19兲. In order to preserve symmetries of the

冕 冕
problem, we will treat terms of the form 共22兲 in the following h/2 h/2
way: ␦wS,x 共z␴xxnx + z␴xyny兲dz + ␦wS,y 共z␴xynx + z␴yyny兲dz

冕 冕 冕
−h/2 −h/2
1 1 = ␦wS,x共w,xx + ␯w,yy兲nx + ␦wS,y共w,yy + ␯w,xx兲ny = 0 共28b兲
f ␦w,xydV = f ␦w,xydV + f ␦w,xydV
2 2
V V V By inspection of the boundary value problems 共26兲 and 共28兲 of the

− 冉冕 V
f ,x␦w,ydV + 冕 S
f ␦w,ynxdS 冊 plate 共out-of-plane兲 and the boundary value problems 共25兲 and
共27兲 of the disk 共in-plane兲 it can be seen that the coupling of the
plate and disk equations depends on Fx, Fy, Fz and Tx, Ty only,

冉冕 冕 冊
when using the linear deformation gradient. In the linear case for
1 the pointwise elastic model with no in-plane degree of freedom of
+ − f ,y␦w,xdV + f ␦w,xnydS 共23兲 the pad we have
2 V S
Fi = Fi共u,u,j,u,t,u,jt, v, v,j, v,t, v,jt兲, i, j 苸 兵x,y其 共29a兲
where a second integration by parts yields

冉冕 冊
Fz = Fz共w,w,j,w,t,w,jt兲, j 苸 兵x,y其 共29b兲

冕 V
f ␦w,xydV =
2 V
f ,xy␦wdV − 冕 S
f ,x␦wnydS + 冕 S
f ␦w,ynxdS Ti = Ti共w,w,j,w,ij,w,t,w,jt兲, i, j 苸 兵x,y其 共29c兲

冉冕 冕 冕 冊
and therefore the plate and disk equations decouple. If second
1 order terms are considered in the deformation gradient, we obtain
+ f ,yx␦wdV − f ,y␦wnxdS + f ␦w,xnydS the strain-displacement relations
2 V S S
共24兲 exx = u,x − zw,xx + 2 共u2,x + v2,x + w2,x + z2w,x,y + z2w2,xx兲 + zw,xu,xx
+ zw,yv,xx 共30a兲
Choosing this symmetric approach and using the common abbre-
viation D = Eh3 / 12共1 − ␯2兲, the equations of motion follow as 1
eyy = v,y − zw,yy + 2 共u,y
2 2
+ v,y 2
+ w,y 2
+ z2w,x,y + z2w,yy 兲 + zw,xu,yy

6D + zw,yv,yy 共30b兲
␳hu,tt + 2␳h⍀共xu,ty − yu,tx兲 − 共共1 − ␯兲u,yy + 共1 + ␯兲v,xy + 2u,xx兲
ezz = 0 共30c兲
− ␳h⍀2共x − x2u,yy + xu,x + 2xyu,xy + yu,y − y 2u,xx兲 = Fx 共25a兲
1 1
exy = 2 u,y + 2 v,x − zw,xy 共30d兲
6D 1
␳hv,tt + 2␳h⍀共xu,ty − y v,tx兲 − 共1 + ␯兲共u,xy + 共1 − ␯兲v,xx + 2v,yy兲 + 2 共u,yu,x + v,yv,x + w,yw,x + z2共w,yyw,xy + w,xyw,xx兲兲
+ z共w,xu,xy + w,yv,xy兲 共30e兲
− ␳h⍀2共y − y 2v,xx + y v,y + 2xy v,xy + yu,y − x2v,yy + xv,x兲 = Fy
共25b兲 eyz = 0 共30f兲

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exz = 0 共30g兲 h
T P = eⵜ ⫻ 共FrPer + F␸Pe␸ + FzPez兲 共35a兲
and it is clear that the quadratic terms containing w, u, and v will 2
yield a coupling of the disk and plate equations after taking the
variation of eij 关3兴. We note, however, that due to the integration h
TQ = − eⵜ ⫻ 共FrQer + F␸Qe␸ + FzQez兲 共35b兲
of the equations over z the coupling occurs only through nonlinear 2
terms. A second fact to be noted is that, when linearizing the
where ␬共r , ␸兲 is a weight function describing the area of the pads.
equations about a prestressed configuration, i.e., ␴ij = ␴0ij + ⌬␴ij,
It can be chosen to be a continuous function or, for example, as
the prestress terms only enter the equations of motion if the non-
linear deformation gradient is used. With the linear deformation
␬共r , ␸兲 = 1 if 共r , ␸兲 苸 B, i.e., if 共r , ␸兲 are in the domain of the pad
共denoted by B to be distinguished from the whole area of the plate
gradient terms of the form ␴0ij␦eij vanish in the process of inte-
grating by parts. This is why the effect of centrifugal stiffening 关8兴 surface denoted earlier by A兲 and ␬共r , ␸兲 = 0 otherwise. In prin-
does not appear even when the equations of motion are linearized ciple it would be possible to assume that all pad parameters de-
about a prestressed configuration. Since we are particularly inter- pend on r and ␸, to introduce more generality into the model. No
ested in small deformations of the plate we continue working with realistic data are, however, currently available on such distribu-
the linearized strain relations and discuss the influence of centrifu- tions from experiments, and for the sake of simplicity we do not
gal stiffening in Sec. 4.4. proceed further in that direction. In the linear case the normal
vector reads
3.3 Transformation to Polar Coordinates. We will now
transform our equations into polar coordinates, i.e., we will ex- w ,␸
eⵜ = − w,rer − e␸ + ez 共36兲
press the functions u, v, and w and the components of the normal r
vector n in polar coordinates. The function w共x , y , t兲 and its de- and it follows that
rivatives can be written in polar coordinates using
⍀共v − u,␸兲 − u,t
⳵a+b ⳵a+b Fr = FrP + FrQ = ␬共r, ␸兲2␮N0 共37a兲
w共x,y,t兲 = w̃共r共x,y兲, ␸共x,y兲,t兲 共31兲 r⍀
⳵ xa ⳵ y b ⳵ xa ⳵ y b
and noting that r共x , y兲 = 冑x2 + y 2 and ␸共x , y兲 = arctan共y / x兲. After F␸ = F␸P + F␸Q = − ␬共r, ␸兲2␮N0 共37b兲
carrying out the differentiations we set x = r cos ␸ and y = r sin ␸.
Fz = FzP + FzQ = − ␬共r, ␸兲2kw 共37c兲
For u and v we proceed similarly by writing
u共x,y,t兲 = ũ共r, ␸,t兲cos ␸ − ṽ共r, ␸,t兲sin ␸ 共32a兲

Tr = TrP + TrQ = ␬共r, ␸兲 hk␮w −
冊 共37d兲
v共x,y,t兲 = ṽ共r, ␸,t兲cos ␸ + ũ共r, ␸,t兲sin ␸ 共32b兲
which means that we define a new displacement vector for points
on the neutral plane
T␸ = T␸P + T␸Q = ␬共r, ␸兲h2N0␮ 冉 w,rt w,␸ w,r␸

