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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

Cleaning Dirty Canal and Placing Garbage Can: A way to Support the
Environmental Sustainability & to Have a Clean Community in Barangay 5,
Lian Batangas.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

I. SUMMARY...................................................................................................1

II. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................... 2

III. NEEDS/PROBLEMS................................................................................... 4

IV. GOALS/OBJECTIVES................................................................................ 7

V. PROCEDURES/SCOPE OF WORK........................................................... 9

VI. TIMETABLE...............................................................................................11

VII. BUDGET....................................................................................................12

VIII. KEY PERSONNEL.................................................................................... 13

IX. EVALUATION............................................................................................13

X. ENDORSEMENTS.....................................................................................15

XI. NEXT STEPS.............................................................................................16

XII. APPENDIX.................................................................................................17
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

The project proposal for Cleaning Dirty Canal and Placing Garbage Can aims to support
environmental sustainability and promote a clean community in Barangay 5, Lian
Batangas. The proposal involves cleaning a dirty canal in the area and installing garbage
cans to encourage proper waste disposal. This will require a budget totaling to 35,000php.
The project aims to improve the local environment and promote a culture of responsible
waste management in the community. The proposal outlines the steps required to
implement the project, including conducting a feasibility study, developing a project plan,
securing funding and resources, mobilizing volunteers and stakeholders, implementing the
project, and monitoring and evaluating its success over time.
The proposal outlines a number of steps required to implement the project, including
conducting a feasibility study, developing a project plan, securing funding and resources,
mobilizing volunteers and stakeholders, implementing the project, and monitoring and
evaluating its success over time. The proposal also includes appendices that provide
additional details on the proposed project, such as a budget, timeline, and the risk
assessment of the project proposal.
The project's main objectives are to improve the cleanliness of the canal, reduce
pollution, and promote environmental awareness and sustainability practices among local
communities. The project's expected outcomes include a cleaner and safer canal
environment, reduced health risks associated with polluted water, and increased
community engagement and participation in environmental protection activities. Overall,
the project proposal is a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the problem of
polluted canals and improper waste disposal. By involving the community and promoting
environmental awareness and sustainability practices, the project can have a lasting
impact on the local environment and the well-being of its residents.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

The environment is one of the most significant concerns of our modern world. It is the
foundation of our existence, and its preservation is vital for the survival of all living
creatures. In many parts of the world, especially in developing countries, environmental
sustainability is not given adequate attention, leading to environmental degradation and
pollution. The Philippines is one such country where environmental concerns are often
overlooked, and many communities suffer from environmental degradation. Environmental
sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Maintaining a clean and healthy
environment is an essential part of environmental sustainability. It is the responsibility of
every individual to contribute towards environmental sustainability by taking measures to
reduce pollution and waste.
The Barangay 5 of Lian Batangas, located in the Philippines, is one such community that
faces significant environmental challenges. The residents of Barangay 5 face the problem
of waste disposal, which often leads to garbage accumulation in the streets and dirty
canals. The dirty canals and overflowing garbage cans pose significant health and
environmental hazards, leading to an increase in diseases, environmental degradation,
and pollution. This project aims to address the environmental concerns in Barangay 5 by
cleaning the dirty canals and placing garbage cans in strategic locations. The project's
objective is to promote environmental sustainability and support the community's efforts
towards a cleaner and healthier environment. The project will also raise awareness about
the importance of waste management and encourage residents to take an active role in
environmental protection.
The issue of waste management and environmental sustainability has become a
pressing concern for many communities around the world. In Barangay 5, Lian Batangas,
the lack of proper waste disposal methods has led to the accumulation of waste in the
streets and dirty canals. This not only affects the aesthetic value of the community but also
poses a health risk to the residents. To address this issue, our organization proposes a
project titled "Cleaning Dirty Canal and Placing Garbage Can: A Way to Support
Environmental Sustainability and To Have a Clean Community in Barangay 5, Lian
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

