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List of words (part1)

1. holder /ˈhəʊl.də r / /ˈhoʊl.dɚ/ noun [ C ] OWNER

someone who officially owns something:

I am a holder of Master’s degree in Economics

2. prosperous /ˈprɒs.p ə r.əs/ /ˈprɑː.spɚ-/ adjective

successful, usually by earning a lot of money:

If you have higher education you are more likely to have a prosperous future.

3. inequality /ˌɪn.ɪˈkwɒl.ə.ti/ /-ˈkwɑː.lə.t  ̬i/ noun [ C or U ]

the unfair situation in society

if we want our country prosper we have to reduce education inequality.

4. graduate /ˈgrædʒ.u.ət/ noun [ C ]

Bachelor’s degree

In poor countries very few students continue their studies in graduate institution.

5. postgraduate /ˌpəʊs t  ˈgrædʒ.u.ət/ /ˌpoʊs t  ˈgrædʒ.u-/ noun [ C ]

Master’s or doctorate level

I did postgraduate degree in Economics

6. social mobility

the ability to move from one level of society to another

Education inequality makes the social mobility very difficult.

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