B - NTC Class B Exam Element 7

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NTC - Class B amateur radio examination.

Below is Element 7, also see elements 5

and 6

1 December 2006 - 4F3EW

NTC - Class B amateur radio examination. Below is Element 7, also see elements 5
and 6

See the PARA handbook "So You Want to be a Ham".

These are sample questions which may come up in the above exam. The correct answer
(Ans.) is given under the question number and there could be errors.


1.The Readability Signal Tone (RST) reporting system is based on a scale of

_________ for readability
Ans. 0-5

1. The RST reporting system for signal strength and tone is based on a scale of
Ans. 0-9

2. What frequency band is most usable for line of sight propagation

Ans. 30-300 MHz

3. Maximum power authorized for CW transmission on HF Fixed Station for Class B

Ans. 500 W

4. For uniformity in international communication, the time measurement standard

used at present is
Ans. UTC

5. To facilitate the reception of distress call, all transmissions on 145 MHz shall
be kept a minimum and shall not exceed
Ans. 1 minute

6. Maximum power authorized for class B licensee operating on VHF

Ans. no specified limit

7. What is the common code used in Amateur Radiotelephony for Atmospheric

Ans. QRM

8. What is the common code used in Amateur Radiotelephony for Message relay
Ans. QSP

9. What is the common code used in Amateur Radiotelephony for �Who is this?�
Ans. QRZ

10. What is the common code used in Amateur Radiotelephony for �Signal Strength
Ans. QSB

11. After calling a certain station and he does not give an answer, you are allowed
to make
Ans. 3 calls

13. The basic single sideband demodulator is known as

Ans. Product Detector

14. For repeater operation, it is good operating procedure to leave a pause between
overs. The accepted interval is normally _________ seconds.
Ans. 3

15. The voice equivalent of �break-in� is

Ans. VOX

16. The television standard used for color system in the Philippines
Ans. American National Television Standards Committee

17. What is the number of lines per frame of TV transmission in the Philippines?
Ans. 525 lines per frame

18. If it is 3:00 PM in the Philippines, what is it in UTC?

Ans. 0700 UTC (start UTC conversion with 8:00 AM = 0000 UTC)

19. To overcome difficulty in spelling _____ are used by radio amateur operators.
Ans. phonetic alphabet

20. The best way to orient your antenna beam when making long distance
communication is to use
Ans. Great Circle Map

21. When you are inviting amateur stations to transmit on the working frequency,
you may send in telegraphy the letter
Ans. K

22. The calling frequency in the 40 meter band in the Philippines is

Ans. 7.045 MHz

23. SSB Modulation is classified as

Ans. Amplitude

24. A frequency band most useful for skywave propagation

Ans. HF

25. Identical or matched impedance of transmission line and antenna will result in

Ans. unity SWR

26. A radio wave 10 m long has a frequency equal to or approximately

Ans. 30 MHz

27. Frequency modulated by voice is represented by the symbol

Ans. F3

28. Property of receiver to discriminate against desired and undesired signal

Ans. selectivity

29. A device used in SSB operation that suppresses the carrier of an SSB
Ans. balanced modulator

30. What is the length of the fourth harmonic of a 2-meter long radio signal?
Ans. 0.5 m

31. The name of any station is

Ans. QRA

32. Who is calling me

Ans. QRZ

33. I am troubled with static

Ans. QRN

34. Will you relay my message?

Ans. QSP

35. The use of two breaks in joining an on-going conversation indicates

Ans. there is urgency or priority traffic

36. In RTTY transmission, frequency shift shall not exceed

Ans. 850 Hz

37. The simultaneous transmission of sound and picture as in amateur television

maybe allowed by the NTC on all frequencies __________ MHz.
Ans. above 60 (if given the choice, above 50 MHz, as per electronics book)

38. Maximum power that can be allowed for Class B amateurs on SSB, suppressed
carrier is
Ans. 1 kW pep

39. When it is 11:00 PM in the Philippines, it is equivalent to

Ans. 1500 UTC

40. Single-sideband modulation is classified under

Ans. AM


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