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Homeopathic remedies for summer digestive complaints

Phosphoricum acidum
- diarrhoea in the summer, in hot weather; profuse, watery
- stomach rumbling, gurgling; bloating
- the patient does not feel exhausted with the profuse diarrhoea, although exhaustion may set in
after diarrhoea has stopped.
Arsenicum Album
- diarrhoea burning, watery, smelly; with exhaustion, icy cold hands and feet; pale; chilly
- diarrhoea from eating fruit; from eating cold foods such as ice cream; from eating spoiled meat
- there may be violent, frequent, smelly vomiting; or vomiting and diarrhoea in the same time
- although very exhausted, the patient may be very restless as well and very anxious
- the patient feels worse for movement, for walking
- diarrhoea after eating fruit; after cold drinks especially in hot weather
- summer diarrhoea worse in the morning after getting up and moving
- feels as if there is a stone in the stomach
- stomach pain is better for belching
- painless diarrhoea containing undigested food; with indigestion
- diarrhoea coming on alternate days
- diarrhoea after an acute illness, after eating fruit, in hot weather
- bloating but burping does not relieve the discomfort
- there may be vomiting of sour food
- profuse diarrhoea, watery, sudden, gushing, frequent, painless, smelly
- exhaustion and faintness after stool
- diarrhoea is worse after drinking water, especially cold water in hot weather
- gurgling before stool, there is often loud wind during diarrhoea
- diarrhoea may alternate with constipation or headache
- diarrhoea with colic; after eating fruit, after becoming angry
- colic with cutting, tearing, violent pains better for bending double, for pressure on the abdomen
and after passing a stool
- sometimes there is vomiting due to the severity of the pain
- diarrhoea after eating rich food or fruit, worse when getting overheated and in a stuffy room
- rumbling, gurgling in the abdomen with difficulty to pass wind; smelly wind
- stomach may feel empty
- mild, clingy, weepy mood; changeable symptoms
Veratrum Album
- violent diarrhoea, exhausting, involuntary; with faintness; burning, cutting pains
- diarrhoea may be accompanied by ravenous appetite and emptiness that is not relieved by
- projectile vomiting; there may be diarrhoea and vomiting in the same time; severe situations
- the patient is exhausted, the face may be pale or even blue, the body is cold, has cold hands and
feet, cold breath, and the whole body may be covered in cold sweat
How to take homeopathic remedies:

Homeopathic remedies are not toxic, have no side-effects and are safe for everyone if
taken appropriately. They are made from a variety of sources including plants and minerals
and they have been homeopathically prepared (potentised). They stimulate the body's own
immense healing ability.

Choose the appropriate homeopathic remedy by matching the symptoms of the patient
with the symptoms of the remedy.

If you have taken a remedy and your symptoms improve, as long as your symptoms
improve, stop taking the remedy!
Repeat the remedy only when the improvement starts to wear off and symptoms start
to come back!
If you have taken the remedy 2-3 times and there is no improvement, stop taking the
remedy: it is not the right remedy for you and it will have no curative effect.

When only trying to relief acute symptoms the healing may not be profound enough so
the problems may come back after a while. For deeper healing homeopathic constitutional
treatment is needed, which helps the whole organism to become stronger and healthier and
to overcome disease.

Take the remedy on a clean mouth, do not eat or drink for a few minutes before and
after taking the remedies. Do not take mentholated or strongly tasting foods, coffee, tea
or toothpaste around the time of taking the remedy, as these interfere with the action
of the remedy. Put one pill under the tongue and wait until dissolved. Or for liquid
remedies put 1-2 drops (or as many as recommended) under the tongue.

Store the remedies away from light and strong smelling substances such as mentholated
rubs, camphor, tooth paste, perfumes, incense sticks, etc.

For more information or for a homeopathic constitutional treatment contact me,

Carmen Buzoianu,
4th year student homeopath at The Irish School of Homeopathy
practising in Fermoy and in Cork Student Homeopathic Clinic under the supervision of an
experienced homeopath

mobile: 087 286 7820

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