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Lesson Plan Information

Date: Subject/Course: Close Up U 6 "Go for it"
Grade: First prep. Topic: Collocations and phrasal verbs
Grade Level: intermediate Length of Period: 80 minutes

2. Objectives
By the end of the day students will be able to:
1. Learn new collocations.
2. Build their vocabulary skills. (Sports clothes & verbs)
3. Talk about sports using appropriate vocabulary and phrases
4. 4. Identify the similarities and differences among sports

3. Warm up/Attention Materials Time

1.Elicit examples of sports equipment from earlier in the unit, e.g. racket, bat, 10 min
stick and write them on the board.
2.The teacher will encourage students give other examples if possible.
3.The teacher will ask students match the words to the photos, then compare their
answers in pairs. Get feedback.

4. Attainment Materials Time

1.The teacher starts the lesson by greeting the students and asking them about
their homework.
2.In pairs, students think of two sports for each item of clothing, then compare
their ideas with another pair.
3.FAST FINISHERS: Students write sentences about the sports they have
chosen, e.g.
-You wear a helmet when you go cycling. Power
-You also wear one to skateboard and snowboard. 20 min.
4.The teacher will ask students to describe the equipment used to do a sport
without saying what it is (e.g. You wear trainers and you use a racket.) and their
partner tries to guess the sport (tennis).
5.The teacher will elicit some sports collocations from earlier in the unit, e.g.
play cricket, go swimming, do yoga.
6.The teacher will encourage students to match the verbs with the nouns, then
compare their answers in pairs.

5. Activation Materials Time

1.the teacher will make information more accessible by presenting it in a visual Pdf 7 min
way. worksheet
2.Presenting sports collocations in a mind map will help many students
remember the different sets of collocations.
3. Students can be given further practice of this mediation skill by asking them
to use visualization methods to explain concepts. This could include time lines,
diagrams and flow charts.
4. Students make mind maps for sports collocations.
5.They write a verb from Exercise 3 in a circle, e.g. ride, then write nouns that
collocate in a circle around it, e.g. a horse, a bike, a motorbike, a skateboard.
Each verb (1–8) will be at the centre of a new diagram, and students should
think of other nouns that they know that collocate with this verb. and write lists
on the board for students to check.

6. Wrap Up Materials Time

Power 3 min.
1. The teacher will do the booklet exercises with the students. point

7. Assignment
1. Students are asked to answer questions in their workbooks.

8. Reflection

Positives: ........................................................................................................................

Points to improve: ........................................................................................................


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