HST Summaty

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#Metaconflicts before 1957::decaying feudalism in conflict with capitalism,local elite vs foreign aristocracy,BEIC

VS europe,nawabs vs mirjafar/jagatseth, 1757>culturelocal vs europ,peasants vs colo/landlord,oldZamiVSnew,

Ordinppl VS colTAX, trad faith vs bureaucracy,engVSmug culture, VS law, longtermeffects: feud end, colonial
Elite(zami/trad) replace aristocracy, tradition destroy, personal progress=collab, interclass hostility increase, educ
For elite, infras for own, soc-pol institution destroy and create collab+opportunitism mindset.
#rise of BMMC:: brit history(conflic,collab,comp),,involved parties(coloni and collab), eliteclass format change as
They faces compt from other grp. Challenge by BMMC(mug loyal, not prefer first by brit). Before them no mmc
They were aristocrat now take educ. 1857 brits saw imp of bmmc as bmmc rose to power allover.Brits lured mmc
Vs hmc but the resentment in economics and jobs etc were real. Continue till 1947 from 1793. Zami fail manage
Estate and non-estate econ led 2 reforms in PS like PattaniLaw. Made rural MC rise. Missing MMC visible in rise
Of anjumans in kolkata n other places. Collab frame work made by antio sobha ramMohanRoy and princetagore.
Mmc leaders NawabAbulLatif,MohammedanLiteracySoc emp on english and jobs to close to colns. Brits used to
Sus MMC student but saw it was fake sus thus patronize them.Brits promote them to balance clout of est BHMC.
Sir Syed of Aligarh increasingly became the symbol of the new face of aspirant elite which began to take an
all-IndiaShape.Meanwhile, the slightly displaced heirs of Ram Mohon saw in this strategy a threat which they
tried to minimize.This led to BMMCvsBHMC for power of collaborator. colabVScompVSconflt part of coln. Politics
=coln+colb+general and mc tried to blend within.within elite groupings rose to power. All led to one or two nation
But not easy to explain.This "nation" idea is /was however strongest with the middle class who wanted to claim
control by insisting on monolithic identity markers of various kinds.No single role or identity applies in deciding
historical events. That includes the history of the middle class.
#partition and impact: colPoltcs is abt economic mgmnt thru loclElite and colb.BEIC wanted maxProft minCost.
Obj of PS sure rent collection,reduce cost of revenue colctng, create loyal elite etc. PS failed agroCapitalism or
Inc Tax.Zamis failed in 1811 so Pattlaw intro to save them.it create rural mc which became powerful.PSelite got
Facs but not tenant so they rose with militant. They posed threat to Brits.This lasted(1760-1857) and rural rel
Networks challanged bhodro babu shomaj.there was higpress in estBeng whre pesnt conc high and more agro
Based and zami were kolk hindus.pesnts were muslms who creatd netwrk by requird resistncs.hindu psnts were
Victims as hind leards were pro-coln.So, economics, geography, class conflict, competition for access to
collaboration, peasant militancy, and conflict between the Centre- Kolkata based society- and the Margins - the
agro hinterland largely located in East Bengal turned the issue from the socio-political stage to a party based
political phase driven by sub-state aspiration in 1905.FACTORS: powr of alliance cnt b avoid as these were all-
Ind alnce. These were alnce of est. and asp elites.1857to1905 sho pol const basd on margins persp as cntr bngl
Faced chlnges.job bsd babu econ faced problm as out migration from bngl becam new phenomen. Same presur
From asp mmc. Lead brit ro lure 1v1.bt biggest presr came from margins psnts who cnt be ignred.PoB had admn
Political , elite management objectives.but they said it was for adm.itd reduce clout of kolk babu and creat new
Space in dhk for new elite.and recognize the clout of militant psntry n middl psntry elites.ANNULMENT:babu clas
Resist it, swadeshis became anti-thesis to both asp elite and psnt demand.violnce was common as both face
Liveli hood threat and midl psntry mobilization was extensive.major outcome of POB was all indianization of bngl
Politics as ind nat congress suprt the swadeshis and ind muslm lig found in 1906 thus bngl politics became allind
That later had consequences. Supporting POB INC lost trust of psntry who were majority.the procs of creating a
New province and then annuling it facing oppostn mobilized estbngl as a substrate though hidn aftr 1911gave da
Imgn of a state that existed socio-politically that was ended in 1971.#partition 1923-47: 3 major phase
(1757-1947) soc-pol articulation(1757-1857),rise of mmc n pol shft party form protest(1857-1905) from estbngl
substate to subsumed state. Aftr indpnt state plan of lahore resolution was killd By muslm lig in 46 by delli
