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24/07/2022 (Mute) RuleA Deviiaties of Fictions of Two Vaurbls ye Ko) s flow a = oe oe vi, Cee ¢ : a “e O¢ ORS oz Oy Or Example ce oe oe Let, B80 + Lary’) oe Fancl OS By CD Bay » (HD Byy, vie Oo 2 O27 | Sor: 2 & ox = 2 (%' ‘9 34 adn (ve gd-2™ a) Ox: +o) 7 = 39°. 2x +2° Bg ~ [etaxe tess] +, oe - 2#e Fe . 3 40 = bay tye PEF PPL ELLE LETT TERVELTLTREREERYRTLERHESCHEHHEHRSEK ERE EE a 2 bx (teyy* wage Ww By = > BC « a ZG Be eae xer 5x2™) tty e- Ant) —_ ue v 0 - ee Pay opi)? Dy | 4 — ey (0F4, 7 spy 9 ede erg” oni ay’ 8 = Lon + @yT” ae rf) tm LOtA= LOD. Patt 2-F0y > hwp= Him SGN DS ted 4x20 tn =Lloyray) - te Gy op> An, ay \ae (2.721) > Plug in the value “%=2, pot on &). Chain Rule: Y 2x wh)y ant gaylt) aw differentiable at t, and. PID a dlifperontishle at the point Gagd= (x4), y(Q), then 2- Faced ge) + differentiable at tL, and pre oalouleted at- (Oxf) Whee OP int ovaluated at £, and the oacken ay fenvalives Ve PREFERS SCSEPVLFERAVVEEPTLTVTLVLVLLALVAVVVUVYDVDIVIYD ES SSEEOOC COE EOS EEE SSG] Wa Fes ®) 5 x= 2b), y= H(t)» 2 2) al eID) EX ds 2g. dz oe oy SE’ ae ae ae © = F(x» yb), 2(4)) —— » 3 \ =x» HL, y= £°, Ex: Suppose that 2S J Pe Ze was, ub % fend de, and £¢ Me result 4 exprensing @ gia ganchin of and diff erentintrg terectly . dz az be ee Oo de ”~ mx dt i: oy a = 2p. 2t + 2 ak” = 24) 2b + 49 32 = He 34° 6 = Ht B= tye 27 t= Oe > 2-37 dz és > GE. F as (bas) SB Suppose that w= [wn gee, n= cass y= AO, z-tenO. Ue the chain rule fb fire ee when O= = ; Ce we ee aca ae De i) ryt e ee ee (Coed a) 4 D+O0tZE te Be = cpap 01079 dx 5 =n de dy. _ cos® Ie = oe = se’) FET TESST AZAAQAAAAARAAARAAARAAVATVLAAANLVF PV xyAyypry secb—tonr6'> | olay we, av. de bn ae + Be et Be. de ea =xAdn 8. ve cos O 4 zee eae ee ne we) TRH + pees 1 Bee? Tepes 0s @ sinO + Ain@cos@ + 4anbsecO V cof0 + sin’ Or Ten’'O = #000 tanO © tan O- socO sec’ O Agen when 62 © jbo = fan B. 4ee (ae > w=lsec'® = sec® de e 7 PLVo > del, = sens, 4200, tn ae hosp 26 (oF po25 Coin Rulo of Partial Derivation Tacha] rer) Ib [x . x luv) | and lee flew | Awe f° onder porte. clervatives at the point cu,y emt ip Sateuge] + attpaentith ot He point P= (eleow ploy) Hem [e-Feep f(ker pod tor ferat onroler partial clerivolies at the posnt Gy gen 4y Ou On Ou Oy Ou and» 22 Be Be , Be, 2 av ox av 24, Ow Dw _ Be Qw 2x, Bw ay , Bw, de pu ox | Ou Ci OH d= au A Qw. , Ox Der Oy > Bu , Oe ond Bn Be But Oy Ov ov = oe mA % Bye v FFEEC CEE TEP ETIVTTVV AUN VV VVVANA Ne ead Sees sbsdt » D . » J ) Fx! Ciien that ze, 22 2urv and Ge - fl B= and Be astng the chatn nla, Ou ov Soh”? y : Z=@ — ay Gury uw Ber eS Fe v ge (ter (tun) = (freer 2 2urV yo gow - ORY g. Bey Qu oe pote ws 074* By2 4 Buz 2rg uv) Ben oP (pane 7g4') 1 find Be aol Bul, Gil weet 2 26) -0 x = Ox oe Or Bw. Zer-e" ag = oe 2 (0%) = ot. ne = a-guev {ye 22 uv 2 oha3 2 2r.3 S ee, 5 as ane ov ov }> 22. uv or Lu-ve Ba ute V-0= Ex: Stygpoae that we 2” , w= Burs gf? MY, Zeuv, Use appropiate farns of Lhe hatha rule 2 Zuv bh 'PRPPPECECEET TTT TT TTTTTTTUTTIViryyyyyysaagagd, If the equation Fey) =e defcnes t émplicitly a a aff~erentiabl, function of % and Lg a d, of xs 40, the . ay 702 Ahn = Bes te or He Bay 2279 20 (Tnplicct Sunchén) of, 2 Bat Bg OG Roe Op = TG aad Fay) = a say 2x7y> 0 Sm 3 x z = Let By + 6xy 2t , or ry + 22° 4 Maxima and Minina functions of tuo Tee Definition: A Yupstly’ of two variables is sate fp have 2 tolative maximum at a point (us 7.) if there us a desk c5onteredl at (x, 5 4) Auch | that | #4) > Foog) | for 2th points Oo p) ; that Lie inside te clisk, and f Ls said Lb & dave an absolute maxinur at (us 4,) if a a a - c e SF (2%) > te») fr all points ay in the gomain of f. ‘nition ’ A function f tno yaurbles is 2aid ¢ Db Ave & _rehetive minimum at a point (ee 4.) if, thered a dink contoredl at (x.y) Puch that” Flags fop| for. all points aug et fie inside the hisk, ct fo ad Awe absolute minimum, ot (Hes 4) if [fag < f9) fe all points (agp in the clomain of f. | # Cretioal Points | ae A paint Cu ,) an the olomain op a functin Any) is called a oribial point of the function if Bip Re Ae POPS o/ on sf one or bath partial fouveliles ole nat exes at (Ge) qhe Kecond Partial Test : let f 462 fenclion of two variables withe continous second obcler partial Aerivativer Lr AML lise contred at a critiéal potnt (tos 7,) and het, D= L, Cort) hy Oot.) ~ [ C24.) ) HW dD>0O, and f, Mug.) >0+ Men f Aaa polative minimum at (> 7.) b If D> % and fy, (Herff, <0, then fF 452% nelative Marctmune at Co, ¥) () GR, then f has a sacle point at (%f.) AI D+ 0, then no conclusion can be drawn # Sacldle Posnt —s Page FQ) » Byes Maxima. amd Minima of two vauabhtles guncten L Locate all Aelative extrema and saddle paints 7 [Pape er) 4 -y £ = 3a” , Ge a Fon retical points, te ° and 0 > foe 7 > a-2y 20 > yee @ > ny cy > 42 3(2)" From — (hd, ays 12” Hf G2 Od “H r30 7 y-12¢ = 0 at ape °) 7 plsectiy) ° © From Ww, ea ee [p70 | sey? fog? te %245a 7 : t a Sek wy (€%) hn te, fynts Hye mR RAKRAURRVAQURDRY ey Anup > bx |[Fyloy? + ty wp-2 |b-£ ay-hy ey) Cachioal ae _ Oty dD; Points Keyl” te = @o ae 4 -2 o-2--220 | 2 Ge) =e | L | -2 2-214 >6 Here, (00) i8 2 Aadtlle point. and at ($4) » Kay) Aas a relation maniriin + bangrarge Mubtypliors _” Tmo vauable FExtremun problem with one eonrairk ; Uonimica on Manimica the function [fop| subject to the constraint / Geir? ] leGugs A) = foup t+ Ap” | Ex: Use Langaange i—, pF phe dimensions of & Avctampular box, por at te Top, Fauing a volume ff 32 ft), and Aeguiring He least amount # malorial for its construclin « | Sob”: Minimize, S> Surface Ver Volume be Say + lye t Viz rye 