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Bullying is an aggressive treatment carried out by the perpetrator to the victim which can

cause the victim to get mental issues or physical damage which will affect them for the rest of their lives.
Here we know that bullying is an important issue, because bullying can happen whether it is intentional
or unintentional

There are many types of bullying, namely physical bullying, prejudicial bullying, financial bullying
and cyber bullying.

Physical bullying is bullying that often happen, usually the bullies will do physical violence by
hitting, pushing and kicking which will result in scars on the victims of bullying, this type of bullying is the
easiest bullying to report because there are scars.

Prejudicial bullying is bullying against certain races and groups, usually this bullying is because
the victim is of a different type or class from the perpetrator, usually the perpetrator mocks the
ethnicity or race of the bullying victim by criticizing his speech style.

Financial bullying is bullying in which the perpetrator forces the victim to take out valuables such
as money and jewelry and then gives it to the perpetrator so that the perpetrator gets money, the
perpetrator can also ask the victim to treat everything the perpetrator wants, for example, stealing.

Cyber bullying is bullying that can be done on social media or the internet, this bullying case
often happens because everyone has social media and can express themselves as they please without
the person knowing because they use fake accounts. An example of bullying is by commenting
negatively on the victim's post.

Sexual bullying is a case that usually occurs to the opposite sex, usually a partner or not a
partner, usually this case occurs when the perpetrator touches an area that should not be touched on
the victim that makes the victim uncomfortable.

From this we know that bullying can happen anywhere, anytime and with anyone which will
certainly have a bad impact on the victim. The bad impact is mental health, physical damage and the
worst id death. Mental and physical health is not a joke because it can be traumatizing for victims of
bullying and trauma is not an easy thing to be cured because trauma has a big impact on victims of
bullying because they will live their days with that trauma.

With this essay I want to say that bulling is not a good behavior and should not be done because
the impact is very bad. Therefore we should not do bullying, make peace with others, make peace with

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