Word Order 1 - AK

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Word Order - Exercise 1

1. They always make the breakfast on Sunday.

2. She often plays with her friends in the park.
3. He never makes his bed.
4. We sometimes play cards on Sunday.
5. They hardly ever watch TV in the afternoon.
6. I always get up at seven o’clock.
7. We seldom have fish for lunch.
8. They rarely go to work by bus.
9. My sister often reads the newspaper.
10. The boys usually play football at weekends.

Word Order - Exercise 2

1. I never play golf during the week.
2. She had to stay in bed all week.
3. He left the office at five o’clock.
4. She didn’t go on holidays last year.
5. I usually water the flowers once a week.
6. We wanted to help her, but we couldn’t.
7. I watched the movie last Tuesday.
8. They moved to Scotland last autumn.
9. They went to the shopping mall an hour ago.
10. I think they didn’t tell me the truth.

Word Order - Exercise 3

1. Can you help me in the garden?
2. Do you know his sister’s name?
3. What are you doing right now?
4. Would you like some more coffee?
5. Are the boys at home?
6. She is at work, isn’t she? or She isn’t at work, is she?
7. What is your favorite movie?
8. Where did you put my umbrella?
9. How much money have we left?
10. Why aren’t you at school today?

Word Order - Exercise 4

1. He always drives his car out of the garage at nine o'clock in the morning.
2. He often takes Mrs Hodges to town after breakfast.
3. They rarely find a parking place near the shops.
4. Mr Hodges sometimes parks his car in a garage.
5. I sometimes fly with my parents to Florida in winter.
6. She often came late to school in spring last year.
7. They often have a cup of tea at the hotel at about three o'clock in the afternoon.
8. They always meet their friends at the sports ground after dinner.
9. She always enjoys swimming very much in our pool in the morning.
10. He could hardly ski last year.
Word Order - Exercise 5
1. My brother hardly ever feeds the dog
2. My sister sometimes does the ironing
3. I never do the vacuum cleaning
4. We often go for a walk with our dog
5. I usually tidy my room on Sundays
6. In the afternoon I sometimes unload the dishwasher
7. I sometimes look after my younger sister on weekends
8. She never does the cooking
9. My mother always does the washing on Mondays
10. I usually put out the dustbins once a week

Word Order - Exercise 6

1. There is a new cinema near our school
2. I have got a problem with my homework
3. Mary thinks we can help her when she has a problem
4. I don't think your father drives very well
5. On Sundays we sometimes go to a restaurant
6. Two months ago, we went to the circus with my parents
7. The magician did his trick very well
8. Mother asked Jim to look after his younger sister
9. Can you tell Cindy that I have found her necklace
10. Mike is on his way to school on his bike

Word Order - Exercise 7

1. We must leave the house at seven o’clock in the morning.
2. She usually visits her grandparents on Saturday afternoon.
3. They met in front of the cinema at eight o’clock yesterday.
4. He couldn’t help her with the English homework.
5. My sister wasn’t at school yesterday because she had a cold.
6. We went to the movies and then to a disco.
7. My parents usually play tennis three times a week.
8. I always have to get up at half past six during the week.
9. We will tell them the news tomorrow afternoon.
10. Dad lost the keys and still hasn’t found them.
Word Order - Exercise 8
1. Make sure you are here by eight o’clock.
2. I was in Ireland last month and I liked it very much there.
3. The police arrested a man who was guilty of murder.
4. Every morning George takes the bus to work.
5. When I heard the news, I phoned her immediately.
6. The new shopping mall will open next Monday.
7. I remembered her name after a few minutes.
8. Have you ever tried this before?
9. I’m going to Boston for a few days next week.
10. I didn’t see you at Tom’s party last Friday.
11. When the alarm rang, I got out of the bed immediately.
12. We were looking for it for a while but couldn’t find it.

Word Order - Exercise 9

1. This is the girl I met at Nora’s party last Friday.
2. They usually play golf every Sunday morning.
3. They are building a new shopping center at the end of my street.
4. Is she making the breakfast at the moment?
5. He arrived at about ten o’clock in the morning.
6. I’ll probably arrive at home late this evening.
7. I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to the meeting.
8. I don’t have to work on Saturdays.
9. The weather will be much better tomorrow than today.
10. They were on their way to Madrid when their car broke down.
11. My daughters sometimes visit me at work after school.
12. I always have to hurry in the morning because I get up too late.
or I have to hurry in the morning because I always get up too late.

Word Order - Exercise 10

1. We never have to work on Sundays.
2. I woke up in the middle of the night.
3. The girls have been playing in the garden for three hours.
4. I am usually tired when I get home from work.
5. What are my chances of passing the exam?
6. The woman told me not to touch anything in the museum.
7. I wasn’t allowed to go out last weekend.
8. She will tell me the examination results as soon as possible.
9. The economic situation is already very bad, and it is getting worse.
10. They didn’t sell as many books as last year.
11. Did you help her in the garden yesterday?
12. My friends Brenda and Tom are getting married next week.

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