Service Industry in Rural Markets

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Comprehensive Assignment Report

Ten Services Companies like Amazon,

Google, (Excluding Finance and Insurance)
and Indian Rural Markets

Group 9
Prerna Jadhav 22PGP309
Mamta Baruah 22PGP291
Prathvi Bhargava 22PGP292
Priyanshi Jain 22PGP240
Radhika Bawri 22PG

Rural Marketing Strategies for Service-Based Companies:

Unlocking Opportunities in Underserved Territories

Rural Market in India:

Rural marketplaces have become more important recently in nations like China and India
because of the general expansion of the economy and the significant increase in the purchasing
power of rural populations. The digital revolution and Rural Road connectivity in India has
increased the degree of penetration of the service industries in rural areas.

In this situation, a unique marketing tactic called rural marketing has emerged. Rural India,
commonly referred to as a market with "high opportunity," is no longer simply an opportunity;
it is also already producing results. The idea of rural marketing has always had an impact on
people's lives and the Indian economy. With the exception of a few large cities, all of India's
districts and industrial townships are connected to rural areas.

The potential of Rural Market

Rural Customer:
In India, customers from urban and rural areas are consistently divided. Illiteracy and poverty
are pervasive in rural India. Alongside highly significant authority figures like members of the
neighbourhood panchayat, caste and religious leaders, etc., ignorance and illiteracy coexist.

Rural customers are a crucial demographic for the service industry, and understanding their
specific characteristics and requirements is essential for businesses operating in rural areas.

One of the key aspects of rural customers is their diverse demographics. Rural areas often
encompass a wide range of income levels, educational backgrounds, and cultural diversity.
Service providers must take this diversity into account when designing their services to ensure
accessibility and relevance for all segments of the rural population. In many rural areas, there is
limited physical infrastructure and technological access. This can pose challenges for service
delivery. To overcome these obstacles, businesses need to offer alternative ways for customers
to access their services. This might include mobile services, call centers, or offline support
options to reach remote customers effectively.

Building personal relationships and trust is paramount in rural markets. Rural communities
values face-to-face interactions and personal connections. Service providers invests in local
staff who can connect with customers on a personal level, as word-of-mouth referrals and
community involvement are influential in rural areas. Rural customers are more price-sensitive
compared to their urban counterparts. Offering value for money becomes crucial, and
businesses should strike a balance between competitive pricing and maintaining service quality
to cater to this segment effectively.

Educating and raising awareness among rural customers is essential, especially when
introducing new services or technologies. Many rural customers have limited exposure to such
innovations. Service providers invests in awareness campaigns to help customers understand
the benefits of their offerings

Respecting local language and culture is vital. Effective communication in the customer's native
language and respecting local customs significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The service industry contributes to rural development by investing in infrastructure

improvements. This could involve providing reliable internet access, transportation options, or
other facilities that benefits both businesses and customers.

Rural marketing has emerged as a crucial domain for service-based companies seeking to
expand their footprint and tap into the immense potential of India's rural markets. With over
two-thirds of the population residing in rural areas, these regions present a vast and untapped
consumer base. To harness these opportunities, service-based companies have recognized the
significance of adopting targeted marketing strategies tailored to the unique needs and
preferences of rural consumers.
The confluence of globalization, urbanization, and digital connectivity has redefined traditional
notions of markets and paved the way for novel avenues of growth, particularly in underserved
areas. This research article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of rural marketing
strategies, focusing on how service-based enterprises strategically tap into the expansive
opportunities present in rural India. By closely examining the successful forays of industry
giants such as Google, Jio, Airtel, ElasticRun, Flipkart, and Amazon into rural markets, this study
aims to unveil the intricacies of their innovative approaches and shed light on the strategic
pathways that have enabled them to establish a foothold in these promising territories.

Understanding the Rural Landscape:

Before delving into marketing strategies, service-based companies must grasp the intricacies of
the rural landscape. Apart from lower income levels, rural communities have distinct cultural,
linguistic, and lifestyle attributes that necessitate localized approaches. Demographic data,
consumer behavior patterns, and infrastructural limitations play pivotal roles in devising
effective marketing plans.

Engaging with Local Communities:

Service-based companies aiming to establish themselves in rural areas must focus on building
trust and credibility within local communities. Engaging with influential community figures,
grassroots organizations, and local authorities can provide invaluable insights and enhance
acceptance. Emphasizing the social and economic upliftment that services can bring to rural
residents resonates positively.

Innovative Communication Channels:

Rural marketing demands innovative communication channels that reach the target audience
effectively. Companies need to harness the power of traditional media, such as community
radio and regional newspapers, while also leveraging digital platforms that have witnessed
increasing penetration in rural regions. Content should be tailored to reflect local language,
culture, and aspirations.

Customized Service Offerings:

Successful service-based companies adapt their offerings to cater to the unique requirements
of rural consumers. Affordable pricing, flexible payment options, and region-specific packages
demonstrate an understanding of their target market's financial constraints and preferences.
Moreover, providing after-sales support and excellent customer service establishes a loyal
customer base.

Unlocking Rural Potential:

Digital Empowerment:
Rural populations now have unparalleled access to digital platforms, information,
entertainment, and services because to the widespread adoption of smartphones and the
availability of inexpensive data plans. This has enabled rural dwellers to transcend geographical

Changing Consumer Behaviour:

Rural aspirations are undergoing a transformation, influenced by exposure to urban lifestyles
through media and peer connections. This shift has fuelled a demand for an array of services
that were once perceived as urban luxuries.

Infrastructure Development:
Investments in transportation, logistics, and communication infrastructure have not only
expedited the movement of goods and information but also shrunk the geographical divide
between urban and rural centres.

Pathways of Industry Titans:

Google's Efforts to Bridge the Information Gap:

Google's journey into rural India has been marked by initiatives designed to bridge the
information gap and render the digital realm more accessible.

Internet Saathi Initiative:

Collaborating with local partners, Google introduced the Internet Saathi program, training rural
women as digital ambassadors. This initiative not only enhanced internet literacy but also
facilitated information dissemination.

Localized Content:
Google's emphasis on regional language content was pivotal in democratizing digital access. By
offering services and content in languages familiar to rural users, the internet became more
relatable and user-friendly.

Telecom Giants Paving the Connectivity Revolution:

India's overall telecom market:
India has one of the biggest and most active telecom markets in the world. It includes a variety
of services, including as broadband internet, fixed-line services, mobile services, and more. The
Indian telecom sector is expected to contribute significantly to the nation's economy in 2020
with a market value of over $50 billion. This figure represents the money made by telecom
companies, suppliers of hardware, and service providers.

Telecom companies like Jio and Airtel have spearheaded a connectivity revolution in rural India,
bringing the benefits of high-speed internet to previously isolated areas.
Jio's Affordable Data:
Jio's disruptive pricing strategy shattered barriers by offering affordable data plans. This
democratization of data empowered rural users, enabling them to harness the internet for
communication, services, and entertainment.

Airtel's Customized Offerings:

Airtel's astute understanding of diverse rural needs led to tailored offerings such as agricultural
information, local content, and entertainment services. This customization catered to the
unique demands of rural users.

Market for Rural Telecom:

India's rural telecom industry has expanded significantly over the years, largely as a result of
attempts to increase connection and digital inclusion there.

Projects like Reliance The 2016 launch of Jio's expansion was crucial in boosting telecom
adoption in India's rural areas. Even the most remote regions of the nation now have access to
affordable 4G data services because to Jio's aggressive pricing and extensive network

Key Elements Fueling India's Rural Telecom Growth:

Affordable Data Services:
Reliance Jio's entry disrupted the industry by providing budget-friendly 4G data plans, enabling
rural communities to access mobile internet.

Digital Inclusion:
The "Digital India" project of the Indian government sought to close the digital divide by
bringing digital services to remote places. This program encouraged rural areas to adopt digital

Growing Smartphone Adoption:

Lower data costs and the availability of more cheap devices have increased smartphone
adoption rates in rural India. The use of mobile internet has expanded as a result of this trend.

E-commerce's Last-Mile Innovations:

India's overall e-commerce market:
One of the largest in the world, India's e-commerce market has experienced extraordinary
growth and transformation in recent years.
The Indian e-commerce business is anticipated to be worth $38 to $40 billion in 2020. This
figure includes sales of a variety of goods and services made online, such as electronics,
clothing, groceries, and more.
E-commerce in rural areas:
The availability of smartphones, more digital usage, and enhanced internet access have all
contributed to the steady rise of India's rural e-commerce business.
Due to the fact that e-commerce platforms frequently serve both urban and rural customers,
precise market data for the rural e-commerce segment may not always be readily available or
individually reported. The extension of e-commerce into rural areas, however, is a noteworthy

E-commerce giants Flipkart and Amazon have engineered innovative strategies to bridge the
last-mile gap and penetrate remote markets.

Flipkart's Rural Hub Model:

Recognizing the logistical hurdles of rural deliveries, Flipkart established rural hubs by
partnering with local entrepreneurs. This decentralized approach facilitated efficient and cost-
effective last-mile deliveries.

Amazon's 'I Have Space' Initiative:

Amazon harnessed the existing retail infrastructure by partnering with local store owners
through the 'I Have Space' initiative. This collaboration transformed local shops into delivery
hubs, extending the e-commerce reach to even the remotest corners.

ElasticRun's Supply Chain Disruption:

ElasticRun, a new-age logistics platform, redefined the supply chain dynamics by harnessing
local entrepreneurs and innovative technology.

Leveraging Local Entrepreneurs:

ElasticRun's decentralized model enlisted local entrepreneurs as logistics partners. This not only
addressed the challenges of last-mile delivery but also provided employment opportunities at
the grassroots level.

