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<div id="wrapper">
<div class="container">
<div id="logo">RandomTextGenerator</div>
<p id="main_description">
Random gibberish text to use in web pages, site templates and in typography
Get rid of Lorem Ipsum forever. A tool for web designers who want to save
<p id="ad_rpg" style="text-align: center">
<b>New!</b> Create secure Passwords with: <a
href=""><b>Random Password Generator</b></a>.

<form action="" method="post" id="main_form">

<select name="text_mode">
<option value="plain" selected="selected">Plain text</option>
<option value="html">HTML</option>
<select name="language">
<option value="none">Please select a language</option><option
value="cn">Chinese (Han)</option><option value="nl">Dutch</option><option
value="en">English</option><option value="fin">Finnish</option><option
value="fr">French</option><option value="de">German</option><option
value="el">Greek</option><option value="il">Hebrew</option><option
value="it">Italian</option><option value="jp">Japanese</option><option
value="ltn">Latin</option><option value="pl">Polish</option><option
value="pt">Portugese</option><option value="ru">Russian</option><option
value="sr">Serbian</option><option value="es">Spanish</option> </select>
<input type="submit" value="Go" name="Go">

You are viewing dummy text in <b>French</b>
<div id="randomtext_box">
Puisqu charge chiens dut non blemir mon fievre. Uns joue tuer
idee bon cet asie ans. Peu oui voulez eue essaim intime. Fabriquer sanglante ras
nos dernieres quiconque sacrifiez une croissent. Tangibles fabriques craignait
deroulent car messieurs non. Saules clairs ca veilla se crises ne. Raison si et
cranes etendu ma un. <br>
Piquette laissons comptent la societes en couverts. Agir nous venu en hors arcs
joie on. Comme que ton sur chose coeur. Ici comprenez jugements mur ton pic
cauchemar printemps sentiment. Crurent fatigue ca pu sa carreau. Nos attique
volonte des humains. Inassouvi des neanmoins ils dut poussiere. <br>
Fit gloire jurons que petite ces ici arbres mirent. Heure en la neige actes he
quand faite puits. Je veilla allons la he ma lieues. Nul adjudants ici dit
suspendue tiendrons ici. Dures files peu eut alors ses voila une rangs plein.
Fanfares derriere ouvertes flottent regardez eue les prudence des. Je il elle dans
oh etat joie venu sons. Trimons on nations il quitter. <br>
Retrouvait le remarquent ordonnance revolution ah. Frisottent qui compagnies
defilaient pas bas remarquent jeu fraternite. Ponts apres net adore eux connu. Tot
mourir gamins durant eau fer boules. Hors ah cuir sa vous pu puis eaux dans xv. Le
qu ressemble ou evocation assassins entourage du citadelle suspendue. <br>
Non marmelade annoncait descendit reveillez toi abondance portieres son. Le au ca
general de sourire conclue seconde laisser. Eclatantes frissonner gouverneur rit
frequentes evidemment aux nos asiatiques. Paraissent etonnement pic son ton
boulevards une decharnees. Veilla roches ahuris claire tot aux adorer mes voulez.
Etale subit bouts au geste toute ou ca. Capucines son prenaient distribua ton cet.
Sons le dela ca loin yeux je murs vlan en. Fondrait commence casernes ere rit
corolles. Adjudants et fabriques xv entourage certitude sentiment en on. Tu or ni
touchee travers xv charger. Nos troupeaux air feeriques peu ils succedent. Oui des
primeveres maintenant pressentit. Dernieres jeu chambrees vif alternent fourneaux
attardent. <br>
Net remporte lampions avancent ses mettions remettre tenacite. Le vont ah ii crie
nord ca rues paix cree. Caracolent gourmettes ifs sur inattendus condamnait
indulgence foi. Frenes baisse poemes net ils disait qui. Et arracha on ciments
cartons et la fatigue falloir. Ici continue rizieres les feerique. Murmure ii
presque le annonce du dansent. Meme epis jet tout prit dit. <br>
Nord et mene vite le. Portieres la je feeriques regiments. Patre en metal ah temps
doute ville. Soleil carres decele ton voyait vif uns age. Instrument frissonner
tricolores historique atteignait miserables sa je ce. Nuit elle hein qu pour tu
epis agit et. <br>
Entendu etalent ca apparue morales qu pu bonjour. Laque large sa ah parce et. Quoi
hate le au va ca vent. Se attelage et ca donnerai au allumait. Il vieillards
asiatiques compassion lumineuses ii evidemment au de. Foi peu bonnet net rouges des
mirent depuis devant. <br>
Nationales arriverent grouillent renferment ce ma. Utile coeur un ah armes rangs
noble ronde. Par iii reparler quelques attentif mur paraitre empecher habitent.
Marier je crosse toutes peiner simple ah terres. Je guere vingt on apres poing.
Halte neuve rouge du la ah passe si. <br>

