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My sister  (read) a book.

2. Frank  (like) dogs.
3. My parents  (do) the shopping.
4. We sometimes  (meet) in front of the cinema.
5. Uncle George  (go) to the doctor's.
6. Our friends  (play) football in the park.
7. She  (go) to the park every Friday.
8. He  (ride) his bike every day
9. We  (have) the best ideas.
10. Carol  (say) goodbye.
11. She  (be) the best singer in our class.
12. My sister  (live) in a big house.
13. The children  (eat) hamburgers.
14. Bill  (have) got two notebooks.
15. I  (be) at home.
16. They  about his iPod. (talk)
17. Mary  stamps. (collect)
18. Tom and Sue  two T-shirts. (buy)
19. We  behind a tree. (hide)
20. The children  in the garden. (play)
21. She  my pencil. (borrow)
22. My mother  shopping every Friday. (go)
23. He  my name. (call)
24. They always  in the first row. (sit)
25. Ken and Sam  stamps. (collect)
26. Carol  goodbye. (say)
27. She usually  Tom with the homework. (help)
28. He  in a big house. (live)
29. The girls  up. (stand)
30. Bill  going shopping. (like)
31. My parents often  westerns. (watch)
32. They  hungry. (be)
33. Mum  all the dirty clothes. (wash)
34. Peter  got a brother. (have)
35. Dad  a new plasma TV. (buy)
36. The boys  football. (play)
37. In summer it  hot. (be)
38. I  good at school. (be)
39. On Friday we always  our piano lesson. (have)
40. Mary  her homework. (do)
41. Richard  TV. (watch)
42. I  big cities. (like)
43. He  in the library. (study)
44. She always  to work at (go)
45. Bill and Tom sometimes  to London. (drive)
46. Sarah and Pam often  to parties. (go)
47. Jenny sometimes  Monica. (meet)
48. In summer he children usually  in the garden. (play)
49. Sally often  the board. (clean)
50. My sister  blue eyes. (have)
51. Bill  the window. (open)
52. Barbara  school uniforms look great. (think)
53. They all  dark blue pullovers. (wear)
54. He often  the housework. (do)
55. My mum  shopping every Friday. (go)
56. I never  TV in the morning. (watch)
57. She  her new notebook. (like)
58. Fred  football every Saturday. (play)
59. Hannah and Betty often  pizza. (eat)
60. Frank sometimes  a headache. (have)
61. They  a cold. (have)
62. She  up at seven. (get up)
63. We  breakfast at eight. (have)
64. Peter  to school. (go)
65. Anna  home at two. (get)
66. He  an ice cream. (want)
67. I  peppermint. (hate)
68. Kelly  TV. (watch)
69. She  her homework. (do)
70. Our teacher  in Oxford Street. (live)
71. Eric and Tom  blue shirts. (wear)
72. My sister  a song. (sing)
73. My mum  spaghetti. (cook)
74. Mr Black  in his office. (work)
75. The girls often  a book. (read)
76. She  (be) good at school.
77. Elephants  (eat) grass.
78. I  (like) fish and chips.
79. She always  (meet) her friends after school.
80. Tom often  wear) a white shirt and blue jeans.
81. They  (be) never tired in the morning.
82. He  (like) apples and bananas.
83. The children sometimes  (go) to the playground.
84. Sandra usually  take) the bus to school.
85. Derrick always  (have) lunch at a restaurant.
86. The boys often  (play) computer games.
87. Our cat hardly ever  (catch) a mouse.
88. Paul  (walk) his dog every day.
89. Our daughter often  (get) up too late.
90. My mother  (bake) a cake every Saturday.

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