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Brendan Dunne

Robin Newton

Contents 2
Ready, steady, g o ! 4
1 Super spo rts 8
2 TV t i me! 18
3  W orking day an d ni gh t 28
4 Go ing sho pping 38
5 Act out ! 48
6 Fun days 58

School’s o ut !
Space vo c a b ula ry 68
End o f ye a r v o c a b ula ry re vi e w 70
Extended Readi n g
Units 1 an d 2 Re vi e w 72
Units 3 an d 4 Re vi e w 74
Units 5 and 6 Re vi e w 76
Fes t i vals
Albuquer q u e B a llo o n F e s t i va l 78
Christmas i n C a na d a 79
World Bo o k D a y i n th e U K 80
key vocabulary
10 – 100

Ready, steady, go! p. 4

basketball, football, gymnastics, running, skateboarding,

swimming, table tennis, yoga
Super sports p. 8

cartoon, cookery programme, documentary, film,

music programme, quiz show, talent show, the news

2 TV time! p. 18 a quarter past, a quarter to

architect, builder, farmer, firefighter, nurse, pilot, singer, vet

3 Working day and night p. 28

baker’s, bookshop, café, clothes shop, department store,

4 Going shopping p. 38
greengrocer’s, newsagent’s, supermarket
euro, cent
ordinal numbers

beard, curly hair, dark hair, fair hair, freckles, glasses,

5 Act out! p. 48
moustache, straight hair
angry, calm, excited, glad, nervous, shy

aquarium, art gallery, castle, city farm, funfair, stadium,

6 Fun days p. 58
theatre, water park
feed, pick, water
behind, between, in front of, next to

alien, asteroid, comet, moon, planet, satellite,

School’s out ! p. 68 spaceship, stars

Extended reading
The surprise It’s Friday. Ben is
visiting his sister Tara
2 I’ve got some music for you. It’s
your favourite pop group, Domino.
in hospital. She’s got And here’s a
1 a broken leg. music magazine.

The spy
Hi Tara, how
are you today?
t are in the Patrick
2 Evie and Scarlet the park. and his
tics. like funfair. mum are
Evie doesn’t 1

Am az ing !
Evie does gymnas Patrick at the
good at it.
is very
excited. 2 Mum does
She’s very is horrible. Mum, can
ga Urgh! This park That’s great, we go on She feels n’t like the bum
She’s watchin everywhere. bumper
about There’s litter thanks! cars, pleas the very nerv
per cars
e gymnast. I’m really bored! Tara is happy now. e?
her favourit I want to go home.
1 She’s a big fan of Domino. Oops! Sorry
3 Ben and Tara’s dad works in a bookshop. 4 Cosmo and Jazz from Domino are in Ben’s OK!
On Saturday, Ben helps at the shop. city. They’re in a clothes shop.
Come on! There

Amazing! Units 1 2 p. 72
my friends!
Do you want 3 The man
to come to the Oh, OK. is going
but he
park with me? arding. Scarlett’s forgets
good at skatebo something
4 Evie is very g. I like this hat. .
4 Patrick
she’s amazin
at skateboarding. friends think How much is it? It’s twelve euros. and Mum are
are all good a video. following

The surprise
Scarlett’s friends Ollie is making

Units 3 p. 74
3 Dad, I’m making a poster the man

Excellent! You can .
Go, Evie! Go! for the new Peter Pilot book.
put it on the door. Look, it’s Cosmo and Jazz! Look, there
to try he is!
Do you want He hasn’
t got
skateboarding, his bag!
5 Next, Cosmo and Jazz go to a baker’s. 6 Lots of people recognise Cosmo and Jazz.
They say hello and take photos.
How much are these sandwiches? Quick! Let’s
follow him.