2 32 Hey? Loy + yer Bx gubjek 4, PCr 2) > YF - 32 Now, fet . oe A) = foyd + Aploy.D Flu 4,2, A) * + + 2x ( Plaga a) = Mgrtge + oe + Nope -23) ——0) | ¢ ¢ € € e e e e e € € é ‘ ‘ ( | Re apres yea 20 = 22+ 2a+rxz2R 20 = Yexemyed 20 sm wh an = ape-32 2 0 a, From tyre tyear> ° Faom, (vy) & Wi)» a2y-% 2 12K-2B 7@ ne te. -2(2tz ye GE) eee we = -2y-% 7 3° From — Ul) , From Ww, Ae =2¢-% a) — i) ay —___. (V) ~ ne -2a+y —— w —— (i pr k. c2e-2e t= xe > ee ~2y- 12 2-2 ye 2. % ~-iye XB- 2ya> O 2 B(R-y)o? = mi] x- Ly 20 Wt aaghb [> 2> dy From, a) & wid, ; | es 29 ~2x -2 ‘ = > a | 2 2y » adage 29% =~ Dye ee | ; eee 7 XB -2my =O | Now, from v)s > x (B-2y) 0 | rye 32 > 0 Pxro b 2-2p20 | > 2yys2y - 3220 Vet Allowed Bs Bo 2y \> Wye > y- 2720 it vr? xe h PGA y+ 294 4) O tye2 zr+% Dyrh> ftigr hao > [4-4.1.4 <0] x Lag gr2,e>F Gh) Ex: Wt what paint or points on the circle xtg-t oes Fler y) 274 heave on absolute marumum and what iA the maximum + bol”? glug, 2 Feo) t Ape fing) - Roms yt 2h ene —O geay) = Rage Ax ut tyro —ca oe ery-t +0 — ur) re FO 4, a) ae A (ry 4) From 9, Qe ae 2n eos 2a From ti) a : we i Wa AS Dy 7. oR 7 any xn pr2 0 > ey — From WW, xt gt 20 oe [Feom cv] => 2x7-120 ax? 4 L Suet ye . £ 4 a ae 4m 2 Ly : wes r(@-2 re Cade L Pet rN jog: (Ee? be) & ope (Eby (ee The manimum value of? + occurs at (eho (eh) ay Tio Pobynomiak, for Toto Variable, Functions — P27). nea RO = fay+ fla’ f fle F So oy oF + &@ a a ote fly For a function of two variables Fuy) whose first order partial olerivalie oxcsts at a point (, ¥,), thon, I capres Taylor Polynomial f(f) for ep near the point [Cte g)/ 44 Fin g) = Loup) = Fang) + f Cog) Or) + HOLD} Fon a funclin of two variables Any) whose ferst and second partial derivate exists at a point (4), then 24 clepace Teylar Polynomial of P) pe Cay) near the posnt (x, 2) ay) Mag) ~ Boog) = Flug) + Ble. gee %) + hm a0g-h) + Fe, Goi) fru) t Fig Cnt) (2-4 9-9.) a Fy te) yey Yr tw oe Y o> | Quadaats fe: Determine the L4b and Znd ole prce Taylor Relynomial approuimatians , Lay) and Qlwy), for the function tg) = met 1 for (uy) near the point (4,0) hol”: - 2 Se = xety ft F2) oe aye? ai ¢ KG 0)* 4 eg %e £6020 fax (ap)* £, (40 Fry Cod gy? ef fy GO L ty Gog) we” teog)= $40) +E GV) + FOE D = 24 (x-1l+G-®) 2+ e- ity L4ute AGg)= Lege L2G. Dt felt OY ye BGS = rene POE Wp tog t FE = Lratg +O a ee ae = Lene mgt ty E&! Determine the lab and ond Aepiee Tay » Polynomial goproxumations , Lay) anc. Qty), fe the funclen, PO g)> Ain 2m 4 008 preraee for Cig) near tho point (0,0) . rho" : Sx y= Ain 2x + cos y flee 4 KGa gy) > CoA 2u.2 f, (a0)® 2 Fy my)> ~ Ain g Z (0 2)> tu (,6)20 tau bay)? - 4 Ain 2 Tey (0, 0j2 0 ty (pr 0 ty ag? 4G Spy (0,0) > -4 Lap = $0) + £0) @-0) LOY -9) zip 2(x-o)t 6G-2 = it2x Ob yg? Loy t LLLON x -0F'r flo Vo-IG-9) / LOD (y- oF” = (4422) + SD e-o¢ Ong + 2G” ae L+2n- £ Vector Fuolol A vector ferlol on two olémensconal “pace is a furctim F that assepns Lo cach point (uy) a two vector ooo Yy Fy) Fag) > Plunge + Qmaypf Fiuy 2) = Playai + Oy, DP r+ Rlxy,2 ‘ The funckin P,Q and R mo sometimes calleal Acelar function . Fa. theteh the vector pedbel Plupd= ge +x] el”: Curl Graclient y? kri Brkt del veckor flap» fey D Gaal of F > VF -¢€®% +} $ rh Ze) fea = Pp 2k of + 7 ¥ rh 2f ues _ | LF fa > ’s Pras) & & S S$ e e e € e € € € t i Flay)= { Page) = Play Diy QtnyoPeR (Hy OL dvtg Pay. P “CBee i Ho ABe) Geof ed) eliseliMipe. + BR | Or a Oe + | Cota eee lark Zo Faye> + Of + Re cul f FaTKF “CR tf Erk B) x (ris ajo wi) | -|? p23 age ox Oy =e P AR 1G: BUC BE 1. Find the gracliont of Ftxy,% = oy of * 2+ Fund the oleveyence and out of Plage ® = (3x4 220? 4 Bt fe -(@-HW4S tol? ; 29 2 , 2 aT? ‘get i ere & Say D= rye re pred b fioy,2)= TP . CRs E+E) CH) =F Bop Oe} Bg OBOE 2 Ge) eye ages se AGG 7) = Ged? + (txpzet*yx0")/'+ &6 pea > 2 div of Fluy,2) - ¥-F “Chr HA . ‘ [oxr2e9"+ 2 j-@-wé | 5 = Ee ovet)t BCE) Ow 3 eS 34 te. aio te 2 et eT? er aoe ae ets = = 3 pat ¢ t Il tol gf Fa ine .f PoP OR Rw By Be (xvas) GE) (79) i ap CEP) z¢ | _j[eew- &orl APR RO - 10- Ceey))-F@-) +4 (GF 2) 2 (BE)-7 + A(4) @D|. ao VEIq" | \__> Cartesian 26 Polar oP= e-= Se : are z= 70088 7 folar, to Cartesian sing2 £ ge rsin® a tong> © [e= ton'(%) | 70, OS OS 360 Ex: Find the rectingular coordinate of GE) and Athen plat it, bal” 3 GE) , 776,075 Ha rcosO = 6eos F 2 6.4. 3v3 7°? rAin® > 6 ain & s4 +3 | cele e ae tant/E/ @= : Find the Polar Coonclinle & te prllorrG? and on plot them. 4. (3, -2)P a. (<1, 4)@ 3-(0,-2)R | bol”: aaa ‘ oe DP (28,-*) ° 2 (@rHC-2 2 fart >t Ke » dan Eig) 30+ - = ox-Ea LE ROD p(o¥5-2) on 6 (1, 0) Lx De, =) Sep Def”: If a point P moves in a plane such 2 Hak the catio of its bietance Ps from a fixed point S in the plane De its perperclitular chistince pu from a pened straight Line 2M tn it, its a constant, the Loous f the point Pi called fhe conic Aection on briefly a conse. the eoatamnt ratio is called the econtrinity & conte andl us prey pepreserlidl by “9? The fixed point $ Is calleol the for and He fixed stragght dire 2 ds called the dacolric f the contd. eee ee ee The conte i called - © a parabola if ant WO) an ellpse Hf eC (i) an Ayperbela if erdL, The general equation of second cleptee — [ext bp aby s gorthy ee = 2] Asprosents ,@ (fy a parabola iff ab-h*> 0 Wan ellipse sf 2b- A> Oo Qty am Aypobola fe wi 40 (Wy) a POE eh a o Pe 4M an # Circle: 7 pa? naa Weg ay yy [A = Ge aA + CG. +g “The standard eguatiin fa wich. a Contre > (4, &) and Kaclius 2 ans by + LAr rLpr + fy pe =O] Gemrl eguélin of Wal pepresent 0 aL ob 2ncl degree. ff-0; a24 [Zz bhéte the center and rackics of the eirole’ 22> bx + ZY” 6y — 920 Sol”: SO (Glven, 2x't 2+ Ye — Gy -9 =O DP 2KPOPHLZA+2D 3D -920 2 aryrt 2x-Yy- Z 20 2 angie ax ay 2 ZB a oe \ Pogo 9 SB > 9 S ? p i eee 2y9:2+@ > ZrirZ > ary +7G-3) = > aa _. 