2r⍀ 2r2
冊 共37e兲

where many terms from the upper and lower pads cancel, so that
u M = ũ共r, ␸,t兲er + ṽ共r, ␸,t兲e␸ + w̃共r, ␸,t兲ez 共33兲
the in-plane forces Fr and F␸ depend on u and v and their deriva-
In the following we omit the tilde in ũ共r , ␸ , t兲, ṽ共r , ␸ , t兲, and tives only, whereas Fz, Tr, and T␸ only depend on w and its de-
w̃共r , ␸ , t兲. There should be no confusion between u共x , y , t兲, rivatives. This is the justification for Eq. 共29兲, which explains the
v共x , y , t兲, w共x , y , t兲 and ũ共r , ␸ , t兲, ṽ共r , ␸ , t兲, w̃共r , ␸ , t兲 since they decoupling of disk and plate equations, as discussed in Sec. 3.2. It
can be distinguished by their arguments and by the context. is due to the assumption that the pads do not have a degree of
freedom in the in-plane direction. The dependence of Fr and F␸
3.3.1 Contact Forces. The contact forces and torques contain on u and v comes from the relative velocity of the contact points
contributions of the upper and the lower pad, which read on the pad and the plate. If we would give the upper and the lower

冉 冉 冊
pad independent degrees of freedom in the in-plane direction, say,
w,tr w,r␸ w,␸
FrP = ␬共r, ␸兲 − N0w,r − h␮N0 + − 2 u¯P and v¯P for the upper pad, they would appear in the relative
2r⍀ 2r 2r velocity. Therefore if the in-plane degrees of freedom of the upper

+ ␮N0
⍀共v − u,␸兲 − u,t
冊 共34a兲
and lower pads are independent, they will appear in Fr, F␸ and Tr,
T␸ and thus couple the disk and plate equations. Note that in
practice in-plane vibrations are possible and were detected 关6兴.

冉 冉 冊
The analysis shows that they can either be explained through non-
w,tr w,r␸ w,␸ linear coupling of disk and plate equations or that a linear cou-
FrQ = ␬共r, ␸兲 N0w,r + h␮N0 + − 2
2r⍀ 2r 2r pling can arise through in-plane degrees of freedom of the pads,

which also occur in practice.
⍀共v − u,␸兲 − u,t
+ ␮N0 共34b兲 3.3.2 Plate Equations. Transforming the plate equations into
polar coordinates we obtain

F␸P = ␬共r, ␸兲 − ␮N0 + k␮w −
共1 + ␮2兲w,␸ 冊 共34c兲 ␳hw,tt + 2h␳⍀w,t␸ + ⍀2␳hw,␸␸ +
共4w,␸␸ + w,␸␸␸␸兲

F␸Q = ␬共r, ␸兲 − ␮N0 − k␮w +
共1 + ␮2兲w,␸ 冊 共34d兲 +
共w,r + 2w,r␸␸兲 + 2 共2w,rr␸␸ − w,rr兲 + 2 w,rrr + Dw,rrrr
FzP = ␬共r, ␸兲共N0 − kw兲 共34e兲 = Fz − Tr,␸ + T␸,r 共38兲
FzQ = ␬共r, ␸兲共− N0 − kw兲 共34f兲 where the transformed natural boundary operators read

and the contact torques are obtained from Vw = Vrwer + V␸we␸ 共39a兲

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Vrw = − M ␸ +
w,␸␸ + 2 共w,r − w,r␸␸兲 − w,rr − Dw,rrr
r r
V␸v =
冋u 1
+ v,␸ + ␯u,r
1 − ␯2 r r
册 共42e兲

共39b兲 For the annular disk clamped at the inner radius ri and free at the
outer radius ro we have the geometric boundary conditions u 兩r=ri
D D D = v 兩r=ri = 0 and the natural boundary conditions Vru 兩r=ro = Vrv 兩r=ro
V␸w = M r − 3 w,␸␸␸ − 2 w,r␸ − w,rr␸ 共39c兲
r r r = 0. For ␮ = 0, that is, neglecting Fr and F␸, the boundary value
and problem coincides with the one derived in Ref. 关16兴. Equations
共40兲 and 共42兲 form a linear inhomogeneous boundary value prob-
M = M re r + M ␸e ␸ 共39d兲 lem of which the solution is given by the general solution of the
homogeneous boundary value problem plus a particular solution.
D D Its stability can be studied investigating the stability of the trivial
Mr = − 共1 − ␯兲w,␸ + 共1 − ␯兲w,r␸ 共39e兲
r2 r solution of the homogeneous boundary value problem.
3.4 Comparison to the Results Obtained Previously. In
D␯ D␯
M␸ = w,␸␸ + w,r + Dw,rr 共39f兲 comparison to the results obtained in Ref. 关13兴 using the Ritz
r2 r discretization approach, two major differences shall be discussed.
For the annular plate, clamped at the inner and free at the outer The first one is that in the continuous approach we use surface
radius, we obtain the geometric boundary conditions w 兩r=ri = 0 and contact between disk and pads. The reason for this is that the
w,r 兩r=ri = 0, and the natural boundary conditions Vr 兩r=ro = 0 and Kirchhoff plate cannot deal with finite torques applied at points. A
M r 兩r=ro = 0. finite torque T̂ = T̂xex + T̂yey applied at a single point 共xa , y a兲 of the
plate appears in the principle of virtual work as a term
3.3.3 Disk Equations. The boundary value problem for the
disk in polar coordinates reads ␦W = T̂x␦wy共xa,y a,t兲 − T̂y␦wx共xa,y a,t兲 共43兲

冤 冥冋 册
␮N0 ⳵ After carrying out the variations there is no further term contain-

冋 册冋 册
␬2 + 2⍀␳h − 2⍀␳h ing ␦wx共xa , y a , t兲 or ␦wy共xa , y a , t兲, since in ␦eij no term of the form
1 0 ü r⍀ ⳵␸ u̇
␳h + ␦w,xyy or ␦w,xxy arises. Therefore one would conclude from the
0 1 v̈ ⳵ v̇
2⍀␳h 2⍀␳h main theorem of variational calculus that T̂ = 0, which is a contra-
⳵␸ diction. The Kirchhoff plate can therefore not resist finite torques

+ 冋 L11 L12
L21 L22
册冋 册 冋
− ␬2␮N0
册 共40兲
applied at points. It is, however, very well able to resist finite
transverse forces applied at points. Their contribution to the vir-
tual work is
共where as before ␬ = ␬共r , ␸兲兲 with the linear operators
␦W = F̂z␦w共xa,y a,t兲 共44兲
L11 = −
1 − ␯ ⳵r
2 2 +冉
⳵2 1 ⳵ 1 1 − ␯ ⳵2
− 2+
r ⳵r r 2r ⳵␸
2 2 − ␳h⍀ 1 −
2 ⳵2
冊 冉 冊 Further terms containing ␦w共xa , y a , t兲 arise from integration by
parts of the term 共22兲, yielding conditions for corner forces of
␮N0 ⳵ different sections of the plate.
+ ␬2 共41a兲 The second fact to be noted is that we used a strategy for
r ⳵␸ linearization different from the one used in Ref. 关13兴. Whereas in

冉 冊
Ref. 关13兴 energy expressions were expanded in a Taylor series up
Eh 1 + ␯ 1 ⳵2 3−␯ 1 ⳵ ⳵
L12 = − − − 2␳h⍀2 to second order, to be sure to obtain the complete linear equations,
1 − ␯2 2 r ⳵ r ⳵ ␸ 2 r2 ⳵␸ ⳵␸ in the boundary value problem derived in the present case only the
␮N0 linear contact forces appear, because a purely geometric lineariza-
− ␬2 共41b兲 tion has been performed. The terms ⌬x P and ⌬y P therefore do not
r enter the equations of motion as explained in Sec. 2.1 with Eq.