As the contemporary business landscape continues to evolve, service-based companies have

begun to realize the vast potential that rural markets hold. Through an in-depth examination of
strategies employed by industry giants, this report underscores the importance of digital
empowerment, evolving consumer behaviors, and robust infrastructure in unlocking rural
opportunities. The success stories of Google, Jio, Airtel, ElasticRun, Flipkart, and Amazon serve
as inspiring examples of companies that have not only ventured into rural India but have also
thrived by creatively addressing the unique challenges and dynamics of these markets. The
insights gleaned from these cases illuminate the transformative potential that rural markets
hold for service-based companies, reaffirming
the significance of understanding and
strategically navigating these untapped


BSNL, a prominent telecommunications company in India, has undertaken several rural
marketing campaigns to extend its services to rural areas and promote connectivity among
underserved communities. These campaigns have highlighted BSNL's extensive network
coverage, reliable communication services, and affordable plans. By partnering with local
authorities and participating in government initiatives, BSNL has effectively connected rural
India and emphasized the transformative impact of communication technology on rural

Why BSNL decided to go rural?

 To fulfil its social responsibility: BSNL is a state-owned telecom company and has a social
responsibility to provide telecommunications services to all parts of India, including
rural areas.
 To tap into the growing rural market: The rural market is growing rapidly, and there is a
huge potential for telecom services in these areas.
 To compete with private telecom operators: Private telecom operators are expanding
their presence in rural areas, and BSNL needs to compete with them to retain its market

How BSNL went rural?

 By expanding its network: BSNL has been expanding its network in rural areas by
building new towers and laying optical fiber cables.
 By offering affordable plans: BSNL offers affordable plans for rural customers, making its
services more accessible to them.
 By partnering with government schemes: BSNL has partnered with government schemes
to provide telecom services to the rural poor. For example, it has partnered with the
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) to provide free mobile connections to poor
 By using innovative marketing strategies: BSNL has used innovative marketing strategies
to reach rural customers, such as using door-to-door campaigns and social media.

Highlights of BSNL Rural Marketing:

Connecting Rural India:

BSNL has consistently emphasized its mission to connect rural India with reliable and affordable
communication services. They have showcased their network coverage that extends to remote
areas, enabling communication and information access for rural residents.
Bharat AirFiber Broadband Plan (PM Wani-Wifi)
Bharat AirFiber is a wireless broadband service by BSNL, offering high-speed internet in rural
areas via point-to-point technology, avoiding the need for costly fiber optic cables. Plans range
from 40 Mbps to 1 Gbps, inclusive of features like unlimited data and free landline calls, all at
competitive prices. As a rural marketing student, I see its potential to revolutionize rural
internet access, bridging the digital gap by providing reliable, fast, and affordable connectivity.
Key benefits include high-speed access, reliability in adverse weather, and budget-friendly
pricing, making it an ideal choice for rural homes and businesses.

Digital India and BharatNet Project

BSNL has actively
participated in the

government's "Digital India" initiative and the BharatNet project, which aims to provide high-
speed broadband connectivity to all villages in India. Their marketing efforts have revolved
around bridging the digital divide in rural communities.

Localized Campaigns
BSNL has designed marketing campaigns tailored to rural audiences, with vernacular
communication, culturally relevant content, and a focus on addressing the specific needs and
aspirations of rural consumers.
Partnerships with Local Authorities and using CSCs
BSNL has collaborated with local authorities, panchayats, and rural development agencies and
created customer service centres to create awareness about its services and explore ways to
enhance connectivity in underserved areas.
Affordable Plans and Services
BSNL has promoted its affordable plans and services in rural regions, making
telecommunications accessible to a broader spectrum of the population.

Social Impact Messaging

BSNL's campaigns have highlighted the social impact of connectivity in rural communities,
showcasing how communication technology can contribute to education, healthcare, and
overall socio-economic development.
India Post

Why India Post decided to go rural?

 To provide essential services to the rural population: India Post has a vast network of
post offices and Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) in rural areas. These post offices and GDS
provide a variety of essential services to the rural population, such as postal services,
banking services, and e-commerce services.
 To promote financial inclusion: India Post has a long history of providing financial
services to the rural population. In recent years, India Post has launched a number of
initiatives to promote financial inclusion in rural areas, such as the India Post Payments
Bank (IPPB) and the DakPay mobile app.
 To boost rural development: India Post can play a significant role in boosting rural
development. For example, India Post can help to improve rural connectivity, provide
access to government schemes, and promote e-commerce in rural areas.

How India Post went rural?

 By expanding its network of post offices: India Post has been expanding its network of
post offices in rural areas. In recent years, India Post has opened over 10,000 new post
offices in rural areas.
 By deploying Gramin Dak Sevaks: Gramin Dak Sevaks are an important part of India
Post's rural outreach. GDS are responsible for providing postal services, banking
services, and other essential services to rural communities.
 By launching innovative products and services: India Post has launched a number of
innovative products and services to meet the needs of the rural population. For
example, India Post has launched the IPPB, a payments bank that is specifically designed
for the rural market.
 By partnering with other organizations: India Post has partnered with other
organizations, such as the Ministry of Rural Development, to promote rural
development. For example, India Post is working with the Ministry of Rural
Development to provide financial literacy training to rural residents

"Banking at Your Doorstep"

India Post launched an extensive campaign promoting banking services in rural areas,
highlighting the convenience of opening savings accounts and availing financial services at local
post offices. The campaign emphasized how postal banking brings essential financial services
closer to rural communities, encouraging savings and facilitating government welfare schemes.
"DakPay - Your Digital
In line with India's digital push, India
Post introduced "DakPay," an
innovative mobile banking app. The
marketing campaign showcased how
DakPay enables secure and
convenient digital transactions,
empowering rural residents to go
cashless and embrace the
benefits of a digital economy.

"Gramin Dak Sevaks - Champions of Rural Connectivity"

India Post celebrated the efforts of its Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) workforce through an
appreciation campaign. The campaign showcased the critical role GDS play in providing last-
mile connectivity, delivering essential services, and fostering a sense of community trust.

"India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) - Banking for All"

To promote financial inclusion, India Post launched a nationwide campaign highlighting the
benefits of its Payments Bank services. The campaign emphasized how IPPB brings banking
facilities to even the remotest corners, catering to the unbanked and underbanked rural

"Post Parivaar - Your Postal Network"

India Post positioned itself as an integral part of rural families by launching the "Post Parivaar"
campaign. This initiative aimed to evoke a sense of emotional connect with the postal services,
emphasizing the longevity of their relationship with rural communities.
"India Post E-commerce Parcel Services"
Recognizing the burgeoning e-commerce market, India Post introduced specialized parcel
services for rural sellers and buyers. The marketing campaign highlighted the seamless and
cost-effective logistics solutions, bolstering e-commerce adoption in rural areas.

"Social Initiatives with India Post"

India Post launched campaigns highlighting its involvement in social initiatives, including
healthcare programs, immunization drives, and promoting government schemes like Direct
Benefit Transfers (DBT). These campaigns showcased India Post's commitment to enhancing the
quality of life in rural regions.

Synopsis -
Tata Sky's strategy for rural marketing involved three main components. Firstly, the company
focused on strengthening its distribution network to ensure availability in remote regions. It
worked to build sales and service infrastructure in these areas, relying on local partners who
had a better understanding of the local market and laws.

Secondly, Tata Sky tailored its services and applications to suit the preferences and needs of
rural customers. They introduced value-added services such as Actve English, Actve Vedic-
Maths, and Actve Fun Learn, which gained popularity in smaller towns. Additionally, the
company repackaged content to cater to rural customers' preference for Hindi content over

Furthermore, Tata Sky made efforts to address the language barrier by providing the electronic
program guide (EPG) in Hindi and exploring options to make it available in other regional
languages. They established call centres with different accents to provide localized customer

TATA SKY Incorporated in 2004, Tata Sky Ltd is a joint venture between Tata Sons.. and 21st
Century Fox. Tata Sky DTH aims to offer Indian viewers a world-class television viewing
experience through its satellite television service.

Tata Sky's core offerings revolve around delivering a diverse array of television channels,
ranging from regional to national, international, and high-definition (HD) channels. Subscribers
can select from various subscription packages, tailoring their viewing experience to their
preferences and needs. In addition to its comprehensive channel lineup, Tata Sky provides a
host of interactive services, such as Tata Sky Showcase, which offers on-demand movies and TV
shows. The company also enhances the viewing experience with features like Pause, Rewind,
and Record. Tata Sky embraces technological advancements with offerings like 4K set-top
boxes, remote recording, video-on-demand, and mobile app access. These features provide
customers with a versatile and convenient television viewing experience, keeping them
engaged and satisfied.

With a substantial presence across urban and rural India, Tata Sky serves millions of
subscribers. Collaborations with content providers, including broadcasters, movie studios, and
OTT platforms, ensure a wide-ranging selection of content to cater to diverse tastes and

Why rural?

Rural markets hold significant strategic importance for Tata Sky, driven by a combination of
demographic factors, market expansion opportunities, and the potential for substantial
business growth.

Expansive Market Potential:

50 per cent of Tata Sky's total subscriber base (11.5 million as of April, 2013) is from rural India
(which is outside the top 100 towns).

There are close to 35 million DTH subscribers in India, catered to by seven players. Of Tata Sky's
new subscribers (last four years), 60 per cent are from outside India's top 20 cities, says Harit
Nagpal, MD and CEO, Tata Sky. Tata Sky expects its subscriber base in small towns and rural
areas to outnumber the users in cities

All the DTH operators in India have been aggressively marketing their products in non-metro
cities. Of the total 134 million TV households in the country, 50% are in rural areas, as per the
figures released by television audience measurement agency TAM Media Research. Not just
that, 30% of the 70 million TV households in rural India do not have access to cable and satellite
(C&S) TV. The data further identifies two trends. One, the market for digital TV is bigger in rural
areas and is growing at a much higher rate than in urban areas. And two, the bulk of this digital
TV is DTH.