resolution and united bngl movement by congrs in 47. Post 1911 saw pol of conflctrise Comon poltcl platform
was diff cuz diff of identtity elite,faith,politics,social etc. another conflict was bw NorInd cntr And sub-cntr. And
within was the margins.deli was nat cntr.kolk was sub cntr and est bngl was margin.1923 bngl pact: bngl pakt
Could have made a difference whn chittarangan das formed swarajya party with both hin-muslm nd won bngl
Elections.he proposed ending faith group feuds.main motive was to give lagged muslms economic access.He
Supported affm actions for majority groups.eql participation would result low hostility.muslms welcomed BP but
Hind mc opposed it.increase conflct.politcl power belonged to minority who didnt want to share resources w/ maj.
Congress was against it too and it was voted out. This united bengals effort ended.Road to prtn: in 1937 MsLig
N krishak sromik party led by fazlul hq won mslm seats of separate electoral election.congress won hindu votes.
KSP wanted congress but no response so formed ksp-ml and formed cabinet.1940 A-IML passd Lahore resltn
Said abt 2 states one east other west here bengal as state first came.politics from then was based on indpnt stat.
During the period of bengalML asendance KSP led by FazlulHQ drifted to congress which displeased psntry.
Which led to ML win every seat n ksp only one in 46.ML changes states to state typin error.pak as 1 killd in71.
United bngl movement 1947:in 47 united bngl movemnt was proposed by surwardy who sought the support of
Bngl muslm lig n bngl congress.resistnce to 1pak plan n north india cntrs.brits while leaving thought of bengal as
3rd dominion but nehru was against it.the partition resolution was moved by bngl congress.north ind ldrship killed
The idea of states.
#71 conflict framework historical identity of bangladesh=BD was created as result of historical events.bd is the
3rd stream of history distinct from ind and pak.it was invaded by pak and ind but never indeed others. Birth of bd
Can be traced back to 1757 when society began to resist. The 4 stages are It first phase was based on
socio-political resistance to colonialism- 1760 to 1857. It was followed by political/ institutional resistance
including the birth of the sub-state of East Bengal in 1905. In 3rd stage 1911-47 indpnt east pak was recognized
As a state in lahore resu. But cancelled by allind muslim league. Between 47-71 this sumsumed state turned into
A full state, nevr a part of pak a false stat which nevr made landfall in east pak. Each phase struggle was based
On historical rather than cultural. Alliance formed irrespective of class,caste,faith etc.in final phase the leadership
Was with SKM, his experience of conflict in gopalganj become the microcosm of state forming poltcs of resitance
The state aspiration of the margin.6pts became the trigger of the final contest that birthed bangladesh.pak n ind
Were unifactionist but bd is separatist.conflict framework= 1)betwn NorInd BASD TurkAFG rulers and psnt indg
And midl class of bngl. Began in 13th century till 71.strategic allnce was between the two in 1905 and 1946.1905
The substrate of bengal reqd allnce for preservation and Mlig(1906) gave structural suprt.from both sides the
Support was case based and peaked in 1940 with lahr resu (indpnt state) but was later corrected by delhi as a
Move.made pak a central state.the end of alliance in 46 restored the conflict eqn that had ancestry and cont.to71
2)betwn pak state and bd state= roots of bd can be seen in peasant resistances and mc in past.matured overtme
And gave 1905 nd 1911 end.maj voters brought their rep in power in 1937.LR passed in 40.btwn 40-46 writings
Happened for independent state of east pak.aftr 46 conflict started betwn 2 states. Pak was basd on centrl domi-
Nation and east pak was basd on margins autonomy.congress didnt let united begal happen but let estPak hapn.
Repeat end note of 1. 3) the centralized military state of pakistan against the civilian based autonumous state of
Bangladesh conflct markd by 6pts. 6pts was th epeak of the conflict , it came from LR which wanted a sep state
But not toatlly indpnt.the 6pts demnd was affecting the military guarantor of the pak state.it was not focused on
Threat management ideology of cntrl pak angst ind but sub-state autonomy that put the armys livelihood at stake
Thus the livelihood aspiration of the subsumed state of Bangladesh and the livelihood protection need of the
state guarantor of the Pakistan state were in conflict which made power transfer after 1970 elections impossible.
Subsequent movement against it and the military action on March 25 was also inevitable as both were fighting
for survival. The subsumed state became a full state through the 1971 war.

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