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1)Tell me a little bit about yourself.

2)What do you like to do as your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free

3)Where do you live?

4)Who do you live with?

5)What is your department at your university? Why did you decide to study that?
Como acha que esse intercâmbio pode te ajudar na sua carreira?

6)How many years have you been at your university?

7)Do you like your university? Why?

8)When will you graduate from your university?

9)What would you like to do after you graduate?

10)Como conheceu o programa?

11)What is your understanding at the J1 program? What is it about?

12)Why would you like to go on the Work and Travel program?

13)What is something that you want to do while you are over here, in America?
Tell me the top 3 things you’re most excited to do while you’re in the USA.

14) What made you want to work here? Why do you wanna work here?

15)Do you know anything about the area?

16)What job do you want to do here?

17)O que você sabe sobre o trabalho? Você entende o que está indo fazer nesse
trabalho? Quais são suas tarefas? Fale um pouco sobre o que você entendeu
da função que escolheu para trabalhar.

18)What do you think you will be expected to do for this Job?

19)Tell me why you are interested in this job position.

20)Do you have experience as a ………(job position)?

21)What do you think it will be like to work in the USA?

22)Why should we hire you?

23)Can you tell me about some of your work experience? What kind of work
experience do you have?

24)O que você pensa de trabalhar e viver em um clima que pode ter
temperaturas negativas?

25)How do you like working under pressure? How do you think you can cope
with that?

26)What dates would you be available? When can you start work? When do you
need to finish work?

27)Who will be your J1 sponsor?

28)What kind of visa are you applying for?

29)Do you have any sort of medical conditions or allergies we should be aware

30)Have you traveled to the US before?

31)Have you traveled abroad before?

32)Where do you like to travel in Brazil?

33)Do you have any questions for me about the Work and Travel program?

34)Are you travelling with anyone or is it just you?

35)How do you feel about working more hours?

36)What were you doing earlier today? Before the interview

37)Do you have a driver's license?

38)Você está ciente que vai morar em uma cidade pequena?

39)Quanto tempo já ficou longe da família?

40)Você está ciente do que vai ter que providenciar para o trabalho?

41)Pretende viajar no GP? Para onde? O que vai fazer no seu grace period?

42)Se você não tiver acesso ao seu e-mail, como vai entrar em contato com o
43)Você acha que está apto e confortável para morar com pessoas diferentes?
Já dividiu casa com alguém?

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