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Mankind: The Story of All of Us

Episode 3: Empires


Episode Description: Huge engineering projects help spark intricate cities that transform the
lives of millions of people. The spread of Christianity and other religions reveals the increasing
interconnectedness of mankind. The greatest mega-city on earth, Rome, becomes an engine of
expansion while China builds an empire on the other side of the world. A vast network of roads
and shipping lanes allows goods and ideas to flow across three continents. Mankind is connected
like never before—this is the birth of globalization.

1) In 33 AD, Jerusalem was a city under _______________ occupation for the past 100 years.
2) This year they will execute Jesus of Nazareth, whom _______ (fraction) of all mankind
worships today. One-half of a million people are there to celebrate _____ __________, a Jewish
Festival that celebrated the exodus from Egypt. Among those in Jerusalem are followers of Jesus
who believe he is the Messiah.

3) Jesus was ______________, a punishment for thieves, pirates, and enemies of the state. Followers of
Jesus will retell this story use the power of the Roman Empire to spread his message.
4) That capital of the Roman Empire was Rome, the largest city on earth with a population of
_____________ people.

5) List the ways the ancient Rome resembled a modern city.

6) The secret building ingredient of the Roman Empire was ______________________. Today ______
(fraction) of all of mankind live in buildings made of the material.
7) The Romans expanded their empire through conquest. In 61 AD, the Romans turned their attention
toward Britain where they faced the Druids. Why was Britain a desirable addition to the Roman
8) _______% of Roman spending went to the military (2x that of the US today). The Roman army was
the first full-time army in world history.

9) The Roman’s built over 400 arenas across their empire. What happened at these arenas?
10) _______________ (fraction) of all of mankind was under Roman rule.
11) In 166 AD, Roman merchants arrived in __________________ in search of silk, a natural fiber and a
national secret.
12) The 5000 mile trade route that connected the East to the West was called the
___________________________. It allowed for the transfer of goods, people, armies, ideas, and
13) Who was responsible for the spread of early Christianity?
14) Despite being illegal, how did the structure of Roman Empire aid in the spread of Christianity?

15) The ideas of Christianity are attractive to both ______________ and ______________both of whom
cannot vote and do not participate in Roman politics.
16) In the Roman Empire, Christians are given a violent death. However the courage of martyrs, like
Perpetua, inspire more and more people to join the faith until eventually laws against Christianity
are lifted. One of the defining moments in the spread of Christianity happened in 337 when the
Roman Emperor _____________________asked to be baptized before his death.
17) A new Christina capitol rises in the East, Constantinople, today it is
18) Today there are ________ billion Christians, nearly a third of the world’s population.

Mankind: The Story of All of Us
Episode 4: Warriors

Episode Description: By the 5th century AD the Roman Empire disintegrates, leaving a power vacuum
in Europe. Barbarians destroy towns and cities; Europe has entered the Dark Ages. But elsewhere in the
world, humans achieve progress. In the Arabian dessert, the discovery of gold helps ignite new
innovations in engineering and technology. Vikings open up new links. Mankind continues to clash
in wars over religion and territory.

1) In 455 AD, a group of Germanic warriors known as the ______________attack Rome. Rome,
at its peak ruled ____fraction) of the world’s population.
2) Rome was the world’s first megacity with a population of ______________. It was the most modern
city in the world, now it is in ruins.
3) After the Vandals sack Rome, its Empress Eudoxie will be taken prisoner by Gaiseric and her
daughter will be forced to marry her son. Rome officially has fallen. The Roman Empire lasted for
____centuries. At its height it ruled over ____million people and ____million square miles.
4) As the Roman Empire disintegrates, barbarian tribes seize the opportunity to expand.
a. Anglos and Saxons push into ______________.
b. Franks take modern day ______________.
c. Visigoths seize present day ______________.
5) After the Collapse of Rome, Europe falls into a ____________Age of war, famine, and savagery.
6) With the collapse of the Roman Empire, many essentials of Roman life are lost for centuries. List

7) Rome loses ____% of its population, ______________ is even abandoned. Europe will be
fragmented and stay divided for the next 1500 years.
8) 1400 years ago, in the Arabian Desert, gold will help build a new civilization founded which new

9) Why does gold become so valuable?

10) All the gold ever mined would fill just ___(#)Olympic swimming pools.
11) The prophet, ______________of Mecca will bring a new religion of Islam and in just twenty years it
will unite all the warring tribes in Arabia.
12) Describe the city of Cordoba, Spain and its accomplishments.

13) Describe the Vikings and their society.

14) Arabians and Vikings found common ground through trade. Arabians would trade ______________
for ______________from the Vikings.
15) Describe a Viking funeral.

