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COMSATS University Islamabad (Lahore Campus)

Assignment <4>– Spring 2023

Course Title: BMIS Course Code: CSC573 Credit Hours: 03
Course Instructor: Tayyaba Program Name: SP21-BFA-A
Due Date: Friday, 20th May, 2023 Maximum Marks: 10
Important Instructions / Guidelines:
It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:
▪ The assignment is submitted after the due date.
▪ The submitted assignment does not open, or the file is corrupt.
▪ Assignment not submitted on cuonline.
▪ Strict action will be taken if the submitted solution is copied from any other student
or from the internet.

Solve the assignment on MS word and submit a PDF file on cuonline.

Question 1.
Of the following fields, which would be the most appropriate for the primary key in a
customer information table? Why?
a. Customer Name
b. Customer Number
c. Phone Number
d. Customer Address

Question 2.
Refer to the two relational database tables below and answer the following
a) Which employees work in the accounting department and make at least
$60,000 per year?
b) Which employees have Mr. Hurt as their manager?
c) In which of the preceding questions did you have to relate data in both
tables to get an answer?
d) Through what field(s) did you relate the tables?
e) Also identify the type of relationship.
Employees Table
EmpID Name Location Department Salary
Emp-235 Doney Phoenix Accounting $58,000
Emp-236 James San Diego Sales $44,000
Emp-237 Giles San Diego Accounting $62,000
Emp-238 Smit Miami Accounting $73,000

Manager Table

MgrId Manager Salary Location

Mgr-1 Hurt $68,000 San Diego
Mgr-2 Holmes $41,000 Cleveland
Mgr-3 Jonas $12,000 Miami
Mgr-4 Alexis $93,000 Phoenix

In case of any query, feel free to contact me at

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