Today, there are six players in the market with a combined subscriber base of around 20 million
and nearly 1 million new subscribers signing up every month. Besides the afore-mentioned Dish
TV, Tata Sky, Airtel Digital TV and Dish TV, there’s Kalanithi Maran promoted Sun Direct, which
has primarily concentrated on the DTH market in the south and the latest entrant, Videocon
d2h, promoted by consumer durables company Videocon Group.

The entry of big companies meant that the consumers were bombarded with high-decibel
advertising campaigns, which has helped them mop up subscribers. But this also meant a price
war and ARPU (average revenue per user) nose-diving. Though this has been good news for
consumers, the companies are taking a huge hit. With the companies heavily subsidizing, and in
some cases, giving the set-top box (STB), which receives the signals from the DTH operator,
literally for free, the cost of customer acquisition has remained high, between Rs 3000 and Rs
4000, say industry sources.
According to a report by Media Partners Asia (MPA), a Hong Kong based independent provider
of information pertaining to the media and entertainment sector, the combined loss of the
entire DTH industry in 2008-09 stood at US$450 million. Its ARPU is one of the lowest in the
world and which the MPA report says, “is not sustainable”. The FICCI-KPMG 2009 report on
media and entertainment sector points to ARPU between $3-4 per month in India compared to
$60-80 in the US, the UK and Australia or $21 for most big players in Asia-Pacific.

In such a scenario, operators had to aggressively look at expanding the market base and raise
ARPU through means other than hiking subscriber fees. However, the urban market, especially
the metros, was already saturated with multi-system operators (MSOs) ready to give a tough
fight to DTH players. “MSOs are upgrading their networks and adding competitive services to
rival the DTH operators while still offering popular local content to viewers,” says Alan
Dishington, GM, of NDS India, a company that supplies technology to both DTH and cable

That is where the rural market comes into the picture. As figures indicate, there is a huge
number of cable dark and cable underserved areas, most of them in rural India. These small
cities, towns and villages have seen higher incomes and new aspirations. “Around 15% of
people in rural India can be equalized to the urban upper middle class. All companies can
address that very well,” said S Sivakumar, chief executive, of agribusiness, ITC, at a marketing
conference organized by All India Management Association recently. In addition, cable
operators in these regions do not have the muscle to take on the big corporate players from the
DTH arena.

While in 2005 there were just a million households in India watching television through a DTH
connection, four years later, the figure jumped to 20 million. “The DTH sector globally is
expected to have 160 million subscribers by 2014. India is expected to account for 20% of the
global market share at 32 million subscribers by then”, says Mohit Ralhan, head – of media and
telecom, at Barings Private Equity. And rural India is expected to be the focal point of this

How Rural?

Growth in the rural market

With a presence in six lakh villages supported by 2,10,000 dealers nationwide, Tata Sky aims to
ensure that every pin code and village has their dealers.

“Our aim is to ensure that every pincode and village should have Tata Sky dealers. In urban
areas, we wish to have multiple dealers and in rural areas, at least one. We have a presence in
six lakh villages supported by 2,10,000 dealers in the country,” said Tata Sky Chief Sales Officer
Saleem Shaikh.
In Karnataka, TataSky aims to reach 4,500 towns, up from 2,500, by this fiscal end, he said.

Shaikh said the company has 10,000 dealer outlets through local shops in the state, with a 40
per cent market share in rural areas and 25 per cent in urban areas. The company focuses on
South India, covering 1,200 towns, he said.

TATA Sky tasted success in the rural areas encouraging them to aggressively promote their
services to the small-town TV viewer. Big TV plans to repeat the exercise it conducted last year
in other regions of southern India this year. Airtel Digital TV is too is utilising its parent
company’s vast telecom distribution network to push sales in this region. Ditto for Sun Direct,
which says it will continue to grow nationally and think regionally and understands that a bigger
opportunity exists in rural.

So far the marketing campaigns of DTH operators have focussed on sound and picture quality,
flexible payment structure and new interactive services. The DTH players are now looking at
cost-effective subscription packages to woo consumers in small towns. Tata Sky are also
banking on their pre-paid mobile and fixed-line customers in tier II and tier III cities to bite the
bait and have schemes where new DTH subscribers get free talk time on their phone
connections or other such freebies. Also working on low-cost STBs and offering tailor-made
packages, especially language channel packages that suit rural consumers’ interests.

Rural has the potential to push volumes—but there is still one hurdle for DTH companies.
“There’s been rapid growth, especially in rural areas. But pricing power has been limited which
is somewhat expected (with multi-player scenario) as subscriber acquisition has been
aggressive and average revenue per user therefore suffers,” says Vivek Couto, executive
director, of MPA.

To increase ARPU, TATA Sky has been busy developing and selling interactive or value-added
services (VAS) that include the entire gamut of applications ranging from interactive features to
movies on demand. These services are charged and hence open up an additional revenue
stream for the company, besides drawing subscriptions.

In the face of a lack of content exclusivity, these services also act as differentiators from cable
operators and among the DTH players themselves. According to Tata Sky, the average viewing
time of interactive applications per day is 34 minutes, out of the total viewing time of 180
minutes. Tata Sky’s Mehra points out that the Indian market is a very different market
compared to others. “Yes, content exclusivity is what has driven DTH growth worldwide. But it’s
also true that nowhere in the world has DTH grown so fast as in India. Also, no country has had
as many as six DTH players. There is something going right over here,” says Mehra.

Various rural marketing strategies and promotional strategies:

Tata Sky aims to increase awareness in South India with its 'Jinga Jinga Jingalala'

Launches campaign in four South Indian languages addressing varied needs that DTH fulfills.

Tata Sky, India’s leading content distribution platform launched its latest campaign in Kannada,
Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam languages to communicate its advantages/superiority over cable
in the rural markets. The campaign titled, ‘Jinga Jinga Jingalala’ focuses on how easy and
convenient it is to choose Tata Sky to fit an individual’s budget and content needs. With this
campaign, Tata Sky attempts to bust the myth of being expensive by introducing tailor-made
packs starting at a price as low as Rs. 199/ per month, with an eye to increase and consolidate
acquisitions in the Southern rural market.

Through the campaign, Tata Sky urges customers to make that all important and long
impending move from cable to DTH. A pioneer in innovation and a known leader in technology,
Tata Sky is by far the most Trusted Brand in its category and is a superior service provider
offering a plethora of additional value added services at the same cost as any other cable
operator. Providing the best & maximum regional services at an affordable cost, the campaign
highlights the brand’s efforts to strengthen its reach in Southern rural markets.

Anurag Kumar, Chief Communications Officer, Tata Sky said, “So far, people here believed that
DTH is an expensive choice & deprived themselves of the quality and innovative services. The
recent TRAI channel pricing regime has provided parity in price giving us an opportunity to
provide subscribers with quality entertainment using easy and simple steps at an affordable
price. Therefore, via this campaign we are not only breaking the myth on pricing, we are also
urging people to Not compromise on the ease and advantages that Tata Sky brings to life.”

He further said, “Tamil Nadu/ Karnataka / Kerela/ Andhra Pradesh & Telangana has a huge TV
viewing audience that have not yet moved to Digital platforms. The scope & potential to
increase our reach in these markets is immense and we hope to educate them with this

Speaking on the new campaign, Sukesh Nayak, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy & Mather said,
“The campaign idea originated from an observation about our childhood. Right from our
childhood days we always had a healthy fear of our father, especially when we were doing
something that was out of line. Using this observation, we establish the fact that buying tata
Sky is not out of line and the father will approve of it."

Campaign Links:
 Tamil (With Subtitles) :
 Telugu :
 Kannada :
 Malayalam :

Phone ghumao, Tata Sky lagao

Tata Sky has launched a campaign on the theme ‘Phone ghumao, Tata Sky lagao’ to highlight its
reach across the country. The film conceived by Ogilvy & Mather went on air on 10 December
and will run for four weeks. Tata Sky specifies its reach and accessibility even to the remotest
regions in India. Tata Sky’s last campaign sets out to convey the simple fact that if a phone call
is possible from any region, so is a Tata Sky connection.

Vikram Mehra, CCO at Tata Sky explained on the launch of the ad campaign, “Tata Sky has
always focused on providing consumers with convenience & ease of access and has hence
invested in developing its sales & service network covering even the smallest towns across the
country. As a result of this, consumers located in some of the most remote locations can now
install a Tata Sky connection at their homes through a simple call to the Tata Sky Helpline.”
Campaign Links:


With their established dominance in the urban market, Tata Sky has their attention focused on
the semi urban and rural markets of India, keeping in mind their plans to captivate and win over
the regional audience with this campaign.

The rural market is one of the most crucial for DTH providers in India, and Tata Sky has been
working towards winning over this particular market for a while now. After introducing Daily
Recharge to offer affordable prices and win over the rural market that constitutes a huge chunk
of the viewer base in India but are hindered by high prices.

This time around Tata Sky has executed their campaign by collaborating with Amitabh
Bachchan once again to create a humour based video set in the rural landscape. The final
regional push will be delivered soon as Tata Sky is planning to roll out the ad in five different
regional languages - Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, and Tamil.

The brand is trying to position itself as the answer to the entire family’s entertainment
requirements with #FamilyJingalala, maintaining their most popular tagline identity of
‘Jingalala’ which consumers immediately identify Tata Sky with.
The video was created with the help of Ogilvy and Mather and directed by Shoojit Sircar. Titled
‘Yo Se, Yo Se’ it features brand ambassador Amitabh Bachchan himself rapping and chronicling
the lives of the Thakur clan who have different tastes in television shows, all of which are
catered to by Tata Sky’s DTH service. Amitabh Bachchan explains the services offered by Tata
Sky, keeping in mind each family member’s choice ranging from soap operas to comedy shows.