冉 冊
Eh 1 + ␯ 1 ⳵2 3−␯ 1 ⳵ ⳵ Another difference is that we got rid of the kinematic assump-
L21 = − + + 2␳h⍀2
1−␯ 2
2 r ⳵r ⳵ ␸ 2 r ⳵␸
⳵␸ tion that points on the neutral plane can only move transversely in
共41c兲 the rotating frame, allowing for in-plane deformations of the plate.
Nevertheless we again stress that this does not yield a term de-

L22 = −
1−␯ 2
2 ⳵r
冉 冉
Eh 1 − ␯ ⳵2 1 ⳵
2 +
1 1 ⳵2
− 2 + 2 2
r ⳵r r r ⳵␸
冊 冊 pending on u and v in the linearized contact forces, which would
mean plate and disk equations cannot be solved independently.
Summarizing the previous results, we note that the boundary

− ␳h⍀2 1 − 冉 冊 ⳵2
value problems of the plate and disk are decoupled as long as no
in-plane motions of the pads are considered in the model. Further-
more a centrifugal stiffening cannot arise in the equations of mo-
and the natural boundary operators tion when working with the linear deformation gradient. We have
also recalled the well known fact from Kirchhoff theory that the
Vu,v = Vru,ver + V␸u,ve␸ 共42a兲 plate is not capable to withstand finite torques 共see, e.g., Ref.

Vru =
1 − ␯2
冋 冉 u 1
u,r + ␯ + v,␸
r r
冊册 共42b兲

冋 册
4 Perturbation Analysis
1 1 v We now interpret the terms arising from the pads as perturba-
Vrv = u,␸ + v,r − 共42c兲
2共1 + ␯兲 r r tions, i.e., in Eqs. 共38兲 and 共39兲 and Eqs. 共40兲 and 共42兲 we replace

冋 册
k with ␥k, and N0 with ␦N0. For the following calculations we
V␸v =
1 1
u,␸ + v,r −
共42d兲 introduce the dimensionless time t̄ = t / ro冑E / ␳ and the radius r̄
2共1 + ␯兲 r r = r / ro yielding the dimensionless parameters

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冤冤 冥冤 冥冥冋 册
␳ ri r pi r po 2␮N0 2␮N0 2␮N0
⍀̄ = ⍀ro , r̄i = , r̄ pi = , r̄ po = 共45兲 0 − u
E ro ro ro L1␦共w兲 = ␬共r, ␸兲 ␭ r⍀ + r r
0 0 0 0
h ro N0 h̄3 共52c兲
h̄ = , k̄ = k , N̄0 = , D̄ = 共46兲
ro E E 12共1 − ␯2兲 where
To simplify notation, in the following the bars are omitted and
derivatives are to be understood as derivatives with respect to the
dimensionless variables. It will be shown in the sequel that by
L011 = −
冉⳵2 1 ⳵
1 − ␯ ⳵r
2 2 +
1 1 − ␯ ⳵2
− 2+
r ⳵r r 2r ⳵␸
2 2 −⍀ 1−
2 ⳵2
冊 冉 冊
separating time from the equations, the boundary value problems 共53a兲

冉 冊
for the plate and the disk can be written in the form
1 1 + ␯ 1 ⳵2 3−␯ 1 ⳵ ⳵
L012 = − − − 2⍀2
L共w兲 = L0共w兲 + ␥L1␥共w兲 + ␦L1␦共w兲 = 0 共47a兲 1−␯ 2
2 r ⳵r ⳵ ␸ 2 r ⳵␸
Ui共w兲 = Ui0共w兲 = 0 共47b兲
where we denote by L the operator matrix corresponding to the
eigenvalue problem and Ui are operator matrices corresponding to
L021 = −
1−␯ 2 冉
1 + ␯ 1 ⳵2
2 r ⳵ r ⳵ ␸
3−␯ 1 ⳵
2 r ⳵␸
2 + 2⍀2


the boundary conditions. In the plate problem we set w共r , ␸ , t兲 共53c兲
= w̄共r , ␸兲e␭t, where we again skip the bar for notational simplicity.
The boundary value problem can be stated as
L022 = −
1 − ␯2 2
冉 冉
1 − ␯ ⳵2 1 ⳵
+ −
⳵ r2 r ⳵ r r2
1 ⳵2
r2 ⳵␸2
− ⍀ 2

1 −
冊 冉 冊
L0共w兲 = ␭2w + 2␭⍀w,␸ + ⍀2w,␸␸ + 共4w,␸␸ + w,␸␸␸␸兲 + 3 共w,r 共53d兲
r4 r
and the natural boundary conditions read

冋 册冏冋 册冏
+ 2w,r␸␸兲 + 共2w,rr␸␸ − w,rr兲 + 2 w,rrr + Dw,rrrr 共48a兲 1 0 u共r,t兲
r2 r U1共w兲 = =0 共54a兲
0 1 v共r,t兲 r=ri

冉 hk␮w

冤 冥
L1␥共w兲 = ␬共r, ␸兲2kw − ␬共r, ␸兲 共48b兲 ⳵ 1 1 ⳵

冏冋 册冏
r ,␸ +␯
⳵r r r ⳵␸ u共r,t兲
U2共w兲 = 共54b兲

冉 冉 冊冊
w,rt w,␸ w,r␸ 1 ⳵ ⳵ 1 v共r,t兲 r=ro
L 共w兲 = − ␬共r, ␸兲h N0␮ ␭ − 2
+ 共48c兲 −
2r⍀ 2r2 2r r ⳵␸ ⳵r r
We assume that the parameters ␦ and ␥ are smooth functions of a
with boundary conditions parameter ␧. This corresponds to a variation along a smooth curve
parametrized by ␧ in the parameter space 关14,15兴. It is possible to
U1 = w共ri, ␸,t兲 = 0, U2 = w,r共ri, ␸,t兲 = 0 共49兲
expand ␦共␧兲 and ␥共␧兲 around ␧ = 0 assuming that ␦共0兲 = ␥共0兲 = 0,
for example,
U3 = Vrw兩r=ro = 0, U4 = M r兩r=ro = 0 共50兲
␥共␧兲 = ␥,␧共0兲␧ + ¯ = ␥1␧ + ¯ 共55兲
where the operators for the differential equation and the boundary
conditions act on the scalar function w and are therefore not rep- ␦共␧兲 = ␦,␧共0兲␧ + ¯ = ␦1␧ + ¯ 共56兲
resented by bold characters. In case ␬共r , ␸兲 is chosen as a discon- Assuming this kind of perturbation we write the perturbed bound-
tinuous function, we note that L1␥ and L1␦ contain transition ary value problem up to first order in ␧ as
terms. In the perturbation formulas derived later, they can easily
be eliminated by integration by parts. There are no perturbations L共w兲 + ␧L1␧共w兲 = 0 共57兲
in the boundary condition 共47b兲; the boundary conditions of the
perturbed problem therefore coincide with those of the unper- Ui共w兲 = 0 共58兲
turbed problem. 1␥ 1␦
where L = ␥1L + ␦1L .
For the disk we perform the ansatz of separation of variables According to Refs. 关18,15,14兴, for a simple eigenvalue ␭0 and

