Business ABM Q3 W3 1

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Business Enterprise

Quarter 3
Learning Activity Sheet 3
Pre-Immersion Part 3
Negros Occidental High School

Government Property


Business Enterprise – Grade 12

Activity Sheet No. 3
First Edition, 2021
Published in the Philippines
By the Department of Education
Division of Negros Occidental
Negros Occidental High School

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in
any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
the exploitation of such work for a profit. Such agency or office may, among
other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by the Division of Negros
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the Division of Negros Occidental.

Development and Enhancement Team

of Business Enterprise Activity Sheet
Negros Occidental High School
Senior High School
Writer: Iril Ian Rollo
Herman Glen Marc Segovia
Rossana B. Tasic
Cover Page Design: Deyru J. Morancil
Proofreader: Rhoda Embang
Quality Assurance Team: Rossana B. Tasic
Eunice A. Malala
Mary Grace H. Mamaril
School Management Team: Donna Bella O. Aposaga
Assistant. Principal II for Academics -SHS
Josette S. Terrora
Principal IV

*adapted from the Learning Activity Sheets of the Division of Negros Occidental
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Introductory Message
Welcome to Business Enterprise!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools Division of Negros Occidental through the Curriculum Instruction
Division (CID). This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers,
parents, and responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set
by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional material aimed
to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using
the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners
in acquiring lifelong learning skills, knowledge, and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Business Enterprise Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the
leaching-learning activities specified in the Curriculum Guide/TESDA Training
Regulation with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and the
learner. This will be made available to the learners with references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Business Enterprise Activity Sheet is developed to help you
continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an
active learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the
activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator
on the agreed schedule.

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Quarter 3_Week 3
Business Enterprise Activity Sheet 3
I. Expectations
After going through this Learning Activity Sheet, you are expected to:
1. state and explain what is Article 162 of the Labor Code of the
2. familiarize with the standard terms used in the OSHS;
3. appreciate the importance of the promulgation of the OSHS.
II. Background Information for Learners
According to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Work
Immersion is an integral part of the K-12 Program in fully realizing its goal to
produce job-ready graduates quipped with industry – base skills.
Likewise, it strongly affirms that while work immersion contributes to the
full realization of the objectives of the K to 12 Program, the safety, health, and
morals of SHS students, especially those below 18 years of age, shall be a
paramount area of consideration.
Hence, being a Work Immersion student, who will also become employees,
or even an employer or an entrepreneur soon, you must learn this lesson.
Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS)
This was formulated in 1978 in compliance with the constitutional mandate
to safeguard the workers’ social and economic well-being as well as their
physical safety and health.
Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Philippines: Safety and health standards
- was promulgated to set and enforce mandatory occupational safety and
health standards to eliminate or reduce occupational safety and health
hazards in all workplaces, and institute new and update existing programs,
to ensure safe and healthful working conditions in all places of
- this body of rules and regulations is referred to as “Standards.”
OSHS aims to protect every working man and woman against the dangers
of injury, sickness or death through safe and healthful working conditions;
thereby, assuring the conservation of valuable manpower resources and the
prevention of loss or damage to lives and properties, consistent with national
development goals and with the State’s commitment for the total development of
every worker as a complete human being.
Standard terminologies you have to learn and understand:
- includes any person acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an
employer, in relation to an employee;
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- shall include government-owned or controlled corporations and
institutions, as well as non-profit private institutions or organizations.
- any person hired, permitted or suffered to work by an employer.
Safe or Safety
- refers to the physical or environmental conditions of work or employment,
which substantially comply with the provisions of these Standards.
- connotes a sound state of the body and mind of the worker, which enables
him to perform his job normally;
- in a state of well-being.
Occupational Illness
- any illness caused by environmental factors, the exposure to which is
characterized or peculiar to a particular process, trade, or occupation and
to which an employee or worker is not ordinarily subjected to or exposed
outside of or away from such employment.
Recognized Hazards
- those which do not require technical or testing devices to detect.
- shall mean the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
- refers to the Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Work Accident
- an unplanned or unexpected occurrence that may or may not result in
personal injury, property damage, work stoppage or interference or any
combination which arises out of and in the course of employment.
Work Injury
- any injury or occupational illness suffered by a person, which arises out of
or in the course of his employment.
- the office, premises, or work site, where the workers are habitually
- include the office or place where the workers, who have no fixed or definite
work site, regularly report for assignment in the course of their
Duties of Employers, Workers, and other Persons:
1. Each employer covered by the provisions of these Standards shall:
a. furnish his workers a place of employment free from hazardous
conditions that are causing or are likely to cause death, illness or physical
harm to his workers;
b. give complete job safety instructions to all his workers, especially to those
entering the job for the first time, including those relating to the
familiarization with their work environment, hazards to which the workers