Campaign Link:

Localized marketing campaigns:

Tata Sky launches localized marketing campaigns in Kerala, Punjab and West Bengal
Tata Sky, launched region-specific campaigns in Kerala, Punjab & West Bengal to connect with
potential customers in in these regions. Crafted on the central theme of a superior product
offering, the campaign focuses on offerings such as 1 TV+2 mobile screens, customised packs
for specific states, fantastic HD picture quality of the set-top box and 24×7 customer-care
service. Thus, making Tata Sky the best entertainment delivery option for consumers.

The 360-degree campaign derives inspiration from the inherent local culture and insights of the
audiences in each state and was delivered using high-reach and impactful mediums across ATL.
The campaigns also targeted the local Tata Sky dealers with customized communications.
Taking a hyper-local approach, three different ad campaigns were created for Kerala, Punjab
and West Bengal, imbibing the regional languages that resonate with the local consumers in
each region. The ad campaigns share a common message of how a Tata Sky connection can add
value, not just for an individual but for the entire family.
Vera Level
Content material distribution platform and pay-television platform Tata Sky has launched a
replacement marketing campaign for potential customers in the state. The narrative of the
campaign “Vera level” communicates the increased amusement alternatives that are offered
using a Tata Sky connection – highlighting the local circle of relatives’ packs available together
with a one-touch remote for the price-touchy.
Tata Sky has embraced regional flavors in its new marketing campaign communicating with
potential customers in Madras.
Adopting a narrative that resonates with all strata of the audiences, the campaign “Vera level”
communicates the raised enjoyment options which might be presented by way of a Tata Sky
connection, significance to the nearby circle of relatives’ packs to be had sideways with the
one-touch remote for the price-sensitive segment.

Campaign Links:

West Bengal:

Maharastra(Amcha pack at ₹238):

Tamil Nadu ‘Vera Level’


B2B eCommerce platform for rural India

Unlocking $600bn Indian rural consumption

ElasticRun, a B2B eCommerce platform, has secured a significant funding round of US$330
million led by SoftBank Vision Fund 2 and Goldman Sachs Asset Management. The investment
will fuel ElasticRun's expansion into rural India, aiming to enable over a million kirana
(neighbourhood retail) shops to access popular consumer brands and food products through its
e-commerce platform.

With a mission to democratize access to Indian consumers, ElasticRun seeks to bridge the gap
between underserved rural markets and consumer brands. India has over 12 million kirana
shops, with 10 million located in rural areas. These rural stores have traditionally been excluded
from accessing consumer brands due to challenges like high distribution costs, long distances
from cities, and small order sizes.

ElasticRun's rural marketing strategy focuses on enhancing the value and experience offered by
kirana stores to their customers. By leveraging its e-commerce platform, the company aims to
connect businesses with traditionally unserved consumers through local retail stores in the
deepest rural regions of India.

Microsoft Inspire ElasticRun - YouTube

On July 5, 1994, Jeff Bezos started Amazon, a worldwide technology and e-commerce firm
based in the United States. It began as an online bookstore, but over time it has grown to
become one of the biggest and most diverse technology companies in the world. Jeff Bezos
established Amazon in his Bellevue, Washington, garage.Originally called "Cadabra," the
company's name was changed to "" due to complaints that "Cadabra" sounded
like "cadaver." On July 16, 1995, was formally launched with an emphasis on the
online sale of books. Amazon immediately began selling more items than only books, including
music, movies, gadgets, and other goods.

Amazon made its first public offering (IPO) on the NASDAQ stock exchange in 1997, becoming
publicly traded. Amazon's dominance in e-commerce was fueled by its focus on customer
service, quick shipping, and the 2005 launch of Amazon Prime. With the release of the Kindle e-
reader in 2007 and the development of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2006, the firm
revolutionized reading and advanced cloud computing. The marketplace's platform made it
possible for independent vendors to succeed, and purchases like those of Whole Foods and
Twitch increased its market penetration. Despite its triumphs, Amazon has come under fire for
its employment policies and how they affect traditional shops. In 2021, Bezos changed his title
from CEO to Executive Chairman, and Andy Jassy took over as CEO. Throughout, Amazon's
customer-focused culture and dedication to innovation have stood out, and ongoing
investments in artificial intelligence, robotics, and new markets are helping to shape its future.

Why Rural?

Amazon's entry into rural India can be attributed to several strategic factors, all aimed at
tapping into the immense growth potential of this vast and largely untapped market:

Market Expansion:
The rural sector in India is a sizable unexplored market with a sizable population. Amazon
gained access to millions of potential customers who had previously had limited access to
contemporary retail options by expanding into rural areas.

E-commerce penetration:
E-commerce penetration was increasing in India's metropolitan areas, but access to brick-and-
mortar stores and e-commerce websites was still relatively limited in the country's rural areas.
Amazon recognized an opportunity to close this gap and provide rural customers the ease of
internet buying.

Digital Penetration:
In rural India, the prevalence of smartphones and reasonably priced data plans has improved
digital connectivity. Amazon saw an opportunity to engage with rural consumers and introduce
them to internet purchasing by utilizing these technology improvements.

Product Availability:
The selection and availability of products at physical retailers are frequently constrained in rural
locations. Amazon's extensive online marketplace might provide rural clients with a wider
selection of goods, including those that might be challenging to locate nearby.

Agricultural Commodities:
The agricultural sector is the backbone of rural India's economy. By allowing farmers to sell
their goods directly to a bigger market through Amazon's platform, they may be able to cut out
middlemen and increase their profits.

Infrastructure and logistics:

As Amazon increased the number of its fulfillment centers and delivery services throughout
India, it became simpler to efficiently reach remote and rural areas, which made it easier to
serve clients in these areas.

Initiatives from the government:

Amazon was able to enter the market thanks to the Indian government's efforts to promote
financial inclusion, digitalization, and economic development in rural areas. The goal of
programs like "Digital India" was to use technology to strengthen rural areas.

Economic Growth Potential:

By expanding into rural India, Amazon may help to boost these areas' employment, income,
and general economic growth. This is consistent with the company's dedication to supporting
regional growth and communities.

Amazon has to contend with rival online retailers as well as regional start-ups attempting to
reach the rural market. Amazon was able to develop its foothold and compete in this new
market by expanding into rural India.

Localized techniques:
Amazon used localized techniques, such as providing customer assistance in regional languages
and modifying its offerings to meet the unique requirements and tastes of rural clients.

How Rural?

Localization and Cultural Understanding:

Understanding local cultures, languages, and tastes is important for localization, according to
Amazon. It adapted its offerings to appeal to clients in rural areas, displaying products in local
languages and highlighting goods that met those needs.

Marketplace Model:
Amazon made use of their marketplace model to let small-town merchants and rural
craftspeople list their goods on the website. This not only increased product options but also
gave rural business owners access to a national and even global market.

Last-Mile Delivery:
The absence of adequate logistics and transportation infrastructure is one of the problems in
rural areas. To guarantee prompt and effective deliveries in rural areas, Amazon invested in
establishing a strong last-mile delivery network, including partnerships with local delivery

Affordable Pricing and Discounts:

To make products more accessible to consumers in rural areas, Amazon implemented unique
pricing and discounts. This drew in clients who were concerned about prices and wanted to get
the most for their money.

Mobile App and Mobile Website:

Amazon customized its mobile app and mobile website for a seamless and user-friendly
experience after realizing that many rural users accessed the internet solely through cell

Amazon Easy Stores:

When "Amazon Easy" was first introduced, it involved relationships with small mom-and-pop
shops in rural areas. Customers could pick up and drop off items at these businesses, bridging
the gap between online and offline buying.

Digital Literacy Initiatives:

Through workshops, demonstrations, and collaborations with neighbourhood organizations,
Amazon worked to inform rural consumers about internet shopping and digital payments. This
increased people's trust and comfort level with online shopping.

Expansion of Fulfilment Centres:

To enhance inventory control and shorten delivery times for rural consumers, Amazon
deliberately established fulfillment centers in or close to these areas.
Localized Marketing: To promote its services and inform rural consumers about the advantages
of online buying, Amazon ran localized marketing initiatives.

Product Selection:
Agricultural implements, traditional apparel, handicrafts, and other things with regional
significance were all included in Amazon's carefully curated product selections that catered to
the needs of rural consumers.

Economic Opportunities:
Local retailers, craftspeople, and small companies now have more options thanks to Amazon's
expansion into rural areas. It enabled neighborhood business owners to attract a larger
customer base.

Partnerships and Government Support:

To manage regulatory difficulties and support regional development projects, Amazon worked
with local governments and groups.

Amazon’s rural push: How the ecommerce giant is making it easy for women to
become entrepreneurs
Amazon Saheli is an initiative launched by Amazon India in 2017 with the aim of empowering
women entrepreneurs in Tier II and III cities in India. The program allows women to sell their
products on the Amazon marketplace, providing them
with access to a larger customer base and helping to boost the rural economy.

Major highlights of Amazon Saheli:

Empowering Women: The program focuses on bridging the gender gap in entrepreneurship by
providing women with the opportunity to start and grow their businesses.

E-commerce Accessibility: Amazon Saheli enables women entrepreneurs from anywhere in

India to sell their products online, without being limited to the local market or personal

Partnerships: Amazon has partnered with organizations such as TATA Powers, DEASRA
Foundation, and SEWA to create awareness and help women entrepreneurs adapt to digital

Simple Onboarding Process: Women can easily join Amazon Saheli by uploading product
photographs to the virtual storefront. Amazon's delivery network handles order fulfillment.

Accountability and Support: Amazon provides monthly communication and support to women
entrepreneurs, helping them set and achieve business targets for growth.

Business Growth: Through Amazon Saheli, women entrepreneurs have reportedly seen their
businesses grow three to four times.
Pricing and Taxation Challenges: Women entrepreneurs face challenges related to pricing and
taxation, particularly when selling in different geographies.

User Experience Improvements: Amazon has worked on improving the mobile application user
experience for entrepreneurs and end consumers.
Training and Upskilling: In 2023, Amazon plans to launch capability development training for
women entrepreneurs to enhance their skills and unlock further growth oportunities.

