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According to Ken Robinson, everyone has extraordinary creativity but the biggest

problem is that we have no idea about what to do with them in terms of the future. The
speaker thought that all kids have a vivid imagination and the ability to make innovation but
we have squandered them ruthlessly.
There are many reasons why people gradually lost their creativity ability when they
become adults. One of the main points for this issue is that we are afraid of making mistakes
as people were taught to get rid of this when we were at school. Moreover, mistakes are
stigmatized in many places so it is not difficult to understand why people are reluctant to
them. It seems that schools educated students out of their creativity because they built the
learning system on their image and if we want to solve this problem, people should prepare
to be wrong and to face their misjudge. Everyone was born an artist- Picasso said; hardly did
we own an amazing ability, so why don’t we try to remain that advantage until kids are grown
Other reasons for this may be because of the hierarchy of subjects which arranges
math, languages and humanities at the top while dance and music are at the bottom. People
used to believe one’s intelligence is predicated on their cognitive skills, the ability of
awareness but not on their artistic skills. As a consequence of that, most “useful subjects”
are placed on top, and children are prevented from what they want to learn so many talented
people are not diagnosed because of this opinion.
In conclusion, we were mistaken about the definition and the usages of our creativity and
we must rethink intelligence and define it with other aspects such as dynamic, diverse
distinct,... Our education system has mined our minds in a way that strip-mine the earth for a
particular commodity and it won’t serve us in the future. Helping children to follow their
passion and aspiration is one of the ways we can improve our future.

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