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SULIT 2 013

[ 20 marks ]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1 The two _________are buying seafood at the market.

A woman
B women
C womans
D womens

2 A __________ of lions is resting under the tree.

A pride
B bunch
C litter
D school

3 Captain America introduces ___________ to the children.

A herself
B himself
C ourselves
D themselves

4 ___________ are you giving this gift to?

A Who
B When
C Whom
D Whose

5 Vijay will ___________ Avengers Endgame next Saturday.

A watch
B watches
C watched
D watching

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6 It is normal if we make mistakes. As the saying goes, __________.

A half a loaf is better than none

B time and tide wait for no man
C no man is an island
D nobody is perfect
SULIT 3 013
Choose the best answer for each blank.
Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

Tina has a pet cat with white fur called Snowy. She _____7_____with Snowy when
she comes home from school. She makes sure to feed Snowy three times _____8_____
day. She loves Snowy very much. If Tina didn’t have Snowy to keep her company, she will
_____9_____ very lonely.

7 A play
B plays
C played
D playing

8 A -
B a
C an
D the

9 A feel
B feels
C felt
D feeling

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai maksud yang berlawanan dengan perkataan bergaris.

10 The questions in the English exam were so difficult.

A tough
B easy
C rough
D false

Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

11 The students are participating in a_________________ contest.

A colluring
B colouring
C kolouring
D calouring

SULIT 4 013

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

12 The
steps shown above is the steps to make _____________.
A sandwich
B fruit salad
C burger
D banana split

13 Choose the correct steps in making this recipe.

A mix the fruits – wash all the fruits – cut all the fruits – peel off the skin
B wash all the fruits – cut all the fruits – was all the fruits – peel off the skin
C was all the fruits – peel of the skin – cut all the fruits – mix the fruits
D mix the fruits – wash all the fruits – peel off the skin – cut all the fruits

14 If you would like to add some lemon juice, when should you put it?
A Before washing the fruits
B After washing the fruits
C Before cutting all the fruits into small pieces
D After putting all the fruits into a bowl.

15 All the fruits are suitable to be used in making this kind of recipe except ______.
A dragon fruit
B strawberry
C durian
D banana

SULIT 5 013

Question 16 to 20

Read the notice below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.


16 What is the notice about?

A Family Fun Day

B Award Giving Ceremony
C Taman Kingsley Big Feast
D Taman Kingsley Community Football Game.

17 How long will the program be held?

A 4 hours
B 4 hours and 30 minutes
C 5 hours
D 6 hours

18 What is the purpose of the event?

A To compete with one another.
B To bring everyone closer as a community
C To raise fund for the charity
D To find the best cook among the community club members.

SULIT 6 013

19 You can sing while playing piano, which competition can you join?

A Telematch
B Fashion show
C Walkathon
D Talent Competition

20 Below are the benefits of having family day except

A Promotes healthy and active living.

B Make new friends and socialize with everyone.
C Show off strengths in front of everyone.
D Strengthen the bond between the community members.

SULIT 7 013


(30 Marks)

Write the correct answer based on the situations given below.

Question 21

(a) 9




(2 marks)





(2 marks)




(2 marks)

SULIT 8 013

Question 22

Read the blog post below and answer the questions that follow.

Write True or False for each statement below.

(a) One of Wonder Woman’s weapons is magic bracelet. _________________ 1 mark

1 mark
(b) Superman first appeared on TV in 1938. _________________

SULIT 9 013

(b) List two good things that superheroes do.

(i) _____________________________________________________________________

(ii) _____________________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

(c) Why superheroes wear mask?



(2 marks)

(d) What super power would you really like to have? Why?



(2 marks)

SULIT 10 013

Question 23

Study the notes below and answer the questions that follow.

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) Where can you use the computer to check the arrival and departure time of trains?

Cyber cafe
Railway stations
(1 mark)
(b) Below are the functions of a computer except?

To scan text
To store documents
To browse the internet
(1 mark)

SULIT 11 013

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrase in List B. An example is given below.

Computers are used to give on cash and cheques.


Finance workers can use computers teaching and learning.

to keep records

My brother and I stay connected by on the arrival and departure


In education, computers assist in sending and receiving emails.

the process of

(2 marks)

(d) State two uses of a computer at the office administration.

(i) ____________________________________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

(e) As a student, do you think computer is important? Why?



(2 marks)

SULIT 12 013

Question 24

Study the table and read the dialogue below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Natasya : Miss, I have not decided which competition to join on the Children’s Day
Celebration next week.
Miss Lim : You can join the Poem Recital and the Cooking Competition. Your fried
rice is delicious. I’m sure you’ll be the top participant in the event.
Natasya : Really, Miss Lim? Thank you for saying that.
Miss Lim : For the Poem Recital Competition, I can help you to write a poem or
choose one for the competition.
Natasya : That’s great. Now, I have made my decision.
Miss Lim : All right.

SULIT 13 013

Circle the correct answer.

(a) Natasha can join the Poem Recital and the Cooking Competition.
She is in _____________.

Year 4 Year 5. Year 6

(1 mark)
(b) “I’m sure you’ll be the top participant in the event.”
The word event in the dialogue refers to the __________.
Dance Competition Cooking Competition Poem Recital Competition

(1 mark)
Question 25
Write the answer in the spaces provided.

(c) To join the Poem Recital Competition, Natasya must:

i. ________________________________________________________________

ii. ________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)
(d) Natasya’s brother, Sam is 10 years old. He likes drawing and colouring.
Which event can he take part during the Children’s Day Celebration? Why?

(2 marks)
(e) Who do you think Miss Lim is and why is she helping Natasha in making her decision?



(2 marks)


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