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Permafrost Periglac. Process. 12: 125–135 (2001)

DOI: 10.1002/ppp 373

Scaled Physical Modelling of Mass Movement Processes on Thawing

Charles Harris,1 * Brice Rea1 and Michael Davies2
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cardiff, Cardiff CF10 3YE, UK
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK


This paper presents initial results from scaled geotechnical centrifuge modelling of cryogenic slope
processes. Four experiments are described in which 1/10 scale planar slope models were constructed
from a silty soil at gradients of 12° , 18° and 24° . Models were frozen on the laboratory floor, and
thawed in the centrifuge at 10 gravities. Frost heave, thaw settlement, soil temperature and pore
water pressures were recorded. In each experiment, ten columns of 5 mm long plastic cylinders
inserted through the soil profile allowed surface soil displacements to be determined, and indicated
displacement profiles with depth at the end of each experiment. The 12° model was subjected
to four cycles of freezing and thawing, simulating four annual active-layer freeze–thaw cycles.
During each thaw phase, gelifluction occurred, and average model-scale surface displacements were
18.7 mm/cycle (equivalent to 187 mm/cycle at prototype scale). In the 18° model, gelifluction rates
were higher, with average surface displacements of 65.1 mm/cycle at model scale, 651 mm/cycle at
prototype scale. Two replicate 24° frozen slope models were tested in the centrifuge, and thawing
was associated with failure by mudflow. Maximum pore water pressures during thaw were similar in
all models. Slope stability analysis using an infinite planar model indicated that the factor of safety
against failure remained >1 in the 12° model, was close to or slightly less than 1 in the 18° model,
and was <1 in the 24° models. Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Cet article présente les premiers résultats obtenus par centrifugation pour établir des modèles
géotechniques de processus cryogéniques actifs sur des pentes. Quatre expériences sont décrites dans
lesquelles des modèles à l’échelle du 1/10 ont été construits avec un sol silteux et des pentes de 12° ,
18° et 24° . Ces modèles ont été gelés en laboratoire et dégelés dans la centrifugeuse sous 10 gravités.
Le soulèvement du sol, son affaissement, la température du sol et la pression de l’eau des pores ont
été enregistrés. Dans chaque expérience, 10 colonnes de cylindres de plastique de 5 mm de long ont
été insérés pour indiquer à la fin de chaque expérience les déplacements aux différents niveaux. Le
modèle avec une pente de 12° a été soumis à quatre cycles de gel et de dégel, simulant quatre cycles
affectant la couche active. Pendant chaque phase de dégel, un mouvement de gélifluxion a eu lieu et
les déplacements moyens de la surface ont été de 18.7 mm par cycle. Dans le modèle avec une pente
de 18° , la gélifluxion a été plus importante, avec des déplacements moyens de la surface de 65.1 mm
par cycle à l’échelle du modèle, soit 651 mm à l’échelle du prototype. Deux autres modèles avec des

*Correspondence to: Dr C. Harris, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cardiff, Cardiff CF10 3YE, UK
Contract grant/sponsor: EU Environment and Climate Research Programme; Contract grant/number: ENV4-CT97-0492

Received 24 August 2000

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 12 November 2000
126 C. Harris, B. Rea and M. Davies

pentes de 24° ont été testés dans la centrifugeuse et le dégel a été accompagné de ruptures dues à des
écoulements de boue. Les pressions de pore maximales pendant le dégel ont été identiques dans tous
les modèles. L’analyse de la stabilité des pentes en utilisant un modèle infini indique que le facteur
de sécurité des glissement s est resté supérieur à 1 dans le modèle avec une pente de 12° , a été proche
ou un peu inférieur à 1 dans le modèle de 18° et a été inférieur à 1 dans les modèles de 24° . Copyright
 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: Centrifuge modelling; gelifluction; mass movement; mudflow; thawing slopes

INTRODUCTION of these factors as:

