Nursing Arts Lab Student Handbook

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Ruby Alvarez PhD, MSN, RN, Interim Dean of Nursing

Diane M. Gómez, DNP, RN, Administrative Chair
Tiffany Truitt RN, MSN, NPD-BC, CHSE, Simulation Coordinator
For any questions regarding
terminology please refer the SSH
Simulation Dictionary in the

















Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


Dear Student,

On behalf of the Nursing Arts Lab team, Congratulations on your acceptance into the Valencia
College School of Nursing program! We are excited to meet you and look forward to serving
you in the Nursing Arts Lab. This handbook is going to outline the policy and procedures to
follow while in the Nursing Arts Lab (NAL) space.

You will see blue underlined font throughout this handbook. This indicates that a web link has
been provided for your viewing. Please read this handbook in its entirety and ensure that you
are clear on the guidelines presented. If you have any questions, please reach out to your
course faculty or the Simulation Coordinator for Nursing.

We are here to support you and wish you all of the best on your journey through the program!

Kind Regards,

The NAL Team

Michael R. (Mike) Hilliard, BS, CPM, MEP
Simulation Coordinator for Schools of Allied Health and Nursing
Tiffany Truitt, RN, MSN, NPD-BC, CHSE
Simulation Coordinator for Nursing
West and Osceola Campuses
Jeff Hogan, M.S., M.P.S.
Allied Health and Nursing IS Specialist/Accutrack
Pamm Danley-Piester, BSN
Instructional Lab Supervisor, Osceola Nursing
Angelina (Angie) Merritt, ASN
Lab Supervisor, West Nursing
**There is terminology used throughout this handbook related to Simulation. If you have questions regarding any of this terminology please click here: Healthcare Simulation Dictionary

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


The Nursing Arts Lab (NAL) provides a variety of instructional methodologies to support our
students’ successful completion of the Nursing Program. Among the instructional
methodologies used are the following:

 Simulation: computer-based & adult, neonate, and pediatric manikins

 Role-playing
 Self-instruction
 Faculty-assisted instruction
 Procedural task trainers for deliberate practice of skills

The NAL is committed to student success. Within the NAL, faculty employ student-centric active
learning and simulation experiences utilizing experiential learning theory to encompass the
varying degree of students’ different learning styles. This encourages the broadening of existing
assessment, communication, psychomotor and cognitive skills within a safe learning
environment. Replicating the essential aspects of these skills in the NAL provides students with
an opportunity to create muscle memory through deliberate practice to enhance the
opportunity of skill transfer into the clinical setting. Simulation is used to approximate what
students will encounter in the clinical setting. Students are provided with an opportunity to
apply what they are learning in theory to real clinical scenarios in a safe, realistic learning
environment, to assist them with transitioning into safe clinical practice. Key concepts in the
NAL learning environment include the following: patient-centered care, patient safety,
communication, teamwork, cultural competence, informatics, and evidence-based practice.

In the support of a rich learning environment and in conjunction with course learning
outcomes, the NAL supports the following goals for students:

 Improve performance
 Improve critical thinking
 Increase confidence
 Increase active learning
 Increase competence
 Increase critical analysis of performance
 Decrease stress

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

The mission of the Nursing Arts Lab (NAL) is to provide a safe, supportive, and interactive
student-centered learning environment. The NAL enhances learning by integrating didactic
content with hands-on experiences that promote problem solving, clinical reasoning, critical
thinking, and clinical judgment. This unique environment prepares learners to deliver safe
patient care in a diverse and complex healthcare environment.

The NALs vision aligns with the Valencia College School of Nursing Simulation Committees
vision to incorporate state of the art, evidenced based opportunities in simulation (to include
active learning) to support clinical excellence throughout the curriculum.

The NALs values are inclusive of the Valencia College School of Nursing’s philosophy including
integration of the Valencia College Student Core Competencies: Think, Value, Act, and
Communicate (T, V, A, C).