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are exposed to and steps taken in case of emergency;
c. comply with the requirements of the standards; and
d. use only approved device and equipment in his workplace.
2. Each worker shall:
a. cooperate with the employer in carrying out the provisions of these
b. report to his supervisor any work hazard that may be discovered in his
c. make proper use of all safeguards and safety devices furnished in
accordance with the provisions of the standards for his protection and
that of others and shall follow all instructions given by the employer in
compliance with the provisions of this Standards;
d. use personal protection and safety equipment as required by the
e. follow work safe procedures.
3. It shall be the duty of any person, including any builder or contractor or
enforcement agent, who visits, builds, renovates, or installs devices, or
conducts business in any establishment or workplace, to comply with the
provisions of this Standards and all regulations of the employer issued there
under, as well as with other subsequent issuances of the Secretary.
Now that our country is in time of crisis, here are some SPECIFIC GUIDELINES
that DOH implements:
1. The employer must ensure that the workspace is properly disinfected,
ventilated, and maintained.
2. The employer shall also provide proper visual reminders for safety policies
around the workplace to improve compliance.
3. Other prevention and control measures are:
a. Conduct daily temperature and symptom monitoring and recording of all
staff who report for work;
b. Establish referral network for employees who will develop symptoms;
c. Employers must enforce infection control procedures such as physical
distancing, wearing of masks, meticulous hand hygiene, and cough
Appropriate PPE shall also be worn based on the setting of their work (e.g.,
face shields and masks for those who render service via face-to face
encounters, full PPE for frontline healthcare workers, etc.).
d. Employers shall implement activities to promote physical and mental
resilience among their employees and workers, and ensure other measures
to reduce transmission, contact rate and risk of infection.


What is hazard?
- Hazard is anything with potential to cause injury, illness, or damage.
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Types of Hazards:
1. Physical Hazards
These are brought by unhealthy working conditions, poor lighting,
poor ventilation, insufficient facilities, inefficient or faulty equipment or
machine, and improper work practices like wrong use of knives.
2. Biological Hazards
These are brought about by workers infected with diseases or
illnesses, unhygienic personal practices that can transmit bacteria, parasites,
fungi to other workers and food and equipment being handled. Hence, it is
advised that Covid-19 probable cases should be isolated right away.
3. Ergonomic Hazards
These are brought by poor posture when working long periods of
standing, bending, pushing, lifting, carrying that can cause body stress,
muscle pains, and soreness, back injury, numbness of hands, feet and other
parts of the body.
4. Psychological Hazards
These are brought by too much stress from work that may cause
mental emotional strains, anxieties, depression- losing focus on one’s work
and others.
When potential hazard is discovered, what does an employee need to do?
• Be sure that every individual in the workplace is aware of the problem.
• Inform or notify your supervisor. Unless you are the supervisor, then get going
on that safety committee plan.
• Make a follow up. Informing about the hazard is not an assurance that
problem is resolved, unless you make follow ups.
• Record or file any reports or documents about the problem.

III. Activity Proper

Activity 1. Give two examples of each Hazard
Physical Hazard Biological Hazard

Ergonomic Hazard Psychological Hazard

2. Guided Question
1. Why is it important to know the different types of hazards in a

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2. Out of the four types of hazards given, which one is the most difficult
to prevent?