Seasonal thawing of the active layer on sloping ˛

RD p 1
terrain may be associated with a range of mass 2 Cv
movement mechanisms, depending on gradients, soil
properties, ice contents and thermal regime (Harris, ˛ is the thaw factor, defined as
1981; Lewkowicz, 1988). This paper presents results
of scaled physical modelling of thawing slopes X
undertaken in a geotechnical centrifuge. The basis ˛D p
for physical modelling is that geometric and dynamic
similarity between model and prototype (full-scale
equivalent) allows the response of the prototype to be where X is depth of thaw in time t and Cv is the
interpolated from the observed response of the model. coefficient of consolidation.
Since correct scaling of self-weight stresses within Similitude in soil properties between prototype
a small-scale model is possible under an elevated and model demands not only that the same soil is
gravitational field, centrifuge modelling has become used, but also that it should have the same stress
a widely used technique in geotechnical research history and be subject to the same stress conditions
(Scholfield, 1980). The PACE project, has, for the as those that apply at prototype scale. The former is
first time, used centrifuge modelling to investigate achieved through careful model preparation, the latter
cryogenic slope processes. Detailed measurements by testing the small-scale model under an elevated
have been made of soil thermal regime, frost heaving, centrifugal acceleration, so that gravitational stresses
thaw settlement, pore water pressures and associated within the model are scaled to equate with those in
mass movement processes. In this paper we present an the prototype. This can be demonstrated as follows:
analysis of these data for four experiments in which
the slope model was constructed of frost-susceptible For prototype:
p D h g 2
sandy silt collected from Vire in Normandy, France. h
Later PACE experiments have investigated the For 1/N scale model:
m D Ng D h g
influence of changing soil properties and results will
be published in another paper. and
p D
m 3

p is prototype self-weight stress,
m is model
THAW CONSOLIDATION AND CENTRIFUGE self-weight stress, h is thickness of soil, is soil
SCALING density (same in model and prototype) and g is
acceleration due to gravity.
Thaw consolidation of ice-rich soil leads to transfer By rotation of the centrifuge at an appropriate
of self-weight stresses from soil particles to pore angular velocity, a centrifugal force equivalent to
water, thereby reducing the effective stress and Ng can be generated during model simulation
frictional strength of the soil. Pore pressures are experiments. When tested at Ng, model linear
a function of the rate of thaw, which controls the dimensions scale as 1/N, area 1/N2 , volume 1/N3 ,
rate of release of excess pore water, and the rate of stress 1/1, temperature 1/1, time for viscous force
seepage, which controls the rate at which this excess similarity 1/1, time for seepage force similarity 1/N2
pore water is expelled. The thaw consolidation ratio and time for conductive and advective heat transfer
(Morgenstern and Nixon, 1971) expresses the ratio 1/N2 (Coce et al., 1985; Savidou, 1988; Ketcham

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Permafrost and Periglac. Process., 12: 125–135 (2001)
Scaled Physical Modelling 127

Table 1 Test soil geotechnical properties.

