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Generated multiple comparisons from Post-Hoc test on the significant difference of the

level of knowledge of the respondents on Martial Law’s political impact when grouped

according to their school.

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Political
Tukey HSD
(I) School (J) Mean Sig.
School Difference
SHANS .33624* .026 Reject Ho
STEH SAB .32552 .055 Reject Ho
SEAIT .15526 .604 Accept Ho
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Table 13 shows the results of the Post-Hoc Test conducted to generate multiple

comparisons between the significant difference on the respondents’ level of knowledge on

martial law’s political impact when grouped according to their school. The data shows that

within the four schools, STEH (p = 0.026) have significant differences in their knowledge on

Martial law’s political impact. Ths implies that the researchers reject the null hypothesis.

Based on the University’s website, the School of Teacher Education and Humanities

offered courses such as Education, Philosophy, Public Administration, Psychology, Social

Work and Political Science in which most of the courses offered liberal arts, history,

politics and governance, etc that employ analytical, critical, or speculative approaches. This

is a major factor that have affected the level of knowledge on martial law’s political

impacts of the respondents from STEH. In accordance to the study of Epps (2023),

students who take the teacher education and humanities pathway acquire strong

communication and analytical abilities as well as cultural variances because they tend to
study philosophy, languages, and literature, and concentrate on topics like economics,

psychology, and history.

(I) School (J) Mean Sig.

School Difference
SAB -.01072 1.000 Accept Ho
SEAIT -.18097 .315 Accept Ho
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

The data shows that within the four schools, SHANS (p = 0.026) have significant

differences in their knowledge on Martial law’s political impact. This implies that the

researchers reject the null hypothesis.

For the respondents from SHANS, although this school offred courses like Medical

Laboratory Science, Biology, Pharmacy, and Nursing respondents are moderately

knowledgeable about martial law’s political impacts because the respondents are taught

about history, social issues, right to healthcare which are problems during martial law.

According to Worksofheart (n.d.) during the Marcos administration, poor healthcare was

another issue. At the time, the Philippines had the highest rates of whooping cough,

diphtheria, and rabies in the whole world, as well as the highest rates of TB and polio in the

Western Pacific Region. This might be the reason why respondents from SHANS were

aware on martial law’s political impacts as well as history in general because healthcare is

one of the focus of the administration. In addition, it was shown that medical students'

knowledge of general history varied significantly statistically. It went on to say that

students are not only entering medical school with little prior knowledge, but they are also

not picking up any fresh historical knowledge during their medical studies. (Sanky, 2022).
(I) School (J) Mean Sig.
School Difference
SAB SEAIT -.17025 .447 Accept Ho
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

The data shows that within the four schools, SAB and SEAIT (p =.447) have no

statistically significant differences in the of respondents level of knowledge on Martial

law’s political impact when grouped according to their school. This implies that the

researchers accept the null hypothesis. This implies that school is one factor in their level

of knowledge on martial law’s political impact. Hence, the findings suggest that

respondents' level of knowledge on martial law in terms of political impacts may vary

depending on the school they attend.

For SAB, courses such as Accountancy, Marketing, Tourism, and Hospitality

Management offered subjects that focused more on finance, taxation, tourism, and

economics, which may be a factor why respondents from SAB achieved a low mean score in

all dependent variables.

SEAIT offered courses such as Architecture, Engineering, and Information

Technology, which mainly focused on architectural design, communication engineering,

software, and the like, which might be a factor why the respondents are not interested and

aware of martial law’s political impacts.

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