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


Valencia College School of Nursing has two Nursing Arts Lab (NAL) locations: West Campus and
Osceola Campus. Lab time will be scheduled at the discretion of your course faculty. It could be
weekly or only a few times throughout the semester. Please see the Valencia website for
campus maps and driving directions:
The West campus NAL is located on the 2nd floor of the Health Sciences Building (HSB).
The West Campus NAL is comprised of several rooms: 4 bed practice room (HSB 224), 2 large
lecture classrooms, 8 patient rooms containing 4 beds each (for a total of 32 patient beds), 2
bay areas, 2 high fidelity simulation rooms with control rooms, and a large Nursery area. The
Osceola campus NAL is located on the 2nd floor of Building 3, Room 3-200. It is comprised of
several rooms: 6 bed practice room (3-231), 1 large lecture classroom, 4 patient rooms with 4
patient beds each, and 1 patient room containing 2 beds (for a total of 18 patient beds), 1 bay
area, 1 high fidelity simulation room and 1 Nursery area.

Across the two NAL locations, there is a total of 50 patient beds and 3 high fidelity simulation
spaces with control rooms and a large portfolio of low, medium and high fidelity manikins
across the continuum of care (Laerdal manikins: Nursing Anne, Nursing Kelly, MegaCode Kelly,
Advanced MegaCode Kelly, SimMan Essentials, SimJunior, SimMom, NEW Nursing Anne
Simulator & CAE manikins: Juno, PediaSIM, BabySIM, Luna); simulated medications, moulage,
and various equipment (Hoyer lift, wheelchairs, NIBP monitors, etc.) available for student
practice as well as computers for students to access electronic charts in every room.
Both NAL locations have Laboratory Assistants (student peers) who are available to
assist the Laboratory Supervisors in setting up the Lab, keeping the NAL space clean and
disinfected, and enforcing NAL guidelines and codes of conduct. The NAL hours are subject to
change due to staff availability. Check the secure nursing website under schedules for the
current operating hours. Adjunct faculty are available for student appointments as needed for
2nd /3rd attempts and make-up clinical/simulation days. Scheduling of NAL lab time for practice
and 2nd/3rd attempts will be at the discretion of your lead course faculty and lab availability.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


The NAL is considered a clinical site. As such, all policies listed in the Valencia College School of
Nursing Student Handbook for clinical responsibilities apply to the NAL. All students and faculty
must act in a manner that does not disturb the academic activities occurring in the NAL taking
care to not infringe upon the privacy, rights, privileges, health, or safety of other students and

General Guidelines
1. Experiences in the NAL are a required clinical experience. Students are expected to abide by
all clinical policies as stated in the Student handbook: arrive on time, be prepared to
participate, and dressed appropriately. Faculty and NAL staff have the right to dismiss
students who are unprepared.
2. Please no food or drink in the patient rooms or the high-fidelity rooms. Sealed drink
containers are allowed but must be placed outside of the patient rooms in the classroom
area only.
3. Students are expected to bring only necessary equipment into the NAL. Please leave
everything in your car except for what is needed for your lab experience. No backpacks are
allowed in the NAL at this time. Items brought into the NAL will need to be placed in a
plastic bag for ease of wiping down at check-in.
Items may include:
a. Stethoscope
b. Penlight
c. Scissors
d. Watch – part of your uniform requirements
e. Any other item specified by course faculty

4. All cell phones should be placed on silent mode during lab time in the NAL. Cell phones may
be used during break time or outside of the lab area unless otherwise specified by your
course faculty.

Students are expected to arrive on time for class, simulation, and practice in the NAL.
Attendance in the lab is part of course credit hours and is mandatory. Attendance is tracked
using Accutrack. It is the responsibility of the student to sign in/out of the lab. Do not sign in
for another student - this is unethical and unacceptable behavior. If you are late to class or if
you do not sign in, a referral will be issued by faculty. Missed NAL time must be made up. See
course syllabus for more details.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

Dress Code and Required Equipment

Dress code in the NAL is per the Valencia College School of Nursing Student Handbook. Please
be aware of your own hygiene status: breath, body odor, foot odor, and clean feet. Perfume
can cause allergic reaction in classmates/clients/patients. Keep hair and jewelry professional
while in the nursing lab; large bracelets, rings and hair in your face are unprofessional, get in
the way of lab activities, and compromise patient safety and your own.