冋 册冋 册
the corresponding eigenfunction u, we set
u共r, ␸,t兲 ū共r, ␸兲
= e␭t = we␭t 共51兲 w = u + ␧w␧1 + ¯ 共59兲
v共r, ␸,t兲 v̄共r, ␸兲
for simplicity skipping the bar for u and v; this yields the opera- ␭ = ␭0 + ␧␭␧1 + ¯ = ␭0 + ␧共␥1␭1␥ + ␦1␭1␦兲 + ¯ 共60兲
tors Substitution into Eq. 共57兲, taking the scalar product with the

冤 冤 冥 冥
eigenfunction v of the adjoint of the unperturbed problem, and

冋 册 冋 册冋册
2⍀ − 2⍀ collecting the terms linear in ␧ yield
1 0 ⳵␸ L011 L012 u
L0共w兲 = ␭2 +␭ + 具L1␧共u兲, v典
␭␧1 = −

冓 冔
0 1 ⳵ L021 L022 v 共61兲
2⍀ 2⍀
⳵␸ ⳵ L0
共u兲, v
共52a兲 ⳵␭
where 具u , v典 = 兰AvⴱudA, the asterisk denotes complex conjugate
L 共w兲 = 0 共52b兲 transpose.

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For a semisimple eigenvalue ␭0 of the unperturbed problem, a ⳵ L0
double eigenvalue with two linearly independent 共matrix兲 eigen- L1␧共␣1u1 + ␣2u2兲 + ␭␧1 共 ␣ 1u 1 + ␣ 2u 2兲 = 0 共62兲
⳵ ␭0
functions, with corresponding eigenfunctions u1 and u2 substitut-
ing u = ␣1u1 + ␣2u2 in Eq. 共59兲 and collecting terms linear in ␧ The scalar product with the corresponding two eigenfunctions v1
yields 关15兴 and v2 of the adjoint of the unperturbed problem yields

冓 冔 冓 冔冋 册
冤 冔冥
⳵ L0 ⳵ L0
具L1␧共u1兲, v1典 + ␭␧1 共u1兲, v1 具L1␧共u1兲, v2典 + ␭␧1 共u1兲, v2
⳵␭ ⳵␭ ␣1

具L1␧共u2兲, v1典 + ␭␧1 冓 ⳵ L0

共u2兲, v1 冔 具L1␧共u2兲, v2典 + ␭␧1 冓 ⳵ L0
共u2兲, v2
=0 共63兲

For nontrivial solutions in ␣1 and ␣2, the determinant of the ma- to zero. The numbers 共m , n兲 denote the number of nodal diameters
trix has to vanish, which yields ␭␧1. An analogous formula describ- and nodal circles of the plate. Since the plate is clamped at the
ing the splitting of a semisimple eigenvalue of multiplicity r inner radius, numeration of nodes n starts from n = 1. The func-

det 具L1␧uk, v j典 + ␭␧1 冓 ⳵ L0
u k, v j 冔册 = 0, j,k = 1, . . . ,r 共64兲
tions Wci 共r , ␸兲 corresponding to m = 0 are umbrella modes of the
plate. The eigenfunctions for the nonrotating annular plate are
known to form a complete orthogonal base for the problem of the
generalizes the result derived for scalar differential operators in rotating plate. We now project the problem of the rotating plate
Ref. 关15兴 to the case of operator matrices. We note that the ap- onto the eigenfunctions of the nonrotating plate, i.e., we write

冕 冕 冉兺 冊
proach based on the perturbation theory of multiple eigenvalues ⬁
关19兴 differs from that used in Ref. 关20兴 and allows one to study the
phenomena of veering and overlapping of eigenvalue branches L0共w兲Wcj dA = L0 共Wicqic + Wisqis兲 WicdA = 0 共71兲
A A i=0
with the use of operator derivatives and eigenvectors of a multiple

冕 冉兺 冊
eigenvalue calculated only for the values of parameters corre-

sponding to coalescence of eigenvalues.
L 0
共w兲Wsj dA = L 0
共Wicqic + Wisqis兲 WisdA = 0 共72兲
A A i=0
4.1 Spectrum of the Unperturbed Problem
4.1.1 Plate. We investigate the unperturbed boundary eigen- Equations 共71兲 and 共72兲 form an infinite dimensional matrix equa-
value problem of the plate tion of the type

L0共w兲 = 0 共65兲 共M␭2 + G␭ + K兲q = 0, q = 关qc1, . . . ,q⬁c ,q⬁s , . . . ,qs1兴T

Ui共w兲 = 0, i = 1, . . . ,4 共66兲 Using this and the orthogonality relations for the trigonometric
functions sin and cos and the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions
and expand w in terms of the eigenfunctions of the corresponding of the nonrotating plate we find that the matrices of the unper-
nonrotating plate, that is, ⍀ = 0, turbed problem read

M = diag共M mn兲 共73兲
w共r, ␸,t兲 = 兺 共W 共r, ␸兲q 共t兲 + W 共r, ␸兲q 共t兲兲
i 共67兲

G = antidiag共2mM mn⍀,− 2mM mn⍀兲 共74兲

The boundary eigenvalue problem obtained after separation of
time for the nonrotating annular plate in dimensionless form reads
K = diag共␻mn
M mn − m2M mn⍀2兲 共75兲
h 2
ⵜ4W共r, ␸兲 = ␻mn W共r, ␸兲 共68兲 where M mn = h␲兰rroRmn
Consequently, the equations of mo-
D i
tion of the unperturbed problem decouple into infinitely many
W共ri, ␸兲 = 0, W,r共ri, ␸兲 = 0 共69兲 pairs of two coupled equations of the form

M r共ro, ␸兲 = 0, Vr共ro, ␸兲 = 0
where Vr and M r are given in Eqs. 共39b兲 and 共39e兲, respectively.
冋 册 冋
1 0
0 1
q̈ +
− 2m⍀
册 冋 q̇ +
− m 2⍀ 2
0 ␻mn
− m 2⍀ 2
册 ,

According to Ref. 关21兴, the eigenfunctions are

q = 0, m⬎0 共76兲
Wic共r, ␸兲 = Rmn共r兲cos m␸, m = 0, . . . ,⬁, n = 1, . . . ,⬁
where we divided it by M mn. The spectrum of the unperturbed
Wis共r, ␸兲 = Rmn共r兲sin m␸, m = ⬁, . . . ,0, n = ⬁, . . . ,1 problem, namely, the eigenvalues of Eq. 共76兲, can be calculated
where the Rmn共r兲 = C1I共␤mnr兲 + C2J共␤mnr兲 + C3Y共␤mnr兲 analytically as
+ C4K共␤mnr兲 are linear combinations of Bessel and modified
␭1⫾ = ⫾ i共␻mn + m⍀兲 共77a兲
Bessel functions, and the constants C1 , . . . , C4 are determined
from the linear equation after substitution of the ansatz into the
boundary conditions 共69兲 and 共70兲. The quantities ␤mn ␭2⫾ = ⫾ i共␻mn − m⍀兲 共77b兲
= 冑共h / D兲␻mn
4 2
are the roots of the characteristic equation resulting and form the geometric structure called a spectral mesh in Ref.
from equating the determinant of the matrix of the linear system 关22兴 depicted in Fig. 5 for the dimensionless parameters