Geographic Coverage: While the program has made progress, it still does not cover all pin codes
in India.

How Amazon is Stitching Language Diversity into its Rural India Strategy?

Amazon is targeting the lower segments of the consumer pyramid in rural India, which
represents a vast untapped market with significant growth potential. Despite challenges related
to regulatory changes and competition, Amazon sees India as a critical market for expansion
due to its growing internet access, affordable smartphones, and emerging middle


Major highlights of Amazon's strategy in rural India:

Focus on Language Diversity: Amazon recognizes the importance of catering to rural audiences
speaking minority languages. It aims to engage rural customers in their own languages, offering
local language internet and video content.
Attracting New Customers: Amazon's strategy involves using its Prime Video streaming service
to attract new customers and convert them to its eCommerce platform. It identifies that 80% of
its new customers come from outside major cities.
Challenges for Foreign Entrants: Regulatory changes in India have made it challenging for
foreign marketplaces to operate in the country. However, India's potential for growth and
increasing internet access continue to attract Amazon.

Adapting to Local Needs: Amazon has made significant adaptations to accommodate the
preferences of its Indian audience, such as making its shopping app compatible with cheaper
handsets, offering content in local languages, and providing more videos for less literate users.

Logistics and Order Fulfillment: Logistics and order fulfillment remain key challenges in the
Indian market, including issues with cash-on-delivery and a lack of formalized addresses.

Competition: Amazon faces competition from local providers like Hotstar and SonyLIV, which
offer local language content. Additionally, free online content, particularly from YouTube, poses
a challenge to paid streaming services.

Ambitious Goals: Amazon aims to increase its Prime subscribers in India tenfold within the next
three years. Despite the challenges, it considers aggressive engagement in the Indian market
essential, given the country's projected eCommerce market value of $100 billion in the same

Amazon India signs MoU to turn rural women into entrepreneurs in Karnataka

This association would help bring in regional selection and unique products from categories like
grocery, home and fashion accessories made by over 30,000 women entrepreneurs and self-
help groups (SHGs) associated with Sanjeevini-KSRLPS online and make them available to
millions of Amazon customers across the country.
Amazon India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Karnataka State
Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (KSRLPS) to support the growth of women entrepreneurs in
the state of Karnataka. The MoU was signed in the presence of Karnataka Chief Minister
Basavaraj Bommai and Minister of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, and Livelihood CN
Ashwath Narayan.

Major highlights:

Amazon India and KSRLPS signed an MoU to empower and support women entrepreneurs in
rural areas of Karnataka. The collaboration aims to launch Sanjeevini-KSRLPS on Amazon's
marketplace, extending the benefits of the 'Saheli' program to rural women entrepreneurs.

The 'Saheli' program is designed to help women entrepreneurs showcase and sell their
products on Amazon's platform. The partnership seeks to establish a flourishing ecosystem for
women entrepreneurs, particularly in rural areas. The Karnataka government's association with
Amazon is expected to provide capacity-building initiatives for women entrepreneurs, giving
wings to their dreams and aspirations. The initiative is part of the government's key priorities to
promote entrepreneurship and empower women in the region.

Collaboration between MoRD and Amazon for online marketing of SHG products
through MoU Signing and Exchange

Aim towards making Self Help Group women ‘Lakhpatis’

The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has collaborated with Amazon to facilitate the online
marketing of products made by Self Help Groups (SHGs) in India. The collaboration aims to
empower and financially uplift women in these SHGs, with the ultimate goal of making them
'Lakhpatis' (millionaires). The partnership was formalized through the signing and exchange of a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
Major highlights:

The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has joined forces with Amazon to promote the online
marketing of products crafted by Self Help Groups (SHGs) in India. The collaboration seeks to
empower women in SHGs, offering them the opportunity to market their products on Amazon's
platform. The MoU signing and exchange formalize the partnership between MoRD and Amazon
for the promotion and sale of SHG products.
The initiative aims to financially uplift women in SHGs, with the vision of making them
'Lakhpatis' or millionaires, by harnessing the power of online marketing and e-commerce.
Through this collaboration, SHG products will gain greater visibility and access to a wider
customer base, both within India and globally.
The partnership aligns with the government's focus on rural development, women's
empowerment, and fostering entrepreneurship at the grassroots level. By leveraging Amazon's
extensive reach and resources, the collaboration aims to support the economic growth and self-
reliance of women in SHGs across the country.

According to The Economic Times, Amazon plans to invest ₹10,000 crore (US$1.3 billion) in rural
India over the next five years. The investment will create 100,000 rural micro-fulfillment facilities
(MFCs). MFCs are tiny warehouses near clients. This will help Amazon deliver rural products

It aims to generate ₹50,000 crore (US$6.6 billion) in rural India by 2025. This is a big boost from
Amazon's 2022 ₹10,000 crore (US$1.3 billion) rural India revenue.
Amazon's investment shows e-commerce giants' rising interest in rural India. Rural India has a
huge and expanding online shopping community. Other e-commerce companies are investing in
rural India besides Amazon. Flipkart, Nykaa, and others are moving into rural areas.

The Amazon investment may boost the rural economy. It will increase rural household income
and jobs. It will also boost rural goods and services.

Reliance JIO
Reliance Jio, a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited, emerged as a game-changer in the Indian
telecommunications landscape. Launched in September 2016, based in India that offers a wide
range of telecom services, including 4G LTE mobile services, fixed-line broadband services, and
enterprise services. It has been a major disruptor in the Indian telecom market by offering
affordable and high-quality services. Jio has also invested heavily in digital services, such as e-
commerce, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. It is betting that these digital services will
be the future of the telecom industry.

 Affordable pricing
 High-quality services
 Aggressive marketing
 Government support

Jio is a major player in the Indian telecom market and it is likely to continue to grow in the future.
It is betting that digital services will be the future of the telecom industry and it is investing
heavily in these services. Jio's success will have a major impact on the Indian economy and it is
likely to help to accelerate the growth of the digital economy in India. Beyond
telecommunications, Jio expanded its services to include digital platforms like JioSaavn for music,
JioCinema for video content, and JioMart for e-commerce, integrating entertainment and
shopping into its ecosystem. Additionally, Jio's foray into home broadband with JioFiber aimed to
revolutionize high-speed internet services. The company's impact reached beyond technology,
playing a crucial role in India's digital transformation and ushering in a new era of connectivity
and accessibility.

Why Rural?

Digital inclusion:
Historically, rural India trailed behind metropolitan areas in terms of internet access and
connectivity. By offering low-cost, high-speed 4G data services to rural regions, Reliance Jio
sought to close the digital divide and give them access to the internet, digital services, and
educational materials.

Untapped Market:
India's rural population, which makes up a sizeable chunk of the nation, presents a sizable
untapped market. In line with its goal of connecting every Indian, Jio saw a potential opportunity
in offering telecom and digital services to these neglected areas.

Data Usage:
Jio's launch was timed to coincide with the proliferation of smartphones and rising data usage
nationwide. Jio targeted rural customers who were eager to profit from online content,
communication, and entertainment by providing reasonably priced data plans.

Agriculture and Livelihood Services:

Agrarian economies are common in rural areas. Jio's services might give farmers access to
agricultural data, weather predictions, market prices, and other crucial resources that could help
them produce more crops and earn more money.

Economic Empowerment:
Jio's entry could contribute to rural economic growth by giving small business owners,
shopkeepers, and entrepreneurs the chance to engage with a wider client base and extend their
reach outside of their immediate area.

Government initiatives:
Jio's expansion into rural areas was made possible by the Indian government's efforts for
digitalization, financial inclusion, and rural development. Jio's efforts to offer digital services in
remote places were complimented by programs like "Digital India."

Localized material:
Jio provided customers in rural areas with more enticing and pertinent material with services like
JioTV and JioCinema that catered to regional languages and preferences.

Network Expansion:
Jio's aggressive network expansion across India, including rural areas, made sure that the
necessary infrastructure was in place to offer dependable and high-speed access even in isolated

Changing Consumer Behaviors:

Jio saw an opportunity to provide its suite of services, which includes digital payments and online
shopping, to rural consumers because of their growing interest in digital content, communication,
and e-commerce.

How Rural?

A disruptive strategy was used by Reliance Industries Limited to enter rural India, primarily
through its subsidiary Reliance Jio, with the goal of bringing digital access and services to
underserved regions. How Reliance reached rural India is as follows:
Affordable 4G Data Services: Reliance offers inexpensive 4G data services. The telecoms industry
saw a tremendous change after Jio's introduction in 2016. A larger population, including those
living in rural areas, now has access to high-speed internet thanks to Jio's inexpensive 4G data
rates and free voice calls.

Network development:
Jio started a rapid rollout of its 4G infrastructure to include both urban and rural areas as part of
an aggressive network development strategy. With this strategy, connection was intended to be
constant across various geographic regions.

Initiatives for Digital Literacy:

Reliance Jio recognized that in order to participate in the digital economy, individuals needed
both access to and expertise with technology. With the aim of assisting consumers in navigating
smartphones, applications, and internet services, the organization launched a number of
programs to encourage digital literacy in rural regions.

Localization and Regional Content:

To meet the wide range of linguistic preferences in rural areas, Jio provided a wealth of content
in numerous regional languages. With pertinent and meaningful digital content, this method
assisted in attracting rural users.
Financial Inclusion:
Jio launched its digital payment system, JioMoney, with the goal of enabling cashless transactions
and enabling customers in rural areas to use digital financial services.

Rural Retail Expansion:

Beyond telecoms, Reliance also expanded its retail business into rural areas under the "Reliance
Retail" name. It created "Reliance Digital" stores that provided a variety of electronics and digital
devices, enabling consumers in remote areas to have easier access to technology.

Partnerships with Local Businesses:

Reliance on Partnerships with Local Businesses To construct an ecosystem where rural consumers
could easily access Jio's digital services and goods, Jio formed partnerships with neighborhood
businesses, small retailers, and entrepreneurs.

