Contextualized LP Trend

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GRADE 12- PALMA (9:50-10:50)
GRADE 12- MARCOS SR. (2:00-3:00)

A. CONTENT STANDARD: The learner understands the emergence of trends and patterns.
B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner will be able to derive an idea from instances and present this idea through a
100-word essay, artwork, and other graphic representations.

Describe the different characteristics of a trend (HUMSS_MCT12-Ia-b-5)
Specifically, students are expected to:
 describe the different characteristics of a trend,
 perform a role play about the different characteristics of a trend,
 show appreciation on trends.

Describe the different characteristics of a trend using the different indigenous materials.


Lesson: Understanding the Elements and Characteristics of a Trend
Materials: PPT Presentation, pen, and paper
Aral Links by Phoenix
A. Preparation
1. Review
The teacher will ask the students some technical terms in research. Then let the students explain what the
term is about.

2. Motivation
The students will be grouped into 5 depending on their rows but they will not be near with each other. They
will play a Car Racing Game called Define Me. Each group members have the right to answer the
questions that will be flashed in the PowerPoint Presentation. The group who will have the highest score
will be declared as the winner.
The words to be defined are:

 Novel
 Park
 Right
 Run
 Leave

B. Activity (Integrated contextualization through some pictures and meanings.)

A picture will be flashed, and students need to cite what the picture is about then 2 definitions will be
flashed as well. During this time, the students need to decipher the differences between the two definitions. They
will do this for 5 pictures.
The pictures are:

 Computer
a. It is a device or machine used in performing, assessing, evaluation and following commands set by
the users.
b. It is something used in doing homework or browsing the internet.
 Automobile
a. It is a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine or electric
motor and able to carry a small number of people.
b. It is a car or truck that gets you around from place to place and carries cargo or passengers.
 Karas
a. It is a piece of farming tool with sharp blade teeth usually made of iron bar or wood stick.
b. It is a piece of farming tool that is used to break up soil and clods of dirt and to even up a plowed
field prior to the application of banana trunk leveller.
 Winnower/Nigo
a. A round or oval tray made of bamboo and rattan.
b. It is used in preparing and cleaning rice to be cooked.
 Lusong nga Bayo og Alho (pestle and mortar)
a. A piece of wood with carved at the center and a rice is placed for pounding with pestle.
b. A piece of wood used to pound unripe banana, sugar, and grated coconut to form a nilusak.

C. Analysis
The teacher will discuss how the definitions from the activity differ and how they are important
especially in writing a research paper. The teacher will also discuss how to write a technical and operational
definition of terms using the different variables and sub-variables in a research paper.

D. Abstraction
The teacher will ask the students about the differences of technical and operational definitions.

E. Application (Integrated Multidisciplinary)

With the same group, students will Fill the Pitcher through answering several questions. The Group who can fill
the pitcher first will be the winner.

I. DIRECTION. Identify what is being asked.
1. The term is define based on how this term is used in the research study, what type of definition is
2. What are the two types of definition that are used in research?
3. What definition is used in the given sample?
Overweight - a condition when a woman reaches 150 lbs and 160 lbs for men
4. What definition is used in the given sample?
Vein is any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying the most
cases oxygen depleted blood toward the heart.
5. What definition is used in the given sample?
Happiness - a person feels having no problem whether at home or in school.

II. DIRECTION: In research, most of the terms that need to be defined are the variables and sub-variables used
in the study. Given the Statement of Hypothesis (SOP) below, provide a technical and operational
definitions of the emphasized words.
Research about EXPANDED DEFINITION and give its differences from TECHNICAL and OPERATIONAL

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher Checked by:

Master Teacher I

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