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(4, 1)  λ
(0, 2)
λ (2, 1) 0.4
(0, 2)

2 0.2
(3, 1) 1.5
(3, 1)
(1, 1) −0.2 (2, 1)
1 −0.4
(0, 1)
(2, 1) 0.5 (0, 1) −0.6

0 0.5 1 Ω 0 0.5 1 Ω

0.5 (1, 1) Fig. 6 Spectrum of the in-plane vibrations of the unperturbed

problem „disk… for ri = 0.153
(0, 1)


冋冉 冊 册
m̂ n̂
0 0.1 0.2 n␲共r − ri兲
v共r, ␸兲 = 兺兺
m=0 n=1
2共ro − ri兲
cos m␸ qmn
Fig. 5 Spectrum of the out-of-plane vibrations of the unper-

兺兺冋 冉 冊 册
turbed problem „plate… for ri = 0.154 „spectral mesh… m̂ n̂
n␲共r − ri兲
+ sin sin m␸ qmn
共t兲 共80兲
m=1 n=1 2共ro − ri兲
which can be seen to form a base for the problem, since they
h = 0.1605, D = 3.7858 ⫻ 10−4, ri = 0.154, ␯ = 0.3 satisfy the geometric boundary conditions and since the trigono-
共78兲 metric functions are known to be complete. Carrying out the
variations in Eq. 共19兲 over the functions qmn
, we obtain the equa-
which are based on the parameters for a disk brake used in Ref. tions of motion
关13兴. They correspond to a brake rotor represented by an equiva-
lent Kirchhoff plate with ro = 0.162 m, E = 4.16⫻ 1010 N / m, and Mq̈ + Gq̇ + Kq = 0 共81兲
␳ = 4846 kg/ m3. These parameters were identified in Ref. 关23兴 at of the unperturbed problem, where M and K are symmetric and G
the test rig. For numerical calculations we use the parameters of is skew-symmetric. The corresponding eigenvalue problem reads

the corresponding disk brake throughout the paper. We emphasize
at this point that for the problem of brake squeal only angular u
velocities up to 4000 rpm are physically relevant, which corre- 关M␭2 + G␭ + K兴 =0 共82兲
sponds to a dimensionless ⍀ = 2.3⫻ 10−2. In other applications
much larger dimensionless angular velocities arise. where
The horizontal lines in Fig. 5 for m = 0 are umbrella modes of uc us T
01,q01, . . . ,qm̂n̂,qm̂n̂兴
u = 关quc us
the plate. The spectrum of the reduced two-dimensional system
corresponding to m ⬎ 0 is simple, except at the critical velocities vc vs T
v = 关q01
vc v s
,q01, . . . ,qm̂n̂ ,qm̂n̂ 兴 共84兲
⍀c1 = 0, ␭c⫾
1 = ⫾ i␻mn and yields the spectrum depicted in Fig. 6.
At ⍀ = 0.28 the 共0,1兲 eigenform of the system loses stability by
divergence 共we use again the notation 共m , n兲, where as for the
1 plate m denotes the number of nodal diameters and n denotes the
⍀c2 = ␻mn, ␭c⫾
2 =0
m number of nodal circles兲. The system exhibits flutter at ⍀ = 1.2.

where it is seen to be semisimple by calculating the corresponding 4.2 Perturbation Formulas. For the following perturbation
eigenvectors. Note that additional crossings of eigenvalues occur- formulas we introduce the dimensionless parameters
ring in the spectrum are semisimple as well, which follows from r̄ pi = 0.5988, r̄ po = 0.9444, ␸ p = 0.7
the decoupling of the matrices. Qualitatively it agrees with other
results obtained in literature especially with the observation made
in Ref. 关24兴. k̄ = 0.0093, N̄0 = 6.4669 ⫻ 10−6, ␮ = 0.6
corresponding to a real disk brake 关26,13兴. We again skip the bar
4.1.2 Disk. The spectrum for the unperturbed problem of the
in the following for notational convenience. The weight function
disk was calculated by Chen and Jhu in Ref. 关16兴 using Lame
potentials. Since it is numerically difficult to solve the character- corresponding to the pads is chosen such that ␬共r , ␸兲 = 1 if 共r , ␸兲
istic equation, in this paper we prefer to calculate the spectrum 苸 B, i.e., if 共r , ␸兲 are in the domain of the pad 共denoted by B to be
using a Ritz discretization approach. The results obtained with the distinguished from the whole area of the plate surface denoted
Ritz method have been validated by comparison to the results in earlier by A兲 and ␬共r , ␸兲 = 0 otherwise.
Refs. 关25,16兴. The energy expressions from Eq. 共19兲 correspond- 4.2.1 Plate. Expanding the perturbed eigenfunctions of the
ing to the disk equations are discretized using plate in terms of the eigenfunctions of the nonrotating plate and
projection onto themselves yields

冋冉 冊 册
m̂ n̂
n␲共r − ri兲 关M␭2 + 共G + ␥⌬G␥ + ␦⌬G␦兲␭ + K + ␥⌬K␥ + ␦⌬K␦兴u = 0
u共r, ␸兲 = 兺兺
m=0 n=1
2共ro − ri兲
cos m␸ qmn

兺兺冋 冉 冊 册
m̂ n̂
n␲共r − ri兲 where M, G, and K have been derived in Sec. 4.1.1 and
+ sin sin m␸ qmn
共t兲 共79兲
m=1 n=1 2共ro − ri兲 ⌬Gij␥ = 0 共86a兲

Journal of Applied Mechanics JULY 2009, Vol. 76 / 041006-9

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⌬Gij␦ = 冕 B
h 2N 0␮ i j
W W dB
2r⍀ ,r ,r
共86b兲 ⌬Kij␥ = 冕冋 B
2kWiW j −
hk␮ i j
W,␸W dB 册 共87兲

⌬Kij␥ = 冕冋B
2kW W −
hk␮ i j
W,␸W dB 册 共86c兲
⌬Kij␦ = 冕冋 B
共1 + ␮2兲
hN0 i j h2N0␮ i
W W −
r 2 ,␸ ,␸ 2r3

h 2N 0␮ i j

冕冋 册
+ 共W,␸W,r − W,riW,j␸兲 + hN0W,riW,rj
hN0 i j h2N0␮ i j h2N0␮ i j 2r2

⌬Kij␦ = ␮2 W W − W,rW,␸ + W,rW,r␸ dB
r 2 ,␸ ,␸ 2r2 2r h 2N 0␮ i j
+ 共W,rW,r␸ − W,i␸rW,rj兲 dB 共88兲
共86d兲 2r
It can be seen numerically that the additional terms are so small
are the perturbation matrices. Note that we have used integration
that they have practically no influence on the results.
by parts in some of the integrals and thereby eliminated transition
The perturbation matrices are split into a symmetric and a
terms originating from the discontinuity of the weight function
skew-symmetric part
␬共r , ␸兲. The matrices 共86兲 are similar to the expressions one
would have obtained from the Ritz discretization used in Ref. 关13兴 ⌬G␥,␦ = G␥,␦ + D␥,␦, G␥,␦ = − 共G␥,␦兲T, D␥,␦ = 共D␥,␦兲T
taking into account an arbitrary number of shape functions. How-
ever, due to the reasons discussed in Sec. 3.4, the expressions ⌬K␥,␦ = K␥,␦ + N␥,␦, K␥,␦ = 共K␥,␦兲T, N␥,␦ = − 共N␥,␦兲T
obtained from the Ritz discretization contain a few more terms in Using formula 共61兲 for simple eigenvalues, we arrive at the
⌬Kij␥ and ⌬Kij␦ , which read expression

