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Poets and Pancakes Anglo-Burmans, are a community of Eurasians of Burmese and

European descent, who emerged as a distinct community through

Poets and Pancakes was written by Asokamitran, a famous Tamil mixed relations between the British and other European settlers
writer and winner of Sahitya Akademi. He was one of the few and the indigenous peoples of Burma from 1826 until 1948 when
writers who could write in Tamil and English fluently and wrote Myanmar gained its independence from the United Kingdom.
several novels and hundreds of short stories in his career that Integration- unification
spanned over six decades. He spent the starting years of his Broadcasting- the transmission of programmes or information by
career in Gemini Studio of Chennai and was entrusted with radio or television
clerical tasks of cutting and pasting newspaper articles. He Hideous- extremely ugly
learned a lot about how Gemini Studio operated and depicted it Crimson hue- deep red colour
humorously in his autobiography My Years with Boss. Potions- a liquid mixture
The chapter Poets and Pancakes is taken from Asokamitran’s Hierarchy- A system in which members of an organization or
book My Years with Boss and highlights several issues relating to society are ranked according to relative status or authority
India’s film industry specifically and provides a glimpse into the French window – each of a pair of glazed doors in an outside wall,
infant years of Independent India. The boss that the writer talks of serving as a window and door, typically opening onto a garden or
was S.S. Vasan, the founder of Gemini Studio and producer of balcony
several films that influenced all aspects of e Indian Life. He talks Cubicle- a small partitioned-off area of a room
about the manner in which a legal advisor ruins the career of an Barge in- to walk into a room quickly, without being invited
actress. The story also portrayed the writer’s and Gemini Studios’ Enlightened-having or showing a rational, modern and well-
support of communism and mentioned the anti-communism informed outlook
movements by the West. Epics- an exceptionally long and arduous task or activity
Perverts- a person whose sexual behaviour is regarded as
WORD MEANING abnormal and unacceptable
Covertly- secretly
Incandescent- emitting light as a result of being heated; burning
Woes- distress
Fiery- red-hot; scorching
Ignominy- public shame or disgrace
Misery- a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or
Contrary- opposite in nature, direction or meaning
Virtue- behaviour showing high moral standards; here, good luck
Madras Indian Christian – a particular caste in Indian Christians of Affluent- having a great deal of money; wealthy
people from Madras who have been converted to Christianity Having a hand in – to be involved with something
religion Deliberately- on purpose
Anglo-Burmese – The Anglo-Burmese people, also known as the Overshadowed- was better than
Dwarfed- cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison
Literary – associated with literary works or other formal writing legs
Critic- a person who judges the merits of literary or artistic works Coat of mail – a protective garment made of linked metal rings
Refrain- lines that are repeated in poetry (mail) or of overlapping metal plates
Diction- the style of enunciation in speaking or singing; articulation Cold logic – logic that fails to consider human factors such as
Sprawling- spreading over a large area, detailed culture, language, social dynamics, personality and emotion
Deftly- effortlessly Haunt – frequently visited by
Etched- here, defined, described Mess- a building or room providing meals
Lead – main Prohibition- the act of forbidding something
Subsidiary- secondary, supporting Leisure- time when one is not working or occupied; free time
Main players- actors performing the main roles Prerequisite- a thing that is required as a prior condition for
Genuine- true something else to happen or exist
Conscious- aware Averse- having a strong dislike of or opposition to something
Improvident- a person who does not plan his expenses and ends Communism- collectivism, socialism
up wasting money Filial- relating to or due from a son or daughter.
Demeanour- manner; attitude Conjugal- relating to marriage or the relationship between a
Sycophant- a person who acts obsequiously (excessively married couple
obedient) towards someone important in order to gain advantage Compunction- reluctance
Direst- terrible Vaguely- in a way that is uncertain
Tempramental – liable to unreasonable changes of mood. Forthcoming- about to happen or appear
Blew over- to pass by or to end Trapeze- a horizontal bar hanging with two ropes and free to
Incriminating- making someone appear guilty of a crime or swing, used by acrobats in a circus
wrongdoing. Homilies- sermon; lecture
Foul – bad Bare – empty
Tirade – a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation Surmise- guess; suspect
Struck dumb – shocked tephen — that was his name.
Countryside: from village Pursuit – hobby, activity
Sophistication – having a good understanding of the way people Genius – an exceptionally intelligent person
behave Persevering- continuing in a course of action despite difficulty or
Catapulted – move suddenly or at great speed delay in achieving success.
Unwittingly- unknowingly Drudge – a person made to do hard menial or dull work.
