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EXERCISE: Implement Your Goals

Use this sheet to plan the specific steps of accomplishing your most important
leadership goal by answering the following questions.

1. Decide exactly what you want

What one goal is most important to you, professionally, at this time? What do
you want to accomplish or obtain? If you are deciding between a few goals,
list them out below.

2. Write it down
Pick your most important leadership goal and write that goal in a complete,
easily repeatable sentence below.

3. Set a deadline
When are you going to accomplish this goal? Feel free to break out your
deadlines into phases if this is a very big goal.

4. Make a list
Using the lines below, make a list of every actionable step that will help
advance you towards this goal. Don’t worry about them being in any particular
order. Spend at least 5 minutes on this step.

© Brian Tracy. All rights reserved BRIAN TRACY

EXERCISE: Implement Your Goals
Use this sheet to plan the specific steps of accomplishing your most important
leadership goal by answering the following questions.

5. Organize your list

Looking at the list you made above, use the lines below to organize that list by
priority and sequence. What should you do first? What is the most important?

Sequence (Order your list)

Priority (Prioritize your list)

6. Take action on your goal immediately

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, look at your plan above and take
action immediately on one of those line items. Cross it out when you’ve done it,
or use the line below to write it down to keep yourself accountable.

7. Do something every day to achieve your major goal

This is the most important step. Use the calendar on the next page and check
the box each day after completing some action on the path towards your goal.
Hang this calendar up somewhere you can see it daily. (If needed, print out
multiple months in advance).

© Brian Tracy. All rights reserved BRIAN TRACY

EXERCISE: Implement Your Goals
Use this sheet to plan the specific steps of accomplishing your most important
leadership goal by answering the following questions.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

© Brian Tracy. All rights reserved BRIAN TRACY


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