Batangas." Our organization, is committed to supporting sustainable development

initiatives and promoting environmental awareness in communities. With this project, we
aim to contribute to the creation of a cleaner and healthier environment for the residents of
Barangay 5. The project will involve mobilizing volunteers to clean the canal and remove
the accumulated waste. We will also work with the barangay officials to identify strategic
locations for garbage cans and to ensure that the collected waste is properly disposed of.
Additionally, we will conduct an awareness campaign on waste segregation and proper
waste management practices to encourage community participation and sustainability
The proposed project will involve a collaborative effort between the Barangay officials,
local volunteers, and the community. The project will involve the cleaning of the canals,
removal of garbage and debris, and placing of garbage cans in strategic locations. The
project will also include a community outreach program aimed at educating residents
about the importance of waste management, recycling, and composting. The success of
this project will depend on the active participation and involvement of the community. The
project will encourage residents to take ownership of their environment and participate in
keeping the community clean and healthy. By promoting environmental sustainability and
waste management practices, this project will contribute to a cleaner, healthier, and
sustainable future for the community. Through this project, we hope to inspire positive
change and promote environmental responsibility within the community. We believe that
with our collective efforts, we can make a significant impact in creating a cleaner, greener,
and more sustainable Barangay 5.
The proposed project to clean the dirty canal and place garbage cans in strategic
locations throughout the Barangay is an important step towards environmental
sustainability and promoting a clean and healthy community. The project will provide
several benefits to the community, including improved environmental quality, reduced
health hazards, and increased awareness of environmental sustainability. It is essential to
take action to protect the environment and promote sustainability, and this project is a step
in the right direction.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

The Barangay 5 in Lian Batangas is a community facing environmental challenges caused
by waste disposal. The community has a dirty canal, which has been the main dumping
site for garbage, resulting in an unclean and unsafe environment for residents. In this
project proposal, we will identify the needs and problems facing the community and
propose a solution to address them.
•Environmental Sustainability
One of the needs of the community is to support environmental sustainability. The
community needs to embrace sustainable practices to ensure that the environment is
protected, conserved, and sustained. The uncontrolled disposal of waste in the canal has
led to pollution of the environment, causing harm to both humans and animals. This
problem needs to be addressed to promote environmental sustainability.
•Health Risks
The improper disposal of waste in the canal poses a health risk to residents. The garbage
attracts pests such as rodents and insects, which carry diseases that can be transmitted to
humans. The stagnant water in the canal also provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes
that cause malaria and dengue fever. The community needs to have a clean environment
to prevent these health risks.
•Aesthetic Appeal
The dirty canal and the uncollected garbage in the community affects the aesthetic appeal
of the area. Visitors to the community may be turned off by the unsightly sight of the canal
and the uncollected garbage. This affects the economic potential of the community as it
may discourage tourism, which may result in lost revenue for the community.
•Lack of Proper Waste Management
The community lacks a proper waste management system. There are no garbage cans,
and residents dispose of their waste indiscriminately. This has led to the canal being used
as a dumping site for garbage. The community needs to adopt proper waste management
practices to keep the environment clean and healthy.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

The proposed solution to address the needs and problems facing the community is to
clean the dirty canal and provide garbage cans for residents. The project will involve the
following activities:
•Cleaning the Canal
The first step in addressing the environmental challenges facing the community is to clean
the canal. This will involve removing the garbage and debris from the canal and disposing
of them appropriately. The cleaning process will be done in phases to ensure that the
canal is thoroughly cleaned.
•Providing Garbage Cans
To address the lack of proper waste management in the community, the project will
provide garbage cans for residents. The garbage cans will be placed in strategic locations
to ensure that residents can dispose of their waste appropriately. The garbage cans will be
color-coded to ensure that residents can easily differentiate between organic and inorganic
•Community Awareness
To ensure the success of the project, community awareness is crucial. The project will
involve community members in the cleaning process to ensure that they take ownership of
the project. The project will also educate the community on the importance of
environmental sustainability and proper waste management.
The project will require ongoing maintenance to ensure that the canal remains clean and
the garbage cans are emptied regularly. The project team will work with the community to
develop a maintenance plan to ensure that the project's objectives are met.
•Monitoring and Evaluation
To measure the success of the project, monitoring and evaluation will be done
regularly. The project team will monitor the cleanliness of the canal and the proper use of
the garbage cans. The project team will also evaluate the impact of the project on the
environment and the community.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

