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(Danielle and Bryce)

Once upon a time, there was a young lady named, “Myer”. She’s beautiful, modest, and is
called the Filipina girl of her town, so it is natural that she has many admirers. One day, there
was a festival in the town of San Bacani. There were many guests that came from different
places, and one of the so-called guests is a young man named “Ben”.

He is a handsome boy with quite a muscular body. As people streamed into the festival, Ben
caught a glimpse of a beauty who made his heart skip a beat. It just so happens that the
beautiful lady that ben caught a glimpse of, was Myer. Ben then quickly chased after Myer to
introduce himself.

“Good day, beautiful young lady.” That’s all he said. Myer just looked at him before answering.
“Good day to you too, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?” Myer replied. “Sorry to disturb
your walk young lady, but may I perhaps know your name? I’m Ben Argao by the way, pleasure
to meet you.” Ben shyly said. Myer thought for a moment then replied, “Myer Asong is my
name, but you can address me as Myer. Pleasure to be at your acquaintance.” “What a
beautiful name for a beautiful lady…” Ben accidentally thought out loud before clasping his
hands on his mouth in realization.

Myer laughed at Ben’s embarrassed face. “Is it your first time in our town, Mr Ben?” Myer said
changing the subject for the sake of Ben not being embarrassed anymore. “Yes Miss Myer, not
to mention that the decorations here are amazing!” Ben happily stated. “Really? Why thank you,
Mr Ben.” She giggled before clasping her hands into his, while dragging him off to show him
more about the town’s festival.

Starting from that very day, Ben has been singing various love songs outside Myer’s house
(Harana) every day. But even so, Myer still hasn’t given a direct answer to Ben’s courting. Until
one day, as usual, Ben singing the classic love songs, “You’re not really going to back down, Mr
Ben?” Myer said, “My love for you will never back down, Miss Myer.” Ben replied with a smile of
nothing but the face of genuine love. Myer returned this love-filled smile and finally gave Ben
her answer. “I’m giving my heart and trust to you Mr Ben. I’m sure that you’ll take care of me
and love me.” Myer grinned at Ben. Ben was surprised but it was easily replaced by happiness,

“Yes! I will take care and love you day-by-day and make sure that you are full of love even
when we get old!” Ben shouted happily. Myer immediately jumped out of their window and right
into Ben’s arms that caught her. “I will love you every day, I love you do much, Mr Ben.” “I will
always love you too, Miss Myer.” Ben answered before they melt into another hug.

“I found you.” Ben said

“You found me.” Myer replied

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