Agriculture Services:
Reliance looked into ways to offer farmers access to weather forecasts, crop-related data, and
market prices to increase production through its Jio platform.

Public services and e-government: Jio worked with government agencies to offer rural residents
digital access to government programs, certificates, and other public services.

Employment Opportunities:
Jio's network expansion and retail services into rural areas opened up employment prospects for
local youth, promoting economic growth.

Community Engagement:
Jio engaged with rural areas through outreach initiatives, gathering feedback, and workshops in
order to better understand their unique requirements and difficulties.
With Jio, Reliance entered rural India with the intention of bridging the digital divide by offering
low-cost connection, digital services, and chances for economic expansion. Reliance was
instrumental in enabling rural Indians to join in the digital economy and benefit from it by
utilizing its enormous infrastructure and cutting-edge strategy.

Jio Coverage In Rural India -Top Plans & Facilities in 2023


Reliance Jio, a leading telecom company in India, has made significant strides in capturing the
rural consumer market with its efficient 4G network, affordable services, and attractive offers.
Despite fierce competition from rival companies, Jio's strategic approach and customer-focused
initiatives have enabled it to strengthen its position in the rural telecom sector.
Major highlights:

In July, Reliance Jio added 3.48 million subscribers in rural India, consolidating its position and
leading to a significant loss of customers for Vodafone Idea (0.99 million users) and Airtel (0.41
million users).

Jio's total user base increased to 443.21 million, with 6.51 million wireless subscribers added
during the period. Airtel, on the other hand, added 1.94 million subscribers, bringing its user
base to 354.05 million. Vi lost 1.43 million consumers, reducing its mobile user base to 271.9

Jio's robust expansion in rural markets resulted in a 0.41 percent increase in the overall rural
telecom subscriber base, reaching 536.74 million in July.

The number of urban mobile users increased by 0.59 percent to 650.10 million as lockdown
restrictions were lifted, allowing migrants to return to work in cities.

·Reliance Jio's strong growth in rural markets indicates that the COVID-19 lockdowns did not
significantly impact its wireless operations.

Jio is the only provider with over 100 million users on 3G and 4G networks, and it boasts more
than 250 million active customers (voice and data) on its network.

The Visitor Location Register (VLR) showed that Jio had 78.18 percent of active subscribers on
its mobile network.

Jio's success in withstanding competition can be attributed to its large capital base, strategic
spectrum acquisition, focus on improving user experience, and efficient cost management.

The company's postpaid plans, known as Postpaid Plus services, have been a concern for its
competitors, Vodafone Idea, and Airtel.

game-changing data plans with 1GB 4G data per day, offered at a significantly lower cost than
competitors, revolutionized India's price-sensitive market.

The introduction of free phone calls and 100 free SMS per day to all Prime users further
enhanced Jio's attractiveness and market presence.

A $12 phone is opening doors for rural India to get on the internet

Reliance Jio has launched a $12 (₹999) internet-enabled phone named Jio Bharat. The aim of
this new feature phone is to bridge the mobile connectivity gap between rural and urban India
by providing a cheaper alternative for non-smartphone users to switch from 2G to 4G mobile
Major highlights:

 Jio Bharat serves as an entry-level phone, targeting first-time internet users who want basic
functionality without the complexity of smartphones.
 Approximately 250 million mobile phone users in India still use 2G networks and lack
access to basic internet features.
 India is the world's second-largest smartphone market and is expected to add 300 million
new internet users.
 Reliance Jio offers a plan at $1.50, which provides unlimited voice calls and 14 gigabytes of
data, compared to other operators who charge almost $3 for voice calls and offer only 2
gigabytes of data.
 The strategy is to attract more feature phone users to Jio and compete with legacy
operators by offering more affordable and attractive price plans.
 Reliance Jio aims to bring connectivity to underserved rural areas and expand its customer
base, contributing to India's growing internet user population.
Jio-NSDC partnership:

On August, 2023, ET Now reported that Jio has partnered with the National Skill Development
Corporation (NSDC) to provide digital skills training to rural youth. The training will be offered
through Jio's network of 100,000 Jio Centers across India.The training will cover a range of
topics, including digital literacy, entrepreneurship, and job-oriented skills.
The Jio-NSDC partnership is a valuable initiative to help rural youth develop the skills they need
to succeed in the digital economy. It will help them to find jobs, start their own businesses, and
contribute to the growth of the Indian economy.

JioFiber Lite:

On August 2023, CNBC Awaaz reported that Jio has launched a new broadband service called
JioFiber Lite for rural India. The service is priced at ₹399 per month and offers speeds of up to
100 Mbps. It is available in over 100,000 villages across India. Reliance Industries’ telecom
operator has announced a new prepaid plan for its JioFiber subscribers. This new broadband
plan cost Rs 1,197 and it is a part of the company’s quarterly plans that offers a speed of

JioFiber Lite is a welcome initiative by Jio to make high-speed internet more accessible to rural
households. It will help rural households to access information, education, and entertainment.
It will also help them to connect with their families and friends who live in urban areas.
Jio-MoA partnership:

CNBC TV 18 reported that Jio has partnered with the Ministry of Agriculture to provide digital
solutions to farmers. The training will cover a range of topics, including digital literacy,
entrepreneurship, and job-oriented skills.The Jio-MoA partnership is a significant initiative to
help farmers in India. It will help them to make better decisions about their crops and livestock.
It will also help them to reduce their costs and increase their profits.

Reliance to launch 'Education For All' initiative to digitize 100 schools in Gujarat

Reliance Group's telecom arm Jio has launched Jio True 5G services in each of the 33 district
headquarters in Gujarat. With this the company will also launch an important True 5G-powered
initiative named ‘Education-For-All’ with the 5G services. Under this Reliance Foundation and
Jio are coming together to initially digitize 100 schools in Gujarat.

Reliance Foundation already runs a program named Education & Sports for All (ESA) under
which empowers youth at the grass-root level with quality-education and opportunities in

Through this initiative, schools will be able to connect with:

 JioTrue5G connectivity
 Advanced Content Platform
 Teacher & Student Collaboration Platform
 School Management Platform.

Google, a ubiquitous presence in today's digital world, has a significant position as one of the
leading international technological companies. Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and
Sergey Brin, who were both Stanford University doctoral candidates at the time. Google began
as a modest project with the ambitious goal of methodically organising the vast universe of
online information in order to make it widely accessible and useful. This modest objective
experienced a revolutionary evolution through time, ending in a ubiquitous worldwide effect
that has significantly changed how people engage with information, communicate with one
another, and navigate the digital world.

In addition to its core search engine function, which is manifested throughout a wide range of
services, Google's portfolio also includes cloud computing, advertising paradigms, and ground-
breaking developments in artificial intelligence. This complex spectrum highlights Google's
impressive skill in redefining the boundaries of technical capabilities and permanently
imprinting its significance on contemporary life. Google transcends its function as a merely
technological behemoth to become an indispensable companion flawlessly woven into the
fabric of daily living as a multiplicity of people across the globe panorama traverse the
landscape of contemporary existence.

Google has been working on expanding its reach in rural India. In 2021, Google announced that
it would be partnering with the Indian government to provide rural areas with access to its
products and services. The company has also been working on developing new technologies
that can help improve the lives of people living in rural areas.


India ranks as the world’s second-largest market in terms of total internet users. The number of
internet subscribers in the country increased at a CAGR of 45.74 percent during FY06-FY19 to
reach 636.73 million in FY19. The internet subscribers reached 687.62 million by September
2019. Total wireless data usage in India grew 10.58 percent y-o-y to 19,838,886 terabytes
between July-September 2019. With 70% of the population staying in rural areas and with rural
subscribers forming 43.69 % of the total telephone subscribers of January 2020, India’s rural
market will be key to growth in the coming years

In the year 2020, India, a nation with a population of around 1,433 million individuals, had a
total of approximately 299 million active internet users residing in rural areas. According to
estimates, the country is projected to have over 900 million active internet users by the year
2025. The disparity in internet usage rates between urban and rural areas has been gradually
diminishing as a result of advancements in technology and infrastructure.

Google has shown an increasing interest in extending its influence to rural areas. Rather than a
complete relocation of operations, this involves targeted efforts to bring technology, internet
connectivity, and digital resources to underserved communities. This strategic move is
underpinned by several noteworthy reasons:

Unexplored Markets and User Base:

Rural regions hold substantial, yet largely untapped, potential in terms of new users and
markets. By venturing into these areas, Google can not only expand their customer base but
also make their services accessible to demographics previously unreached.
Fostering Digital Inclusivity:
Mitigating the digital divide has emerged as a pressing social responsibility for technology
enterprises. Enabling technology adoption in rural areas empowers residents with access to
education, information, and economic prospects that were once out of reach.

Cultivating Innovation and Talent:

Rural locales may harbor latent pools of talent capable of contributing to technological
innovation and product evolution. By embracing remote work arrangements, Google can
harness the skills and creativity of individuals residing in these areas.

Infrastructure Advancement:
Google may channel resources into rural regions to bolster digital infrastructure, such as
broadband networks. Such investments hold promise for both the enterprise and the local
community, fostering mutual growth.

Upholding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Demonstrating a commitment to societal welfare, particularly in less privileged areas, has
become a pivotal facet of corporate ethos. Ventures into rural areas offer an opportunity for
tech companies to garner positive public sentiment and enhance their standing by showcasing
an earnest commitment to equitable technological access.

Fostering Collaborations:
Collaborations with local authorities, organizations, and businesses in rural settings can forge
meaningful partnerships. Such cooperative endeavors not only help google tailor their services
to suit local needs but also cultivate a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by rural

Insights and Research Potential:

Expanding into rural areas can yield invaluable insights and data, which can be pivotal for
refining products and services. These contextual observations enable tech companies to make
more informed improvements.