Khadi – an Indian homespun cotton cloth Manuscript- an author’s handwritten or typed text that has not yet
Dhoti – a garment worn by male Hindus, consisting of a piece of been published
material tied around the waist and extending to cover most of the Literati- well-educated people who are interested in literature.
Sneaking into- doing something in a secretive or stealthy way His job was to slap paint on the faces of players during crowd
Forbidden- not allowed; banned. shooting.
Stephen Spender- An English poet essayist who concentrated on
themes of social injustice and class struggle. The author talks about the poets who wear khadi and believed
that the Communists were monsters and about the legal advisor
Andre Gide- A French writer, humanist, moralist, received the
Nobel Prize for Literature in 1947. who was a member of the story department. The legal advisor
was at odds with the story department and even lost his job with
Richard Wright- An American writer, known for his novel Native
Son and his autobiography Black Boy. the closure of the story department, and he has once brought an
abrupt end to the promising career of a talented actress. People
Ignazio Silone- An Italian writer, who was the founder member of
the Italian communist party in 1921, and is known for the book. considered him to be the exact opposite of a legal consultant. The
Gemini Studio gets the opportunity to host the two-hundred-strong
The God That Failed, authored by him.
Arthur Koestler- A Hungarian born British novelist, known for his Moral Rearmament Army that showed two plays in a highly
professional manner. The play was a huge success and left a
novel Darkness at Noon.
Louis Fischer- A well known American journalist and a writer of long-lasting impression on Tamil drama. The writer later found out
that MRA was a counter communist movement. They did not have
Mahatma Gandhi’s biography.
complex plots, and their sets and costumes were near perfect.
The author joined the studio to become an actor, screenwriter,
The writer talks about his days at Gemini Studio and is known for director, or lyricist and has a cubicle where he collects newspaper
his humor and satire. He talks about a makeup material from a cuttings on several issues and stores them in files. However,
brand called Pancake. The material was bought and used in the people who saw him cutting newspapers perceived that he had no
studio and named some actresses who used it. He suggested that work, so everyone wanted to deliver some work to him. The office
the makeup department was situated in a building believed to boy always came in with complaints, and the author believed that
have been Robert Clive’s stable. There were several buildings
Subbu troubled him and had the upper hand because he was a
associated with Clive’s residence, but this was not true because
his stay in India was very short. Brahmin. Subbu is seen as a resourceful man who is very loyal,
and films and filmmaking are impossible without him.
Asokamitran has described the makeup department as a sign of
national integration and the makeup room as a hair cutting salon. The writer humorously talks of the visit of an English poet,
Pancake and several other lotions were used to make the actors Stephen Spender, in the studio. They prepared for it royally but
look ugly and presentable in the movie. In the make-up concealed the purpose of his arrival for a long time. At the
department, there was a forty-year-old office boy who dreamed of studios, they had not heard of the poet’s name before and owing
becoming a star actor or director or lyrics writer, but his dreams to the language barrier, it was difficult to understand what he said.
were not fulfilled, and he blamed the Boss’s favorite, Subbu, for it. The writer noticed a notice in The Hindu about a short story
contest organized by a British periodical called, The Encounter.
The writer wanted to send an entry but wanted to know the status Key Points
of the periodical and to understand that he went to the British The story is humorously based on how the film industry operated
Council Library. He learned that the editor of the periodical was in its early years. It takes account of favoritism, casteism, and
Stephen Spender. jealousy, among other problems in the workplace. The story is
based around the writer’s and the studio’s support of communism
Post the writer’s retirement, he came across a book titled- The and an unknown writer publishing stories.
God That Failed, and it had six essays discussing the failure of Whether you’re aiming to learn some new marketable skills or just
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look ugly. He talks about the office boy who complains of can sign up for today.
favoritism, and the same stop him from becoming a star actor,
director, or lyrics writer. The writer mentions that the reason
behind the office boy’s misery is Subbu, who gets an underlined The word ‘Pancakes’ from the title ‘Poets and Pancakes’ is the
advantage because he is a Brahmin. He talks about a guest that name of a make-up brand that Gemini Studios used in large
no one knew much about and later understanding the reason for amounts. It is a very popular brand used by famous celebrities
his visit.  like Miss Gohar, Greta Garbo and Vyjayantimala. The writer says
that another actress named Rati Agnihotri may not have even
Theme heard of the brand of makeup as she entered the industry later
and probably, the brand was no longer in use then. The lesson
Poets and Pancakes by Asokamitran is an extremely important begins with a brief description about the make-up room of Gemini
biographical description of Gemini Studios and circles around Studios which was situated on a higher level floor of the building.