The target population for this project proposal is the residents of Barangay 5 in Lian,
Batangas, Philippines. Barangay 5 is a densely populated area, with a mix of residential
and commercial establishments. While specific population statistics for Barangay 5 are not
readily available, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported that the population of
Lian, Batangas was 47,562 as of 2020. The target population is directly affected by the
environmental sustainability and cleanliness concerns in the barangay. Dirty canals and
insufficient garbage cans can lead to health hazards and environmental degradation,
impacting the quality of life of residents. Therefore, it is essential to involve the residents in
this project to promote a sense of community ownership and encourage sustainable waste
management practices.
In terms of environmental sustainability, the National Solid Waste Management
Commission (NSWMC) reported in 2019 that only 51% of the total generated waste in the
Philippines is collected, while 49% remains uncollected. This highlights the need for proper
waste management initiatives, such as the proposed project in Barangay 5. Additionally, a
study conducted by the World Bank in 2020 found that inadequate waste management in
the Philippines has led to significant environmental and health impacts, including air
pollution and water contamination. Implementing sustainable waste management
practices, such as cleaning dirty canals and placing garbage cans, can help mitigate these
negative impacts and promote a cleaner and healthier community.
The proposed project of cleaning a dirty canal and placing garbage cans in Barangay 5,
Lian Batangas, requires a specific amount of time to complete. The project's duration can
vary depending on various factors such as the size of the canal, the amount of garbage,
and the number of garbage cans needed. The entire project of cleaning the dirty canal and
placing garbage cans in Barangay 5, Lian Batangas, would take approximately seven
weeks to complete.
The presence of a dirty canal can result in stagnant water, which can become a
breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes and other insects. These pests can
cause health problems such as dengue, malaria, and other illnesses, especially for
vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. Moreover, the lack of garbage
cans in the community can lead to littering and the indiscriminate disposal of waste, which
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

can harm the environment and affect the overall cleanliness of the area. This can
negatively impact the quality of life of the residents and visitors in the barangay, and
potentially harm the local economy if it discourages tourism. By addressing these
problems through the project proposal, the target population in Barangay 5, Lian Batangas
can experience a positive impact on their health, environment, and overall well-being. A
cleaner community can lead to better quality of life for residents, attract more tourists, and
promote environmental sustainability.
One of the most significant impacts of the proposed project is the improvement of
environmental sustainability in the community. The canal that needs cleaning is most likely
a source of pollution and a breeding ground for diseases. The stagnant water in the canal
may cause mosquito breeding, which can cause malaria, dengue, and other diseases.
Moreover, garbage left on the streets can pollute the soil, air, and water sources in the
area. When garbage decomposes, it produces methane gas, which is a significant
contributor to global warming. In addition, the proposed project can have economic
benefits for the community. A cleaner and more sustainable environment can attract more
visitors and potential investors. The presence of garbage cans in strategic locations can
also make it easier for residents and visitors to dispose of waste properly, which can
improve the overall aesthetic appeal of the community. This, in turn, can lead to increased
economic opportunities for the community and an improvement in the quality of life for the
Goal 1: Increase recycling rates by implementing a comprehensive recycling program
in the community. To achieve this goal, the community can implement a comprehensive
recycling program that includes convenient and easily accessible recycling bins for homes,
businesses, and public spaces. This program can also include educational outreach efforts
to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and how to properly recycle different
materials. The program can also involve partnering with local recycling centers and
companies to ensure that collected materials are properly processed and recycled. By
increasing recycling rates, the community can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in
landfills, which helps preserve the environment. Recycling also saves natural resources by
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

