UAL L3 Project 5 (Unit 8)

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UAL Level 3 Diploma in Music Performance and Production

The Collaboration - Unit 8

Unit 8 – Collaborative Music Performance Project

Hand Out Date: 26th MARCH 2024

Hand In Date: 24th MAY 2024
UAL Level 3 Diploma in Music Performance and Production
The Brief: Collaborative Music Performance Project
Choose a specialism and work towards an agreed final project. Consider the skills,
knowledge acquired, and the understanding you developed through the previous units.
Decide on a project to make use of these that will challenge you, while allowing you to
explore activities of interest in greater depth.

You will be sent a Wix template to re-design and upload your work for the following
Task 1 – Proposal
Task 2 – Research and Planning
Task 3 – Carrying Out A Production
Task 4 – Analysis and Presentation

Task 1 – Proposal*
(Rationale, Project Concept, Evaluation - see UAL guidance below)

Create a rationale, a project proposal and evaluation plan for a collaborative project
that demonstrates a range of newly acquired skills. Projects could include: Art
installation; live performance; music for the moving image; multi-media sound and music;
specialist music recording project.

Task 2 – Research and Planning

Undertake research into your chosen specialist area and justify how this will be used
within project. Create a detailed action plan, with specific aims, that allows you to carry out
the process against a timeframe.

Task 3 – Carrying Out a Production

Work in collaboration towards a joint project. Consider the best ways you can use the
practical skills you’ve developed and ensure there is appropriate evidence of the process.

Task 4 - Presentation and Analysis

Show analysis of the project with regular evaluations against aims, and present your
finished work using appropriate media. Use the accompanying Wix site to know what is
expected of the presentation.

UAL Level 3 Diploma in Music Performance and Production
*UAL guidance. The following MUST be completed.

Rationale (100 words)

This section provides you
 with an opportunity to reflect on, review and summarise
 your progress and
achievements through the fi
rst seven units, and the knowledge, skills and understanding you have
acquired. What you know now, and what it means to you, compared with what you knew and could do

before you started the course, and how this has influenced your choice of pathway and your project

Project Concept (200 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you to clearly explain the concept and aims of your project,
the research and ideas that will support
 its development, what you anticipate producing, the levels and
types of resources that you will need and an indication of the form in which you will complete and
present your final realisation within the allocated timescale.

Evaluation (50 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you to explain how you will reflect on, and evaluate, your work,
as both
 an on-going activity and at t
he conclusion of the project. You should describe how you intend
to record your decision-making and how
 you will document changes
 to your ideas as work progresses.
The evaluation should be referenced to your stated aims and be reflective and analytical rather then
a description of actions completed. When working in collaboration with others you should comment on
how this may impact either positively
 or adversely and steps you can take to minimise disruption to
your own progress.

Project Action Plan and Timetable

This section provides you with an opportunity to outline your planning and organisation over a period
of weeks and the activities you will need to carry out in order to successfully complete your project
within the agreed timeframe. It is important that you consider how you will balance ambition, time and
realism in the realisation of the project.
This should include what you are going to do, how you will do it and by when. The more time and
thought you give to planning your project the more successful it is likely to be. Remember to include
time taken to visit sources; sourcing materials, questionnaires, access to workshops, tutorial and peer
group feedback opportunities and where you will incorporate independent study. In a collaborative
project individual responsibilities and contributions will need to be clearly identifiable.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography

This section provides an opportunity to record the initial research sources, both primary and
secondary, that you intend to use. Your sources of research should be as wide as possible, including
libraries, museums and galleries, books, theatre/ film/video, magazines, TV/radio programmes,
websites etc. Where appropriate you should use the Harvard system of referencing. The bibliography
should be continuously updated as the project progresses.

UAL Level 3 Diploma in Music Performance and Production

Learning Outcomes

Unit 8

1. Understand the requirements of a collaborative music performance project.

1.1 Analyse the requirements and parameters of a collaborative music performance

2. Be able to use research methods to inform the roles and relationships in a

collaborative project.
2.1 Review a range of research sources to support the production of a music project.
2.2 Interpret research to develop ideas and effectively communicate creative

3. Be able to use skills, knowledge and understanding in the completion of a

collaborative music performance project.
3.1 Demonstrate the ability to contribute to the planning, organisation and
development of a collaborative performance.

3.2 Apply practical skills, knowledge and understanding to complete a collaborative

music performance project within an agreed time-frame.

4. Be able to evaluate own and others contribution to a collaborative music

performance project.
4.1 Critically evaluate a collaborative music performance project against the agreed
requirements and parameters.

UAL Level 3 Diploma in Music Performance and Production

Assignments will cover some of the different pillars of the matrix. Unit 8 will cover all of them. Refer to these
when completing all assignments.

Fail Pass
Merit Distinction

Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets

Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the all of the assessment
assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is of a very
assessment criteria and is criteria and is of a
of a high standard high standard
of a poor standard satisfactory standard

Good understanding and

Understanding of subject Comprehensive understanding and
knowledge of subject
Limited understanding of context used knowledge of subject context used
context used to make
Context subject context, lacking appropriately to make to communicate complex concepts,
sound judgments, articulate
clarity in aims and purpose. judgments, describe articulate ambitions and clarify
ambitions and clarify
aims and clarify purpose. purpose.

Thorough and sustained Independently identified, thorough

Sufficient relevant research and investigation and sustained research and
Little or no evidence
information has been of relevant sources, investigation of a range of relevant
presented or information
Research gathered, documented interpretation and sources, insightful interpretation
does not relate sufficiently
and used in the synthesis of information and synthesis of information used
to task.
development of ideas. used to inform, support and to inform, support and develop
develop ideas. ideas.

Adequate range of
processes, skills and In depth understanding and
Consistent and appropriate
Limited range of processes knowledge aesthetic awareness, imaginative
processes, skills and
demonstrated, judgement demonstrated. and flexible processes, skills and
Practical Skills knowledge applied to
and execution of Competent execution knowledge applied in extensive
extend enquiry and develop
techniques is poor. and application of enquiry to develop creative
creative solutions.
techniques used to solutions.
develop ideas.

Effective communication of Accomplished and professional

Clearly communicated
Insufficient evidence of analysis and interpretation, communication of perceptive
evidence of valid
ongoing evaluation, lack of independent synthesis of analysis and interpretation,
Evaluation And evaluation and realistic
or only basic analysis and information and application demonstrating clarity and
Reflection analysis independently
little or no justification for of reasoned decision sophistication in thinking and
used to inform and
ideas. making to inform maturity in decision making to
develop ideas.
development of ideas. progress ideas.

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