<!-- Top -->


<h2>What does the Lorem Ipsum text mean?</h2>

<p>Lorem Ipsum comes from a latin text written in 45BC by Roman statesman,
lawyer, scholar, and philosopher, Marcus Tullius Cicero. The text is titled "de
Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" which means "The Extremes of Good and Evil". The most
common form of Lorem ipsum is the following: </p>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis
aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>

<p>The text is a corrupted version of the original and therefore does not mean
anything in particular. The book however where it originates discusses the
philosophical views of Epicureanism, Stoicism, and the Platonism of Antiochus of
Ascalon. </p>

<p>Lorem ipsum is widely in use since the 14th century and up to today as the
default dummy "random" text of the typesetting and web development industry. In
fact not only it has survived the test of time but it thrived and can be found in
many software products, from Microsoft Word to WordPress.</p>


<h2>What is random text generator?</h2>

<p>Random Text Generator is a web application which provides true random text
which you can use in your documents or web designs. How does it work? First we took
many books available on project Gutenberg and stored their contents in a database.
Then a computer algorithm takes the words we stored earlier and shuffles them into
sentences and paragraphs. </p>

<p>The algorithm takes care to create text that looks similar to an ordinary
book but without any real meaning. The reason we want our text to be meaningless is
that we want the person viewing the resulting random text to focus on the design we
are presenting, rather than try to read and understand the text.</p>

<p>It's better than Lorem ipsum because it can produce text in many languages
and in particular: Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew,
Italian, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian and Spanish. </p>

<p>Also when you use plain Lorem ipsum text, your design will look like a
million other designs out there. With Random Text Generator your designs will look
more unique while still containing text which truly means nothing.</p>


<h2>What can I do with this ?</h2><br>

<img src="./txtpro_files/random_bird.jpg" align="left"
This tool was created because we wanted random text for our web
designs. When we show a design
to a client we want to have some text that doesn't mean anything in
particular just to indicate
that "here is where the text will be". So why shouldn't we just copy-
paste a single sentence and
get a block of text ? Have a look at the following examples:<br><br>

<b>This is some dummy text. This is some dummy text. This is some dummy
text. This is some dummy text. This is some dummy text. This is some dummy text.
This is some dummy text. This is some dummy text. This is some dummy text.
This is some dummy text.</b><br>
This is a single sentence repeated a few times.<br><br>

<b>Is post each that just leaf no. He connection interested so we an

sympathize advantages. To said is it shed want do. Occasional middletons everything
so to. Have spot part for his quit may. Enable it is square my an regard. Often
merit stuff first oh up hills as he.</b><br>
And this is some text from our generator.<br><br>

As you can easily notice the second block of text looks more realistic.
This way when you show a design to a client you can have a result that resembles
the final product.
However you can also use this text when you need meaningless text in
the background of a design for a poster, t-shirt or whatever else you please.

Why not use <b>lorem ipsum</b> ? <br>

Lorem ipsum is the most common form of "Greeking". However more and
more people are sick and tired of using the same sample text over and over again.
Also lorem ipsum is in latin and it may not always be the best choice. We tried to
have text generated in some of the most widely used
languages but if you are in desperate need of random text in your own
language, send us an email and we'll add it here.
<b>I love it, how can I help ?</b><br>
It's easy. Tell a friend about us or if you are super kind place a link
to us in your website or blog. Thank you :)

By <a href="">Bibakis</a>


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