If a student is not in proper dress, the student will be provided with an opportunity to fix the
issue and return to class per faculty discretion. If this results in missed lab time, students will
need to re-schedule per faculty discretion.

Lab Kits
Lab kits are mandatory to purchase for every nursing course. The lab kit contains items that will
be needed for the scheduled lab time for each course. When purchasing your kit, specify the
course number to make sure you buy the right kit for the course in which you are enrolled. For
example, students in Nursing I would ask for the NUR 1021C kit. If you are repeating a course,
you do not need to repurchase an entire new kit. The bookstore will have replacement kits with
all the supplies you will need.
All kits must be purchased from the Campus Bookstore. DO NOT use equipment or supplies
from work or other sources. The kits sold in the bookstore have the appropriate sizes and
materials that will not harm the lab manikins. Please Note: Sterile gloves will need to be
purchased separately in addition to the lab kit. A sterile glove sizing tool is provided below to
assist with ordering the appropriate sterile glove size. The bookstore has also provided this
sizing tool online for ease of ordering as well.
Lab Kits will be inventoried on your first lab day. Make sure you label everything with your
name as the NAL is not responsible for lost or missing items. Do not throw anything away,
including the wrappers of your supplies - you will reuse them numerous times for practice
and return demonstration unless otherwise specified by your course faculty.
To avoid a missed lab day, all students are expected to bring their Nursing Lab Kit with them to
the NAL with the required supplies for each scheduled lab day. Supplies will not be provided by
the NAL if a student shows up without the required supplies.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


1. Wash hands and use hand sanitizer prior to manikin use.
2. Avoid using colored plastic gloves as they may discolor the manikin skin. Felt tipped
markers, ink pens, acetone, iodine, or other staining medications are prohibited to be used
near manikins. Take care as well not to place the manikin on newsprint or colored paper.
3. Wear gloves provided in the NAL when working with the manikins. Over time, skin oils and
dirt can stain and damage the manikin’s skin.
4. Operate equipment only as indicated by faculty. If unsure how to use the manikin or other
lab equipment, please ask faculty for assistance before proceeding. Lab Supervisors and
Laboratory Assistants are also available for assistance if needed.
5. It is recommended that simulation equipment should only be operated by personnel who
have been trained in its use.
6. The high-fidelity manikins are to be used only during simulation class with faculty and lab
staff supervision.
7. Photocopied papers should not be placed on, under, or near the manikins to prevent the
risk of ink transfer.
8. Iodine (betadine) or other staining medications should not come into contact or be used on
the manikins.
9. The manikin’s chest must be kept dry; care should be taken when using fluid around the
10. Do not introduce any fluids into the manikin’s esophagus or trachea.
11. Do not place artificial blood or other materials on the manikin’s skin without first verifying
that the materials will not damage the manikin.
12. Sharps and syringes ONLY are to be disposed in the appropriate provided sharps containers.
13. Accidental sticks should be reported immediately to the Lab Supervisors, Security is to be
notified and an incident report should be completed with Security.
14. Contents from lab kits such as catheters, needles, dressing supplies, etc. MUST be disposed
of appropriately in the labeled lab receptacles. Needles need to be placed in the sharp's
container. Do not dispose of Foley kits as you will need to use them multiple times across
15. Faculty, staff, and students are expected to leave the NAL in order. Please dispose of any
trash in appropriate containers, ensure manikins and used lab equipment are disinfected
per policy and are placed back in order, and supplies are put in appropriate areas.
16. Faculty, staff, and students should report any damage to equipment or operating problems
to the Lab Supervisor as soon as possible following recognition of the damage/problem.
17. Patient simulators and manikin parts, lab equipment, charts or lab reference books are NOT
to be removed from the lab by students at any time for any reason.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


