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According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, the Philippines had GROUPS LAWS
the highest incidence of TB in Asia in 2019 with 554 cases per 100,000 TBpeople Philippines Organization Inc.
Republic Act No. 10767 also known as
The group's goals include aiding in the eradication
people. TB is one of the top 10 causes of mortality in the Philippines, killing of the communicable disease and offering a “Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination
about 74 people on average each day. comprehensive solution to its medical and social Plan Act”
issues. They intend to support the affected
It is a law establishing a
TARGET POPULATION population by giving reliable information,
enhancing service delivery, increasing effective comprehensive action plan for the
advocacy campaigns, and participating in the Philippines to eradicate tuberculosis
The primary focus of PTSI's dedication to its TB goal will be on the important fields of education, monitoring and assessment of the nation's TB
as a public health issue and allocating
research, healthcare administration, and creative community methods. They promote the program.
funding for it.
expansion of the evidence base for TB care and prevention as well as the incorporation of new
information into policy and practice. They also support high-quality, easily accessible prevention Philippine Coalition Against Tuberculosis (PhilCAT)
an alliance of organizations and government DOLE Department Order No. 73-05, Series
and care for those who have TB or are at risk of getting it.
departments dedicated to eradicating
tuberculosis in the nation through public-private
of 2005 or also known as the “Guidelines
for the Implementation of Policy and
collaboration. They aspire for a TB-free
Philippines through working together with Program on Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention
members, partners, and other organizations to
and Control in the Workplace”
The Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc. (PTSI) has the following goals: put plans in place to lower the prevalence of TB in
the nation. It is a department order mandatory
PTSI, which was founded in July 1910, aspires to be a prominent collaborator in fighting
for all private establishments,
the spread of tuberculosis in the Philippines. The Society has the view that eliminating the Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc. (PTSI)
spread of TB would not only improve the quality of life for Filipinos but will also greatly workplaces and worksites to
a leading organization in the nation's efforts to
contribute to the socio-economic growth of the Philippines by becoming a trusted, prevent, control, and treat tuberculosis (TB). The formulate and implement a TB
respected, proactive, and dependable partner for all those involved in the country as a main areas of their dedication to the TB mission prevention and control policy and
include research, training, clinical management, program.
and creative community initiatives.

Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that commonly affects the lungs, causing symptoms like coughing, chest pain, fatigue, and fever, but TB bacteria can
spread to any part of the body, including the kidney, spine, and brain. It's not unexpected that TB is so prevalent in the Philippines given the country has
a lot of poverty-stricken areas that exposes individuals to TBs risk factors, such as poor nutrition, crowded settings, and poorly ventilated environments,
smoking, alcohol use disorders, HIV, and diabetes.
Group No. 2 NU-104
Y L e v e l
F A M I L Y , & C
at an I N D I V I D U A L ,
le can do
s peop
step What Is tuberculosis? How could tuberculosis be prevented at the
Tuberculosis (TB) is mainly affecting the individual, family, and community levels?
body but most commonly affects the
lungs, it is a disease caused by bacteria in
Here are some steps that we could take in
the lungs and it can be spread via order to prevent the spread of the infection:
affected persons body fluid. If a patient
has tuberculosis TB must be treated at ALWAYS COVER YOUR MOUTH AND
least 6/12-months by taking medication.
Symptoms of an active tuberculosis NOSE WHEN COUGHING OR SNEEZING
include; cough, fever, weight loss,night
Tuberculosis is the leading infectious disease sweat, thus Tuberculosis can spread SEEK TREATMENT PROMPTLY
killer in the world. Despite the fact that there through air when an infected person
is currently no foolproof method to totally coughs or sneezes. It is important to tell MAINTAIN GOOD HAND HYGIENE
stop the transmission of tuberculosis, there the doctor or a TB nurse immediately if
you have symptoms. If a person has
are some steps that can be taken to slow the EAT HEALTHY FOODS
disease's spread. been infected with TB, that particular
person and the people who were around
him/her are tracked down and must be
Prevention starts with discipline isolated in their own personal rooms
given by their physicians. BE VACCINATED!
Group No. 2 NU-104
Group No. 2


As an Angelite with core values of Christ-centeredness, Integrity, Excellence, Community, and Societal
Responsibility. Every fundamental principle can be applied to our selected illness, tuberculosis.
Microbes that circulate from person to person through the air cause the disease known as tuberculosis
(TB). Despite the fact that TB frequently affects the lungs, it can also injure other organs like the brain,
kidneys, or spine. By putting our basic beliefs into practice, we can stop and slow the development of
this disease. As responsible Angelites, we should take all of our vitamins and consume wholesome foods
to maintain a robust immune system. This will make it easier to recognize the symptoms of TB and
control its spread. If we are already exhibiting symptoms, we should also reduce our social connections.
In the core values of excellence, nurses mean that every day, they make a difference by committing to
giving our patients the best possible care. The nurse carefully explains to the patient how to practice
good hygiene, including handwashing, covering one's mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and
covering one's mouth and nose when sneezing. In terms of societal responsibility, it is our responsibility
as nurse practitioners to educate patients on how to prevent the spreading and acquiring of tuberculosis.
We are also responsible for caring for patients who have acquired the disease. It is our duty to
implement a care plan for them to recover. Also, as core values of the community, we engage in
spreading knowledge about TB treatment, prevention, and transmission. This may entail TB education
and promotion, teaming up with neighborhood groups and health departments, and including patients
and their families in the treatment procedure.
Group No. 2


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