The spy Units 5 6 p. 76

He’s going
do that? into
How can she 5 Inside the Hall of Mirro the
Hall of rs.
I’ve got an idea! amazing!
Your video is
at the park. skateboard 6 Patrick
6 The next day There’s a big Oh, thank you! and his mum
next week. coaster.
way home… competition Mum is are getti
5 Later, on the They’re three euros,
Wait! calling, ng on the
twenty cents. but the roller
man can’
You’re in Domino! Hey Domino, you’re the best! t hear.
I love your music. Can I take a selfie with you? Hey! We’v
This park is terrible.! Sorry, we haven’t e got your
Come on, Scarlett OK.
got time today.
the litter.
Let’s pick up Oh, look!
1 Read and listen. 2.49 enormous My glasses are
really curly your hair’s
want 2 Look, find and say. now, Mum
Is there?! We ition! 1 Read Oh, no! They’
to go to the compet and liste
n. following re

balloon, basket
five jobs two clothes four shops two instruments me.
2 Copy 2.50
and answ
74 Extended Reading Units 3 and 4 1 Who

’s got curly
2.48 2 Does hair?
1 Read and listen. Patri
3 Wha11/10/17 18:53ck like the
822573_U9.indd 74 t does Brad bumper 4 Has
True or False. new park. cars? Patrick
a lake in the 76 forget?

p. 78
2 Read and say 2 There’s the fruit. Extended 5 Wha
got glas
at gymnastics. Evie picks up
Reading 6 Wha in Brad’s bag?

clown, gingerbread, parade

4 Units 5
t does Brad
1 Evie is good Evie. and 6
the video of 822573_U give Patri
3 A boy likes
76 ck and his
1 and 2
Reading Units

dd 72

bookmark, token

word work
Key structures WRIT ING Go around the world
What are your hobbies?
I like drawing and reading ghost stories.
When’s your birthday?
It’s in July.
What’s fifty-two plus twenty-nine?
It’s eighty-one.
I play football. / I go running. / I do yoga. Natural Science: Capital letters Sports in the United States
Do you do gymnastics? measuring your pulse
A personal text
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
I’m good at drawing.
She’s bad at skateboarding.
He likes quiz shows. Media Studies: Syllables A documentary about
She doesn’t like the news. making documentaries South Africa
A report about TV
Does she like cartoons? preferences
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
What time is the cookery programme on?
It’s on at a quarter past six.
Does she work in a hospital? Social Science: Jobs ending in -er Amazing jobs in Australia
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. seasons on a farm
spring, summer, A description of
She works during the day. a job
He doesn’t work at night. autumn, winter
He wears a blue uniform.
His name’s Pat.
Her coat is white.

How much is a comic? Maths: measuring a and an Covent Garden in London

It’s one euro, eighty cents. weight and volume
grams and kilos, A dialogue in a café
How much are the strawberries?
They’re two euros, sixty cents a kilo. millilitres and litres

Has he got dark hair? Art: portraits Hard and soft c Theatre and dance in India
Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. profile, self-portrait,
abstract and realistic A wanted poster
She’s got freckles.
He hasn’t got glasses. portraits

What’s she doing? Natural Science: Contractions Days out in Vancouver

She’s feeding the chickens. ocean animals
crabs, starfish, A postcard
What are they doing?
They’re singing a song. seahorses, green turtles

More More
writing practice
speaking S
More interaction
phonics phonics


suggestions for every lesson available in the Teacher's Book video 

Working day and night
1 Listen and sing. 1.34

So many people
Working hard for me and you.
So many jobs
That you can do.
You can be a builder,
A nurse or a vet.
You can be a firefighter
Or an architect.
You can be a singer on TV,
A pilot or a farmer.
So many things
That you can be.
Look at all the people
Working hard for me and you.
So many jobs,
Which one’s for you?

2 Listen and repeat. 1.35 Then, listen and say. 1.36

architect builder farmer firefighter

nurse pilot singer vet

3 Guess the job.

I’m wearing a yellow hat. Who am I?
You’re the firefighter!

28 Lesson 1 Jobs vocabulary

1 Listen and read. Then say in pairs. 1.37

What are your parents’ jobs, Rosie?

My dad’s a builder
and my mum’s a nurse.
A nurse! That’s interesting.
Does she work in a hospital?
Yes, she does. She works
in a children’s hospital.
Does she wear a uniform?
Yes, she does. She
Does she work at night? wears a blue uniform.

No, she doesn’t.

She works during the day.
What’s your mum’s job?

My mum’s a vet. She works

in an animal hospital.

2 ​Listen and say who. 1.38  

pilot builder singer vet

the day

at night

3 ​Ask in pairs.  

