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Business Enterprise

Quarter 3
Learning Activity Sheet 4
Immersion Proper Part 1
Negros Occidental High School

Government Property

Business Enterprise Simulation – Grade 12

Activity Sheet No. 4
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Division of Negros Occidental
Negros Occidental High School

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in
any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
the exploitation of such work for a profit. Such agency or office may, among
other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by the Division of Negros


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the Division of Negros Occidental.

Development and Enhancement Team of Business Enterprise

Simulation Activity Sheet
Negros Occidental High School
Senior High School
Writer: Rizzalyn Mae G. Mendoza
Cover Page Design: Deyru J. Morancil
Proofreader: Rhoda Embang
Quality Assurance Team: Rossana B. Tasic
Eunice A. Malala

School Management Team: Donna Bella O. Aposaga

Assistant. Principal II for Academics -SHS
Josette S. Terrora
Principal IV

*adapted from the Learning Activity Sheets of the Division of Negros Occidental

ii | P a g e
Introductory Message
Welcome to Business Enterprise Simulation!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools Division of Negros Occidental through the Curriculum Instruction
Division (CID). This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers,
parents, and responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set
by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional material aimed

to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using
the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners
in acquiring lifelong learning skills, knowledge, and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Business Enterprise Simulation Activity Sheet will help you

facilitate the leaching-learning activities specified in the Curriculum
Guide/TESDA Training Regulation with minimal or no face-to-face encounter
between you and the learner. This will be made available to the learners with
references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Business Enterprise Simulation Activity Sheet I Activity Sheet is

developed to help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This
learning material provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for
independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and understand
the instructions then perform the activities and answer the assessments. This
will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.

iii | P a g e

Subject: Business Enterprise Simulation Quarter: 3 Week No: 4 LAS No. 4

Summative Learning
Day Task
Learning Mode of Mode of
and MELC Date of
Tasks Delivery Delivery
Time Learning Task Submis
FRID 1. written  Read the Messenger  For MDL-Print March 7, Messenger,
AY narrative on the lesson and Answer the 2022 FB group,
profile of the answer Summative Google
8:00A company/ Activity 1 Test 3 Forms,
M- business and Activity Print  For MDL- Google
12:00 establishments 2 on your Digital answer Classroom
NN setting of Work notebook. on your Study Print
Immersion (may  Check your Notebook.
contain charts, answers Take an online
photos, or using the summative test
illustrations Answer through google
Keys. forms
2. written report
 PT3 by group.
on the activities .
Submit your
outputs in the
3. organizational google
chart classroom

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Quarter 3_Week 4
Business Enterprise Simulation Activity Sheet 4

I. Learning Competencies
After going through this self-learning module, you are expected to:
1. Choose between the two immersion proper options: Business Enterprise
Simulation (Model B) or Online Business (Model C)
2. Create a company/business portfolio containing the following:
a. Name of the business, its location and owner (Inclusion of picture
actual business for added points)
b. Narrative profile of the business
c. Business Process Flow Chart
d. Business Process Narrative
e. Organization Chart
II. Background Information for Learners
This Learning Activity Sheet integrates all the key concepts and
processes of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) as applied in
real-life activities following the business cycle: business opportunity search,
product/service development, business formation and organization, business
implementation and control, business wind-up, and relevant management
reporting in the context of ethical standard and social responsibility.

Below is an organizational chart of ABM Corporation. Choose from the items
in the box the appropriate rank/position that corresponds to every level of the
organizational chart.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Controller

Vice-President Board of Directors
Internal Auditor Managerial Accountant
Treasurer Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Financial Accountant Tax Accountant

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A. What Is a Company Portfolio?

More than a brochure, a company portfolio provides detailed information
on a business's goals, capabilities, and successful projects. It includes
narratives about how successful projects were completed. It also includes
biographies of the company's major players that show off their relevant
experience, training and credentials.
Company portfolios can also include the following information:
 Your company’s history and current details about your company,
including what your business does, how many employees you have and
your locations.
 Your company’s achievements, including any awards it won or local
 Affiliations with industry organizations, noting if staff sit on the boards or
volunteer with any.
 Any media coverage your company received, including magazine articles
and press releases.
 Testimonials and references from past and current clients. These should
be more than just good Yelp reviews from your page. You should seek
out clients who had a good experience with you and are willing to write a
more detailed review.
 If it makes sense for your industry, include details and images from a
product’s progression. For example, if you are a design company,
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include the initial sketches and renderings and show how they morphed
into the final image.
Why a Company Portfolio Is Important
Think of a company portfolio as a resume for your company. If you were
applying for a new job, you’d want to submit a resume that shows off your work
history, strengths and skills. You want to show off these same things for your
company when trying to win a new client or contract. A company portfolio:
1. gives potential clients an idea of what your company does and its
accomplishments and showcases your real-world experience.
2. establishes credibility for your company.
3. builds trust. When someone sees visuals of work you’ve done, they
know you can do what you claim.
4. is important for showcasing your range of work.
While you still have to impress a potential client with your interpersonal
skills and knowledge, a company portfolio can be one of the many tools you
use to earn clients. When meeting with clients, you should always have either
a print version of your company portfolio handy or a computer or other device
with a digital or online version. Some people may ask you to send them your
company portfolio before meeting with you so they can get a better idea of
what your company can offer.