1. All students, faculty, and staff participating in a simulation experience must read and agree
to abide by the Valencia College School of Nursing Simulation Contract and Confidentiality
Agreement prior to being admitted to the first lab encounter. Agreements will be
maintained in the respective courses Canvas space.
2. Come prepared to participate in the scenario or to be an active observer by completing any
pre-simulation activities assigned to you.
a. Students may be dismissed from the lab area for being unprepared.
3. Treat manikins appropriately and respectfully as you would treat an actual patient.
4. “What happens in simulation stays in simulation.” Discussing details of scenarios with other
groups takes away from equal learning opportunities. If simulation is used for evaluation
purposes, disclosing information to others regarding scenarios is considered academic
dishonesty and will be penalized according to college policies.
5. Simulation is a team learning experience in a safe, non-threatening environment. Actively
participate in the simulation and provide support and encouragement for those around you.
6. If you are chosen as a scenario participant, expect to receive positive feedback regarding
your performance as well as a constructive critique. Understand that you are to exhibit
competence in the scenario but not expected to perform the scenario flawlessly.
7. If you are a scenario observer, attentiveness is expected. Observers should actively watch
the scenario and take notes for debriefing. Be prepared to offer positive comments about
the scenario as well as constructive feedback in a positive manner.
8. Once a simulation begins, Suspension of Disbelief (living the story or scenario and believing
in the reality of it) takes over and students are expected to participate in the scenario as if
they were caring for a real, human patient. Do not look to faculty for feedback during the
scenario. Feedback will be provided during the debriefing following the simulation.
9. Please take care to not sit on the beds; the bed is considered the patient’s private space.
Students are allowed in the patient beds when assuming the role of the patient. Please
remove your shoes when doing so.
10. Manikins are not to be removed from the beds unless it is part of the skill assignment (ex.
mechanical lift). Students and faculty should not be moving or removing simulator/manikin
parts. If assistance is needed, please reach out to the lab staff.
11. Silicone spray is used for lubricant for skills involving the manikin such as airway suctioning,
Foley catheter insertion, etc., and should be used sparingly. Please use the lubricant spray
with care as it can cause a slippery condition when spilled on the NAL floors. If spraying the
lubricant spray into a container (emesis basin, etc.), that container used must be washed
after use. It is recommended to spray the lubricant on a paper towel first. Please use the
manikin specific lubricant with the corresponding manikin.
12. Do not use lab equipment for any purpose other than its intended use. Please take care
when using the lab equipment. If you notice something is broken, please notify Lab
Supervisor immediately.
13. If you notice anything that needs restocking (gloves, paper towels, etc.) please notify Lab
Supervisor or Laboratory Assistant.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


Simulated scenarios and debriefing activities may be recorded. Participants are notified of
intent to record in advance and a consent is signed at the start of each semester. Recordings
may be used for:

 Providing feedback to students during debriefing

 Assessing performance
 Internal review and quality improvement purposes
 Evaluation and improvement of teaching and assessment processes

Video recordings will be deleted after use with debriefing unless retained for one of the before
mentioned reasons. All audio/video recordings will be stored under password protection.
Access to retained records is restricted to the appropriate faculty and staff. Any copying,
duplication, or other form of distribution of audio or video footage released by educators, staff
or students is prohibited. Violation of this policy may result in student dismissal or
educator/staff termination.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


In consideration of the educational opportunity to obtain practical experience in a simulated
environment, I understand the significance of confidentiality with respect to information concerning the
simulation scenarios, the simulated patients, and fellow students. I understand that active participation
in the simulation scenarios is part of the course requirements. In addition, I understand that the
simulation scenarios may be videotaped and used for debriefing purposes and shared internally only
with appropriate faculty.
I agree to adhere to the following conditions and guidelines:

The simulation manikins are to be treated with respect and handled with care as if they are a real
human patient. For this reason, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and any
other federal or state laws regarding confidentiality must be upheld. I agree to uphold these
requirements and I agree to report any violations of confidentiality that I become aware of to my
facilitator or instructor.