− ␭0uT⌬G␥u − uT⌬K␥u ␻2uT⌬G␥u − i␻uT⌬K␥u ␻2共aTD␥a + bTD␥b兲 + 2␻aTN␥b + i关2␻2aTG␥b + ␻共aTK␥a + bTK␥b兲兴
␭1␥ = = =
2␭0uTMu + uTGu uT共− M␻2 − K兲u aT共− M␻2 − K兲a + bT共− M␻2 − K兲b

where a and b are the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvector parts and imperfect merging of modes occur as depicted in Fig. 7,
u0. To calculate ␭␦1 just replace ␥ with ␦. From Eq. 共89兲 we ob- where we used the ␦ = 3 and ␥ = 3 for the pads. Since
serve that for small ␥ and ␦ the stability behavior is determined by 储⌬K␥储F 储⌬G␥储F 储⌬K␦储F
D␥,␦ and N␥,␦ only. Due to the decoupling of the equations for the = 0, 0491, = 0, = 1.618 ⫻ 10−6
unperturbed problem, only the 2 ⫻ 2 matrices having the same 储K0储F 储K0储F 储K0储F
position in the perturbation matrices as the blocks corresponding
to the eigenvalue of the unperturbed problem are relevant for the 储⌬G␦储F 1.306 ⫻ 10−6
= , K0 = K兩⍀=0
first term in the expansion of ␭. The zeros in the corresponding 储K0储F ⍀
eigenvector of the unperturbed problem suppress the influence of where 储 · 储F stands for the Frobenius norm, even the perturbations
other terms. For the semisimple eigenvalues, more terms are rel- ␥⌬K␥ + ␦⌬K␦ and ␥⌬G␥ + ␦⌬G␦ can be considered small for speed
evant for the splitting of the double eigenvalue. From Eq. 共63兲 it ranges not too close to ⍀ = 0 共cf. also Fig. 11兲.
follows that ␭␧1 is determined from

det 冋 c1␭␧1 + a
c2␭␧1 + d
册 =0 共90兲
 λ   λ

where 0.04
c1 = 2␭0uT1 Mu1 + uT1 Gu1 共91a兲 0

c2 = 2␭0uT2 Mu2 + uT2 Gu2 共91b兲 0.5 −0.04

a = − ␭0uT1 ⌬G␧u1 − uT1 ⌬K␧u1 共91c兲 0 −0.01

0 0.1 0.2 Ω 0 0.1 0.2 Ω

b=− ␭0uT1 ⌬G␧u2 − uT1 ⌬K␧u2 共91d兲   λ

c = − ␭0uT2 ⌬G␧u1 − uT2 ⌬K␧u1 共91e兲 0.004

d = − ␭0uT2 ⌬G␧u2 − uT2 ⌬K␧u2 共91f兲
We obtain −0.004

− 共dc1 + ac2兲 ⫾ 冑共dc1 − ac2兲2 + 4c1c2cb −0.001

␭␧1 = 共92兲 0 2 4 6 Ω [10−4 ]
Fig. 7 Spectrum of the perturbed plate problem for ␥ = ␦ = 3.
which shows that in the generic case, when the expression under Dashed lines: unperturbed problem; lower plot: zoom for small
the square root does not vanish, avoided crossings of imaginary Ω.

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 λε1 [10−5 ]



0 0.1 0.2 Ω δ
Fig. 8 ␭1ε for the perturbed disk problem for ri = 0.153 γ
Fig. 9 Three-dimensional stability boundaries
Generic pictures for avoided crossings have been derived in
Ref. 关27兴 for the matrix case. In our case they look similar, except
for the fact that we have a vanishing real part for all eigenvalues tive real part. For each simple purely imaginary eigenvalue of the
in the unperturbed problem. We see that the combined action of unperturbed problem ␭ j there is a stable region, which in the first
the dissipative and nonconservative positional forces moves some approximation is the half plane
of the eigenvalues to the right side of the complex plane for the
values of ⍀ not exceeding the first critical speed. For the param- ␥ Re共␭1j␥兲 + ␦ Re共␭1j␦兲 ⱕ 0, ∀j 共95兲
eters considered in Fig. 7 the system gets unstable at a dimension- At a fixed rotational speed ⍀, where all eigenvalues are simple,
less ⍀ = 2.7⫻ 10−4, which for the physical disk brake studied cor- the stability region in the ␥ , ␦ plane is given by the intersection of
responds to an angular velocity of about 46 rpm. Therefore, the the half-planes defined in Eq. 共95兲. Depending on the parameters,
application of the brake pads to the disk can cause flutter instabil- it can be a sector limited by an angle, a line 共for
ity in the subcritical range, which is typical for squeal. Re共␭11␥兲 / Re共␭11␦兲 = ¯ = Re共␭n1␥兲 / Re共␭n1␦兲兲 or just the point ␥ = ␦
4.2.2 Disk. According to Eq. 共61兲, for simple eigenvalues of = 0. Approximations to the stability boundary therefore coincide
the unperturbed problem the first term in the expansion 共60兲 reads with the lines

冕冋 B
2 ␮ N 0h
ūu +
2 ␮ N 0h
ūu −
2 ␮ N 0h

ūv dB ␥=−
␦ =−
␻共aTD␦a + bTD␦b兲 + 2aTN␦b
␻共aTD␥a + bTD␥b兲 + 2aTN␥b
␦ 共96兲

␭␧1 =

共93兲 Again, recall u = a + ib. For the two-dimensional system of the
关2␭共uū + vv̄兲 + 2⍀关ū共u,␸ − v兲 + v̄共u + v,␸兲兴兴dA plate corresponding to its 共3,1兲 mode, the stability boundaries are
A depicted in Fig. 9, where only the areas with positive ␥ and ␦ are
physically meaningful.
Substituting the eigenfunctions obtained from the Ritz method u From Fig. 9 one expects that for ⍀ → 0 the stable region coin-
= Uu and v = Vv, where U and V are row matrices containing the cides with the half plane ⍀ = 0 , ␦ ⬎ 0 and for ⍀ → ⬁ the stable
shape functions for u and v, and 关uT , vT兴T is the eigenvector cor- region is a line. It is not difficult to verify this analytically.
responding to Eq. 共82兲, yields Consider the case ⍀ → 0. In this case d␦11 → ⬁ and consequently

− ␭0关uT vT 兴⌬G␦ 冋册 u
− 关 uT vT 兴⌬K␦ 冋册 u
in Eq. 共96兲 the numerator tends to infinity since always two eigen-
vectors of the unperturbed system with nonvanishing first compo-