3 (x4 0% Y-E)- (2 ° Comprring with Ars (a-Ay+ G-w 2g waton , Centro : (-1,4) » Radius = GE TPPPPR PPP ee ewan anagannanAnAanaaccaccaccundamnn AVVVyyeeee TT TT SE EOCEEEEE sempre Circle . Conor: (-), 3 oo Ras Radius» Sap . = ma —> Porabolg any by a +r byrc20 > ge. of second capes ats byt 2px + 2g + © -0 Elite. 220 on L20 4 oe, 2 a 2 pe ert lila tea b[q-n)- eos] 2[o-- eG] Vertex: (hh, &) Vertex: (hh, &) Horizontal Farcbola Vorlical Parabola PopaNrak 2x2 to(¢-b rk 2 Y-)> PED 2-4)? BGA Vertex : (4,4) Vertex : (4h, &) Focus (h, kep) Pocus (heer &) Pirehux ) % = A-P Directrcx : ge k&-pP Be Describe the pp op the equation. | ¥- 8x — by - 23 20 Boh” : (vertiéet Perabola) Le -y7- 6y- +23 Boe 2 (Peg st 3)-5-23 | Vertes © C43) P22, 42-4 473 > §x= (y-- 32 Focus: (-2,3) > OT 4 Direcle x= -6 7GtD= Saowr P (4-22, gy eat 16 20 Bol”: tax = o-4y tb = (2x fr 2 pe een Vertex : 3 ne Gorin Focus + Dinectrx > 2-1 = Gat r6 3 x - «F (4/2) Ex: Desurrbe the pacph of tHe epuation : peg, AzciB, Koz (un, 2 BED 4.2 Les ee -2 Ex: Find the equation for the pu2bola that fos its veetex et (4,2) and its foous at (4,2). nog li yaten +» Chk de (2) Ficus > (ave 4) 6143, 2) Z te n-h = YA > a-t oe Yd > 12(x-1) = y-2)" 2 ian -12 = y= 4g + 4 > Gay 2% 4 46 = 0 tp arb, X > Major Anis yy b> &, Y — Major Anes Here, a> b > ¥ bs the Mejor Anes y £6 the Miron Anis G0), a0) are Major Extuma (6.0), C60) are Minor Extaema Fon [ar by Raby « 66) onset, Fon an EUipse, 240, b40, ate, aro and : eae ee SSNS CUE UCU Obeeddoobdbddddddd Horizontal Ellipse Vertical Ellipse Fon @ > 4, fon 5? 4, GW, Le”. ach, 6 -k a ae aes Genter : (A, &) Cente: (h,#) Foows : (ae lee, #) Focus: (a, krdF#) (A-V=e , #) ( k- VF) Major Extrema : (Ara,#) Major Extrema: (4, Arh) (A-a, &) AA Minon Extnema : (h, b+) Minor Extrema: (Ata, & (h, #4) (aa, & : : the opuetion : |e Describe the graph of v 16%, Oy box= Shy t = 0 ohn! 4 ae reo ' 16x 64x + 99 - Shy 74 2 16 (n- 4a) + Gf gyi * - ap 16 (222 tet OC= 24" ges) anit GF 7EE a ma 29" + o(¢r a= 144 3. . = = io 43d ~ =d > n-2)” + ae of 3 hoe es a2, £ Ae2, k24, ard, b74 1 Centre ; (2,3) Focus {er % 3S)» (@ a: a (2 34-V2)> (25 3-V®) Majo Axis + @ 314), (& 3-4) (7), (2.-D Minor Anis : (243, 3) 5 @-3,D (59), (-15 3) Fes) “aa bar ree 5) = bY + : Gd OPrrreenc... GVVVVVIV yy - | avr bape agnr tfpecn o Here, | Fithn, 270 and bo OA Aad) Cada el \ will paprusert 0 Syperbole . fonigentad Ugontode. Veetheal ola (ah) eh. 4 AT Gabe centre : (A,*) contre : (AA) Verticon » (h+a, &) Vertiies (A, At) (h-a AD (h, &-B) Fooun : (aplael™ 4) ‘Focus 1 (hy ke VPBD (A- Jair» &) aloo) Auymptoter \ y-ke + by) Aaympletes : gk = + GOH Eu: Besercbe fhe prop og the equation ey