16) The long ship was the key Viking exploration. Long ships will allow the Vikings to colonize much of
Western and Norther Europe. In fact, they will explore North America _________years before
Columbus. Long ships are strong, quick and stealthy. They are powered by both sail and oars.
17) Vikings will eventually give up their pagan rituals and convert to ______________ (religion).
18) Describe the Polynesian civilization on Easter Island.

19) The Easter Islanders used their resources, like the forests. What problem did this create?

20) Pope Urban promised eternal salvation for anyone who took arms in a Holy War against Islam in
what is called the ______________. The war will last ____ and take more than 1 million lives.
Mankind: The Story of All of Us
Episode 5: The Plague

Episode Description: Mankind has made incredible strides. The Inca Empire rises in the Americas. Led
by Genghis Khan, the Mongols use novel military strategies to conquer vast lands. But humans are also
severely tested by one of the deadliest diseases the world has known—the Plague. Mankind is ravaged by
this disease in Europe and parts of Asia. In the Americas, new farming techniques and the use of maize
help propel mankind forward. Amazing monuments such as Machu Picchu showcase mankind’s
architectural advances.
1) In 1215 in Northern China – the Mongols with 50,000 warriors make up the world’s greatest
Calvary army. Their army was led by Genghis _____________.
2) The _____________was the key to Khan’s success. It was domesticated 5,000 years earlier
in central _____________. Kahn’s soldiers can travel 300 miles a day. They are the fastest
traveling army until WWII.
3) As climate change turns much of Mongolia to desert, the Mongols look to _____________,
which is home to some of the biggest cities in the world. Capture of these cities would
provide much needed supplies such as grain, silk and tea.
4) As Khan conquered his people, he displayed acts of Mongol cruelty. Prisoners were
decapitated, towers were made of human skulls, and they raped the local women. Khan rapes so
many women that 1 in _____________ alive today carry his genes.
5) Khan is responsible for the death of _______million people (as many as Hitler). He conquers more
land in 25 years than _____________did in 400. The Mongol Empire grows to 4.5 million squares
miles – the largest empire in world history.
6) They key to the Mongol success was ___________________________. Every 30 miles there was a
relay post with 400 horses ready to carry information and messages to the next relay post.
7) What significant items were traded from the East to the West?

8) When the Bubonic plague first appears it is passed on by __________(insect) who vomit plague
material back into the blood stream when they bite into humans.
9) How does the rat help spread the plague throughout Europe and Asia?

10) Kaffa, an Italian controlled city on the Black Sea, was under siege by a decedent of Genghis Khan
who was looking to expand the Mongol empire. Describe the terrible new weapon that was
introduced by the Mongols.

11) Why was Europe the perfect breeding ground for the plague?

12) What were some of the primitive solutions used in an attempt to cure the Bubonic plague?

13) What was the best thing that a doctor could have done to a victim of the plague?

14) What change with the plague made the kill rate rise from 75% to almost 100%?

15) Europe’s scapegoat for the plague = ___________________. In the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
they were asked to convert or be killed, over 1,000 are murdered in one day alone as Europe attempt
find blame for this unexplainable illness.
16) The plague would kill _________million people in just 15 years.
17) The Americas were isolated from Europe and from the plague. Over _____ million people lived on
these unknown continents.
18) Because of its isolationism, what things did people of the Americas not have?

19) In order farm on the steep terrain of the Andes, people developed the technique called
_____________________farming. They grew crops unknown to Europe like potatoes, tomatoes, and
20) In the Americas, a young ruler named Pachacuti defeated an aggressive group, the Chankas, and
created the largest kingdom in the Americas – the _____________Empire. This empire takes up most
of western South America and is connected by a vast network of roads.
Mankind: The Story of All of Us
Episode 6: Survivors

Episode Description: Gold and salt in Africa lead to a vibrant trade between continents. Europe
is reborn. Money flows into Venice creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs willing to take
risks. In China, a new weapon – the gun allows a peasant uprising to unify the country. Chinese
innovations inspire Europe, leading to the – printing press. Millions of books are printed, one of
which will inspire a journey to the New World. Armed with new ideas and technologies,
Europeans set their sights on conquering new lands.

1) The ______________ Desert, which is roughly the size of the United States, held the key to
mankind’s survival.

2) _______ (fraction) of the world’s population died as a result of the plague. The plague cannot
survive the high temperatures of the desert.

3) For over a thousand years, nomads from North Africa traded salt found in the desert. What made salt
so valuable in the 1300s and beyond?

4) Salt was traded for gold in Mali. Gold lowed in the river ___________. Today, _____ (fraction) of
the known gold reservoirs are in Africa.

5) The 1300’s is considered Africa’s “Golden Age.” During this time over 25,000 people attended
__________________ University. It was home to over 300,000 scrolls and the greatest library in the
Islamic World.

6) African ___________ is the key to the greatest explosion of ideas in the western world.

7) Venice becomes a thriving center of commerce I the 15 th and 16th century. What types of goods that
were traded there?