兴 冋 册 兴 冋 册
␭␧1 = 共94兲 nent of a or b can be found 共the eigenvectors of a purely gyro-
u u scopic system span the solution space provided that M and K are
2␭0关uT vT M + 关 uT vT G
v v positive definite兲. The stability boundary is therefore given by ␦
= 0.
which coincides with the perturbation formulas one would have
Now consider the case ⍀ → ⬁. We will show that in the limit
obtained by perturbing the discretized eigenvalue problem 共82兲.
the eigenvectors corresponding to the pairs of eigenvalues 共76兲
The first correction terms from Eq. 共60兲 for simple eigenvalues of
coincide and Eq. 共96兲 yields the same expression for each eigen-
the perturbed disk problem are shown in Fig. 8 for the real part.
value. We note that for increasing ⍀ the relative difference be-
We observe that in the range below the first critical speed
tween ␭1 and ␭2 tends to zero, i.e.,
Re共␭␧1兲 is strictly negative. For ⍀ → 0 the real parts become infi-
nite, which can be explained by the term proportional to 1 / ⍀ in ␭1 − ␭2
lim ⌬␭ = lim =0 共97兲
the damping matrix. For the semisimple eigenvalues we expect ⍀→⬁ ⍀→⬁ ␭1
the same behavior, since the eigenvalues of a matrix polynomial
depend continuously on the matrix entries. as we can see from Eq. 共76兲. Consider the matrix A describing Eq.
共76兲 written as a first order system with eigenvectors v1 and v2
4.3 Stability Boundaries. In Sec. 4.2.1 we derived formulas corresponding to ␭1 and ␭2, i.e.,
for the change in simple and semisimple eigenvalues occurring in
the spectrum of the unperturbed plate problem caused by small A v 1 = ␭ 1v 1 共98兲
changes in the parameters. For a fixed rotational speed of the
plate, the stable region in the parameter plane ␥ , ␦ is given by A v 2 = ␭ 2v 2 共99兲
those areas where all eigenvalues of the problem have a nonposi- Using Eq. 共97兲 we obtain

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0.05 0.03
0 0
σrr σϕϕ
δ Ω = 0.01 δ Ω = 0.6 0.04


γ γ 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 r 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 r 1

Fig. 10 Stability boundaries in the sub- and supercritical Fig. 12 Prestress due to rotation of the disk „Ω = 0.28…

A共v1 − v2兲 = ␭1共v1 − v2兲 + ⌬␭v2 共100兲 2

eyy = v,y − zw,yy + 2 w,y

A共v2 − v1兲 = ␭2 v2 − 冉 1
1 − ⌬␭
v1 冊 共101兲 ezz = 0 共103c兲
1 1 1
which by addition and taking the limit ⌬␭ → 0 yields exy = 2 u,y + 2 v,x − zw,xy + 2 w,yw,x , 共103d兲
共␭ − ␭ 兲共v1 − v2兲 = 0
1 2
共102兲 eyz = 0 共103e兲
and hence v1 = v2.
From the above reasoning taking into account that the stable exz = 0 共103f兲
lines for different pairs of eigenvalues have different slopes we Deriving the equations of motion from the principle of virtual
conclude that the system definitely becomes unstable for some ⍀. work under consideration of the prestress of the disk due to the
A second fact to be observed from Fig. 10 is that in the super- rotation and transformation into polar coordinates after lineariza-
critical range damping can have a destabilizing effect, which tion yields
agrees with the results of Ref. 关28兴. In view of the Thompson–
Tait–Chetaev theorem 关29兴 this effect is not surprising, although 1 ⳵ h␴␸␸

this theorem is not directly applicable, since the forces originating ␳hw,tt + 2h␳⍀w,t␸ + ⍀2␳hw,␸␸ − 共rh␴rr
w,r兲 − 2 w,␸␸
r ⳵r r
from the prestress N0 are not purely dissipative.
We stress that the approximations for the stability boundaries 1
+ Dⵜ4w = Fz − Tr,␸ + T␸,r 共104兲
are only valid for small perturbations. In Fig. 11 they are com- r
pared with numerical calculations of the eigenvalues at particular
points in the parameter space. In the vicinity of the unperturbed where the boundary conditions are as previously given by Eq. 共38兲
problem they are seen to give good approximations. and ␴rr
and ␴0␸␸ are the prestresses of the disk in radial and cir-
cumferential directions, which will be calculated in the sequel. We
4.4 The Effect of Centrifugal Stiffening in the Plate remark that due to the rotational symmetry of the plate ␴r0␸ = 0.
Equations. In this section we discuss how the effect of centrifugal 4.4.1 Calculation of the Prestress. The prestress originating
stiffening enters into the plate vibrations and compare the results from the rotation is calculated by finding a stationary solution for
with the ones obtained in Secs. 4.2 and 4.3. Using the assumption Eq. 共40兲 with ␬ = 0 from which the strain can be calculated. The
that u,x, u,y, v,x, and v,y occurring in Eq. 共29兲 are of the order of prestress can then be found from the stress-strain relations. Due to
magnitude of w2,x and w2,y and neglecting terms containing z2 since the symmetry of the disk it is clear that ␴rr
and ␴0␸␸ depend on r
the plate is thin 关3兴 we obtain only and that v = 0. In dimensionless form the resulting differential
exx = u,x − zw,xx + 2 w2,x 共103a兲 equation reads

冉 ⳵2 1 ⳵
⳵ r2 r ⳵ r

+ 共1 − ␯2兲⍀2 − 2 u = − 共1 − ␯2兲⍀2r
−6 with boundary conditions

u兩ri = 0, 冉 ⳵

+ ␯ u兩r=ro = 0

The boundary value problem for the ordinary differential equation

共105兲 with boundary condition 共106兲 coincides with the one ob-
tained in Ref. 关30兴 by linearization of the boundary value problem
0 obtained using the nonlinear deformation gradient. The general
solution of Eq. 共105兲 is given by
u共r兲 = C1J1共r冑⍀2共1 − ␯2兲兲 + C2Y 1共r冑⍀2共1 − ␯2兲兲 − r 共107兲
as derived in Ref. 关30兴 where J1 and Y 1 are the well known Bessel
functions of the first and second kinds. The constants C1 and C2
are obtained by adjusting Eq. 共107兲 to the boundary condition
6 共106兲. For the dimensionless angular velocity ⍀ = 0.28 the result-
−2 −1 0 1 γ 2 ing ␴rr
共r兲 and ␴␾␾
共r兲 are plotted in Fig. 12 as solid lines.
For small angular velocities ⍀ the term proportional to ⍀2 in
Fig. 11 Comparison of analytical and numerical results for Ω Eq. 共105兲 can be neglected. The corresponding result was derived
= 10−3 „dot: stable; cross: unstable… in Ref. 关31兴 using first order theory, where also the solution for the

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simplified boundary value problem for the corresponding ordinary (4, 1)
differential equation is given. The prestress can then be calculated
from the stress-strain relations as λ
(0, 2)

共r兲 冉 a2 3 + ␯ 2 2
= a1 + 2 −
r 8
r ⍀ 冊 共108兲 (3, 1)
共r兲 冉 a2 1 + 3␯ 2 2
= a1 − 2 −
r 8
r ⍀ 冊 共109兲 (2, 1)


ri 4 0.5 (1, 1)

冉 冊
共3 + ␯兲 + 共1 − ␯兲
1+␯ ro (0, 1)
a1 = 2 共110兲
8 ri
共1 − ␯兲 + 共1 + ␯兲
ro 0
0 0.1 0.2 Ω
ri 2
冉冊 ri
冉冊 4

