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Urgello St, Sambag 1

6000, Cebu City

Table of Contents

Rationale of the Study …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Review of Related Literature ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Statement of The Problem………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Research Methodology………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Research Design…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Research Environment…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Research Participants…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Research Procedure………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Gathering of Data…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Treatment of Data

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Summary and Conclusion



Rationale of the Study

One of the best qualities of Filipino Culture is Utang na loob ( Dancel, 2005). Utang na loob comes from
the word “utang” which means debt and “loob” which means inside. It is debt of gratitude in which
when someone gives you something or do something for you, you should give back and do something in
return. We Filipinos are very adaptable and always ready to help especially those in need although it is
the best qualities of Filipino Culture, in the modern day, it has its negative effect especially in families. It
is not an obligation to repay someone if he has done something to you especially in our families, it is
particularly unique among us Filipinos it is what we called the "Invisible Debt" uncertain about or not
knowing how much does we have to pay. According to Virgilio G. Enriquez, the Father of Filipino
Psychology, Filipino Psychology refers to Psychology born out of the experience, thought and orientation
of the Filipinos, based on the full use of Filipino culture and language. Utang na loob is a behaviour part
of Filipino Psychology, that one should be reminded of the value of gratitude and moral virtues
displayed by a being. The objective of this paper it to identify what Utang na loob means to Filipinos and
is it relevant to their lives today.

Review of Related Literature

Utang na Loob as an Obligation

The final aspects of the Utang na Loob scale are open relationship, thankfulness and regard, give and
take, interpersonal, relativeness, willingness, and esteem. The cultural backdrop also affects the
attitudes, convictions, and objectives that guide parental behavior as well as the surroundings and
activities that parents provide for their kids (Bronfenbrenner and Morris 1998 ; Bornstein and Cheah
2006 ; Super and Harkness 1986 ; Harkness and Super 2006 ). Utang na Loob is organic, according to
Reyes (2013). It is incorrect to claim that Utang na Loob is a Filipino value. Say nothing more than that it
is something that Filipinos find positive or the Philippines always have the most significant having a
propensity to return favors, making them obliging.That it is required and a part of their culture is what
they tell themselves. Additionally, Utang na Loob is a lifetime, says Matienzo (2017) bigger than its
typical meaning selection. Therefore, Utang na Loob is not only for restitution purposes, but it is a
natural characteristic of us combined withour sense of duty to others, which we must truly fulfill back
and thank them for what they did for us. Additionally, this is quite profound.Parents must provide their
children with all they need because it is regarded as a responsibility because parentS are the original
suppliers (Holnsteiner, 1973), who Alejo (1990) also agreed that a child's responsibility is as well as to
support his parents by looking after them in aging and that it should continue even when the parent’s
duties have been largely fulfilled and done.

Utang na Loob as Respect

Gorospe notes in 2008 that depending on their degree, several Filipino values, such as Utang na Loob,
have the potential to be either good or bad. A key component of the Filipino value system is the
dominance of Filipino culture in terms of motivation and action, which is supported by patterns of
dependence in personal attitudes. According to Avila-Sta, one of these is respect, as stated in Filipino
Psychology. According to Maria (1998), a person with connections to others has the same personality
attitude. Utang na Loob is viewed in this context as a pattern of behavior by which people show their
appreciation by showing respect.

Utang na Loob as a Culture

One of the traditions to which we Filipinos have grown accustomed that, in my opinion, needs to be
modified and opposed is indebtedness. It does not help a person grow, or perhaps even the entire
society in which he lives. Anyone is not required to observe any moral virtues that a being exhibits. Good
interpersonal relations do not begin with this. Being social is work that is done truly. Without expecting
anything in return, compassion and assistance to people in need are taught. We Filipinos are incredibly
flexible and constantly willing to assist anyone in need. Filipinos should be mindful of the adage "you
reap what you sow" and "what you do to your neighbor, he will do to you". Everyone is aware that
nobody exists solely for himself. Regardless of our financial situation, we will always need the assistance
of others. But there should be boundaries on aiding others. The number of persons who have received
assistance is uncounted; what matters more is receiving assistance from someone who does not intend
to assist you in the future. Sometimes even opulent material items can make every kindness and bit of
assistance justified. What the rest of us don't realize is that compassion and good manners cannot be
bought with money since they must be regularly nurtured, studied, and exercised, just like a child.

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