bx + by - 225 0 44) ~ Cy By) > 24 > extra & ZY $46) > ech alg D> le Y-p)= 9 7 ee . oe ° 4 Horizontal Hyperbole) A-2, £24, 223, $23 Centre : (2,4) Verio (a5, 4), (2-354) = (E4648 Focus ; (24 (Fes”, DY), 2-\FF 24) * (Grs 4), 3128) Aynptte : yokes b the B>e-4) Ry bat ZR-2 Doe rend ose mn-2 $74 7 Br? 2 w-yrr-o arty-6 +0 Py rere Drees BPrrene.. : (y'+2y) Oe+4a)> 4 tee ae 4-242)= at Br24+¢ ge rlerl), 6b 4 4 Fx Desciibe te paoph of the ogunhin, PX t+ 2y- ox -11 20 del?! (y424) (npn) > Hf DP ag te L) - Oran en) 2 rhe > Gt -(xr2)" = 8 > Gro, (x#2)” od & & he -2, kel, a= b2O\F = ye Centre : (-2,- D Vertiion » (2, 1495, (-2, <1 9D : BPD Foes: 7 14 Gai)» CZ “VOR GE ) 233), 2, -D Hepp geet $ED 2 gtl=2 22rd 2 tl =2% (x42 Ytls mee PTGS ye Dgrat1 9 [Pyr-x-3 A se kin it «fn of he ip) (eocentriv’ty 2, )amal cireclue at x= 2p or ye *P wi Fane palin epuation, ee Lt eain® when the hrectixis y= rp a= —6—— when the lirectrinis %> 2p 4 tecos® | wy) 2 &®) eet, prrabela { se ect, Mirse \ ye aan e>t, hpertola Zoe Ex! Fea cack of the following eonies wath focus at the origin, Lolentify the shape, We chrectr'x andl 7 1. > : __2 “Te aahb i L- en cccenbuinty, 622, ep-8 St £6 an Ayperbola, 2 pt Dinedtrin, yo 4 as ee é ¥3 3 ~ 2eas@ * 44(3- 20050) an os Fcos8 e-g, It 42 an ellipse , =n Directri'z , Kon 3 & ins's 9g Yh 2 pra Br « 4% : 4720080 ~ L+ deosO 2-4, It is an ellipse, 3 dimenaion Cartestan Coonrtinate System O% 2) , 2) 5 Ge . 2) Zz An néos® | ra fiige - T° Asine ae) Prete ee) | = 4 7 pe Axe- 2 lybincloical, lCooncknale Syslem © es LRP PP Pee eee ee ne - ae SORURUC ee Fx: Conveat the Avctanpelar coonclinatas (t,-9, 3) t5 oytindrival comadinate . walt: aw dee > V+ Co” > EO 0+ 360"- tan'(-3) = -360"=C7-56)> 6 tan"'(-4) «71.56 on (860° 71-56) = 288 44° ae 5 (a, 6,2) —> (76, 298-4465 5) Ea: Conveat frome plinclrical fo peclangular coonole nates, L G, FE, -2) LS #2 ReosOz $cos 2h, -2 S gene $ain & 22Vo ee 7 © ge) —> €2,2V5, - 2) Cartesian Cooaclinate gyetem —— Spherical Cardtat Sutm toy?) (Pe, ~) ig palap wiBA J? LAnP An OC Z= feos P Pa fits git 2? Bx tant(He) ei a re) [zi Convert the spherical coordinate (8%, ) inte | the Aeclangular coorclenate , Here, Bol”: 2 pain Peos O» BsinE cos F = 9 oa f > fain P Ain © > Bain & ain F = 23 e-F 2- Pep Bwos E> 4 Prz Ex: Convet the eartexiaen coordsnale Che LD) dnt the ~ spheweal comd:nale , Bol?! pp Jerre > leire Er * 6 tan'(£) 7 tan (2)> - 63.493" 7 L > cos! = cos! = Y 7 Os G yy 2 265.91" PPPprpreeece i... _ fet pooas a a graph of | [a - Sree] ow olerlihy 2 important features, ae a Aa fo oe 1k ws fee f@ (2 <6 < 360:/ wf a 225° As 2 Lf 2c0sO 315" Crea > te Its a hypubsla ps3, [moa] o 2 95° 2-492 -6+ OVE eet 90° 6 in 135° -6-6V2 = -/4.99 180° 6 : 225° | -6-6V2= ~/$.49 270° 6 315° | 6 +6 V2 2 2,49

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