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What is a scientific report example. How to write a scientific report example. Example of a good scientific report. What is the format of a scientific report.

Is your teacher expecting you to write an experimental report for every class experiment? Are you still unsure about how to write a scientific report properly? Don’t fear! We will guide you through all the parts of a scientific report, step-by-step. How to write a scientific report: What is a scientific report? A scientific report documents all aspects of an
experimental investigation. This includes: A title The aim of the experiment The hypothesis An introduction to the relevant background theory The methods used The results A discussion of the results The conclusion Scientific reports allow their readers to understand the experiment without doing it themselves. In addition, scientific reports give
others the opportunity to check the methodology of the experiment to ensure the validity of the results.Download your free experimental report templateA template to teach you to write perfect science reports Done! Your download has been emailed.Please allow a few minutes for it to land in your inbox. We take your privacy seriously.
T&Cs and Privacy Policy. A scientific report is written in several stages. We write the introduction, aim, and hypothesis before performing the experiment, record the results during the experiment, and complete the discussion and conclusions after the experiment. But, before we delve deeper into how to write a scientific report, we need to have a
science experiment to write about! Read our 7 Simple Experiments You Can Do At Home article and see which one you want to do. General rules about writing scientific reports Learning how to write a scientific report is different from writing English essays or speeches! You have to use: Passive voice (which you should avoid when writing for other
subjects like English!) Past-tense language Headings and subheadings A pencil to draw scientific diagrams and graphs Simple and clear lines for scientific diagrams Tables and graphs where necessary Structure of scientific reports: Now that you know the general rules on how to write scientific reports, let’s look at the conventions for their structure!
1. Title The title should simply introduce what your experiment is about. Example: The Role of Light in Photosynthesis 2.

Introduction/Background information Write a paragraph that gives your readers background information to understand your experiment. This includes explaining scientific theories, processes and other related knowledge. Example: Photosynthesis is a vital process for life. It occurs when plants intake carbon dioxide, water, and light, and results in the
production of glucose and water.

The light required for photosynthesis is absorbed by chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants, which is contained in the chloroplasts. The glucose produced through photosynthesis is stored as starch, which is used as an energy source for the plant and its consumers.
The presence of starch in the leaves of a plant indicates that photosynthesis has occurred. 3. Aim The aim identifies what is going to be tested in the experiment. This should be short, concise and clear. Example The aim of the experiment is to test whether light is required for photosynthesis to occur. 4. Hypothesis The hypothesis is a prediction of the
outcome of the experiment. You have to use background information to make an educated prediction. Example It is predicted that photosynthesis will occur only in leaves that are exposed to light and not in leaves that are not exposed to light. This will be indicated by the presence or absence of starch in the leaves. 5. Risk assessment Identify the
hazards associated with the experiment and provide a method to prevent or minimise the risks. A hazard is something that can cause harm, and the risk is the likelihood that harm will occur from the hazard. A table is an excellent way to present your risk assessment. Remember, you have to specify the type of harm that can occur because of the
hazard. It is not enough to simply identify the hazard. Do not write: “Scissors are sharp” Instead, you have to write: “Scissors are sharp and can cause injury” Example: Hazard and associated harm Risk Precautions Scissors are sharp and can cause injury Low Use the scissors correctly and store them after use. Wear closed, durable shoes to prevent
injury from falling sharp instruments. Methylated spirits are highly flammable and can cause burns or fires. Low Before using methylated spirits, ensure that all ignition sources such as Bunsen burners and matches are extinguished. Minimise the volume of methylated spirits used. 6. Method The method has 3 parts: A list of every material used Steps
of what you did in the experiment A scientific diagram of the experimental apparatus Let’s break down what you need to do for each section.
6a. Materials This must list every piece of equipment and material you used in the experiment. Remember, you need to also specify the amount of each material you used. Example 1 geranium plant Aluminium foil 2 test tubes 1 test tube rack 1 pair of scissors 1 ruler 1 250 mL beaker 1 pair of forceps 1 10 mL measuring cylinder Iodine solution (5 mL)
Methylated spirit (50ml) Boiling water 1 kettle 2 Petri dishes 2 labels 6b. Steps The rule of thumb is that you should write the method in a clear way so that readers are able to repeat the experiment and get similar results. Using a numbered list for the steps of your experimental procedure is much clearer than writing a whole paragraph of text. The
steps should: Be written in a sequential order, based on when they were performed. Specify any equipment that was used. Specify the quantity of any materials that were used. You also need to use past tense and passive voice when you are writing your method. Scientific reports are supposed to show the readers what you did in the experiment, not
what you will do. Example Aluminium foil was used to fully cover a leaf of the geranium plant. The plant was left in the sun for three days. On the third day, the covered leaf and 1 non-covered leaf were collected from the plant. The foil was removed from the covered leaf, and a 1 cm square was cut from each leaf using a pair of scissors. 150 mL of
water was boiled in a kettle and poured into a 250 mL beaker. Using forceps, the 1 cm square of covered leaf was placed into the beaker of boiling water for 2 minutes.
It was then placed in a test tube labelled “dark”. The water in the beaker was discarded and replaced with 150 mL of freshly boiled water. Using forceps, the 1 cm square non-covered leaf was placed into the beaker of boiling water for 2 minutes. It was then placed in a test tube labelled “light” 5 mL of methylated spirit was measured with a
measuring cylinder and poured into each test tube so that the leaves were fully covered. The water in the beaker was replaced with 150 mL of freshly boiled water and both the “light” and “dark” test tubes were immersed in the beaker of boiling water for 5 minutes. The leaves were collected from each test tube with forceps, rinsed under cold
running water, and placed onto separate labelled Petri dishes. 3 drops of iodine solution were added to each leaf. Both Petri dishes were placed side by side and observations were recorded. The experiment was repeated 5 times, and results were compared between different groups.
6c. Diagram After you finish your steps, it is time to draw your scientific diagrams! Here are some rules for drawing scientific diagrams: Always use a pencil to draw your scientific diagrams. Use simple, sharp, 2D lines and shapes to draw your diagram. Don’t draw 3D shapes or use shading. Label everything in your diagram. Use thin, straight lines to
label your diagram. Do not use arrows. Ensure that the label lines touch the outline of the equipment you are labelling and not cross over it or stop short of it The label lines should never cross over each other. Use a ruler for any straight lines in your diagram. Draw a sufficiently large diagram so all components can be seen clearly. Example 7. Results
This is where you document the results of your experiment. The data that you record for your experiment will generally be qualitative and/or quantitative. Qualitative data is data that relates to qualities and is based on observations (qualitative – quality). This type of data is descriptive and is recorded in words. For example, the colour changed from
green to orange, or the liquid became hot. Quantitative data refers to numerical data (quantitative – quantity). This type of data is recorded using numbers and is either measured or counted. For example, the plant grew 5.2 cm, or there were 5 frogs. You also need to record your results in an appropriate way. Most of the time, a table is the best way
to do this. Here are some rules to using tables Use a pencil and a ruler to draw your table Draw neat and straight lines Ensure that the table is closed (connect all your lines) Don’t cross your lines (erase any lines that stick out of the table) Use appropriate columns and rows Properly name each column and row (including the units of measurement in
brackets) Do not write your units in the body of your table (units belong in the header) Always include a title Note: If your results require calculations, clearly write each step. Example: Observations of the effects of light on the amount of starch in plant leaves. Observations (colour) Presence of starch (yes/no) Uncovered leaf (exposed to light) Dark
blue, purple and black Yes Covered leaf (not exposed to light) Light-yellow No If quantitative data was recorded, the data is often also plotted on a graph. 8. Discussion The discussion is where you analyse and interpret your results, and identify any experimental errors or possible areas of improvements. You should divide your discussion as follows. 1.
Trend in the results Describe the ‘trend’ in your results. That is, the relationship you observed between your independent and dependent variables. The independent variable is the variable that you are changing in the experiment. In this experiment, it is the amount of light that the leaves are exposed to. The dependent variable is the variable that you
are measuring in the experiment, In this experiment, it is the presence of starch in the leaves. Explain how a particular result is achieved by referring to scientific knowledge, theories and any other scientific resources you find.2. Scientific explanation: Example: The presence of starch is indicated when the addition of iodine causes the leaf to turn
dark purple. The results show that starch was present in the leaves that were exposed to light, while the leaves that were not exposed to light did not contain starch. 2. Scientific explanation: Provide an explanation of the results using scientific knowledge, theories and any other scientific resources you find. Example: As starch is produced during
photosynthesis, these results show that light plays a key role in photosynthesis. 3. Validity Validity refers to whether or not your results are valid. This can be done by examining your variables. VAlidity = VAriables Identify the independent, dependent, controlled variables and the control experiment (if you have one). The controlled variables are the
variables that you keep the same across all tests e.g. the size of the leaf sample. The control experiment is where you don’t apply an independent variable. It is untouched for the whole experiment. Ensure that you never change more than one variable at a time! Example: The independent variable of the experiment was amount of light that the leaves
were exposed to (the covered and uncovered geranium leaf), while the dependent variable was the presence of starch. The controlled variables were the size of the leaf sample, the duration of the experiment, the amount of time the solutions were heated, and the amount of iodine solution used. 4.