冉 冊
共3 + ␯兲 + 共1 + ␯兲 Fig. 13 Spectrum of the out-of-plane vibrations of the unper-
1−␯ ro ro

a2 = 共111兲 turbed problem „prestressed plate… for ri = 0.154 „spectral mesh…
8 ri 2
共1 − ␯兲 + 共1 + ␯兲
for the boundary condition 共106兲. The expression for prestress
given by Eq. 共108兲 is easier to handle in numerical calculations observed in the laboratory that the squealing brake rotor almost
since ⍀ appears polynomially and not as the argument of a Bessel vibrates in the first pair of eigenmodes of the nonrotating plate, we
function as in Eq. 共105兲. The corresponding prestress is plotted in limit the expansion of the solution to these modes, i.e.,
Fig. 12 by the dashed lines for ⍀ = 0.28. Since it is seen from Fig.
12 that for the rotational speeds considered in this paper Eq. 共108兲 w共r, ␸,t兲 = Rmn共r兲共q1共t兲cos m␸ + q2共t兲sin m␸兲 共112兲
is a very good approximation, all numerical calculations for the where Rmn共r兲 is the radial component of an eigenfunction of the
plate are carried out with these equations. For larger ⍀ Eq. 共108兲 corresponding nonrotating plate. As before, the quantities m and n
is no longer valid and it cannot be used to determine static insta- denote the number of nodal diameters and nodal circles, respec-
bilities as is done in Ref. 关30兴 using Eq. 共107兲. tively. Note that all boundary conditions of the rotating plate are
4.4.2 Results From the Perturbation Analysis. Performing a satisfied by the shape functions. The derivation of the equations of
perturbation analysis on the prestressed plate analogous to the motion made clear that nonlinear kinematics, i.e., using the non-
investigations performed in Secs. 4.2 and 4.3 previous sections linear deformation gradient, yields equations that are highly
one at first has to calculate the spectrum of the unperturbed prob- coupled. Since we expect the amplitude of the disk to be very
lem. The only differences in the unperturbed boundary value small, we stick to the assumption of linear kinematics and assume
problems are the terms proportional to ␴rr 0
共r兲 and ␴␾␾
共r兲. Expand- that nonlinearities only enter the system through a nonlinear pad
ing the eigenfunctions of the unperturbed problem in terms of stiffness. Considering this nonlinearity of the pads, the force bal-
eigenfunctions of the nonrotating plate as in Eq. 共76兲 and project- ance at the upper brake pad 共16兲 now reads
ing onto them one sees by similar argument as in Sec. 4.1 that
equations corresponding to different nodal diameters m will de- 共N¯P + R¯P兲 · ez + N0 − F¯P = 0 共113兲
couple. Due to the dependence of ␴rr 0
共r兲 and ␴␾␾0
共r兲 on r a further where
decoupling does not occur.
The spectrum of the unperturbed problem resulting from the
Ritz approach using the ten lowest eigenmodes of the nonrotating
plate is given in Fig. 13 by the solid lines. λ λ
The dashed lines show the spectrum neglecting the influence of

the prestress and one can observe the stiffening effect since the 0.004
eigenfrequencies increase. The eigenvalues for the perturbed
problem using the same shape functions in a Ritz approach for the 0
perturbed problem are shown in Fig. 14. 0.5 −0.004
The perturbation formulas are similar to Eq. 共89兲 but larger
matrices and eigenvectors have to be used since equations corre-
sponding to the same nodal diameter in the unperturbed problem 0 −0.01
0 0.1 0.2 Ω 0 0.1 0.2 Ω
are coupled. We see that there is no qualitative difference to the
graphs obtained neglecting the prestress. The same holds true for   λ
the stability boundaries; therefore they are not redrawn for the
prestressed case. 0.004

5 Nonlinear Analysis
When dealing with linear models, in case of an instability of the
trivial solution, the amplitudes of the vibration become infinite. In
practice this does not happen, since nonlinearities limit the ampli- −0.01
0 2 4 6 Ω [10−4 ]
tudes. In this section we therefore introduce a nonlinear stiffness
characteristic in the pads and investigate the discretized equations Fig. 14 Spectrum of the perturbed plate problem for ␥ = ␦ = 3.
of motion using the continuation method. We concentrate on the Dashed lines: unperturbed problem; lower plot: zoom for small
disk brake model with parameters given in Sec. 4.2. Since it is Ω.

Journal of Applied Mechanics JULY 2009, Vol. 76 / 041006-13

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FP̄ [10−5 ] model than one would have expected from laboratory experi-
ments. This is most likely due to the fact that a minimal model is
investigated and adjacent parts of the disk brake are not taken into
1 account. Nevertheless the characteristic effect can be observed in
the phenomenological model 共cf. Fig. 16兲.

0.5 6 Conclusion
This paper investigates the stretching and bending of an annular
0 Kirchhoff plate in frictional contact with idealized distributed
pads. The model of the pads is rather flexible to be employed in a
−0.5 variety of problems including clutches. The equations of motion
are derived from the basics of the theory of elasticity and coupling
between disk and plate equations is carefully examined. Under the
−1 assumptions used in this paper, the disk and the plate equations
are decoupled in the linear case. Using perturbation techniques, it
is shown that at least in the subcritical range for parameters of a
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 zP̄ brake disk the plate equations determine the stability behavior of
the system. Subcritical flutter instability is observed caused by the
Fig. 15 Stiffness characteristic combined action of dissipative and nonconservative positional
forces. Approximations to the stability boundaries of the system

冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊 冉 冊 2 3
are calculated from the perturbation formulas. The interpretation
h h h h of the problem as a perturbation problem provides an effective
F¯P = k1 z¯P + + sgn z¯P + k2 z¯P + + k3 z¯P +
2 2 2 2 tool for the stability analysis.

冉 冊 5 Finally, a nonlinear analysis of the discretized plate equations is

h performed to investigate the influences of the nonlinearities origi-
+ k5 z¯P + 共114兲
2 nating from the friction material. Observations of nonlinearities
and the sign function ensures that the stiffness characteristic is made at a squealing disk brake at the test rig, which have not been
point-symmetric with respect to the prestressed configuration. investigated in literature, can be verified qualitatively from the
Very little is known about the stiffness and damping parameters theoretical model using the continuation method.
of the pads; therefore the minimal model can only be investigated Although plate and disk equations decouple in the linear case,
qualitatively. For a bifurcation analysis using AUTO 关32兴 the stiff- i.e., the stability behavior is determined by the plate equations
ness and damping parameters are varied in a physically plausible only, they are coupled through nonlinear terms. An instability in
range. Depending on the parameters we obtain a subcritical or a the plate equations is an instability of the complete system since
supercritical Hopf bifurcation when increasing the rotational the disk equations are excited through nonlinear terms. Conse-
speed of the disk. quently the squealing brake will show in- and out-of-plane vibra-
Using the dimensionless stiffness parameters tions as seen from experiments.

k1 = 0.0093, k2 = − 1.30 ⫻ 105, k3 = 4.69 ⫻ 1011 , Acknowledgment

The work was partly supported by the Alexander von
k5 = 2.21 ⫻ 1022 共115兲
Humboldt-Foundation and DFG Grant No. HA 1060/43-1.
we obtain the stiffness characteristic shown in Fig. 15 and the
bifurcation diagram in Fig. 16.
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