Use Correct and Appropriate Multimedia Resources

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute lesson, students are able to do the following with 75% level of

a. Identify the different types of multimedia resources

b. Use appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information, and
instructions, making explanations, and narrating events in personal or factual
c. Appreciate the use of multimedia resources in everyday living.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Use correct and appropriate Multimedia resources

Reference: English Grade 7
Materials: ----------------------------------

III. Preparatory Activities


-Settling the classroom

-Checking of attendance
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning class!

Good Morning Ma’am.

How are you today?

We are very fine, Ma’am

I’m glad to hear that! Since it is our

“English o’clock time”, why don’t we play
a fun game. Are you ready?
Yes, we are ma’am!
Great! We will be playing a word
association game. Basically, I will be
giving a word, and the players must give
words that are associated with the word
I’ve given.

So I will split the class into 2 groups, and

each group will have its representative.
You can help your representative in
comping up words that can be associated
with the topic. Are you all set?
Yes ma’am. We are ready.
So let’s start. The word that I will give is
Group 1: computer
Group 2: internet
Group 1: app
Group 2: google
Group 1: website
Group 2: virtual
Group 1: games
Group 2: email
Group 1: documents

(the game will continue until they run out of

words that can be associated with the topic)

Wow, you all did amazing! So here are the

words you have come up with during our
activity and they are all associated with
Our lesson for today has something to do
with technology.


Since, our topic for today has something

to do with technology. We’ll be doing a
simple brainstorming. You will be
working in groups and each will be given
set of pictures to brainstorm with.

I want you to write down your ideas on

each picture presented. You can write Group 1
what are the pictures all about, their
purpose and use and etc.

The pictures that we have are Microsoft

word, powerpoint, document, slides. We use
these software when we are presenting
reports and making different kind of
Group 2

The pictures that we have are youtube,

videocall, tiktok videos. All of these pictures
are about videos. Videos are commonly used
to record and entertain depending on the
content of the videos.

Group 3

The pictures that we have are powtoon,

animation software, anime characters and an
animator. This are used to create animations.

Group 4

The pictures that we have are recording,

soundcloud, sound recorder software. All of
these are about sounds. These are used to
record audio.

Excellent class! You got all the correct ideas

about the pictures I have given you. From the
brainstorming that we had, you have come
up with 4 ideas. We have text, videos,
sounds, animation/graphics. These 4 are
different types of Multimedia resources which
is our topic for today.


If we have text, videos, sounds and

animation in multimedia resources. What do
you think is multimedia resources?
Student: These are materials that involves
media in computer applications.

Very good! That is correct. These are

different media that are found in different

For the text, we have this MS word and ppt.

When do we use these kind of apps?

Student: We use these apps when we make

different papers, when we are reporting and
presenting different school projects.

That is correct! So in other words we used

text materials when we are presenting
instructions, announcements, information and
presentations. Specifically, we used text like
MS Word to give instructions, announcements,
information and narration of events. While
Powerpoint presentation are used for
information, instructions, explanation and

instructions, announcements, information and
business and educational presentations.

How about for Videos like tiktok and YouTube.

When do we use these kind of apps?

Student: We use them if we want to watch

something whether its for entertainment or
educational purposes.
Exactly. Then what is the difference of text
materials from videos?
Student: Videos present moving pictures and
typically combined audio and text. While
text only includes text and images.

Very good! That is correct. Videos allows us to

have a compelling multimedia experience
because it involves images, sounds and
moving pictures. But what purpose do we use
videos for? Student: We used video to present just like for
vlogs and also we use it to inform our viewers.
Very good! We use videos for information,
instructions, explanation and narration.

information, instructions, explanantion and

Who among you likes to watch animes?

Student: Me teacher!

Wow, a lot of you are anime lovers. Why do

you love animes? Student: Because I like the illustrations and
That is good! How about GIFs, do you know
Student: Yes ma’am.

Okay, so what have you noticed about

animations and GIFs?
Student: these are images that are displayed
in motion.
When can we use animation?

Since it is also similar with videos, we can also

use it for watching something whether its for
That is correct! Videos and animations are entertainment or educational purposes.
almost similar because both involves images,
sounds and moving pictures therefore then
animations are also used for information,
instructions, explanation and narration.

information, instructions, explanation
and narration.

Now, who among you loves to record music or

listen to different music/sounds?
Student: Yes ma’am.
That is nice! What applications do you use to
listen/record different music/sounds?

Student: Sometimes, I listen to Youtube music

and spotify. For recording, I use karaoke apps
Interesting! For what purpose do you listen to like weSing on my phone.
music/ sounds?