some very important themes. One important theme is that of The place was earlier believed to be Robert Clive’s stables.
favoritism at the workplace and highlights how Subbu reached the
point of being second in command at Gemini Studios based on
Robert Clive was the English soldier and statesman who
that. It talks about Subbu remaining overpowered and various
expanded British power in India. Many other buildings in the city
sides of life. It presented office life to a large extent and issues
are identified as the place of his residence which is evident of the
about life at work like jealousy, hierarchy, favoritism, sycophancy,
fact that he moved frequently. He is believed to have fought some
and more. However, it also speaks of social integration and
impossible battles in the remote areas of India. He married a
bringing communities together.
young woman in St. Mary’s Church in Fort St. George in Madras.
The make-up room had the look of a hair-cutting salon with lights The Gemini Studios was set up with a team of 600 people in
at all angles around half a dozen large mirrors. They were all 1940. It had set up its identity in film production and it touched
incandescent lights, so you can imagine the fiery misery of those upon varied aspects. In his book, My year with Boss, the author
subjected to make-up. The make-up department was first headed Asokamitran had described Subbu at the No.2 at the Gemini
by a Bengali who became too big for a studio and left. He was Studios. Being a many sided genuis, he was an indispensable
succeeded by a Maharashtrian who was assisted by a Dharwar man for the studios. He served his Boss and the organisation
Kannadiga, an Andhra, a Madras Indian Christian, an Anglo- from the core of his heart. He did not have much education but
Burmese and the usual local Tamils. All this shows that there was his loyalty had made him identify with his Principal or the Boss.
a great deal of national integration long before A.I.R. and He used all his energy and creativity to the advantage of his
Doordarshan began broadcasting programmes on national Boss and his company. He understood all the complexities and
integration. technicalities of film-making. In case the director was not
satisfied, Subbu would come out with fourteen more alternatives.
Character Analysis He was a many sided genious. During its golden period, Subbu
gave a new direction and definition to the Gemini Studios.
1. Ashokamitran
Being a poet, he wrote his poetry for the masses. His sprawling
He is the author of this lesson and used to work as an employee novel ‘Thillana Mohanambal’ had dozens of lovely characters on
of Gemini Studio. His job was to cut newspaper clippings on the mood and manner of the Devadasis of early 20th century.
different topics and make a file on it. The other members of his Whatever roles Subbu played, he acted better than the main
staff looked down upon his work and felt superior to him always. actor. Subbu was of a charitable and cheerful personality. He fed
and supported dozens of near and dear ones at his residence
2. The Office Boy but he had his enemies. With the closure of the story
department, Subbu also lost his job.
He was not really a young boy, but a grown-up man of forty years
old and was given the duty of crowd makeup. His job was an easy He was a talented poet also and sometimes performed better
one still he feels he was an expert and a skilled make-up artist. than the lead actors. He used to write poems in Tamil and so he
He blamed Subbu for his failure to become a hero or a star actor. had made some enemies also in the studio. He was a brilliant
poet and actor and contributed a lot to the Studio.
3. Kothmangalam Subbu
He was considered the No.2 at the studio and came from a lower 4. Legal advisor
background than the office boy but being a brahmin he was given He was a lawyer in the story department of Gemini Studio. He
more importance than the office boy. He always looks cheerful as wore pants and a tie and sometimes an oversized coat unlike
a lark and was loyal towards Vasan, always being at service for everyone in the department. He possesses cold and lame logic.
him. He was extremely creative and used his talent to his own He destroyed the career of many actresses by his unrealistic
advantage and to make his position strong in the studio. behavior.
5. Stephen Spender
He was an English poet, editor, and a one-time communist who Q3. What work did the ‘office boy’ do in the Gemini Studios? Why
gave a speech about Communism. He gave a long lecture on did he join the studios? Why was he disappointed?
communism and also explains his tough times when he wishes to
establish it here. Later on, people could know about the reason he Ans: The office boy applied make-up to the crowds, mixing his
gave. Asokamitran, later on, came to know that he was the Editor
of the British Periodical, ‘Encounter’.he recognized the paint in a giant vessel and slapping it on the crowd players. He
connection between him and the owner of the Studio, S.S. Vasan. had joined the studios in the hope of becoming a star actor or a
Stephen Spender. All these are evidence that he had some
literary taste. top screen writer, director or lyrics writer. He was a bit of a poet.