Does he wear a hat? Does he work at night? booklet

No, he doesn't Grammar, page 6

Does he/she (work) (at night)? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t. Lesson 2 29

Grammar Greg

1 Listen and read. 1.39
Greg wears a uniform.

Greg doesn’t work at night. i-poster

And now the hat!
He works during the day. i-flashcards


It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for work.

Greg doesn’t drive a train. Is Greg a pilot? No, he’s an inventor.

He flies a plane! He invents toy planes.

3... 2... 1…,

take off!

More More
Wow! Look at it go!

Present Simple questions Short answers Present Simple with

job descriptions More
she wear a uniform? Yes, she does. phonics phonics
Does He works in a hospital.
he work at night? No, he doesn’t.
She doesn’t work outdoors.

2 ​Listen and say the job. Then ask in pairs. 1.40 i-poster

It’s a man. He works at night
and during the day. He wears
a uniform. He doesn’t fly a
plane. He doesn’t work
in a hospital.

It’s the firefighter!


30 Lesson 3 He/She wears/doesn’t wear (a uniform). Grammar, page 7

Go find out! 3

A year on the farm

1 Listen and read. 1.41

It’s hot and sunny.

Summer On the farm, the
vegetables and wheat grow.
Spring The farmer picks strawberries
and cherries. The lambs are big.
Now, they don’t drink milk,
The farmer plants seeds
they eat grass.
for vegetables and wheat.
It’s rainy and warm. The
rain helps the vegetables
grow. The sheep have lambs.
The lambs drink their mother’s milk.

It’s cold and snowy. The farmer

gives food to the sheep.
The farmer picks cauliflower Winter
and broccoli in January
The farmer picks apples, pears and February.
Autumn and vegetables. When it’s sunny,
the farmer cuts the wheat.

2 Copy and correct the mistakes.

1 The farmer plants seeds for vegetables and wheat in winter.
2 The farmer picks cauliflower and broccoli in March and April.
3 When it’s rainy, the farmer cuts the wheat.
4 The sheep have lambs in summer.
5 In summer, the farmer picks pears and cherries.
6 The farmer grows apples, pears and vegetables in autumn.

Go o n l i n e
Fun Fac t In Europe, spring
is in April and May.
Sheep eat for seven When is spring
hours a day. in Australia?

Social Science: seasons on a farm Lesson 4 31

More More P

What ’s wrong wi th Felix? More
Have you
got a pet?

1 Read and listen. 1.42  
2 Felix scratches Rosie’s hand.
1 Fred is worried about Felix, his cat.

Oh, Felix doesn’t look

very happy today. IWB OUCH!
I think he’s ill.

Oh, Felix!

Rosie’s dad is a builder. He’s fixing the roof.

4 Rosie’s hand is sore. Her mum is a nurse.
She puts a plaster on it.
3 Felix runs up the ladder.

What’s wrong with him?

It hurts!

Let’s ask Alice.

Her mum’s a vet. Keep calm,
it’s just a scratch.

What’s wrong
with Felix?

32 Lesson 5 Key vocabulary and grammar in context

5 Oh, no! The ladder is broken. Heeelp! 6 Rosie’s dad is trapped on the roof.

Keep calm, Pat! I’m

calling the fire brigade.

Keep calm, Rosie,

Dad’s OK! What’s wrong
with Felix?

7 Later, the firefighters help Dad. 8

Er… HER name is Felix!

Look! Alice and

her mum are here.
Felix is a girl!?

Oh look, she’s got kittens!

He’s in that box.

His name is Felix.

2 Read and say the scene number.

1 Alice’s mum arrives. 5 Dad climbs up the ladder. Keep calm!
2 Mum calls the fire brigade. 6 The ladder falls.
3 Felix has kittens. 7 Felix scratches Rosie.
4 Mum puts a plaster on Rosie’s hand. 8 Felix runs up the ladder.

Key vocabulary and grammar in context Lesson 5 33

New language
1 ​Listen and rap. 1.43

He’s a builder.
His name’s Pat.
He fixes roofs
And he wears a hat.
She’s a nurse.
Her uniform’s blue.
She looks after me and you.
She’s a vet.
Her coat is white.
She makes sure
Your pet’s all right.
He’s a firefighter.
His engine’s red.
He wears a helmet on his head.