% clay % silt % sand LL(%) PL(%) Saturated bulk Cv m2 /a Ø0

density (Mg/m2 ) (degrees)
15 72 13 31 18 2.04 64 31

and Black, 1995). Thus when tested in the centrifuge PACE Centrifuge Slope Modelling
at 10g (as is the case here), linear dimensions in the
model should be scaled by a factor of 10 to obtain The centrifuge modelling programme undertaken as
corresponding field (prototype) scale. part of the Permafrost and Climate in Europe (PACE)
It is critically important that no scaling conflicts project was designed to investigate the significance
arise in the thaw consolidation ratio during centrifuge of site variables, particularly slope gradient and soil
modelling. This may be readily demonstrated since: characteristics, for mass movement processes on
thawing slopes. In total, ten test series have been
Xm N Xm completed using three slope model gradients and
˛p D  D p D ˛m 4 three test soils. In this paper we describe experiments
tm N2 tm
to investigate the transition from gelifluction to rapid
slope failure by mudflow in a natural fine sandy
where subscript p indicates prototype scale and silt soil (Table 1). In experiment 1, four cycles of
subscript m model scale. Thus the thaw factor ˛ freezing and thawing replicated four annual thermal
scales 1/1 between prototype and model. Similarly, cycles within the active layer on a slope of 12° .
considering the coefficient of consolidation: In experiment 2, the slope gradient was increased
to 18° and observed soil displacements were much
dm N2 dm 2 greater than in experiment 1, though slope failure did
Cvp D Tv D Tv D Cvm 5 not take place. Two annual cycles of active-layer
tm N2 tm
freezing and thawing were replicated. Finally, rapid
where subscript p indicates prototype scale and sub- slope failure was modelled on a slope gradient of 24°
script m model scale. The coefficient of consolidation in experiments 3 and 4. All modelling discussed in
Cv therefore scales 1/1 between prototype and model, this paper was undertaken at 1/10 scale (Figure 1),
and the thaw consolidation ratio scales similarly. Cen- and models were thawed in the centrifuge under
trifuge modelling of the thaw consolidation process gravitational acceleration of 10g.
therefore involves no scaling conflicts. It should be The later PACE slope modelling programme has
noted that the time scaling factor for viscous force used (i) a normally consolidated silty clay soil,
similarity is 1/1, while that for thaw and consolidation and (ii) the same silty clay soil but heavily over-
consolidated. Susceptibility to gelifluction, and slope
is 1/N2 , so potential temporal scaling conflicts may failure by mudflow and mudslide, have been observed
arise where the dynamic response of the thawing in these later tests, and results will be presented
soil is a function of its viscosity. However, Har- elsewhere.
ris et al. (2000) have recently demonstrated that the
pre-failure strain of thawing soil during solifluction
is a plastic-type deformation rather than a viscous EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN
flow, and temporal scaling conflicts do not therefore
arise. However, following slope failure, mudflow Planar slope models were constructed within
and related processes are generally assumed to be a 750 mm long, 450 mm wide, 400 mm high
viscosity related (Locat and Demers, 1988; Locat, polypropylene test box by placing a 70 mm thick
1997; Angeli et al., 1996). We argue here, there- layer of test soil (scaling to 0.7 m at 10g) on to
fore, that time scaling conflicts do not arise in a sand base inclined at the required slope angle
modelling pre-failure thaw consolidation processes (Figures 1 and 2). A constant-head water supply to
leading to the triggering of rapid mass movements. the basal sand layer allowed models to be saturated
It is likely, however, that time scaling of post-failure from below and provided an open hydraulic system
mudflow/debris-flow processes will be nearer to 1/1 during model freezing. Five type K thermocouples
than 1/N2 , and therefore temporal scaling remains a and three Druck miniature pore pressure transduc-
problem in this case. ers (PDCR-81) formed vertical sensor strings in

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Permafrost and Periglac. Process., 12: 125–135 (2001)
128 C. Harris, B. Rea and M. Davies

Figure 1 Frozen model slope (experiment 1) within the centrifuge strong box. The model is placed in an insulated gondola and thawed
under a gravitational field of 10g. The model is constructed on an inclined sand base through which water may be introduced during
freezing. The photograph shows a temporary protective paper covering placed on the frozen surface during installation of the strong
box in the centrifuge gondola. This is removed prior to testing. Wires lead from pore pressure transducers and thermocouples. Model
slope dimensions are approximately 750 mm long and 450 mm wide, and the test soil layer is some 70 mm thick.

