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University of Botswana

Department of Electrical Engineering

EEB 331 Electrical Network Theory Assignment 1 (Due date: 19 November 2021)

Question 1
a) Using Nodal Analysis method, find current I0 flowing through the 8 Ω resistor, in the circuit of Figure 1
shown below. [10]
b) How much power is dissipated in this resistor? [5]

Figure 1
Question 2
a) Apply mesh analysis method to derive a matrix representation of the circuit in terms of its mesh
currents. [8]
b) Using Cramer’s Rule find the values of the three mesh currents i1, i2 and i3. [8]
c) Find v0, the voltage across the 2 Ω resistor. [4]

Figure 2
Question 1
a) For the circuit in Figure 3, obtain Thevenin’s equivalent circuit at terminals a – b. [10]
c) Find the highest value of power that can be transferred to the load. [5]

Figure 3 TOTAL: 50 MARKS

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