Diversification and Risk Mitigation:

Strategically extending operations to rural areas offers a means of risk diversification. By not
solely depending on urban centers, companies can proactively manage potential vulnerabilities.

HOW Rural?

 In 2021, Google announced that it would be partnering with the Indian government to
provide rural areas with access to its products and services

 Google has developed a new app called Kormo Jobs that helps people find jobs in their
local area.
 Google has also launched the Kisan Suvidha app which provides farmers with
information on weather, market prices, and crop advisory services.

 Google has launched the Google Station initiative which provides free Wi-Fi hotspots in
public places such as railway stations and universities

Marketing Campaigns

One woman’s courage can inspire many. And our Internet Saathi program has created millions
of stories*.

Internet Saathi is an initiative launched by Google in partnership with Tata Trusts in India. The
program aims to empower women in rural areas by providing digital literacy training and access
to the internet. Through a network of trained "Saathis" or digital mentors, women in rural
communities are equipped with the knowledge to use smartphones, access the internet, and
navigate online services. The Saathis then share this knowledge with other women in their
communities, conducting training sessions on various topics. The program focuses on bridging
the digital gender gap and improving women's lives through technology, reaching thousands of
villages across India, and impacting millions of women.

The Internet Saathi Program has provided digital literacy to more than 30 million women across
300,000 villages. Let’s come together to celebrate these pioneers of courage and take a pledge
to help many more women bridge the gender gap.

Internet Saathi - 1
Internet Saathi - 2
Day with a Saathi

Success Story - Internet Saathi

Women Will

Google to support the economic empowerment of women at a virtual edition of Google for
India event called ‘Women Will’

As part of the initiative launched by Google’s philanthropy arm, it will provide $25
million in grants to nonprofits and social enterprises in India and around the world working to
help women “address systemic barriers to economic equality, pursue entrepreneurship, build
financial independence, and more.” Selected Impact Challenge grantees will also receive
mentoring from Googlers, Ad Grants, and additional support.

The telecoms industry's leading player, Airtel, is a symbol of connectedness and communication
in the modern day. With origins dating back to 1995, Airtel sprang onto the scene and quickly
made its way through the complicated telecommunications landscape to position itself as a
major player in the connectivity solutions market. Airtel has grown from its humble beginnings
into an international telecommunications powerhouse with an uncompromising dedication to
innovation, service excellence, and customer happiness. With its wide array of services, Airtel
has impacted the lives of millions of people.

This investigation dives into the history of Airtel, including its founding, development, and
revolutionary influence on how people connect, communicate, and interact with their
environment. We unearth the layers of technology advancement, market dynamics, and
customer-centric tactics that have propelled Airtel to its prestigious status today as we follow
its development from its early years to its current position as a vital participant in the global
telecoms industry. We get a thorough grasp of Airtel's position in the current digital ecosystem
and its contributions to the frictionless interchange of information and ideas across borders and
barriers via a careful evaluation of its offers, innovations, and effects
Airtel provides various services in rural India such as 5G services, broadband internet, fixed
wireless broadband internet, and Xstream AirFiber.

Why Rural?

 The future growth of the Indian mobile market is expected to be driven by rural
customers, which account for about 70 percent of the country’s total population (1.1
billion people) with a teledensity of only 18.5 percent as of September 2009. Indian
urban mobile penetration is already over 100 percent.

 Rural dwellers place a high value on communications. Contacting urban/overseas

relatives and friends often requires a long and sometimes treacherous trip to the
nearest town to reach payphone.

 India is the world’s second-largest telecommunications market. Its total telephone

subscriber base and teledensity reached 1,177.02 million and 87.45 percent,
respectively, as of January 2020.

How Rural?

Bharti Airtel is concentrating on creative strategies to increase its presence in India’s rural
regions. Airtel’s regional network umbrella includes all major urban, semi-urban, and rural
regions and roads, tourist spots, and commercial centers.
It has the largest network footprint, including even distant sites such as Myajlar–Jaisalmer,
Jaisindhar Station–Barmer, Lagtala–Jaisalmer, and 20BD–Bikaner. As of March 2022, Bharti
Airtel accounted for over 33 percent of the rural telecom market across India.

To extend its reach in India’s rural markets, Bharti Airtel is focusing on innovative initiatives,
including efficient infrastructure deployments, expanding its distribution network via
partnerships, and customized content and tariffs.

Rural Tarakki
Airtel bolega, toh tarakki bolegi, 2010

Airtel's Rural Tarakki campaign was launched in 2010. The campaign aimed to showcase the
power of mobile phones in rural India and how they could be used to improve people's lives.

Airtel's reach in rural India increased by 15% in the first year after the launch of the Rural
Tarakki campaign. Airtel's market share in rural India also increased by 5% in the first year after
the launch of the Rural Tarakki campaign.

● Bharti Airtel has launched microfinancing agreements in collaboration with Nokia and SKS
Micro-finance. Under these partnerships, Bharti provides subsidized tariffs and subscriber
identity module (SIM) cards to rural users, Nokia provides subsidized handsets, and SKS offers

● To expand coverage into rural regions, Bharti Airtel is sharing passive infrastructure services
with Vodafone (42 percent ownership) and Idea (16 percent ownership) through its joint
venture, Indus Towers. Sharing the infrastructure cost and usage between multiple operators
has helped Bharti Airtel to reduce its operating and capital expenses.

● Bharti Airtel also formed a joint venture with the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative
Limited (IFFCO). Its joint venture, IFFCO Kisan Sanchar, uses IFFCO’s wide rural presence
(present in 80 percent of Indian villages) and appeal among the rural agricultural community to
market and distribute Bharti’s products.

● IFFCO Kisan Sanchar provides subsidized handsets and connections at competitive rates in
rural areas. It also helps Bharti Airtel to identify and acquire suitable locations for deploying its
cell sites. In addition, it offers tailored services including voice-based updates on crop prices,
farming techniques, rural health initiatives, and “help line” services.

The best practices:

● Bharti Airtel has adopted the strategy of direct communications to market its value
proposition to rural customers. To make its services accessible, the company provides all of its
marketing content in local languages. Vans are used to cover rural areas with staff who educate
locals about mobile services and usage.

● The company has developed a shared phone service called Public Call Offices (PCOs) in rural
regions to increase awareness about its brand and services.

● Bharti Airtel Service Centres have been set up in villages to address customer queries and
complaints as well as act as sales and distribution points. These centres employ local people
and offer sales and customer services using local dialects.

● Bharti Airtel has already established over 18,000 service centres in rural India, covering over
400 languages and local dialects. The company plans to expand this network.
Marketing Campaigns

Airtel- Rural Tarakki

Desh Ki Awaaz, 2014

Airtel launched a campaign on Facebook called "Desh Ki Awaaz" to promote its services in rural
areas. The campaign featured videos of rural Indians sharing their stories about how Airtel's
services have helped them. The campaign featured videos of rural Indians sharing their stories
about how Airtel's services have helped them.

LightUpASmile, 2007

Airtel did more than just #LightUpASmile in these villages

Airtel installed solar powered and LED lit wall paintings that turn into a source of light and
learning for villagers by night. The initiative was launched in 2017 and has so far been
implemented in over 200 villages across India.

The aim of the initiative is to promotes education and digital literacy in rural areas. The wall
paintings are designed to be both educational and entertaining, and they provide a safe and fun
space for children to play and learn after dark. The paintings are also equipped with solar
panels, which means that they can be used even in villages that do not have access to

Airtel Solar Powered Wall Paintings #LightUpASmile

Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company headquartered in Bengaluru, Karnataka. It was founded in
2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and
former Amazon employees. Flipkart initially focused on online book sales before expanding into
other product categories such as consumer electronics, fashion, home essentials, groceries, and
lifestyle products.
Flipkart is the largest online marketplace in India, with over 100 million registered users and 100+
thousand sellers. It also has a presence in other countries, including Bangladesh, Malaysia, and the

Flipkart offers a wide range of products and services, including:

Online shopping:
Customers can browse and purchase a wide range of products from Flipkart's website or mobile

Cash on delivery:
Customers can pay for their purchases in cash when they receive them.

Same-day delivery:
In select cities, customers can receive their orders on the same day they are placed.

Free shipping:
Flipkart offers free shipping on orders over a certain amount.

Returns and refunds:

Customers can return or refund their purchases within a certain period of time.

Flipkart also offers a number of other services, such as:

Flipkart First:
A premium membership program that offers exclusive benefits to members, such as early access
to sales and discounts.

Flipkart Pay:
A mobile payments app that allows customers to make payments at Flipkart and other

Flipkart Wholesale:
A B2B marketplace that caters to businesses and institutions.
Flipkart is one of the most successful e-commerce companies in India. It has played a major role in
the growth of the Indian e-commerce market and has helped to make online shopping more
accessible to millions of Indians.

Flipkart went rural for a number of reasons.

First, the company saw an opportunity to grow its business by expanding into rural areas. India is
a vast country with a large rural population, and Flipkart was eager to tap into this market.

Second, Flipkart was motivated by a desire to make its products and services more accessible
to rural customers. Many rural residents have limited access to traditional brick-and-mortar
stores, and Flipkart saw e-commerce as a way to bridge the gap.

Third, Flipkart was attracted by the potential of the rural market. Rural India is growing
rapidly, and there is a growing demand for goods and services from this segment. Flipkart was
confident that it could capitalize on this demand.
Flipkart has used a variety of rural marketing strategies to reach its target market.