8) In Venice, African gold was minted into ___________, which becomes an international currency.

9) Modern ______________ begins in Venice. Here people borrow for personal and commercial loans.

10) Bankers will finance the _____________________, the greatest flourishing of learning mankind has
ever known; a “rebirth of ___________________.”
11) In 1356, three Chinese leaders known as the Red Turbans will lead a rebellion to over throw the
_________________, who had ruled China for the past 150 years.

12) What new invention will help Red Turbans win their rebellion and will change warfare?

13) It will take ____ years for the Chinese to overthrow the Mongols.

14) The Red Turban leader, Zhu Yuanzhang, will be first emperor of the _______ Dynasty, which will
last 300 years.

15) The Ming Dynasty will also finish the greatest defensive structure in the world – the
__________________________________. It’s _____ thousand miles long with 20,000 towers.

16) The entrepreneur/inventor of the print press was Johannes _________________.

17) Describe the impact of the printing press.

18) Christopher Columbus plans to head east by sailing _____________. Map makers at the time know
nothing of about the ___________________. They believe there is just an un-crossable ocean to the
west, Columbus believes they are wrong. He will spend ten years trying to find someone to finance
his voyage.
19) Within in _____ years of the invention of the gun it has spread to Europe. By this time the gun,
known as the harquebus, is much more practical after the invention of the trigger mechanism.
20) The gun will play in important role as the Spanish tried to over throw the Islamic ____________
(Muslims from Northern Africa) who have ruled Spain for the past 700 years.
21) By 1492, the Spanish will be successful. After gaining power, King ______________ and Queen
_____________ will fund Columbus’ risky voyage.

Reflection Question: Explain why this episode was given the name “Survivors.” Think about
inventions, ambitions and rebellions covered throughout the video.
Mankind: The Story of All of Us
Episode 7: New World

Episode Description: The Americas develop rapidly as the Aztecs build the biggest city on the planet.
On the other side of the world, a Turkish sultan uses cannons to conquer Constantinople. The East feeds
Europe with spices; explorers are driven to find new commodities and new lands. Columbus, Cortez and
others reach the Americas, starting a battle for that continent. The consequences are dire for indigenous

1) Around 1000 AD, the ____________________ sailed in their long boats crossed the Atlantic Ocean
and became the first Europeans known to land in the Americas.
2) The land discovered was home to the ____________ people. After a series of conflicts between the
two groups, the first people of European dissent would die on American soil.
3) On the American continent there were ____ million Native Americans (___ of the world’s
population) who had previously been cut off from the rest of the world.
4) In the Americas, there were no ________ (animal), ______ tools, or wheeled vehicles.
Despite this, Native populations were able to map the stars with tremendous accuracy
and build pyramids that rivaled ancient Egypt.
5) Tenochtitlan – Capital of ____________ Empire. At the time it was larger than
_________, ________, or ________.
6) Despite the complexity of the society, they believe that they must offer a debt of
_______ to their gods. Human sacrifice and cannibalism played an important role in
their culture.
7) The Aztec sacrificed thousands of men, women, and children each year. In their biggest
ceremonies, they would kill as many as ________________ (#).
8) The staple crop of the Americas was ___________. It was created over 6,000 years ago.
This crop products more calories per acre than any other crop in the world. Today it
found in _____ of all supermarket products.
9) The city of ______________________ was home to the largest Christian cathedral in its day – Hagia
Sophia. In 1453, the city was under siege by Ottoman ________, with an Islamic Army of 70,000.
10) Whoever controlled the city would control the trade from Europe to Asia. For example, one thousand
tons of ____________ are shipped from south India to Europe each year.
11) Led by Sultan Mehmed II, the Turks would win the battle and the Christian city of Constantinople
becomes Islamic __________.
12) After the defeat of Constantinople, Europeans would begin looking for new trade routes to the riches
of the _____.
13) Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias searched for a new route to ______________ around the
southern tip of __________. He and his men were the first to sail through and name the Cape of
_______ _________. Within in 50 years it becomes one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world
with ______ thousand tons of goods shipped each year.
14) On October 12, 1492, Spanish explorers led by ___________ ______________ discover land. He
believes he has sailed west and landed in ______________, but he is actually in the
15) After Columbus all of Europe wants a piece of the New World. Unfortunately for Native people,
they have no _____________ to deadly diseases brought over by Europeans. Entire populations will
be decimated.
16) 28 years after Columbus, the Spanish conquistador Hernando _____________ would lead 500 men
into the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan in search of gold.
17) The Aztec ruler, _______________________ is the most powerful man in the Americas. He leads
over 25 million people. He would be captured by the Spanish and eventually killed by his own
people for his ineffective leadership.
18) Cortez would be forced from the city but would come back 6 months later to find that _____
(fraction) of the city is dead from smallpox. Cortez would leave with the riches of the empire after
his 500 men defeated 25 million.

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