All patient information, including but not limited to diagnosis, interventions, laboratory values,
medications, and vital signs, used in the simulation scenario is privileged and confidential regardless of
format: electronic, written, overheard or observed. As such, any viewing, discussion, or disclosure of this
patient information to another student is a violation whether intentional or unintentional and may lead
to disciplinary action as outlined in the student handbook.

Patient information may be viewed, used, disclosed, and discussed with other students participating in
the simulation scenarios only as it relates to the performance of my educational performance in the
simulation scenario. Any viewing, discussion, or disclosure of this information outside of the simulation
environment is a violation of HIPAA and other state and federal laws.

The Nursing Arts Lab is a safe learning environment. All students are expected to demonstrate behaviors
that are respectful and supportive within the learning environment. All students participating in the
simulation scenario should be respectful and treat each other in a professional manner.

No Betadine and no ink pens will be used near the manikins.

I have read and have a copy of the NAL Handbook.

Date: ____________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________

Printed Name: ____________________________________

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


1. Students must demonstrate satisfactory performance of all nursing skills to pass the
course. Guidelines for successful completion of skill will be detailed in your course

2. A student who has an unsatisfactory return demonstration will require a 2nd attempt.
After the first unsuccessful attempt, it is imperative that students come to the NAL with
required documentation of what needs to be remediated. Failure to bring the required
documentation to the NAL will result in the student having to reschedule. Remediation
documentation will be provided to the student upon unsatisfactory return
demonstration by nursing faculty. See your group course syllabus for more detailed
information regarding remediation/grading process.

 A supervised observation cannot be completed on the same day as the

unsuccessful attempt.

3. Should a 3rd attempt be necessary, repeat step #2. Details regarding the scheduling and
evaluation of a 3rd attempt are provided in your course syllabus.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


General Safety
Students should use caution when practicing lifting skills and should not lift a manikin or heavy
object without assistance. The wheels of all equipment (beds, wheelchairs, stretchers, etc.) are
to be locked during practice and after use. There is a first aid kit located in the NAL if needed.
The NAL staff will provide the necessary supplies from the first aid kit to the faculty, staff, or
student. However, the NAL staff will not provide any care for the injury. Any accident or injury
needs to be reported immediately to the Lab Supervisors who will call Security if needed.

In the event of a needle stick or other injury in the NAL, please follow these guidelines: Inform
faculty immediately; do not try to hide the injury. (For significant injury dial 911). Call security
(West campus ext. 1000, Osceola campus ext. 4000) and fill out required incident form. Go to
West campus Health Sciences office and fill out the required insurance form for Valencia.

Security and Emergencies

For emergencies in the NAL, please call security and follow the Critical Incident Plan Guidelines
located by all lab computers. The number on West Campus is ext. 407 582 1000: on Osceola
Campus the number is ext. 407 582 4000. For life threatening emergencies call 911.
Students are NOT allowed to bring children or guests to the lab. This is a liability issue. Anyone
who violates this rule will be asked to leave immediately. If you do not comply, security will be
called to escort the offending party off campus. There are no exceptions.

Latex Allergy
If a student has a known sensitivity/allergy to latex, please notify faculty immediately. All
gloves used in the lab are latex free, however, some items provided in the Nursing Kit do
contain Latex.

Simulated Medications
Labeling for all medications, both simulated and real, indicate that they are for education use
only. All simulated medications will be left in the space where used. Do not remove any
simulated medication for any reason.

It is the goal of the NAL staff to provide faculty, staff, and students with a clean and safe
environment for teaching and learning. To do so, we follow strict cleaning processes in
collaboration with custodial for cleaning of all equipment, manikins, and surfaces in the NAL
along with the use of PPE (masks and face shields) for all faculty, staff and students present in

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

the NAL. These processes are detailed in the COVID -19 Response Document for SoN and SoAH.
A detailed description of these processes are provided in the Appendix of this document.

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.