These strategies include:

 Using local languages and dialects: Flipkart uses local languages and dialects in its marketing
materials, such as its website and app. This helps to make its marketing more accessible and
relevant to rural customers.
 Partnering with local businesses: Flipkart partners with local businesses to offer products and
services in rural areas. For example, it has partnered with grocery stores to offer home
delivery of groceries in rural areas.
 Offering cash on delivery: Flipkart offers cash on delivery in rural areas. This is important, as
many rural customers are hesitant to make online payments.
 Providing free shipping: Flipkart offers free shipping on orders above a certain amount in rural
areas. This helps to make its products more affordable for rural customers.
 Customized Offerings: Flipkart has customized its products and services to meet the specific
needs of rural customers. For example, it has launched special deals and discounts on products
that are popular in rural areas
 Advertising in Local Newspapers: Flipkart has been using local newspapers to reach rural
customers. By advertising in local newspapers, Flipkart can reach a wider audience in rural areas
and promote its products and services.
 Radio Advertising: Flipkart has also been using radio advertising to reach rural customers. Radio is
a popular medium in rural areas, and Flipkart has been leveraging this medium to promote its
products and services.
 Outdoor Promotions: Flipkart has been using outdoor promotions, such as billboards and
banners, to reach rural customers. This helps increase brand visibility and awareness in rural
 Localized Content: Flipkart has been creating localized content to reach rural customers. This
includes creating content in local languages and using local cultural references to resonate with
rural audiences.
 Community Engagement: Flipkart has been engaging with rural communities to understand their
needs and preferences. This includes organizing community events and participating in local
festivals and fair. By engaging with rural communities, Flipkart can build trust and loyalty among
rural customers.

Prominent promotional campaigns by Flipkart:

Flipkart Samarth is an initiative launched by Flipkart in 2019 to empower Indian artisans,

weavers, and handicrafts producers by bringing them onto the e-commerce platform. The
program aims to contribute to the socioeconomic development of under-served communities
by providing them with access to e-commerce and a pan-India market.

By signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)
of the Government of India ,Flipkart Samarth seeks to break entry barriers for local communities by
providing time-bound incubation and support with onboarding, cataloging, marketing, account
management, business insights, and warehousing

The MoU is for the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)
program, to help empower local businesses and self-help groups (SHGs) – especially those that are
led by women – by bringing them into the e-commerce fold. The Flipkart Samarth initiative provides
them with access to potentially more than 350 million consumers on our platform spread across the

Here are some key features of the Flipkart Samarth program:

Training and Capacity Building: The program offers training and capacity-building initiatives
to artisans and weavers, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to
navigate the e-commerce landscape effectively. This includes training on product listing,
packaging, quality control, and digital marketing strategies.

2. Marketing Support: Flipkart Samarth provides time-bound marketing support to artisans and
weavers, helping them reach a wider audience and increase their sales. This support includes
promotional campaigns, advertising, and visibility on the Flipkart platform.

3. Access to a Pan-India Market: By joining the Flipkart platform, artisans and weavers gain access
to a vast customer base across India. This allows them to showcase their products to a wider
audience and expand their market reach beyond their local communities.

4. Financial Inclusion: The program aims to promote financial inclusion by providing access to
working capital loans and financial assistance to artisans and weavers. This helps them overcome
financial barriers and invest in their businesses for growth and sustainability.

5. Partnerships and Recognition: Flipkart Samarth has entered into partnerships with various
government bodies and organizations to create an ecosystem that supports the capacity building
of artisans and weavers. The program also organizes events and awards to acknowledge the work
of MSMEs and artisans, providing them with recognition and motivation to excel.

Through these initiatives, Flipkart Samarth aims to empower artisans and weavers, enhance their
livelihoods, and promote the rich and diverse art forms of India. The program has supported over
a million artisans, weavers, and craftsmen across the country, making a positive impact on their
lives and businesses.

The Flipkart Samarth program has made a significant impact on the livelihoods of artisans and
weavers in India. Here are some ways in which the program has impacted their lives:
1.Increased Income: By joining the Flipkart platform, artisans and weavers gain access to a
wider customer base, which has helped increase their income and improve their standard of

2. Market Access: The program has provided artisans and weavers with access to a pan-India
market, allowing them to showcase their products to a wider audience and expand their market
reach beyond their local communities.

3. Training and Capacity Building: The program offers training and capacity-building initiatives to
artisans and weavers, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the e-
commerce landscape effectively. This has helped them improve the quality of their products and
enhance their competitiveness in the market.

4. Financial Inclusion: The program aims to promote financial inclusion by providing access to
working capital loans and financial assistance to artisans and weavers. This has helped them
overcome financial barriers and invest in their businesses for growth and sustainability.

5. Recognition and Empowerment: The program has entered into partnerships with various
government bodies and organizations to create an ecosystem that supports the capacity building
of artisans and weavers. The program also organizes events and awards to acknowledge the work
of MSMEs and artisans, providing them with recognition and motivation to excel. This has
empowered them to take pride in their work and continue to innovate and create new products.

The Samarth Krishi program is a comprehensive program that is designed to address the needs of
farmers in India. The program is having a positive impact on the lives of farmers and is helping to
boost the agricultural sector in India.
Here are some more details about the Flipkart Samarth Krishi program:

The Flipkart Samarth Krishi app:

The Flipkart Samarth Krishi app is a mobile app that provides farmers with access to
information on weather, pests, crop prices, and agricultural practices. The app also provides
farmers with the ability to connect to markets and buyers.

The Flipkart Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) program:

The Flipkart Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) program is a program that helps farmers to
form and manage farmer producer organizations (FPOs). FPOs are self-help groups of farmers
that work together to improve their bargaining power and access to markets.

Training and capacity building:

Flipkart provides farmers with training and capacity building on how to use technology, access
information, and connect to markets. This is being done through a variety of channels, such as
workshops, webinars, and one-on-one training.
Financial inclusion: Flipkart is working with financial institutions to provide farmers with
access to loans and other financial products. This is being done to help farmers invest in their
businesses and improve their productivity.
some of the benefits that farmers have received from the Samarth Krishi program

Improved access to information: Farmers have reported that they have improved access to
information on weather, pests, crop prices, and agricultural practices. This information has
helped them to make better decisions about their farming practices and get better prices for
their crops.

Improved access to markets: Farmers have reported that they have improved access to
markets for their crops. This has been due to the Samarth Krishi program's efforts to connect
farmers to markets and buyers.

Increased income: Farmers have reported that they have increased their income due to the
Samarth Krishi program. This has been due to a number of factors, including improved
access to information, markets, and technology.

Improved quality of life: Farmers have reported that their quality of life has improved due
to the Samarth Krishi program. This has been due to a number of factors, including
increased income, improved access to education and healthcare, and reduced stress levels.
Krishi Network

Krishi Network which is an agritech platform to explore your interest in an interaction with our
co-founder Ashish Mishra around the company's vision to transform Indian agriculture by
enabling farmers to adopt change with confidence. Founded by IIT Kharagpur alumni - Ashish
Mishra and Siddhant Bhomia, Krishi network is a platform that eases information accessibility for
farmers and enables them to generate higher profits from their land. Providing a mix of online
and offline support, the company also has on boarded agri brands, agri-input merchants, and
other stakeholders in the agriculture supply chain. Krishi Network app is currently available in
Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, and English, and is planned to be launched in other languages soon.
Krishi network helps farmers by growing their horizon by reliably connecting them to experts and
other agri-businesses beyond their local area, providing them information and accessibility to
such technology.and it has since grown to reach over 1 million farmers in India.

Krishi Network is a community platform for progressive Indian farmers to connect with experts,
merchants, organized buyers, and each other. Farmers use productivity tools like - crop disease
detection, mandi price visibility, merchant visibility, and question & answer forums, and
weather prediction.
The decision for Krishi Network to expand into rural areas is likely due to several reasons:

Untapped Market: The rural market is vast and growing. There are over 800 million people
living in rural India, and their spending power is increasing. the rural market is underserved
by traditional agricultural businesses. There are few companies that provide farmers with
access to high-quality inputs, information, and services

2. Agricultural Focus:Rural areas house a significant portion of the agricultural population.

By targeting rural communities, Krishi Network can reach a vast number of potential users.
Given that the platform focuses on agriculture, it makes sense to target rural regions where
farming is a primary occupation. This ensures that the platform's services are directly
aligned with the needs of its users.

3. Technology Access: As technology access improves in rural areas, more farmers are
gaining access to smartphones and the internet. This presents an opportunity for platforms
like Krishi Network to provide valuable services.

Krishi Network has been successful in reaching rural farmers through a variety of marketing
strategies. These strategies include:

Using local languages and dialects: Krishi Network communicates with farmers in their own
languages, which helps to build trust and rapport.

Creating personalized content: Krishi Network creates content that is tailored to the specific
needs of different types of farmers. This content includes videos, articles, infographics, and

Using vernacular social media platforms: Krishi Network is active on vernacular social media
platforms like ShareChat and Koo, which are popular among rural users.

Partnering with local organizations: Krishi Network partners with local organizations, such
as agricultural universities and NGOs, to reach farmers in their communities.

Local Influencers: Collaborating with respected individuals in rural communities, such as

successful farmers or community leaders, can help build trust and credibility.

Community Engagement: Organizing workshops, seminars, and training sessions related to

agricultural practices can help establish the platform's presence and value within rural

User Testimonials: Sharing success stories of farmers who have benefited from the platform
can inspire others to join and use its services.
Krishi Network has also launched a number of promotional campaigns to raise awareness of
its platform among rural farmers. These campaigns include:

The Krishi Mitra Program: This program trains local youth to become Krishi Mitras, or
agricultural advisors. Krishi Mitras provide farmers with information and guidance on
agricultural practices, market prices, and government schemes.

The Krishi Mela: This is an annual agricultural fair that Krishi Network organizes in rural
areas. The fair features exhibits from agricultural businesses, government agencies, and
NGOs. It also includes educational workshops and entertainment for farmers and their

Krishi Network's rural marketing strategies have been successful in helping the company to
reach millions of farmers in India. The company is committed to providing farmers with the
resources they need to improve their livelihoods.


Google - Wikipedia
India: number and growth rate of rural active internet users 2020 | Statista
Here’s how Google is transforming internet access for rural women in India - Android Authority





































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