Student: Most of the time, I listen for

Good! How about on your school outputs, can entertainment purposes.
sounds be an effective support for your

Student: Yes ma’am! We can include audio

That is correct! Just like videos and especially in presenting video presentations.
animations, audio are also used for
information, instructions, explanation and
narration. Can you give me an example that
you used sounds in order to present
Student: When we were doing broadcasting
news report, recording and setting up was
very important to deliver our presentation.
Good job! Thank you so much class for your
wonderful answers. I will ask questions for
me to know if you understand our discussion
for today’s lesson.

What is multimedia resources?

Student: These are resources that combines

Exactly. What are the four examples of several media in computer applications.
multimedia resources?

Student: We have text, videos, sounds,

Very good! What purpose do we use text for? animation/graphics.

Student: We used text materials when we are

presenting instructions, announcements,
Correct! How about for videos? information and presentations.

Student: We use videos for information,

Correct again! How about for sounds? instructions, explanation and narration.

Student: Audio are used for information,

Very good! And finally, how about for instructions, explanation and narration too.

Student: Animations are used for information,

instructions, explanation and narration just like
Excellent class! videos and audio.

Alright, let us have a simple exercise about

the things we learned in our discussion.

So there will be questions presented, you

will have to right the letter of the correct
answer in your notebook. Are you ready?
Student: Yes ma’am!
Question 1. If you were just simply asked to
write a narration of your most unforgettable
experience through personal letter, what
resource would you likely use?
A. Text b. Audio c. Video Answer: A

Question 2. What multimedia resource

allows you to combine the use of texts,
images, and other media such as audio clips
and videos? Answer: C
A. Text b. Audio c. Powerpoint slides

Question 3. What multimedia resource is best

to use if you were tasked to explain gravity
through a online demonstration?
A. Audio b. Video c. powerpoint slides Answer: B

Question 4. If you were asked to give

road directions to be played in a car radio,
what resource will you use to create one?
A. Text b. Audio c. Video Answer: B

Question 5. What multimedia resource allows

you to create moving characters that will give
additional element on your presentation?
A. Text b. Animations c. Powerpoint slides Answer: B

Good job class!


You all did an amazing performance on our

exercise class. Now, before we move on. Let
us once again generalize our learning for
today’s lesson.

Again, what is our topic for today’s lesson?

Student: Multimedia resources ma’am
Correct! What are multimedia resources?
Student: These are resources that combines
several media in computer applications.
What are the four examples of multimedia
resources we talked about today?
Student: We have text, videos, sounds,
Very good! What purpose do we use text for?
Student: We used text materials when we are
presenting instructions, announcements,
information and presentations.
Correct! How about for videos?
Student: We use videos for information,
instructions, explanation and narration.
Correct again! How about for sounds?
Student: Audio are used for information,
instructions, explanation and narration too.
Very good! And finally, how about for
Student: Animations are used for information,
instructions, explanation and narration just like
videos and audio.
Excellent class!

E. Valuing

What do you think is the importance of

knowing and understanding the different
use of multimedia resources?
Student: It is very important for us to use the
correct and appropriate multimedia resource
depending on our material for it to effectively
deliver the correct message between the
sender and receiver.
Excellent answer. I agree with you, we
have to consider the appropriate
multimedia resource so that we can
deliver the message effectively. Can you
give me an example that you used the
correct multimedia resource and you
effectively delivered the message to your
receivers. Student: When we presented out thesis
proposals ma’am, we used different
multimedia resources in order for us to
organize our data and be able to narrate,
present, and explain the data and information
form our study to our panels.

Wow, that is a good example. You

incorporated different multimedia
resources in order to organize all the
information from your study. But what is
you used the inappropriate multimedia
resource, what do you think will be the
effect of that on the communication? Student: There will be a huge effect on the
communication ma’am, there might be a
possibility that there might be a
miscommunication because it was not
delivered effectively.

Correct! There is a big effect on the

communication that is why we really have
to use the correct multimedia resource
depending on the material we have.

Excellent class!

For your evaluation in our lesson, you will be working in pairs. So you can choose your
partner among your classmates, what you will have to do is to choose a multimedia
resources in which you will use to create an output.
Use appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information, and instructions,
making explanations, and narrating events in personal or factual recounts.

You can choose video, therefore you can use different

video recorder and video editing apps so that you can
create a video about giving information, instructions,
making explanation and narrating events in personal or
factual recounts.

You can choose text, therefore you can use MS words and
powerpoint presentation whether you want to give
information, instructions, making explanation and narrating
events in personal or factual recounts.

You can also choose graphics/animation, therefore you can

use different app or animation software to create a short
clip presentation about giving information, instructions,
making explanation and narrating events in personal or
factual recounts.

You can also choose audio, therefore you can use

different audio app and recorder software to create a
short audio clip about giving information, instructions,
making explanation and narrating events in personal or
factual recounts.


In your notebook, list 2 names of cellphone applications and 2 names of software or

computer programs installed in your smartphone or computer that are helpful in your study.
Write a paragraph on how these multimedia resources help your studies.

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