two locations along a transect 150 mm from one The plate temperature was lowered to 10 ° C using
side of the model. The pore pressure transducers cold compressed air supplied from vortex tubes, and
comprised 11.4 mm long and 6.4 mm diameter stain- the test slope was frozen under a confining load of
less steel cylinders with ceramic filters. They were 3.8 kN/m2 . The phreatic surface was maintained in
filled with de-aired antifreeze solution to protect the base of the test soil during freezing, which lasted
them when frozen. Transducers measured a maxi- around 2 days. Surface frost heaving was measured
mum pressure of 350 mb (35 kPa) with combined automatically using a linear displacement transducer
non-linearity and hysteresis of š 0.2% best straight (LVDT) and manually by measuring three slope
line and thermal sensitivity of š 0.2% of reading profiles before and after freezing against a fixed
per ° C. All cabling was brought through the soil datum.
on this side so that a 300 mm (scaling to 3 m at
Models were thawed in the centrifuge under
10g) wide strip of slope (two-thirds of the model
width) remained with no sensors or cables. All soil a gravitational acceleration of 10g. Thawing was
displacements were measured in this undisturbed from the surface downwards with air temperature
section. Prior to freezing, models were consolidated maintained at around 20 ° C. During each thaw cycle,
sensors were monitored at 30 s intervals via a
for 24 hours under a stress of 3.8 kN/m2 , equivalent
to the self-weight of the soil at a model-scale depth Campbell Logger. The top surface and one side
of approximately 20 mm (200 mm depth at prototype of the model were observed using miniature video
scale). cameras and frame grabbing from the resulting
Ten columns formed of plastic cylinders 5 mm video tapes allowed movement of surface markers
in length and external diameter were installed to and thaw settlement to be monitored throughout
record downslope displacement profiles at the end each test to an accuracy of š 1 mm. The 12°
of each test series. Columns formed two rows of slope model (experiment 1) was subjected to four
five, one forming a transect down the centre line cycles of freezing and thawing, the 18° slope
(Figure 2), the second 100 mm from the side of the model (experiment 2) to two cycles, and the 24°
model. The model container was then insulated and slope models (experiments 3 and 4) to one cycle
frozen from the surface downwards by means of each. A summary of model parameters is given in
a steel freezing plate placed on the slope surface. Table 2.

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Scaled Physical Modelling 129

were recorded by two vertical strings of three trans-

ducers, the upper slope string being located one-third
and the lower string two-thirds of the way down the
slope (Figure 2). Transducer malfunction and prob-
lems with data retrieval result in an incomplete data
set. However, sufficient information is available for
general conclusions to be drawn. Pressure fluctua-
tions during thaw were identical to those recorded
by Harris et al. (1995; 1997) in their full-scale slope
simulation experiment and discussed by Harris and
Davies (1998). This earlier full-scale simulation used
the same test soil as in the present experiments.
Strong negative pressures (suction) were recorded
during the zero curtain phase of soil thawing, inter-
preted as the result of cryosuction developed in
the partially frozen soil (Harris and Davies, 1998).
Pressure rose rapidly as thawing became complete
and overburden stress was transferred from soil/ice
contacts to the soil pore water during thaw consol-
idation. Pressures fell as progressive drainage took
Pore pressures within the newly thawed soil may
be normalized for depth by expressing them in
terms of ru , the ratio of pore pressure to total
stress. Since the soil bulk density was approximately
2.04 Mg/m3 , an ru value of 0.49 indicates water table
at the surface, and higher values indicate artesian
conditions. Peak pressures varied somewhat between
each thaw cycle, probably reflecting the distribution
of ice lenses in relation to pressure sensors, but for
Figure 2 Experimental design: (a) freezing stage; (b) centrifuge all four test series, higher ru values were recorded
thawing stage. The slope angle was changed for successive test in the lower slope (mean ru 0.58, with standard
series by constructing the sand base at an appropriate gradient. deviation š0.17) than in the upper slope (mean 0.38,
standard deviation š0.16). This probably reflects
water drainage downslope over the impermeable
RESULTS frozen substrate.
Pore water pressure data were used in slope
stability analysis based on effective stress condi-
Pore Water Pressures tions. An infinite slope model was adopted, with
the failure surface and seepage parallel to the
Pore water pressures measured during experiments ground surface. Figure 4 shows pore water pres-
1, 2 and 3 are illustrated in Figure 3. Pore pressures sures necessary to reduce the factor of safety

Table 2 Centrifuge model parameters.

