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CHAPTER 1: Layout Guides and grids 40

 IGuidePrefs

 kGuideItemBoss

 kNewGuideCmdBoss

Deleting a ruler guide


Use kDeleteCmdBoss.

Moving a ruler guide


To move the guide relative to its current position, use kMoveGuideRelativeCmdBoss.

To move the guide to an absolute position, use kMoveGuideAbsoluteCmdBoss.

Related API


Changing the color, view threshold, or orientation of ruler guides


To change the color of a ruler guide, process the command created by calling

To change the view threshold of a ruler guide, use kSetGuideViewThresholdCmdBoss.

To change the horizontal or vertical orientation of a ruler guide, use kSetGuideOrientationCmdBoss.

Related API


Showing and hiding guides


To show or hide all guides, use kSetGuidePrefsCmdBoss.

To show or hide ruler guides associated with a specific layer, use kShowGuideLayerCmdBoss.

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