reducing the need for virgin materials. Additionally, creating jobs in the recycling industry
and contributing to the local economy is another key benefit of reaching this goal.
Goal 2: Reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated by promoting the use of
non-toxic and eco-friendly products. To achieve this goal, the community can promote the
use of non-toxic and eco-friendly products by partnering with local businesses to provide
education and resources on sustainable purchasing practices. This can include creating an
online directory of eco-friendly products and companies, providing incentives for
businesses that switch to sustainable practices, and hosting workshops and events to
educate the public about the benefits of using non-toxic and eco-friendly products. By
reducing the amount of hazardous waste generated, the community can protect the health
of its residents by reducing exposure to hazardous chemicals. Minimizing the risk of
environmental pollution and damage is also a key benefit of reaching this goal. Finally,
encouraging the development and use of safer, sustainable alternatives can have a
positive impact on the environment and promote long-term sustainability.
Goal 3: Improve the aesthetic appeal of public spaces by planting new trees and
creating community gardens within the next year. To achieve this goal, the community can
launch a tree-planting campaign that involves partnering with local organizations and
businesses to donate and plant trees in public spaces such as parks, schools, and along
roadsides. Additionally, the community can establish community gardens where residents
can grow their own produce and flowers, and use the space as a gathering place for
community events. By improving the aesthetic appeal of public spaces, the community can
enhance the overall quality of life in the area. Providing shade and reducing urban heat
island effect is another key benefit of planting trees. Boosting mental and physical health
by creating opportunities for outdoor recreation and social interaction is also a key benefit
of creating community gardens. In summary, these three specific and measurable goals
can have a positive impact on the community by promoting environmental, reducing
sustainability health risks, improving aesthetic appeal, and ensuring proper waste
management. The key benefits of reaching these goals include preserving the
environment, protecting the health of residents, boosting the local economy, enhancing the
quality of life, and promoting long-term sustainability.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

We must always keep our canals clean for the free flow of water for the benefit of all.
As a Business Administration major in Human Resource Management student, one of our
roles is to fostering individual development and maintaining a positive place environment.
We will adapt it in this project in a way of implementing of voluntary cleaning the canal and
as well as placing garbage cans, resulting of positive environment in the people and
community of Barangay Cinco. The following are the procedures to achieve our objectives
in this project:
1. The first action that our organization will do is to have a seminar or meeting in
Barangay Hall at Brgy Cinco. But in order to do that, our organization must have a consent
or write a formal letter to request a seminar that will be held at the Barangay Hall to the
Kapitan of the barangay as well as with brgy officials. If it is approved, we will set a specific
date and invite the community to come and join us. We will inform the individual or people
there regarding our project proposal which is supporting environment sustainability in a
way cleaning the canals and placing garbage cans in brgy 5 and its importance and effect
to the community. In addition, we will request a cooperations and collaboration of the
people there to achieve our goals and objectives. The consequences of it are not
beneficial to our organization, but as well as to people of Brgy 5, Lian, Batangas because it
resulting to healthy environment in community.
2. The second plan that our organization must do is to execute cleaning all canals in
the Barangay, with the help of volunteers in the community and Local Government Unit's
(LGU) and have a unity to achieve the objectives. Firstly, the cover of the canals must
remove in order to clean and take off the garbage’s and everything in the canal such sand,
rocks and mold that blocks flow of the water that resulting of flooding and dengue of some
people since canals is one of the inhabited of mosquito. The cleaning equipment and
materials that we need in this operation or project are shovels, to scoop up the garbage’s,
etc. The second one is broomsticks and dustpan, to brush and sweep and catch the fallen
garbage from the canal and put it in sacks. After that, if we cleaned all the canals, the
organization and the volunteers will clean the road with water since the canal has an
unpleasant smell or it stinks and it has a black color, so it must be watered. Moreover, the
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

collected garbage placed in the sacks taken from the canal will be disposed of in the
landfill. Lastly, the organization and the officials will make sure that every part of the canal
the Barangay is polished and no waste. This action should implement and accomplish
twice a year.
3. Placing Garbage Cans in every "kanto" is the third action that organization should
do. In every kanto or corner of barangay, there will be 3 categories of garbage those are
"compost and solid waste" and “recyclable". Anything organic that can be decomposed for
fertilizer is considered Compost waste. Waste from people and animals, yard garbage, and
food are a few examples of this. While on the other hand Solid waste is any trash that is
not biodegradable and cannot be recycled such as plastics, Styrofoam’s, etc. Lastly are
the waste needs to be properly stored before disposal is recyclables. The reason why this
included is because it resulting of waste segregation and it has an important since waste
segregation is also a financially advantageous prospect because it facilitates recycling. It
also encourages the efficient use of our resources and aids in their conservation for future
generations in Barangay Cinco (5), Lian, Batangas.
4. The last action that our organization will do to accomplish our objectives is to ensure
and monitor the maintenance of cleanliness of the canals, and garbage must in a right
garbage cans and right types of garbage and should be collected of truck-garbage of
municipality weekly or every 2 weeks in order to be disposal it again by the community.
We cannot do it without the ethical actions of the people in the community of the barangay,
so we must also ensure and monitoring their cooperations of people in Barangay 5, Lian
Batangas since they will also benefit from this project because they will have a safe and
clean environment that also our objectives which is supporting environment sustainability
and having a healthy community.