B. Writing a Narrative Profile of the business

A company profile is an introduction to your business that details what you
sell, how you were founded, what your mission is, how you manufacture or
source your products, and why you serve customers. Your company profile
should give buyers an additional reason to do business with you.
Why Company Profiles are Important?
1. A company profile will differentiate your brand.
A company profile will naturally describe what makes your company unique.
It will automatically differentiate your brand because no other company has
the exact same founding story and reason for existing that you do. Your
history and values are integral parts of a brand positioning strategy, and a
company profile is the one place where you can mention these pieces of
information without it feeling extraneous or out-of-place.
2. A company profile may justify a higher price point.
If you go into detail about your production values or ethically sourced
materials, you may be able to justify a higher price point for your products
and services. For instance, Starbucks’ coffee may not necessarily be better
than Dunkin’ Donuts’ coffee — but because Starbucks goes into detail about
its high-quality ingredients, it immediately creates the sense that you’ll be
paying a premium for its goods.
3. A company profile will build your reputation.

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What do you want to be known for? As the company that started as a small
family-owned shop but then grew into a billion-dollar enterprise? As the
company that places sustainability and ethics at the forefront of its efforts?
You can build your reputation through marketing, service, and sales
campaigns, but it all begins with the company profile.
What’s included in the company profile?
A company profile includes your business name, your founder’s name,
your products and services, the year you were founded, and the reason your
company was founded. After establishing your history, include your mission,
vision, and values. The goal of your profile is to show why you’re a superior
supplier or vendor compared to your competitors.
Here’s a handy list of things you should include in your company profile:
 Your business name
 The year you were founded
 Your founder’s name
 Your original business name, if you had one
 The original reason your business was founded
 A description of your products and services
 Your current mission and vision statement
 Your motto or slogan
 Your company values

Company Profile Examples

1. Starbucks 2. Nike

Image source:


1. Focus on a high-level overview of your company.

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2. At the beginning of your company profile, include important information
such as your company name, your business's physical location, a website
URL, contact information, and an established date.
3. Consider adding a timeline or synopsis of your company's history,
including information regarding expansion or growth.
4. Aim to express your company's values or mission in your company profile,
rather than just your products or services. A user won't care about what
you're selling until they believe in your brand.
5. Include any awards or recognition you've received and highlight what
makes your company different from your competitors.
6. Depending on your audience, you might choose to include graphics,
visuals, or video.
7. Add statistics to back up your claims.
A business process is a collection of linked tasks that find their end in the
delivery of a service or product to a client. A business process has also been
defined as a set of activities and tasks that, once completed, will accomplish an
organizational goal. Operational processes constitute the core business.
It details the steps that a business takes to complete a process, such as
hiring an employee or ordering and shipping a product. They show the “who,”
“what,” “when,” “where” and “how” for these steps and help to analyze the “why.”
These maps use defined symbols such as circles, rectangles, diamonds,
and arrows to depict the business activities.
How to Create a Business Flowchart?
As you already know about the business flowchart and its actual purpose. Now,
it's to time to understand how to create a business process flowchart with the help of
an example.
Step 1: Make sure that the flowchart methodology is right for your work.
Step 2: Gather the right information for your business process.
Step 3: Map all your information graphically in the form of a flowchart before creating
a business process flowchart put the exact information inside the right symbol.
If you only want to keep everything simple and straight forward to the viewers,
you can use the basic process symbols such as the oval, rectangle, diamond, and
arrow. There are other many symbols available for larger or complex structures, but
you can use basic shapes for a simple flowchart.

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Figure 1: Sample Business Process Flowchart



Process description uses a more traditional paragraph approach since
you will be giving your reader more background information. The process
should still be written in chronological order, but numbered steps are not as
necessary. You have to explain more of the whys in a process description.
An organizational chart is a diagram that visually conveys a
company's internal structure by detailing the roles, responsibilities, and
relationships between individuals within an entity. Organizational charts are
alternatively referred to as "org charts" or "organization charts."