International Association for Clinical Simulation in Learning [INACSL] (2016). Standards of Best
Practice: Simulation. Clinical Simulation in Learning, Vol (12), Supplement, S1-S50. Table of
Contents page: Clinical Simulation In Nursing (

International Association for Clinical Simulation in Learning [INACSL] (2016). Standards of Best
Practice: Simulation. Retrieved from: INACSL Standards of Best Practice: Simulation - INACSL

Society for Simulation in Healthcare [SSH]. (2016). PROVISIONAL CORE Accreditation Standards.
Retrieved from

Society for Simulation in Healthcare [SSH]. (2016). PROVISIONAL TEACHING/EDUCATION

Accreditation Standards. Retrieved from

Society for Simulation in Healthcare [SSH]. (2021). SSH Simulation Program Policy and
Procedure Manual Model Template. Retrieved from[10].

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

COVID-19 Enhanced Simulation Procedure Guidelines

The following Simulation Procedures are applicable to all faculty, staff, and students entering the
simulation areas in the Health Sciences programs on-campus. Staff and students both will have
designated cleaning and screening responsibilities under the direction of the Clinic Coordinator and
Simulation Coordinator. Faculty are necessary to support coordinated front-line efforts to maintain
student safety with a focus on reminding students that all efforts will be made to minimize negative
academic impacts and support a positive campaign for “see something, say something” reminders to
students in this learning environment during the pandemic.

Pre-Simulation (All lab experiences)

Upon permitted return of faculty and students to campus, all contact areas (to include manikins, skill
trainers, monitors, stretchers, beds, and computers) will be given a thorough cleaning and disinfecting.
The Schools of Allied Health and Nursing will employ a two-step process of cleaning and disinfecting.

1. Cleaning:
a. Follow CDC hand-washing procedure and don gloves
b. Clean manikins, bed rails, chairs, props (bedpans, cups, and simulated foods), wall monitor,
computers, wall headboard, intravenous pumps and handheld devices
i. If surfaces are visibly dirty, clean them using a detergent or soap and water prior to
 Must include all anterior and posterior surfaces of the manikin including the
joint and groin areas
 Do not use Goo gone as citric acid pits skin
ii. Dampen clean cloth with liquid dishwashing soap or detergent and water
iii. Once cleaned, areas can be dried with a clean cloth
c. Linens:
i. Launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry
items completely
ii. Do not shake dirty laundry; this minimizes the possibility of dispersing the virus into
the air
iii. Clean and disinfect hampers or other carts for transporting laundry according to
guidance below for hard or soft surfaces
d. Clean hands often, including immediately after removing gloves, by following CDC hand-
washing guidelines
2. Disinfecting:
a. Use a CDC approved disinfecting chemical and apply it to the same areas that were just
i. Valencia College will determine and order the appropriate disinfectant that is safe for
use on our equipment
b. Wet all surfaces with one of the following chemicals listed below ensuring to follow the
minimum contact (wet) time of chemical listed on the product
i. Products that meet EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus
that causes the disease COVID-19 (Products with Emerging Viral Pathogens AND Human
Coronavirus claims for use against SARS-CoV-2. Date Accessed: 03/20/2020).

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

 Products with EPA-approval for emerging viral pathogens claims are

expected to be effective against COVID-19 based on data for harder to kill
 Some names and EPA numbers look similar, not all are approved to destroy
 Product name: Isopropanol alcohol - EPA registration number: 1677-249
o Active ingredient/s: Isopropanol 70/30 IPA
o Company: Any
o Contact time: 5-minutes
o Formulation type: RTU
o Emerging viral pathogen claim? Yes
o Date added to List N: 03/03/2020
c. Wipe off disinfection chemical with damp cloth after achieving its EPA recommended contact
time and allow surfaces to dry. Air dry is best; however, if a quick turnaround is required the
items can be wiped dry with a towel after the prescribed wet contact time has passed (contact
time varies depending upon chemical composition of cleaner)
i. Follow EPA-approved application contact time
Note: This time is the needed wet contact time with surfaces before drying or wiping
ii. Reapply as needed to maintain wetness
d. Wash hands often, including immediately after removing gloves, by following CDC hand-
washing guidelines.