Reliability Identify how you ensured the reliability of the results. REliability = REpetition Show that you repeated your experiments, cross-checked your results with other groups or collated your results with the class. Example: The reliability of the results was ensured by repeating the experiment 5 times and comparing results with other groups.
Since other groups obtained comparable results, the results are reliable. 5. Accuracy Accuracy should be discussed if your results are in the form of quantitative data, and there is an accepted value for the result. Accuracy would not be discussed for our example photosynthesis experiment as qualitative data was collected, however it would if we were
measuring gravity using a pendulum: The measured value of gravity was 9.8 m/s2, which is in agreement with the accepted value of 9.8 m/s2. 6. Possible improvements Identify any errors or risks found in the experiment and provide a method to improve it. If there are none, then suggest new ways to improve the experimental design, and/or minimise
error and risks. Example: Possible improvements could be made by including control experiments. For example, testing whether the iodine solution turns dark purple when added to water or methylated spirits. This would help to ensure that the purple colour observed in the experiments is due to the presence of starch in the leaves rather than
impurities. 9. Conclusion State whether the aim was achieved, and if your hypothesis was supported. Example: The aim of the investigation was achieved, and it was found that light is required for photosynthesis to occur. This was evidenced by the presence of starch in leaves that had been exposed to light, and the absence of starch in leaves that had
been unexposed. These results support the proposed hypothesis. Learn everything you need to know about Science It’s far vital to demonstrate your expertise of the science that you have studied and practiced by means of writing approximately it in a systematic record. The overall reason is to give you practice at writing professional reports for your
future career. The final purpose of most scientists is to post their studies findings in expert scientific reports. This includes peer-reviewed journal articles, which record original findings and make a contribution to the global pool of scientific knowledge. You May also See Sample Training Reports➞ Download Now : 200,000+ Templates... just at $24 a
year Scientists spend their time writing proposals, planning studies, undertaking experiments, analyzing statistics, tracing studies, and analyzing related articles. Posted reviews and journal articles provide proof of this dedication. Therefore, a clinical report is not sincerely some more work that is completed on the challenge – it’s far a critical
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