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Asynchronous Class: Listen to the Podcast with a view to religion & democracy, Rachel

Maddow Presents, Ultra: Episode 2 The Brooklyn Boys @

● Photo of guns on newspaper in 1940

● Charles Gallagher got a phone call from the FBI, flipping through pages for a research
paper, young men carrying huge rifles
● Group of armed American men led by Catholic priest trying to overthrow the government
● Journalists downplayed, disregrarded them as crackpots
● He was being trained as a police officer
● Folks were armed for war
● What motivates religious people to take up arms, how big of a threat
● Requested FBI file on case
● Told that FBI file did not exist
● Someone on reddit input the case number
● Detailed planning, armed assaults, using bombs, how close they came
● 1940, Senator Ernest Lundine died in mysterious plane crash
● Explosive reports that he had been in kahoots to distribute Nazi propaganda
● Nazi propaganda scheme was part of a widening criminal investigation
● January 1940, newspapers ran those photos
● Largest radio audience in the world
● Threat from jews
● Everything blamed more and more on Jews
● Said marx and lenin were jews, blamed communism on jews
● Coglin, jews are real aggressors
● Blaming jews for their own persecutio
● Father Coglin said Democracy was doommed→ wanted to take the road to facism and
admire facism and fascist leaders
● Militia to create aims→ Christian front
● Boston→ Led by Francism Moran, irish catholic, 1936 coglin came to boston,
commissioned Moran to be a litenant in Bosotn
● Recruited 10,000 people for Christian Front meetings
● Fire spreading in Boston because Moran was furthering the mission, bombarding the city
with anti-semitic propaganda
● Meeting with Hitler representative
● Christian front finances were bosltered by Hitler government
● Wanted FDR to be removed through force and violence
● Tyrant or not
● City of NY, paramilitiariced cells, military grade weaponry, how to make pipe bombs
● Military grade explosives (cordite) went missing in NY, commander took that stuff and
gave it to the Christian front
● New members with military connections
● Simultanious assasinamtion of senators, bombings
● Toppling of democratic government, replace it with an authoritarian government
● Stationary target practicie and military rushes
● Browning automatic rifle, very deadly
● Predicted january attack on the 20th
● FBI moved on the 13th, on the Christain front before bombs explode
● January 1940
● J. Edgar Hoover announced Christian Front roundup
● 17 members arrested, served in branches of U.S. military or NY, charged with Sedition
● Refered to as a dictatorship similar to Hitler’s
● Father Coughlin pretended not to know them
● Devised scenario of young American patriot boys, anti-communisty, truly American,
purging America
● Trial, spring of 1940, in Brooklyn, head of Crinimal department came
● FBI had put informant in group
● June 1940, most acquitted, all got off
● Persecution failed
● Celebration of defendants
● Humiliation for government
● Rise of antidemocratic violent movment
● Violence

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