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How Organization Chart Are Used
Organizational charts are useful in a number of ways. Here are a few of the
ways your company or group can benefit from an org chart.
 Show work responsibilities and reporting relationships.
 Allow leadership to manage growth or change more effectively.
 Allow employees to better understand how their work fits into the
organization's overall scheme.
 Improve lines of communication.
 Create a visual employee directory.
 Present other types of information, such as business entity structures
and data hierarchies.
The type of organization chart you make should mirror the management
philosophy and organizational structure of your company.
There are four basic types of organizational charts:
1. Functional Top-Down
2. Divisional Structure
3. Matrix Organizational Chart
4. Flat Organizational Chart

Functional Top Down Organizational



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III. Activity Proper

Activity 1
Below is an example of a company profile. Read and understand its
content carefully. Identify the list of items in writing a company profile that are
present this document.

IV. Guide Questions

1. What are included in the company profile?
2. Why is it important to prepare a company profile?

V. Reflection
As a senior high school graduating student, how can you apply this
learning in the future?

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VI. Answer Key

Activity 1
a. business name
b. year it was founded
c. founder’s name
d. description of products and services
e. mission and vision statement
f. company values

VII. References

Online References:
 html
 Business Flow Chart: What is it and How to Create one
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Business Enterprise Simulation
Immersion Proper Part 1
Q3_W4 LAS 4

Name of Group Date

Grade & Section Score
I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a set of activities and tasks that, once completed, will accomplish an

organizational goal.
a. business process flowchart c. organization chart
b. business process narrative d. company profile
2. The following tells the importance of creating a company profile, except:
a. it showcases company’s real-world experience
b. it will differentiate company’s brand
c. it may justify a higher price point
d. it will build your reputation
3. The company’s history and values are integral parts of a ________.
a. brand positioning strategy c. business strategy
b. marketing strategy d. none of these
4. It uses a more traditional paragraph approach in giving readers more
background information about the business process of the company.
a. business process profile c. company profile
b. business process narrative d. organizational chart
5. Which of the following is not included in list in writing the company profile?
a. name of the company c. company’s goodwill
b. mission d. company slogan
6. Is a detailed information on a business's goals, capabilities, and successful
a. company profile c. company’s vision
b. organizational chart d. brand positioning
7. Which of the following statement is false about company profile?
a. It gives potential clients an idea of what the company does and its
b. It establishes credibility for your company.
c. It builds trust.
d. none of above
8. What are the shapes/symbols that you can use in creating a business
process flowchart?
a. arrow b. circle c. diamond d. asterisk
9. Which of the following will be ranked at the top position in the organization
a. Accountant b. Board of Director c. Controller d. Manager
10. This could be the start for a company to build a good reputation?
a. marketing b. service c. sales campaigns d. company profile

II. Enumeration
11-16 – Symbols/shapes used in creating business process flowchart
17-20 – Types of organizational chart

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Business Enterprise Simulation
Immersion Proper Part 1
Q3_W4 LAS 4
(By Group)

1. Each group will choose between the 2 immersion models applicable for
ABM strand - Model B-Business Simulation Enterprise; Model C- Online
Selling. (Group virtual meeting-messenger, etc.)
2. Create a portfolio with the following content:
a. Name of the business, its location and owner (Inclusion of pictures actual business
for added points)
b. Narrative profile of the business
c. Business Process Flow Chart
d. Business Process Narrative
e. Organizational chart with the profile picture
3. Submit your group output in the google classroom.

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1

Content is clear. Content is present. Content is Content is hard

Each major section Each major section confusing. Some to see. Major
Content includes required includes most of major sections are sections are
information. the required missing. missing
information. information.
Shows complete Shows substantial Response shows
shows a
Demonstrated understanding of understanding of some
complete lack of
Knowledge the ideas, and the ideas, and understanding of
processes. processes the process
of the problem.
Portfolio does not create
Portfolio creates an Portfolio creates an an image in the
creates an unclear
image in the mind image in the mind mind of the
image in the mind
Effectiveness of the reader. of the reader. reader. Minimal
of the reader. Few
Fragment Some fragment fragment
sentences start sentences start sentences start
sentences start
with action verbs. with action verbs. with action
with action verbs.
Was able to write Was able to write Was able to write
and create the 5 or create the 4 or create 3 Was able to
required contents required contents required contents complete.
of the portfolio. of the portfolio. of the portfolio.
With 5 or more
Neatness No erasure. With 1-2 erasures. With 3-4 erasures.

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