Experiments Slope No. Frost heave, Heaving Average Average thaw

gradient freeze–thaw model scale ratio thaw rate, rate, prototype
(degrees) cycles (mm) model scale scale (mm/h)
1 12 4 13.7–22.8 0.16–0.24 10.6–12.5 1.06–1.25
2 18 2 11.9–15.0 0.15–0.18 10.3–9.86 0.986–1.03
3 24 1 12.8 0.15 9.52–9.97 0.952–0.997
4 24 1 23.14 0.25 8.39–9.23 0.839–0.923

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130 C. Harris, B. Rea and M. Davies

(a) 0.13 m 0.16 m 0.26 m 0.46 m

Experiment 1
Upper slope Lower slope Lower slope Lower slope
Cycle d

porewater pressure (kPa)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (days)
Experiment 2
(b) Cycle a
0.1 m lower slope 0.3 m lower slope

porewater pressure (kPa)



0.3 m upper slope

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (days)
Experiment 3
(c) 0.09 m 0.46 m 0.51 m
6 Lower slope Lower slope Lower slope

porewater pressure (kPa)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
time (days)

Figure 3 Pore water pressures recorded during centrifuge thawing: (a) experiment 1 (12° slope), cycle d; (b) experiment 2 (18° slope),
cycle a; (c) experiment 3 (24° slope), lower slope. Note, time is scaled to the equivalent prototype timescale.

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Scaled Physical Modelling 131

Experiment 1 (12 degree slope)


Pore Water Pressure (kPa)

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Scaled Depth

Experiment 2 (18 degree slope)

Pore Water Pressure (kPa)





0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Scaled Depth (m)

Experiments 3 and 4 (24 degree slope)

Pore Water Pressure (kPa)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Scaled Depth (m)

Figure 4 Maximum recorded pore water pressures plotted against scaled depth of transducer (prototype scale). The continuous line
indicates pore water pressure resulting in a factor of safety of unity. (a) Experiment 1 (12° slope); (b) experiment 2 (18° slope);
(c) experiments 3 and 4 (24° slope).

F to unity compared with maximum observed weight of soil, z is the depth of the slip surface and
pore water pressures, F being calculated from the cohesion is zero.
equation: In experiment 1 (12° slope), the factor of safety
remained below unity in all transducers, so that
  observed soil displacements were associated with pre-
tan 0 u failure soil shear strain (gelifluction). In experiment
FD 1 6
tan ˇ z cos2 ˇ 2 (18° slope), ru values observed on the upper
slope were similar to those for experiment 1, but
values were significantly higher on the lower slope.
where 0 is the internal angle of friction, ˇ is the This reflects more rapid downslope migration of
slope angle, u is pore water pressure,  is the unit meltwater, and resulted in reduction of the factor

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132 C. Harris, B. Rea and M. Davies

of safety to just below unity. No mudflows were Soil Displacements: Experiments 1 and 2, Gelifluc-
observed, but gelifluction rates were much higher tion
than on the 12° slope (see below). The scaled
model slope length was only 7 m, so that end Only two thaw cycles were possible during exper-
effects, particularly the absence of a basal run- iment 2 18°  slope, and most of the lower slope
out zone, probably provided additional resisting surface markers were transported to the footslope
stresses and prevented slope failure. It is concluded zone. A total of ten displacement columns were exca-
that the threshold for rapid slope failure for the vated at the end of each test series, and displacement
experimental heaving ratios (0.15–0.18) and thawing of the topmost column element of each was used
rate (around 1 mm per hour prototype scale) was to calculate average movement per cycle within the
close to 18° . Finally, the steepest experimental slope uppermost 5 cm (prototype scale) of soil. Frost heave
(experiments 3 and 4) was clearly well above the and subsequent gelifluction resulted in some upper
threshold for rapid slope failure, with above critical column members being only partially embedded in
pore water pressures recorded in most transducers. the soil, and many were rotated forwards, particularly
Although recorded pore pressures were highest in in experiment 2. This probably contributed to inter-
the lower slope transducers, values were also super- column variation in measured surface displacement.
critical in the upper slope region, and, as discussed Average values of 187 š 72 mm/cycle (range 1 SD)
below, mudflows were initiated across the slope for experiment 1 12°  and 651 š 246 mm/cycle for
from a headscarp region just below the slope experiment 2 18°  (data scaled to prototype) clearly
crest. demonstrate the influence of slope gradient, since