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

Description of work Date/Month
March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2024

 Formulating/writing the
organization project
proposal to the
 Writing formal letter to
Kapitan in Brgy. 5,
Lian Batangas for
 Having a seminar to
the community of Brgy.
5 regarding to our
project proposal for the
 Requesting/soliciting
budget in municipality
 Purchasing the
equipment and
materials needed.
 Cleaning every canal
in the Barangay 5.
 Providing garbage
cans in every kanto of
the Barangay.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

(2nd (Last
 Ensuring and
week) week)
monitoring the
maintenance of the
canal and the garbage

The second table shows the proposed cost for the budget of the project:
Description of work Needed Budget
 In phase 1, the activity of the organization will do is
formulating the project, so the organization need
papers, bond paper specifically costing 2500php.
Also in the seminar, it will cost of 15,000php for the 15,000php
food or meryenda of audience in the Brgy 5.
 In phase 2, it focusses on the main objective of the
project. It involves purchasing the equipment and
the materials needed for the project, cleaning the 20,000php
canals providing garbage cans and etc., which cost
 The organization would not need budget in the last
phase since the activity in this phase is only
ensuring, observing and monitoring the N/A
maintenance of the cleanliness of the canals, as
well as the Barangay.
TOTAL 35,000php

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:


Client •The Residents of Barangay 5, Lian, Batangas

Sponsors •Mayor Peji
•Barangay Captain
•Barangay Kagawad
•Community Volunteers

Project manager • Concepcion, Ella Eunice O.

• Cabali, Prences
• Laparan, Benedict
• Quising, Junior

Team • Concepcion, Ella Eunice O.

• Cabali, Prences
• Laparan, Benedict
• Quising, Junior

To ensure the success of the project and determine its impact, progress will be
evaluated throughout and at the end of the project. The following are the clear indicators
for each objective and result, as well as the methods, timing, and responsible parties for
monitoring and evaluation activities: Objective 1: Reduce the amount of solid waste in the
canal by conducting regular cleaning and waste segregation activities. Indicators: The
amount of solid waste removed from the canal during each cleaning activity The amount of
waste properly segregated and disposed of in a sanitary landfill The frequency of cleaning
activities Monitoring and evaluation activities: Regular monitoring of the amount of solid
waste removed during each cleaning activity Conducting surveys to determine the
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

community's participation in waste segregation activities Regular meetings with the

community to evaluate progress and discuss any issues Methods: Conducting surveys and
interviews with community members Collecting and analyzing data on the amount of solid
waste removed from the canal Conducting regular site visits and inspections Responsible
parties: Project coordinator and volunteers Objective 2: Increase proper waste
management practices by distributing garbage cans and conducting educational
campaigns. Indicators: The number of garbage cans distributed to households and public
areas The percentage of households and businesses properly disposing of waste in the
designated garbage cans The frequency of educational campaigns Monitoring and
evaluation activities: Regular monitoring of the proper use of garbage cans Conducting
surveys to determine the community's participation in educational campaigns Regular
meetings with the community to evaluate progress and discuss any issues Methods:
Conducting surveys and interviews with community members Collecting and analyzing
data on the proper use of garbage cans Conducting regular site visits and inspections
Responsible parties: Project coordinator and volunteers Objective 3: Increase community
involvement in environmental sustainability efforts by hosting regular community clean-up
and environmental education events. Indicators: The number of community members
participating in clean-up and education events The frequency of community events The
amount of waste collected during each clean-up event Monitoring and evaluation activities:
Regular monitoring of the number of community members participating in clean-up and
education events Conducting surveys to determine the community's perception of the
events and their impact Regular meetings with the community to evaluate progress and
discuss any issues Methods: Conducting surveys and interviews with community members
Collecting and analyzing data on the number of participants and amount of waste collected
during clean-up events Conducting regular site visits and inspections Responsible parties:
Project coordinator and volunteers The monitoring and evaluation activities will be
conducted throughout the project, with regular updates and reports provided to the local
government unit and barangay officials. The project coordinator and volunteers will be
responsible for carrying out the evaluation, with support from relevant stakeholders. The
data collected from monitoring and evaluation activities will be used to adjust the project
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

implementation as necessary and to measure the overall success of the project at its