3. Verbal Screening:

Verbal screening for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entering the simulation environment. Faculty
performing simulation for their students will assess anyone entering the laboratory suites/simulation
rooms. This will include reminder to students that academic impact will be minimized for any self-
disclosure of possible exposures. This will extend to a “see something, say something” requirement
and anyone presenting symptoms will not be allowed entry until cleared by their physician. Screening
questions are identical and used in all simulation procedures in addition to patients in the Dental
Hygiene Clinic.

4. Personal Supplies:

All faculty, staff, and student supplies brought into the simulation area will be disinfected prior to
entering the room(s). Not limited to stethoscope, pen light, scissors, watch etc. Follow disinfection
procedure detailed below. Remove all common items (e.g. staplers, pens, etc.)

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

5. Hand-Washing per CDC Guidelines, wash hands for 20 seconds prior to entering and immediately
after exiting the simulation room(s) and upon cough or sneezing.

1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), and apply soap
2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands,
between your fingers, and under your nails
3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds
4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water
5. Dry your hands using a clean towel
6. Turn off water

Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs in most situations. If soap and
water are not readily available, you can use an alcohol-based that contains at least 60% alcohol
(identified on the product label). You can tell if the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol by looking at
the product label.
i. Apply the gel product to the palm of one hand (read the label to learn the correct amount).
ii. Rub your hands together.
iii. Rub the gel over all the surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry. This
should take around 20 seconds.

6. Gloves:

Immediately following hand-washing, gloves are to be donned and worn at all times.
i. Perform hand-washing procedure immediately after removing gloves.
ii. Gloves are not a substitute for hand hygiene.

Post-Simulation (All lab experiences)

Immediately after faculty, staff, and students have exited the simulation area, the following practices
will be followed:

1. Upon exiting the simulation room, discard gloves and wash hands by following CDC hand-washing
guidelines upon exiting the simulation room
2. Assigned faculty or staff will disinfect and prepare the room for the next simulation following these
a. Follow CDC hand-washing guidelines and don gloves
b. Disinfect all manikins, task trainers, bed rails, monitors, chairs, etc. that have been touched
i. Follow disinfection procedure listed above
c. Areas that have not been in contact with individuals or are covered by linens do not require
i. Replace linens if linens become wet or exposed to a cough or sneeze, replace linens
ii. Follow procedures as above, a laundry basket can be used to store these items until
end of simulation occurs
d. Wash hands often, including immediately after removing gloves, follow CDC hand-washing

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

End of Simulation (End of the Day)

At the conclusion of the scheduled cohort simulation session, all faculty, staff, and students will discard
gloves and wash hands by following CDC hand-washing guidelines upon exiting the simulation room

1. Assigned Faculty or staff will then disinfect and prepare the room for the next cohort simulation:
a. The goal is to thoroughly clean and disinfect all simulation rooms for the next cohort
i. It is imperative that prior to this step be completed in its entirety light of the pandemic
timeframe. This procedure will be augmented once the pandemic trending has stopped
placing our faculty, staff, and students at risk
b. Follow CDC hand-washing guidelines and don gloves
c. Disinfect all manikins and task trainers, bed rails, monitors, chairs, etc.
i. Follow disinfection procedure as before
d. Replace all linens
i. Follow procedures as above, a laundry basket can be used to store these items until
end of simulation occurs
e. Clean hands often, including immediately after removing gloves, follow hand-washing

2. Resetting of Simulation Room

a. Redress manikin(s)
b. Remake bed(s) with clean linens
c. Ensure all devices are charged
d. When charged to 100% battery level, unplug to disconnect
i. Includes manikin, instructor PC, wall monitor, IV pumps, ventilators
ii. Beds can remain plugged in
e. Turn off software on instructor PC, follow startup/shutdown procedures in Canvas

Disclaimer: Written policies and procedures approved by faculty and

administrators in the School of Nursing take precedence over any
circumstances or situations not addressed in this document.

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