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
displacement (mm) displacement (mm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
0 0
10 10
20 20
depth (mm)

depth (mm)

30 30
40 40
50 50 Column 2.2
Column 2.2 Column 2.3
60 60
Column 2.3 Column 2.4
70 70
Column 2.4
80 80

Figure 5 Profiles of soil movement observed by excavation of displacement columns: (a) column 2.4 experiment 1; (b) columns 2.4
and 2.5, experiment 2 (uppermost member of column 2.4 lies almost directly above column 2.5, and two column members from upslope
lie beyond column 2.4); (c) columns 2.2–2.4, experiment 1; (d) columns 2.2–2.4, experiment 2.

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Scaled Physical Modelling 133

heaving ratios and thaw rates were similar during slightly lower in experiment 3 than experiment
both experiments (Table 2). 4. In both cases rapid slope failure by mudflow
Excavation of displacement columns at the end of was observed. Selected frame grabbing from the
each test series allowed the profiles of downslope video output during thawing of experiment 3 allows
soil displacement to be investigated (Figure 5). In development of mudflow streams to be observed
experiments 1 and 2, shear strain was least in (Figure 6). Note two conflicting time-scaling factors
the topmost columns and greatest in the mid-slope operate once slope failure is initiated:
locations. The high rates of surface displacement
observed in the 18° slope have been noted, but (1) Thawing of the frozen soil from the surface
displacement profiles were more concave than those downwards, and subsequent thaw consolidation
in experiment 1 (Figure 5c and d) so that the volume of the released soil. Model/prototype time-scales
of soil movement per cycle was only slightly greater are 1/N2 , where N is the centrifugal acceleration
in experiment 2 than experiment 1. Taking all ten in gravities.
displacement columns excavated in each model, (2) Rapid mudflow in which dynamic viscosity-
the average volumetric soil displacement per thaw related processes scale close to 1 : 1.
cycle was 255 cm3 per cm of slope in experiment
1, compared with 567 cm3 per cm in experiment Thus, the centrifuge model simulates a slope in which
2. Thus, average near-surface movement rates were release of mudflows is controlled by thaw penetration,
some 3.5 times higher on the 18° slope compared so that the evolution of the model reflects scaling
with the 12° slope, but volumetric soil transport was of thaw penetration 1/N2  at prototype scale. The
only 2.2 times greater. actual travel time of an individual soil unit within the
flow scales at or close to 1 : 1 if the flow is a function
Soil Displacements: Experiments 3 and 4, mudflow of the dynamic viscosity. The modelled mudflow
system is therefore supply limited, where supply is a
Experiments 3 and 4 were replicate tests undertaken function of thaw penetration. Markers were deposited
on a slope of 24° . Heaving ratios were, however, in the footslope zone, and mudflow activity continued

0.5 hours 2 hours 4 hours

Foot of Slope

Residual Surface

Head of Slope

Figure 6 Video frames showing development of mudflow streams during experiment 3. The evolution of the slope was determined by
the thaw rate (rate of release of mobile soil) rather than by the speed of the mudflow streams.