The Cleaning Dirty Canal and Placing Garbage Can initiative in Barangay 5, Lian,
Batangas aims to support environmental sustainability and create a cleaner community by
improving waste management practices and reducing pollution in the area. This
community-based project has garnered support and endorsement from various
stakeholders, including local government officials and agencies, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), educational institutions, businesses, and residents. By working
together to address environmental challenges in their community, these groups are
making significant strides towards creating a more sustainable and livable community for
Joseph V. Peji
Bungahan Lian, Batangas

Emeralda jonson
Brgy. 5 Lian Batangas

Maccoy Condada
Brgy. 5 Lian, Batangas

Jun dela cruz

Brgy.5 Lian, Batangas

Prences D. Cabali
Brgy. 5 Lian, Batangas

Benedict Laparan
Brgy. 5 Lian, Batangas
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

Ella Eunice Concepcion

Balibago Lian, Batangas

Junior Quising
Sitio Ligtasin Luyahan
Lian Batangas


• Next step 1. Providing feedback on the proposal:
The readers may be asked to review the proposal and provide feedback to the
project team. This feedback may include suggestions for improving the proposal,
highlighting potential concerns or issues, or providing additional insights on the
proposed project.
• Next step 2. Allocating funding or resources:
This Project proposal is seeking funding or resources to implement the project,
the readers may be asked to allocate these resources or provide support for the
project in other ways.

• Next step 3. Approving the project:

This project proposal requires approval from a governing body or other decision-
making authority, the readers may be asked to review and approve the project

• Next step 4. Participating in the project:

The readers may be asked to participate in the project in some capacity. This
could involve volunteering time or resources to support the project, providing
feedback throughout the project, or participating in cleanup or other related

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

• Next step 5. Disseminating information about the project:

The readers may be asked to disseminate information about the project to other
members of the community or relevant stakeholders. This could involve sharing
the proposal with others, providing updates on the progress of the project, or
raising awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and
waste management.
Appendix A: Project Plan
This appendix includes a detailed plan of action for the project, including the following
 Timeline: A step-by-step timeline of the project, including estimated start and end
dates for each task
 Budget: A detailed budget breakdown, including estimated costs for equipment,
materials, and labor
 Roles and Responsibilities: A list of all team members and their specific roles and
responsibilities for the project
 Communication Plan: A plan for communicating with team members, stakeholders,
and the local community throughout the project
Appendix B: Risk Assessment
This appendix identifies potential risks and issues that could impact the success of the
project, and outline strategies for mitigating these risks. Some examples of risks to
consider might include:
 Lack of funding or resources
 Bad weather or other environmental factors
 Inadequate participation or support from the local community
 Health and safety risks associated with cleaning the canal and installing garbage

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

Appendix C: Community Engagement Plan

This appendix outlines the plan for engaging with the local community throughout the
project. Some examples of strategies you might use to engage with the community
 Hosting community meetings to discuss the project and answer questions
 Partnering with local schools or community organizations to recruit volunteers
 Distributing flyers or other materials to promote the project and raise awareness
 Encouraging community members to share their feedback and ideas throughout the
Appendix D: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
This appendix outlines the plan for monitoring and evaluating the success of the project.
Some examples of metrics that might use to evaluate the project include:
 The number of volunteers who participate in the project
 The amount of trash removed from the canal and surrounding areas
 The number of garbage cans installed and their location throughout the community
 The overall impact on the cleanliness and environmental sustainability of the

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
ARASOF- Nasugbu Campus
R. Martinez St., Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines 4231
Tel. Nos.: 0917 867 7276 | Email Address:

A Project Proposal
Submitted to:
Mrs. Minelyn P. Cochingco
Science, Technology and Society Instructor

In Partial Fulfillment
On the requirements in
Science, Technology and Society

Submitted By:
Cabali, Prences D.
Conception, Ella Eunice O.
Laparan, Benedict L.
Quising, Junior G.


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