He was disappointed as he was placed low even in the hierarchy
Q1. What does the writer mean by ‘the fiery misery’ of those of make-up men.
subjected to make-up? Q4. Subbu is described as a many-sided genius. List four of his
Ans: The writer means the misery caused by the incandescent special abilities.
Ans: Subbu was a many-sided genius. He was born a Brahmin. It
lights that poured out intense heat. The make-up room of the is a virtue in itself as it exposed him to more affluent situations
Gemini Studios had bright bulbs in the room full of large mirrors and people. Second, he had the ability to look cheerful at all
times. Third, he always had work for somebody. Fourth, he had
that reflected the glowing lights. Under such blazing heat make-up great loyalty to his principal, S.S. Vasan, the Boss .
was done.
Q2. What is the example of national integration that the author Q5. Did the people at Gemini Studios have any particular political
refers to? affiliations?
Ans: The people at Gemini Studios wore Khadi and worshipped
Ans: The make-up team and also those who came and went were Gandhi, but beyond that they had no particular political interests
from different states. It was headed by a Bengali and next in or understanding. They only had opinions on communism, which
they loathed and looked down on communists. They considered
hierarchy was a Maharashtrian, assisted by an Andhraite, a communists as heartless atheists who are devoid of emotions.
They went about letting loose anarchy in the society.
Madras Indian Christian, an Anglo-Burmese and other local Q6. Name one example to show that Gemini Studios was
Tamils. It was truly a gang of nationally integrated make-up men. influenced by the plays staged by MRA?
Ans: MRA staged two plays ‘Jotham Valley’ and ‘The Forgotten Factor’.
Their high quality costumes and
well made sets earned a lot of admiration. Their sunrise and sunset scene
impressed them so much that all Tamil plays started reproducing the
scene with a bare stage, a white background curtain and a tune playing
on the flute. .

Q7.The author has used gentle humour to point out human

foibles. Pick out instances of this to show how this serves to make .
the piece interesting?
Ans: ‘Poets and Pancakes’ has an underlying tone of humour
which is satirical and has been deployed by the author to point out
human foibles. It is mainly manifested in his description of the Q8. Explain the appropriateness of the title ‘Poets and
make-up room people The make-up room, he says, was in a Pancakes’?
building that had once been the stables of Robert Clive. He Ans: The chapter describes Gemini Studios and its functioning
further makes fun of the make-up team that slapped make-up.
very clearly. Its employees are little unrecognized poets. Though
Ironically, the make-up turned any normal man into a hideous
monster, far from being presentable. He also refers to the fiery they work in a film studio, the focus is on the author’s station in
misery of the actors when their make-up was done under the
the Studios as a make-up boy using pancakes on crowd players,
bright bulbs, large mirrors reflecting blazing heat. His description
of Subbu’s No. 2 position in Gemini Studios, the frustration of the and how he failed as a poet. So, the title is appropriate.
office boy and the opposite role played by the legal adviser in the Q9. Describe the make-up department of Gemini Studios?
acting career of a countryside girl are humorously dealt with but
The make-up department of the Gemini Studios was established
effectively bring out the flaws in the set-up. The showmanship of on the upstairs of a building that was believed to have been
the boss and what influences his guest list point out human Robert Clive’s stables. The make-up room had the look of a hair-
weaknesses in a light-hearted manner. The humour is at its peak cutting salon with lights at all angles. The lights were
in the description of the visit of Stephen Spender. S.S. Vasan’s incandescent which produced the extreme heat and about half
reading a long speech in his honour but he too knew precious dozen big mirrors reflected the light, that was totally unbearable
little about him. Spender’s accent is highly unintelligible. Then the for the artists to be made-up.
The make-up department was first headed by a Bengali who
author’s establishing long lost brother’s relationship with the
when left, a Maharashtrian headed it with an assistant Dharwar
English visitor is also funny and humorous. All these slight digs at Kannadiga, an Andhra, a Madras Indian Christian, an Anglo-
human foibles tickle in us humour. Burmese and the usual local Tamils. In this way, there was a
great deal of national integration. A strict hierarchy could be
noticed at make-up department. The chief make-up man attended
to the chief actors and actresses. His senior assistant looked to
the ‘second’ hero and heroine, the junior assistant the main
comedian and so forth.
The players who played the crowd were the responsibility of the
office boy. He used to mix his paint in a giant vessel and slap it on
the crowd players. So, the gang of nationally integrated make-up
men could turn any decent-looking person into a hideous crimson
hued monster with the help of truck-loads of Pancake and a
number of other locally made potions and lotions. Thus, the
make-up room was not less than a torcher room for the artists
who were to be prepared for the shoot.

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