IV. Reflection
What is the most important information you learned from this
lesson? Why?
V. Answer Key
Answers may vary.
VI. Accompanying References and Educational Sites
• DepEd (DO 40, s 2015).
• DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2018.
• Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00085

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Work Immersion LAS 1
Summative Q3_W3
Pre-Immersion Part 3

Name of Learner Date

Grade & Section Score
Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which does not belong to the rationale of Work Immersion?
a. for employment simulation
b. to become familiar with the workplace
c. to be given opportunity to stay in offices
d. to apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in authentic
work environments.
2. How many schemes are given for this year’s Work Immersion?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
3. Which is not true for Work immersion?
a. Work Immersion requires parental consent.
b. 80 hours is the minimum hours for the Work Immersion.
c. All Immersion learners shall be given allowances by the work immersion venue.
d. Partner Institutions and Work Immersion Venues shall be selected only after thorough
study, screening and preparation to ensure that each venue is a safe, secure, and
suitable place for learning.
4. Which of the DepEd Orders/memorandum stipulates the clarification of Work Immersion?
a. Dep Ed Order No. 40, s. 2015 c. Dep Ed Order No. 39, s. 2018
b. Dep Ed Order No. 30, s. 2017 d. Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00085
5. Imagine, one day you were left alone by your Work Immersion supervisor; but you
accidentally and secretly break any equipment you are using. How would you solve this
a. I will try to fix if secretly.
b. I will just keep it to myself.
c. I will only inform my best friend or classmate about it.
d. I will honestly inform my Immersion Supervisor and tell him I will replace or pay for it.
6. One time you are instructed to clean one of the rooms in your Work Immersion Venue.
You have noticed a crumpled P1,000 on the floor. Which of the Work Ethics do you need
to apply?
a. Honesty b. Integrity c. Loyalty d. Reliability
7. Which of the following situations shows productivity?
a. You are taking pride of your work. c. You learn to appreciate privileges.
b. You know how to admit mistakes. d. You give respect to anyone in the
8. When a trainee or an employee knows how to get along with others, abide with the
prescribed attire and follow rules and regulations, what Work Ethics does he practice?
a. Appearance b. Cooperation c. Integrity d. Honesty
9. You left your cubicle or room in your workplace. Along the way to the washroom, you
have bumped and noticed a slippery floor due to a wet floor, but the janitor is not around.
What do you think is the right thing to do to show your responsibility?
a. I will just walk slowly as I pass there.
b. I will just ignore it anyway that could be dried after an hour.
c. I will remind others whom I see to be careful of the wet floor.
d. I will inform the maintenance about it or if he’s not around, I will get the signage being
used for reminders of caution.
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10. Considering that you are at work and you represent the company, dressing - up
appropriately, using the appropriate language, and asking for help if you know you can
hardly solve a problem or situation are good practices. What work ethics do they
a. Integrity and Loyalty c. Professionalism
b. Commitment & Excellence d. Teamwork
11. Why is Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OHSP) being implemented?
a. For compliance c. For popularity of the department
b. For safety and protection d. For evaluation and reflection
12. If you know you are not feeling well due to colds, cough and fever, you prefer to stay at
home and rest. This act can help everyone in the workplace safe from spread of the
illness. What type of hazard can be avoided?
a. Biological . b Chemical c. Ergonomic d. Physical
13. What kind of hazard causes emotional strains like anxieties and depression?
a. Biological b. Ergonomic c. Physical d. Psychological
14. What value is being inculcated in you upon the discussion of the safety in a workplace?
a. Empathy b. Flexibility c. Obedience d. Reliability
15. You are the 3rd worker who came into a shop. You have noticed spilled milk on the floor
which could be considered a physical hazard. What is the best thing you have to do to
avoid this hazard?
a. I will just look for a signage and put it on the wet floor.
b. I will inform the others not to step on that wet floor.
c. I will ask my colleagues why there is spilled milk.
d. I will get a wet mop to clean and dry the floor.
16. Computer passwords and telephone codes must be divulged to anyone asking for it in
the workplace.
a. Always False b. Partly true c. False d. True
17. What definition of confidentiality is being referred to by this example: Saying that one of
your colleagues is being interviewed in another company?
a. Casual b. Legal c. Layman d. Formal
18. Refusal to work without threat or reprisal from the employer if, as determined by the
DOLE, an imminent danger situation exists in the workplace that may result in illness,
injury or death corrective actions to eliminate the danger that have not undertaken by the
employer. What does this statement indicate?
a. Duties b. Challenges c. Responsibilities d. Rights
19. If you can keep confidential records and information to yourself alone, what value do you
manifest as an employee?
a. Confidence b. Flexibility c. Truthfulness d. Trustworthiness
20. Imagine that you were in a certain company for an immersion. One day you accidentally
heard from the conversation of the two staff about a critical issue in the company. What
would you do?
a. I would just keep it to myself.
b. I would share it only to my parents.
c. I would go directly to my close employee and share about it.
d. I would choose somebody from the company to make it secret too.

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