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134 C. Harris, B. Rea and M. Davies

until the thaw depth had reached approximately 70% may be misleading in terms of volumetric sediment
of the frozen model thickness, over a 4 hour period transfers, so that field measurements should always
at model time scales (approximately 16.6 days at integrate surface marker data with measurement of
prototype scale). subsurface velocity profiles.
The failure of the slope by mudflow processes in
experiments 3 and 4 reflects the non-cohesive nature
DISCUSSION of the soil and the high water content and low void
ratio immediately following thaw. It is likely that
The aim of these experiments has been to investigate
moisture contents were in excess of the liquid limit.
mechanisms of soil displacement during active-layer
thawing on progressively steeper slopes. Although
experiments are generic in nature, the sandy silt low-
plasticity test soil is similar to the matrix material
of many tills and detrital soils, though in nature
The following major conclusions may be drawn from
coarser fractions are commonly also present. The
the laboratory experiments described in this paper:
transition from gelifluction to mudflow has been
clearly demonstrated. Experiment 1 successfully
simulated gelifluction processes, and comparison (1) Soil processes controlled by thaw consolidation
with full-scale modelling that used the same soil may be successfully simulated in scaled models
material and slope geometry led Harris et al. (2000) thawed under enhanced gravitational fields. The
to conclude that there are no scaling conflicts. approach offers considerable advantages with
The pattern of pore water pressure variation during respect to construction of reproducible physical
thawing of the three models (slope gradients 12° , 18° models, control of boundary conditions, and
and 24° ) was essentially similar (Figure 3). Initially time scales for experimentation over full-scale
during thaw, high pore pressures resulted from thaw laboratory floor simulation studies.
consolidation processes. Subsequently pore pressures (2) Thawing of model slopes constructed from a
fell as drainage downslope occurred. In the modelled silty soil led to consistent styles of pore pressure
slopes, the duration of positive pore water pressures variation, and these were in turn similar to
was significantly longer in experiment 1 than in pore pressures observed in earlier full-scale
experiment 2 (average duration at prototype scale for modelling. Drainage of the thawed soil, and
experiment 1 in the 0.26 m depth transducers (three associated reduction in pore water pressure, were
cycles) was 13.3 days compared with 2.98 days for more rapid on the steeper slope models.
the 0.3 m depth transducer in experiment 2 (two (3) Surface movement rates due to gelifluction
cycles). Thus, if thawing from the surface downwards increased by a factor of 3.5 between the 12° slope
leads to an impermeable thaw front approximately model and the 18° slope model, but volumetric
parallel to the ground surface, downslope hydraulic soil transport was only some 2.2 times greater
gradients within the thawed layer increase as slope in the latter than the former. This reflected the
gradient increases, leading to higher rates of drainage strongly concave downslope displacement profile
and a reduction in the period of soil saturation observed in the 18° slope model.
following thaw. (4) The 18° slope in experiment 2 was close
The pre-failure shear strain (gelifluction) modelled to the threshold for failure. In ice-rich silty
here reflects plastic deformation of the soil mass non-cohesive soil such as that used in these
when its frictional strength is reduced by high pore experiments, slope failure on steeper slopes
pressures. The greater shear stresses generated on (experiments 3 and 4) is by rapid mudflow. The
steeper slopes are therefore partly counteracted by mechanism of failure is largely a function of the
higher frictional strengths resulting from more rapid geotechnical properties of the thawing soil.
post-thaw drainage. This may explain the strongly
concave downwards displacement profiles observed
in experiment 2 compared with those in experiment ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
1 (Figure 5). Surface displacement rates on the 18°
test slope were on average more than 3.5 times higher This research forms part of the European Union
than on the 12° slope. Volumetric transport rates were PACE project, funded by the EU Environment
also higher on the steeper slope, but only by a factor of and Climate Research Programme (DGXII) under
two. Translating this to a field context, it appears that contract ENV4-CT97-0492. Technical support from
higher surface mass movement rates on steeper slopes Mr Ian Henderson is gratefully acknowledged.

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Permafrost and Periglac. Process., 12: 125–135 (2001)
Scaled Physical Modelling 135

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