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Name of Applicant Teaching Position Applied For Please write ‘X’ as appropriate

No Knowledge or

Very Good



1. Classroom management
2. Rapport with students
3. Rapport with parents
4. Rapport and collaboration with colleagues
5. Cooperation with school leadership
6. Genuine interest in the practice of teaching and learning
7. Rating of lessons that have been observed
8. Ability to communicate effectively with colleagues
9. Setting high yet realistic expectations of students
10. Tolerance of frustration and response to criticism
11. Ability to meet deadlines
12. Contribution to extracurricular/enrichment activities
13. Positive and optimistic attitude to school development
14. Willingness to work hard and achieve targets
15. Lesson preparation to meet the needs of different ability groups
16. Effective support for students with learning difficulties (SEND)
17. Attendance and punctuality
18. Quality of feedback to students in class verbally and in writing
19. Quality of written reports to parents
20. Enthusiasm – willingness to go the extra mile
21. Ability to inspire students to reach their learning goals
22. Knowledge of subject(s) and good teaching practices
23. Willingness to foster a positive school culture
24. Promotes high level of personal and social responsibility
25. Reliable and shows initiative – proactive self-starter

What subjects and age levels does the applicant teach best?

What are the candidate’s greatest strengths?

In what areas would you like to see the candidate develop or improve?

Would this candidate adapt well to life in a different country/culture?

Is this candidate a confident and secure person?

Is this candidate generally supportive of management decisions?

How long have you known this candidate?

What is your professional relationship with the candidate?

What was the reason for the termination of the contract?

Please put ‘X’ the appropriate response below :

I would retain or re-employ this candidate with great enthusiasm

I would retain or re-employ this candidate with enthusiasm

I would retain or re-employ this candidate with reservations

I would not retain or re-employ this candidate

Do you recommend the candidate unreservedly as being suitable to work with children?
Yes/No/Unsure (Please circle as appropriate)

Has this candidate undergone a police check to ensure suitability to work with children?
Yes/No/Unsure (Please circle as appropriate)

If no, or unsure, give specific reasons if you have any concerns about suitability in relation to the safety/welfare of
children, including details of any allegations and the outcome of any investigation into these concerns.

Any other comments or further information which will assist us in making a sound evaluation

This reference was written by:

Name: Office telephone :

Signature: Office fax:

Position : Mobile:
Date : E-mail :
Your Address:

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