Science Week 8 - Biodiversity and Stability

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Science Week 8 - Biodiversity and Stability If the birth rate is greater than the death rate, a population will

e death rate, a population will grow. If

the death rate is greater than the birth rate, then the population will
Biodiversity- the variety of life forms in a particular ecosystem. decrease.

The value of species can be divided into various categories: Population Density -the number of organisms per unit area.

1. Direct economic value A population’s growth is limited by certain factors.

-Their products are sources of food, medicine, clothing, shelter, and Density-dependent limiting factor -regulates a population’s growth and
energy. is influenced by population density.
2. Indirect economic value -when a population reaches a certain number of organisms.
-There are benefits produced by organism without using them.
3. Aesthetic value Carrying capacity- the maximum number of organisms that an
-Provides visual or artistic enjoyment. environment can support.

Stability - the ability of an ecosystem to be self-regulating, and again Before a population reaches its carrying capacity, it experiences a
become steady after a disturbance. period of rapid growth. This period of growth is called exponential
The stability of an ecosystem can be described as the resilience to population growth.
withstand changes that may occur in the environment.
Exponential growth
The Ups and Downs of Population Growth • population growth is marked by a rapid increase
Population- the total number of organisms belonging to the • there are plenty of resources available to support all organisms
same species in a particular environment. • higher birth than death rate
Birth rate (natality) - the number of births in a population.
Death rate (mortality)- the number of organisms that are dying in a When resources are limited, populations exhibit logistic growth.
Logistic growth Emigration -As a population approaches its carrying capacity, individual
● population expansion decreases as resources become scarce organisms leave and go to a new area where they can find enough
● population growth stops when it reaches the carrying capacity resources for survival and reproduction. This will obviously cause a
of the environment decrease in the amount of organisms in a population.

Limiting Factors that depend on population density:

Diseases and parasites-Infectious diseases and parasites spread faster

in densely populated areas.

Competition for resources -Organism with better adaptations to obtain

resources (e.g. food) will be able to reproduce more often, and its
population will grow than those with limited adaptation abilities.

Predation -Plenty of prey are available, predators will be able to eat

sufficiently, thus have energy to reproduce much, and increase their
numbers. The population of their prey will begin to decrease as more
and more of them are eaten.

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