2 Read and say the job.  

1 His hat is white. 4 Her shoes are white. 7 His hat is yellow.
2 Her hat is white. 5 Her shoes are green. 8 His uniform is black.
3 His jeans are black. 6 His T-shirt is white. 9 Her uniform is green.

34 Lesson 6 His name’s Pat. Her uniform’s blue.
T im e to w r it e 3

word work: obs ending in - er

1 Listen and read. 1.44   2 Look and write the jobs
in your notebook.

Hello! Have you got a question?

Hi, Word Work! Which jobs end in -er?

Firefighter, gardener and farmer end in -er.

Sometimes you can add -er to a verb and

make a job. Look!

I teach children. I’m a teacher.

I build houses. I’m a builder.

I play basketball. I’m a basketball player.

Sometimes, when a verb ends in -e, we add -r. Look!

write ➞ writer  bake ➞ baker

writ ing: a descript ion of a ob

3 Copy and complete the description. Then say the job.    

Susan works during the and at . She doesn’t work in a and

she doesn’t fly a . She works outdoors and indoors. She wears a

and a . She helps in danger. What’s her job?

Now go to page 28 in the Activity Book Plan before
and write about a job.   you write

Word Work: jobs ending in -er Writing: a description of a job Lesson 7 35

3 Go
Go aro und THE WO RLD !
around THE WORLD
Amazing obs in Australia
1 Listen and read. 1.45

Hi! I’m Ruby from Australia.

I’m writing an article for my
school website about jobs.
I think these jobs are amazing!

Road train driver

Tom drives a road train. He brings food, clothes
and petrol to farms and small towns. His road
train is 50 metres long and has 64 wheels.
Tom gets up at six o’clock in the morning and
drives 700 kilometres a day. At night, he sleeps
in the cabin of the road train. Tom likes his job.

Emily is a lifesaver at a big beach. In summer,
she works six days a week. She walks on the
beach and watches people swimming. Emily has
a surfboard and a small boat to rescue people.
Her cap, T-shirt and shorts are red and yellow.
Her clothes are visible to swimmers.

Flying doctor
Nick is a doctor and a pilot. He flies a small plane and
visits farmers and their families when they need
a doctor. Nick works during the day and
at night. In the plane, there’s medicine, More
a bed and medical equipment. practice

2 Answer the questions.

1 What time does Tom get up? What do you
2 Does Tom sleep in a hotel? think of these jobs?
3 What colours are Emily’s clothes? What do you phonics
4 Does Emily work at a swimming pool? want to be?
5 What’s in Nick’s plane?

Do you want to learn about some

36 Lesson 8 Learn about jobs in Australia more amazing jobs in Australia? 
G o aG AI N!   tak e a look
during the day
Look and write the jobs in your notebook. at night

1 3


2 Listen and say the jobs. 1.46  

3 Copy and complete. Then say the job.  

1 ... jumper is yellow. 2 ... uniform is blue. 3 ... shirt is red. booklet
4 ... uniform is pink. 5 ... hat is yellow. 6 ... hat is black. Learning to learn, page 40

Unit review 37
Fest ivals
World Book Day in the UK
1 Listen and read. 2.50

Hello! I’m Dylan from the

UK. My favourite festival is
World Book Day!

In the morning,
In the UK, World Book Day is in we talk about
March. At my school, children our favourite
wear costumes of their favourite books. We
characters from books. There write stories
are wizard, superhero and fairy and make
costumes. It’s fun! The teacher takes bookmarks. When my teacher says “ERIC!”,
photographs and gives every child a we sit and read for twenty minutes. ERIC
book token. We can buy a book with means Everyone Reads In Class.
the book token.

In the afternoon, we
visit a library and look
at the books. There are
storybooks, joke books
and comic books. There’s
a famous author at
the library. She reads
a story. Then we ask
questions. It’s interesting.

2 Ask in pairs. 3 Talk about your favourite book.

Then make a bookmark.
1 Do you like detective stories?
2 Do you like ghost stories? My favourite book is
3 Do you like joke books? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
4 Do you like comic books? The author is Roald Dahl.
My favourite character is Willy Wonka.
5 What’s your favourite book?
6 Have you got a favourite author?

80 Festivals World Book Day vocabulary

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